123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696 |
- #
- # Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- # For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- #
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- #
- #
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- """! A common Class object for DCCsi configs
- :file: < DCCsi >/azpy/config_class.py
- :Status: Prototype
- :Version: 0.0.1
- This class reduces boilerplate and should streamline code used across
- various config.py files within the DCCsi, by wrapping various functionality,
- and providing common methods to inheret and/or extend.
- The DCCsi config pattern utilizes a robust configuration and settings
- package called dynaconf: https://www.dynaconf.com
- """
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # standard imports
- import os
- import site
- from box import Box
- from pathlib import Path
- import logging as _logging
- from typing import Union
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # global scope
- from DccScriptingInterface.azpy import _PACKAGENAME
- # we should update pkg, module and logging names to start with dccsi
- _MODULENAME = f'{_PACKAGENAME}.config_class'
- __all__ = ['ConfigCore']
- _LOGGER = _logging.getLogger(_MODULENAME)
- _LOGGER.debug(f'Initializing: {_MODULENAME}')
- from DccScriptingInterface.azpy import PATH_DCCSIG # root DCCsi path
- # DCCsi imports
- from DccScriptingInterface.azpy.env_bool import env_bool
- from DccScriptingInterface import add_site_dir
- from DccScriptingInterface import pathify_list
- # internal flag for Very verbose path logging
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # constants here
- from DccScriptingInterface.constants import DCCSI_DYNAMIC_PREFIX
- from DccScriptingInterface.constants import SETTINGS_FILE_SLUG
- from DccScriptingInterface.constants import LOCAL_SETTINGS_FILE_SLUG
- from DccScriptingInterface.constants import PATH_DCCSIG_SETTINGS
- from DccScriptingInterface.constants import PATH_DCCSIG_LOCAL_SETTINGS
- from DccScriptingInterface.azpy.constants import ENVAR_PATH_DCCSIG
- from DccScriptingInterface.azpy.constants import ENVAR_DCCSI_SYS_PATH
- from DccScriptingInterface.azpy.constants import ENVAR_DCCSI_PYTHONPATH
- from DccScriptingInterface.globals import *
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class ConfigClass(object):
- """! Class constructor: makes a DCCsi Config object.
- ...
- Attributes
- ----------
- config_name : str
- (Optional) name of the config, e.g. Tools.DCC.Substance.config
- auto_set : str
- If set the settings.setenv() will be set automatically
- for example the settings are ensured to be set when pulled
- otherwise if not manually set this would assert
- _bool_test = _foo_test.add_setting('FOO_IS', True)
- if _foo_test.setting.FOO_IS:
- # do this code
- A suggeston would be, that this needs to be profiled?
- It might be slow?
- """
- def __init__(self,
- config_name=None,
- auto_set=True,
- settings_filepath = PATH_DCCSIG_SETTINGS,
- settings_local_filepath = PATH_DCCSIG_LOCAL_SETTINGS,
- dyna_prefix: str = DCCSI_DYNAMIC_PREFIX,
- *args, **kwargs):
- '''! The ConfigClass base class initializer.'''
- self._config_name = config_name
- self._auto_set = auto_set
- self._dyna_prefix = dyna_prefix
- # dynaconf, dynamic settings
- self._settings = dict()
- self._settings_file = settings_filepath
- self._settings_local_file = settings_local_filepath
- # all settings storage (if tracked)
- self._tracked_settings = dict()
- # special path storage
- self._sys_path = list()
- self._pythonpath = list()
- # -- properties -------------------------------------------------------
- @property
- def auto_set(self):
- ''':Class property: if true, self.settings.setev() is automatic'''
- return self._settings
- @auto_set.setter
- def auto_set(self, value: bool = True):
- ''':param settings: the settings object to store'''
- self._auto_set = value
- return self._auto_set
- @auto_set.getter
- def auto_set(self):
- ''':return: auto_set bool'''
- return self._auto_set
- @property
- def settings(self):
- ''':Class property: storage for dynamic managed settings'''
- return self._settings
- @settings.setter
- def settings(self, settings):
- ''':param settings: the settings object to store'''
- self._settings = settings
- return self._settings
- @settings.getter
- def settings(self):
- '''! If the class property self.auto_set is True, settings.setenv() occurs
- :return: settings, dynaconf'''
- # now standalone we can validate the config. env, settings.
