12345678 |
- Event ID Name Wwise Object Path Notes
- 45654968 test_event_5_bank3_embedded_target_bank4 \Default Work Unit\test_event_5_bank3_embedded_target_bank4 Event that lives in test_bank3. This event targets only one media, which is embedded in test_bank4.
- 645979556 test_event_6_bank3_streamed_target_bank4 \Default Work Unit\test_event_6_bank3_streamed_target_bank4 Event that lives in test_bank3. This event targets only one media, which is streamed from test_bank4.
- Streamed Audio ID Name Audio source file Generated audio file Wwise Object Path Notes
- 196049145 test_sfx_6_bank4_streamed D:\code\o3de\AutomatedTesting\sounds\wwise_project\.cache\Windows\SFX\AMZ_sfx_NME_wpn_plasma_pistol_fire003_56D34C19.wem 196049145.wem \Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\Default Work Unit\test_sfx_6_bank4_streamed