14 KB

  1. """
  2. Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
  3. For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
  4. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
  5. """
  6. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. # this has to be at the beginning
  8. from __future__ import division
  9. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. #
  12. # simple path objecy based Node Class, for tool creation.
  13. # version: 0.1
  14. # author: Gallowj
  15. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. """
  18. Module docstring:
  19. A simple path objecy based Node Class, for creating path hierarchies.
  20. """
  21. __author__ = 'HogJonny'
  22. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. # built-ins
  24. import os
  25. import copy
  26. import subprocess
  27. import traceback
  28. import string
  29. import logging
  30. from unipath import Path, AbstractPath
  31. # local ly imports
  32. from azpy.shared.noodely.helpers import istext
  33. from azpy.shared.noodely.find_arg import find_arg
  34. from azpy.shared.noodely.synth import synthesize
  35. from azpy.shared.noodely.node import Node
  36. import azpy
  37. from azpy.env_bool import env_bool
  38. from azpy.constants import ENVAR_DCCSI_GDEBUG
  39. from azpy.constants import ENVAR_DCCSI_DEV_MODE
  40. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. # global space
  42. # To Do: update to dynaconf dynamic env and settings?
  43. _DCCSI_GDEBUG = env_bool(ENVAR_DCCSI_GDEBUG, False)
  44. _DCCSI_DEV_MODE = env_bool(ENVAR_DCCSI_DEV_MODE, False)
  45. _MODULENAME = 'azpy.shared.noodely.pathnode'
  46. _log_level = int(20)
  47. if _DCCSI_GDEBUG:
  48. _log_level = int(10)
  49. _LOGGER = azpy.initialize_logger(_MODULENAME,
  50. log_to_file=False,
  51. default_log_level=_log_level)
  52. _LOGGER.debug('Starting:: {}.'.format({_MODULENAME}))
  53. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. # Use unicode strings
  56. _base = str # Python 3 str (=unicode), or Python 2 bytes.
  57. if os.path.supports_unicode_filenames:
  58. try:
  59. _base = unicode # Python 2 unicode.
  60. except NameError:
  61. pass
  62. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. class PathNode(Node):
  65. """doc string"""
  66. # share the debug state
  68. # class header
  69. _message_header = 'noodly, PathNode(): Message'
  70. # App Launcher paths...
  71. try:
  72. _maya_exe_path = Path(os.environ['MAYAPY'])
  73. except:
  74. _maya_exe_path = Path(r"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\bin\maya.exe")
  75. try:
  76. _notepad_exe_path = Path(os.environ['DEFAULT_TXT_EXE'])
  77. except:
  78. _notepad_exe_path = Path(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe")
  79. # --BASE-METHODS-------------------------------------------------------
  80. def __new__(cls, path="", root_path=None, *args, **kwargs):
  81. '''docstring'''
  82. # if not isinstance(path, str) and not isinstance(path, Path):
  83. # raise TypeError("{0}, {1}: Accepts paths as str or Path() types!\r"
  84. # "Input data is:{2}\r"
  85. # "".format('noodly, PathNode',
  86. # 'PathNode(filename)', type(path)))
  87. #
  88. self = super(PathNode, cls).__new__(cls)
  89. return self
  90. # --constructor--------------------------------------------------------
  91. def __init__(self, path="", root_path=None, parent_is_root=None,
  92. name_is_path=None, *args, **kwargs):
  93. self._logger = Node._LOGGER
  94. self._node_type = self.__class__.__name__
  95. # a dict to store properties/attrs
  96. # in the event an object is re-built / re-init
  97. # it is important to store anything here that needs retention
  98. self._kwargs_dict = {}
  99. # -- secret keyword -----------------------------------------------
  100. self._temp_node = False
  101. temp_node, kwargs = find_arg(arg_pos_index=None, arg_tag='temp_node',
  102. remove_kwarg=True, in_args=args,
  103. in_kwargs=kwargs) # <-- kwarg only
  104. self._temp_node = temp_node
  105. if self._temp_node:
  106. self.k_wargs_dict['temp_node'] = self._temp_node
  107. # -- Node class args/kwargs ---------------------------------------
  108. node_name, kwargs = find_arg(arg_pos_index=2, arg_tag='node_name',
  109. remove_kwarg=True, in_args=args,