- from dynaconf import settings
- self._settings = settings
- if self.auto_set:
- self._settings.setenv()
- return self._settings
- def get_settings(self, set_env: bool = True):
- '''! this getter will ensure to set the env
- @param set_env: bool, defaults to true
- :return: settings, dynaconf'''
- if set_env:
- self.settings.setenv()
- return self.settings
- @property
- def local_settings(self):
- ''':Class property: non-managed settings (fully local to this config object)
- :return local_settings: dict'''
- return self._local_settings
- @local_settings.setter
- def local_settings(self, new_dict: dict) -> dict:
- ''':param new_dict: replace entire local_settings
- :return local_settings: dict'''
- self._local_settings = new_dict
- return self._local_settings
- @local_settings.getter
- def local_settings(self):
- ''':return: local_settings dict'''
- return self._local_settings
- @property
- def sys_path(self):
- ''':Class property: for stashing PATHs for managed settings
- :return sys_path: list'''
- return self._sys_path
- @sys_path.setter
- def sys_path(self, new_list: list) -> list:
- ''':param new_list: replace entire sys_path'''
- new_sys_path = list()
- for path in new_list:
- path = add_site_dir(path)
- if (path.as_posix() not in new_sys_path):
- new_sys_path.insert(0, path.as_posix())
- os.environ[ENVAR_DCCSI_SYS_PATH] = os.pathsep.join(new_sys_path)
- dynakey = f'{self._dyna_prefix}_{ENVAR_DCCSI_SYS_PATH}'
- os.environ[dynakey] = os.pathsep.join(new_sys_path)
- self._sys_path = new_sys_path
- return self._sys_path
- @sys_path.getter
- def sys_path(self) -> list:
- ''':return: a list for PATH, sys.path'''
- self._sys_path = pathify_list(self._sys_path)
- return self._sys_path
- @property
- def pythonpath(self):
- ''':Class property: List for stashing PYTHONPATHs for managed settings'''
- return self._pythonpath
- @pythonpath.setter
- def pythonpath(self, new_list: list) -> list:
- ''':param new_list: replace entire pythonpath'''
- for path in new_list:
- path = Path(path).resolve()
- path = self.add_code_path(path,
- self._pythonpath,
- sys_envar='PYTHONPATH',
- dynakey = f'{self._dyna_prefix}_{ENVAR_DCCSI_PYTHONPATH}'
- os.environ[dynakey] = os.getenv(ENVAR_DCCSI_PYTHONPATH)
- return self._pythonpath
- @pythonpath.getter
- def pythonpath(self):
- ''':return: a list for PYTHONPATH, site.addsitedir()'''
- self._pythonpath = pathify_list(self._pythonpath)
- return self._pythonpath
- @property
- def settings_filepath(self):
- ''':Class property: filepath for exporting settings, default settings.json'''
- return self._settings_file
- @settings_filepath.setter
- def settings_filepath(self,
- filepath: Union[str, Path] = PATH_DCCSIG_SETTINGS) -> Path:
- ''':param new_dict: sets the default filepath for this config to
- export settings, default settings.json'''
- self._settings_file = Path(filepath).resolve()
- return self._settings_file
- @settings_filepath.getter
- def settings_filepath(self) -> Path:
- ''':return: settings_filepath, default settings.json'''
- return self._settings_file
- @property
- def settings_local_filepath(self):
- ''':Class property: filepath for exporting settings,
- default settings.local.json'''
- return self._settings_local_file
- @settings_local_filepath.setter
- def settings_local_filepath(self,
- filepath: Union[str, Path] = PATH_DCCSIG_LOCAL_SETTINGS) -> Path:
- ''':param new_dict: sets the default filepath for this config to
- export settings, settings.local.json'''
- self._settings_local_file = Path(filepath).resolve()
- return self._settings_local_file
- @settings_local_filepath.getter
- def settings_local_filepath(self):
- ''':return: settings_local_filepath, settings.local.json'''
- return self._settings_local_file
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- # --method-set---------------------------------------------------------
- @classmethod
- def get_classname(cls):
- '''! gets the name of the class type
- @ return: cls.__name__
- '''
- return cls.__name__
- def add_code_path(self,
- path: Path,
- path_list: list = None,
- sys_envar: str = 'PATH',
- local_envar: str = ENVAR_DCCSI_SYS_PATH,
- addsitedir: bool = False) -> Path:
- '''! sets up a sys path
- @param path: the path to add
- @ return: returns the path
- '''
- if path_list is None:
- path_list = self.sys_path
- path = add_site_dir(path)
- # store and track here for settings export
- path_list.append(path) # keep path objects
- environ = self.add_path_to_envar(path, envar=sys_envar)
- return path
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_envar(self, key: str, value: str):
- '''! sets the envar
- @param key: the enavr key as a string
- @param value: the enavr value as a string
- @return: the os.getenv(key)
- Path type objects are specially handled.'''
