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- #
- # Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- # For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- #
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- #
- #
- import marshal
- from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, check_output
- from typing import List
- def run_p4_command(command: str, client: str = None, raw_output: bool = False) -> List[dict]:
- """Executes a Perforce command by calling p4 in a subprocess
- :param command: The command to run (not including p4, e.g., not ['p4', 'opened'] but ['opened'])
- :param client: The Perforce client to use when running the command
- :param raw_output: if True, return the raw output from p4 instead of using the python dict.
- :return: The list of results from the command where each result is a dict (refer to p4's global -G option)
- if 'raw_output' is true, return will be verbatim string from p4.
- """
- results = []
- base_command = ['p4']
- if not raw_output:
- base_command.append('-G')
- if client is not None:
- base_command += ['-c', client]
- if raw_output:
- return check_output(base_command + command.split()).decode('utf8')
- pipe = Popen(base_command + command.split(), stdout=PIPE).stdout
- try:
- while True:
- result = marshal.load(pipe)
- results.append(result)
- except EOFError:
- pass
- finally:
- pipe.close()
- decoded_results = [{k.decode(): v.decode() if isinstance(v, bytes) else str(v) for k, v in r.items()} for r in results]
- if decoded_results and decoded_results[0]['code'] == 'error':
- command_was = ' '.join(base_command + command.split())
- error_was = decoded_results[0]['data']
- raise RuntimeError(f'P4 Command failed: "{command_was}"\nERROR FROM P4: {error_was}\n')
- return decoded_results