  110. in_kwargs=kwargs) # <-- third arg, kwarg
  111. parent_node, kwargs = find_arg(arg_pos_index=3, arg_tag='parent_node',
  112. remove_kwarg=True, in_args=args,
  113. in_kwargs=kwargs) # <-- fourth arg, kwarg
  114. self._root_path = root_path
  115. self._parent_is_root = parent_is_root
  116. if self._parent_is_root != None:
  117. self._kwargs_dict['parent_is_root'] = self.parent_is_root
  118. if parent_is_root: # <-- do it
  119. self._root_path = parent_node
  120. # make sure the path is a Path
  121. self._path = path
  122. if not isinstance(self._path, Path):
  123. try:
  124. self._path = Path(path)
  125. except:
  126. self._path = Path() # empty path object fallback
  127. self._name_is_path = name_is_path
  128. if self._name_is_path:
  129. self._kwargs_dict['name_is_path'] = self._name_is_path
  130. # this might only work if the file actually exists
  131. self._node_name = node_name
  132. if self._name_is_path:
  133. if != None or != '':
  134. self._node_name = str(
  135. # Path.__init__(self)
  136. super(PathNode, self).__init__(self._node_name, parent_node,
  137. temp_node=temp_node,
  138. *args, **kwargs)
  139. # -- properties -------------------------------------------------------
  140. @property
  141. def path(self):
  142. return self._path
  143. @path.setter
  144. def path(self, path):
  145. self._path = path
  146. return self._path
  147. @path.getter
  148. def path(self):
  149. return self._path
  150. @property
  151. def root_path(self):
  152. return self._root_path
  153. @root_path.setter
  154. def root_path(self, root_path):
  155. self._root_path = root_path
  156. return self._root_path
  157. @root_path.getter
  158. def root_path(self):
  159. return self._root_path
  160. @property
  161. def parent_is_root(self):
  162. return self._parent_is_root
  163. @parent_is_root.setter
  164. def parent_is_root(self, parent_is_root):
  165. self._parent_is_root = parent_is_root
  166. return self._parent_is_root
  167. @parent_is_root.getter
  168. def parent_is_root(self):
  169. return self._parent_is_root
  170. @property
  171. def name_is_path(self):
  172. return self._name_is_path
  173. # @name_is_path.setter
  174. # def name_is_path(self, name_is_path):
  175. # self._name_is_path = name_is_path
  176. # return self._name_is_path
  177. @name_is_path.getter
  178. def name_is_path(self):
  179. return self._name_is_path
  180. # --method-------------------------------------------------------------
  181. def set_file_path(self, path):
  182. if not isinstance(path, Path):
  183. try:
  184. path = Path(path)
  185. except:
  186. raise TypeError("must be Path compatible")
  187. # retreive a copy of the old _kwargs dict
  188. _kwargs_dict_copy = copy.copy(self._kwargs_dict)
  189. _name_is_uni_hashid = copy.copy(self.name_is_uni_hashid)
  190. # create a new me (self), with new value
  191. # attempt to keep existing attrs/settings
  192. self = PathNode(path=path,
  193. root_path=self.root_path,
  194. parent_is_root=self.parent_is_root,
  195. name_is_path=self.name_is_path,
  196. temp_node=self.temp_node,
  197. node_name=self.node_name,
  198. parent_node=self.parent_node,
  199. name_is_uni_hashid=self.name_is_uni_hashid)
  200. # now we need to restore any custom properties on the replacement object
  201. for key, value in _kwargs_dict_copy.items():
  202. self._kwargs_dict[key] = value
  203. try:
  204. synthesize(self, '{0}'.format(key), value)
  205. except:
  206. code = compile('self._{0} = {1}'.format(key, value), 'synthProp', 'exec')
  207. if Node._DEBUG:
  208. self.logger.error('can not set: self._{0} = {1}'.format(key, value))
  209. # replace myself in the class nodeDict, based on my unihashid
  210. self.cls_node_dict[self.uni_hashid] = self
  211. # return the new version of myself
  212. return self.cls_node_dict[self.uni_hashid]
  213. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  214. # --method-------------------------------------------------------------
  215. def start_file(self, filepath=None):
  216. '''opens the file in the prefered os editor for the filetype'''
  217. if filepath == None:
  218. filepath = self.path
  219. if not isinstance(filepath, Path): # <-any subclass of Path works?