- # standard environment
- if isinstance(value, Path):
- os.environ[key] = value.as_posix()
- else:
- os.environ[key] = str(value)
- return os.getenv(key)
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- def add_setting(self,
- key: str,
- value: Union[int, str, bool, list, dict, Path],
- set_dynamic: bool = True,
- check_envar: bool = True,
- set_envar: bool = False,
- set_sys_path: bool = False,
- set_pythonpath: bool = False,
- posix_path: bool = True):
- '''! adds a settings with various configurable options
- @param key: the key (str) for the setting/envar
- @param value: the stored value for the setting
- @param set_dynamic: makes this a dynamic setting (dynaconf)
- dynamic settings will use the prefix_ to specify membership
- os.environ['DYNACONF_FOO'] = 'foo'
- This setting will be present in the dynaconf settings object
- from dynaconf import settings
- And will be in the dynamic settings
- print(settings.FOO)
- And the dynamic environment
- settings.setenv()
- print(os.getenv('FOO'))
- @param prefix: specifies the default prefix for the dyanamic env
- The default is:
- @param check_envar: This will check if this is set in the external
- env such that we can retain the external setting as an
- override, if it is not externally set we will use the passed
- in value
- @param set_envar: this will set an envar in the traditional way
- os.environ['key'] = value
- this is optional, but may be important if ...
- you are running other code that relies on this envar
- and want or need access, before the following occures:
- from dynaconf import settings
- settings.setenv()
- class_object.get_config_settings(set_env=True)
- @param set_sys_path: a list of paths to be added to PATH
- This uses traditional direct manipulation of env PATH
- @see self.add_path_list_to_envar()
- @param set_pythonpath: a list of paths to be added to PYTHONPATH
- This uses the site.addsitedir() approach to add sire access
- @see self.add_path_list_to_addsitedir()
- '''
- # check for existing value first
- if check_envar:
- if isinstance(value, bool):
- # this checks and returns value as bool
- value = env_bool(key, value)
- else:
- # if the envar is set, it will override the input value!
- value = os.getenv(key, value)
- if isinstance(value, Path) or set_sys_path or set_pythonpath:
- value = Path(value).resolve()
- if posix_path:
- value = value.as_posix() # ensure unix style
- # these managed lists are handled when settings are retreived
- if set_sys_path:
- value = self.add_code_path(value,
- self.sys_path,
- sys_envar='PATH',
- local_envar=ENVAR_DCCSI_SYS_PATH)
- #value = os.getenv(ENVAR_DCCSI_SYS_PATH)
- if set_pythonpath:
- value = self.add_code_path(value,
- self.pythonpath,
- sys_envar='PYTHONPATH',
- #value = os.getenv(ENVAR_DCCSI_PYTHONPATH)
- if set_envar:
- value = self.set_envar(key, value)
- if set_dynamic:
- dynakey = f'{self._dyna_prefix}_{key}'
- value = self.set_envar(dynakey, value)
- return (key, value)
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- def add_path_to_envar(self,
- path: Union[str, Path],
- envar: str = 'PATH',
- suppress: bool = GSUPPRESS_VERBOSE):
- '''! add path to a path-type envar like PATH or PYTHONPATH
- @param path: path to add to the envar
- @param envar: envar key
- @param add_sitedir: (optional) add site code access
- @return: return os.environ[envar]'''
- # ensure and resolve path object
- path = Path(path).resolve()
- if not path.exists() and not suppress:
- _LOGGER.debug(f'path.exists()={path.exists()}, path: {path.as_posix()}')
- _envar = os.getenv(envar)
- if _envar:
- os.environ[envar] = ''
- # (split) into a list
- known_pathlist = _envar.split(os.pathsep)
- known_pathlist = [i for i in known_pathlist if i] # remove ""
- known_pathlist = pathify_list(known_pathlist)
- if (path not in known_pathlist):
- known_pathlist.insert(0, path)
- if not suppress:
- _LOGGER.debug(f'envar:{envar}, adding path: {path}')
- for path in known_pathlist:
- os.environ[envar] = path.as_posix() + os.pathsep + os.environ[envar]
- # adding directly to sys.path apparently doesn't work for
- # .dll locations like Qt this pattern by extending the ENVAR
- # seems to work correctly which why this pattern is used.
