install-windows-buildtools.ps1 1.1 KB

  1. <#
  2. Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
  3. For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
  4. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
  5. #>
  6. Write-Host "Install source control apps"
  7. choco install -y git
  8. choco install -y git-lfs
  9. Write-Host "Install Java (for Jenkins)"
  10. choco install corretto11jdk -y --ia INSTALLDIR="c:\jdk11" # Custom directory to handle cases where whitespace in the path is not quote wrapped
  11. Write-Host "Install Java (for Android)"
  12. choco install corretto17jdk -y --ia INSTALLDIR="c:\jdk17" # Custom directory to handle cases where whitespace in the path is not quote wrapped
  13. Write-Host "Set JDK_PATH for Android"
  14. [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("JDK_PATH", "c:\jdk17\jdk17.0.12_7", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
  15. Write-Host "Set Java path for Jenkins node agent"
  16. [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("JENKINS_JAVA_CMD", "c:\jdk11", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
  17. # Install CMake
  18. choco install cmake --version=3.22.1 -y --installargs 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System'
  19. Write-Host "Install Windows Installer XML toolkit (WiX)"
  20. choco install wixtoolset -y