  220. filepath = Path(filepath)
  221. self.logger.debug('starting file: {0}'.format(filepath))
  222. try:
  223. os.startfile(filepath)
  224. except IOError as e:
  225. self.logger.error(e)
  226. return filepath
  227. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  228. # --method-------------------------------------------------------------
  229. def explore_file(self, filepath=None):
  230. if filepath == None:
  231. filepath = self.path
  232. if not isinstance(filepath, Path):
  233. filepath = Path(filepath)
  234. self.logger.debug('exploring file: {0}'.format(filepath))
  235. if filepath.exists():
  236. try:
  237. subprocess.Popen(r'explorer /select,"{0}"'.format(filepath))
  238. except IOError as e:
  239. self.logger.error(e)
  240. else:
  241. self.logger.error('file does not exist: {0}'.format(filepath))
  242. return filepath
  243. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  244. # --method-------------------------------------------------------------
  245. def hierarchy(self, tabLevel=-1):
  246. output = ''
  247. if isinstance(self, RootNode):
  248. if gDebug:
  249. func = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code
  250. output += ('{0}Called from:\n'
  251. '{0}{1}\n'.format('\t' * (tabLevel + 1), func))
  252. tabLevel += 1
  253. for i in range(tabLevel):
  254. output += '\t'
  255. output += ('{tab}/------ nodeName:: "{0}"\n'
  256. '{1} |typeInfo:: {2}\n'
  257. '{1} |_uniHashid:: "{3}"\r'
  258. '{1} |path:: "{4}"\n'
  259. '{1} |get_root():: "{5}"\n'
  260. '{1} |getPathFromRoot():: "{6}"\n'
  261. ''.format(self.getNodeName(),
  262. '\t' * tabLevel,
  263. self.get_typeInfo(),
  264. self.get_uniHashid(),
  265. self,
  266. self.get_root(),
  267. self.getPathFromRoot(),
  268. tab=tabLevel))
  269. for child in self._children:
  270. output += child.hierarchy(tabLevel)
  271. tabLevel -= 1
  272. return output
  273. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  274. # --Class End--------------------------------------------------------------
  275. ###########################################################################
  276. # tests(), code block for testing module
  277. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  278. def tests():
  279. from node import Node
  280. default_node = Node() # result: Node(node_name='PRIME')
  281. print(default_node)
  282. first_child = PathNode(path=None, node_name='first_child', parent_node=default_node)
  283. print(first_child)
  284. # result: PathNode(temp_node=True, parent_node=Node(node_name='PRIME')).siblingNodeFromHashid('WNPZoKBVpXV16QLz')
  285. # first_child.nodeType
  286. # first_child.parent_node
  287. # first_child.node_name
  288. try:
  289. # PathNode requires a arg 'path' input (should be a path str)
  290. fubar_path_node = PathNode() # <-- this should fail
  291. print (fubar_path_node)
  292. except Exception as err:
  293. print ('\r{0}'.format(err))
  294. print (traceback.format_exc())
  295. foo = PathNode(r'\foo\fooey\kablooey', node_name='foo',
  296. parent_node=default_node)
  297. print(foo)
  298. testes = Path(r'/foo/fooey/kablooey')
  299. print(foo.path.exists())
  300. print(foo.path.parent)
  301. print(foo.path.norm_case())
  302. print(foo.path.absolute())
  303. fooey = PathNode(None, parent_node=foo)
  304. print(fooey)
  305. kablooey = PathNode(r'\foo\fooey\kablooey',
  306. parent_node=default_node,
  307. name_is_path=True)
  308. print(kablooey)
  309. kablooey = kablooey.set_file_path(r'c:\mytemp\fubar.txt')
  310. print(kablooey)
  311. kablooey.start_file()
  312. kablooey.explore_file()
  313. return
  314. # - END, tests() ----------------------------------------------------------
  315. def main():
  316. pass
  317. return
  318. # - END, main() -----------------------------------------------------------
  319. ###########################################################################
  320. # --call block-------------------------------------------------------------
  321. if __name__ == "__main__":
  322. print ("# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #")
  323. print ('~ noodly.PathNode ... Running script as __main__')
  324. print ("# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #\r")
  325. # run simple tests
  326. tests()