- else:
- os.environ[envar] = path.as_posix()
- return os.environ[envar]
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------
- def add_pathlist_to_envar(self,
- path_list: list,
- envar: str = 'PATH',
- suppress: bool = GSUPPRESS_VERBOSE):
- """!
- Take in a list of Path objects to add to system ENVAR (like PATH).
- This method explicitly adds the paths to the system ENVAR.
- @param path_list: a list() of paths
- @param envar: add paths to this ENVAR
- @ return: os.environ[envar]
- """
- if len(path_list) == 0:
- _LOGGER.warning('No {} paths added, path_list is empty'.format(envar))
- return None
- else:
- for path in path_list:
- self.add_path_to_envar(path, envar, suppress)
- return os.environ[envar]
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_config_settings(self,
- prefix: str = DCCSI_DYNAMIC_PREFIX):
- # all ConfigClass objects that export settings, will generate this
- # value. When inspecting settings we will always know that local
- # settings have been aggregated and include local settings.
- self.add_setting('DCCSI_LOCAL_SETTINGS', True)
- self.add_pathlist_to_envar(self.sys_path,
- f'{prefix}_{ENVAR_DCCSI_SYS_PATH}',
- True)
- self.add_pathlist_to_envar(self.pythonpath,
- True)
- from dynaconf import settings
- self.settings = settings
- if self.auto_set:
- self.settings.setenv()
- return self.settings
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------
- def export_settings(self,
- settings_filepath: Union[str, Path] = None,
- prefix: str = DCCSI_DYNAMIC_PREFIX,
- set_env: bool = True,
- use_dynabox: bool = False,
- env: bool = False,
- merge: bool = False,
- log_settings: bool = False):
- '''! exports the settings to a file
- @param settings_filepath: The file path for the exported
- settings. Default file is: settings.local.json
- This file name is chosen as it's also a default settings file
- dynaconf will read in when initializing settings.
- # basic file writer looks something like
- dynaconf.loaders.write(settings_path=Path('settings.local.json'),
- settings_data=DynaBox(settings).to_dict(),
- env='core',
- merge=True)
- @param prefix: the prefix str for dynamic settings
- @param use_dynabox: use dynaconf.utils.boxing module
- https://dynaconf.readthedocs.io/en/docs_223/reference/dynaconf.utils.html
- @param env: put settings into an env, e.g. development
- https://dynaconf.readthedocs.io/en/docs_223/reference/dynaconf.loaders.html
- @param merge: whether existing file should be merged with new data
- @param log_settings: outputs settings contents to logging
- The default is to write: < dccsi >/settings.local.json
- Dynaconf is configured by default to behave in the following
- manner,
- This is the Dynaconf call to initialize and retreive settings,
- make this call from your entrypoint e.g. main.py:
- from dynaconf import settings
- That will find and execute the local config and aggregate
- settings from the following:
- config.py (walks to find)
- settings.py (in the same folder as config.py)
- settings.json (in the same folder as config.py)
- settings.local.json (in the same folder as config.py)
- We do not commit settings.local.json to source control,
- effectively it can be created and used as a local stash of the
- settings, with the beneift that a user can overide settings locally.
- '''
- # It would be an improvement to add malformed json validation
- # and pre-check the settings.local.json to report warnings
- # this can easily cause a bad error that is deep and hard to debug
- if settings_filepath is None:
- settings_filepath = self.settings_local_filepath
- settings_filepath = Path(settings_filepath).resolve()
- self.get_config_settings()
- if not use_dynabox: # this writes a prettier file with indents
- _settings_box = Box(self.settings.as_dict())
- # writes settings box
- _settings_box.to_json(filename=settings_filepath.as_posix(),
- sort_keys=True,
- indent=4)
- if log_settings:
- _LOGGER.info(f'Pretty print, settings: {settings_filepath.as_posix()}')
- _LOGGER.info(str(_settings_box.to_json(sort_keys=True,
- indent=4)))
- else:
- from dynaconf import loaders
- from dynaconf.utils.boxing import DynaBox
- _settings_box = DynaBox(self.settings).to_dict()
- if not env:
- # writes to a file, the format is inferred by extension
- # can be .yaml, .toml, .ini, .json, .py
- loaders.write(settings_filepath.as_posix(), _settings_box, merge)
- return _settings_box
- elif env:
- # The env can also be written, though this isn't yet utilized by config.py
- # A suggested improvement is that we should investigate setting up
- # each DCC tool as it's own env group?
- loaders.write(settings_filepath.as_posix(), _settings_box, merge, env)
- return _settings_box
- return self.settings
- # --- END -----------------------------------------------------------------
- ###########################################################################
- # Main Code Block, runs this script as main (testing)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- """Run in debug perform local tests from IDE or CLI"""
- from DccScriptingInterface.azpy.constants import STR_CROSSBAR
- _LOGGER.info(f'~ {_MODULENAME}.py ... Running script as __main__')
- _foo_test = ConfigClass()
- # you can aggregate a list for PATH (self.sys_path) this way
- # same with PYTHONPATH
- new_list = list()
- new_list.append('c:/foo')
- new_list.append('c:/fooey')
- # lets pass that list to set our insternal sys_path storage setter
- _foo_test.sys_path = new_list
- # that will also set up the dynamic setting
- _LOGGER.info(f'_foo_test.DCCSI_SYS_PATH = {_foo_test.settings.DCCSI_SYS_PATH}')
- # or you could add them individually like this
- # add some paths to test special tracking
- _foo_test.pythonpath.append(Path('c:/looey').as_posix())
- # this just returns the internal list that stores them
- _LOGGER.info(f'_foo_test.pythonpath = {_foo_test.pythonpath}')
- # only pre-existing paths on the raw envar are returned here
- _LOGGER.info(f"PYTHONPATH: {os.getenv('PYTHONPATH')}")
- # although verbose, you can better set those path types like this
- _foo_test.add_setting('KABLOOEY_PATH',
- Path('c:/kablooey'),
- set_dynamic = True,
- check_envar = True,
- set_envar = True,
- set_pythonpath = True)
- # With that call, the path will immediately be set on the envar
- _LOGGER.info(f"PYTHONPATH: {os.getenv('PYTHONPATH')}")
- # if added more then once, should collapse down to one on get
- _foo_test.pythonpath.append('c:/kablooey')
- _LOGGER.info(f'{_foo_test.pythonpath}')
- settings = _foo_test.get_config_settings()
- # add a envar bool
- _bool_test = _foo_test.add_setting('FOO_IS', True)
- if _bool_test:
- _LOGGER.info(f'The boolean is: {_bool_test}')
- _LOGGER.info(f'FOO_IS: {_foo_test.settings.FOO_IS}')
- # add a envar int
- _foo_test.add_setting('foo_level', 10)
- # you can pass in lower, but must retreive UPPER from settings
- _LOGGER.info(f'foo_level: {_foo_test.settings.FOO_LEVEL}')
- # add a envar dict
- _foo_test.add_setting('FOO_DICT', {'fooey': 'Is fun!'})
- # add an average envar path
- _foo_test.add_setting('BAR_PATH', Path('c:/bar'))
- _LOGGER.info(f'foo_dict: {_foo_test.settings.FOO_DICT}')
- _LOGGER.info(f'settings: {_foo_test.settings}')
- _export_filepath = Path(PATH_DCCSIG, '__tmp__', 'settings_export.json').resolve()
- _foo_test.export_settings(settings_filepath = _export_filepath,
- log_settings = True)