test_installer.py 9.9 KB

  1. """
  2. Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
  3. For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
  4. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
  5. Pytest test configuration file.
  6. Example command to run these tests:
  7. pytest cmake/Platform/Windows/Packaging/Tests \
  8. --capture=no \
  9. --log-file=C:/workspace/test_installer.log \
  10. --installer-uri=file:///C:/path/to/o3de_installer.exe \
  11. --install-root=C:/O3DE/ \
  12. --project-path=C:/workspace/TestProject
  13. Alternately, the installer-uri can be an s3 or web URL. For example:
  14. --installer-uri=s3://bucketname/o3de_installer.exe
  15. --installer-uri=https://o3de.binaries.org/o3de_installer.exe
  16. """
  17. import pytest
  18. import shutil
  19. from pathlib import Path
  20. from subprocess import TimeoutExpired
  21. from o3de import manifest
  22. @pytest.fixture(scope="session")
  23. def test_installer_fixture(context):
  24. """ Installer executable succeeds. """
  25. assert context.installer_path.is_file(), f"Invalid installer path {context.installer_path}"
  26. # when the installer is run with timeout of 30 minutes
  27. result = context.run([str(context.installer_path) , f"InstallFolder={context.install_root}", "/quiet"], timeout=30*60)
  28. # the installer succeeds
  29. assert result.returncode == 0, f"Installer failed with exit code {result.returncode}"
  30. # the install root is created
  31. assert context.install_root.is_dir(), f"Invalid install root {context.install_root}"
  32. @pytest.mark.parametrize(
  33. "filename", [
  34. pytest.param('Editor.exe'),
  35. pytest.param('AssetProcessor.exe'),
  36. pytest.param('MaterialEditor.exe'),
  37. pytest.param('o3de.exe'),
  38. ]
  39. )
  40. def test_binaries_exist(test_installer_fixture, context, filename):
  41. """ Installer key binaries exist. """
  42. assert (context.engine_bin_path / filename).is_file(), f"{filename} not found in {context.engine_bin_path}"
  43. @pytest.fixture(scope="session")
  44. def test_o3de_registers_engine_fixture(test_installer_fixture, context):
  45. """ Engine is registered when o3de.exe is run. """
  46. try:
  47. result = context.run([str(context.engine_bin_path / 'o3de.exe')], timeout=15)
  48. # o3de.exe should not close with an error code
  49. assert result.returncode == 0, f"o3de.exe failed with exit code {result.returncode}"
  50. except TimeoutExpired as e:
  51. # we expect to close the app ourselves
  52. pass
  53. # a valid engine.json exists
  54. engine_json_data = manifest.get_engine_json_data(engine_name=None, engine_path=context.install_root)
  55. assert engine_json_data, f"Failed to get engine.json data for engine in {context.install_root}"
  56. assert 'engine_name' in engine_json_data, "Engine.json does not contain engine_name key"
  57. # the engine is registered
  58. engine_name = engine_json_data['engine_name']
  59. engine_registered_path = manifest.get_registered(engine_name = engine_name)
  60. assert engine_registered_path, f"Failed to get registered engine path for {engine_name}"
  61. assert engine_registered_path.resolve() == context.install_root, f"{engine_name} is registered to {engine_registered_path} instead of {context.install_root}"
  62. @pytest.fixture(scope="session")
  63. def test_create_project_fixture(test_o3de_registers_engine_fixture, context):
  64. """ o3de.bat CLI creates a project. """
  65. o3de_path = context.install_root / 'scripts/o3de.bat'
  66. result = context.run([str(o3de_path),'create-project','--project-path', str(context.project_path)])
  67. assert result.returncode == 0, f"o3de.bat failed to create a project with exit code {result.returncode}"
  68. project_json_path = Path(context.project_path) / 'project.json'
  69. assert project_json_path.is_file(), f"No project.json found at {project_json_path}"
  70. @pytest.fixture(scope="session")
  71. def test_compile_project_fixture(test_create_project_fixture, context):
  72. """ Project can be configured and compiled. """
  73. project_name = Path(context.project_path).name
  74. cmake_path = next(context.cmake_runtime_path.glob('**/cmake.exe'))
  75. launcher_target = f"{project_name}.GameLauncher"
  76. # configure non-monolithic
  77. result = context.run([str(cmake_path),'-B', str(context.project_build_path_profile), '-S', '.'], cwd=context.project_path)
  78. assert result.returncode == 0, 'Failed to configure the test project non-monolithic build'
  79. assert (context.project_build_path_profile / f'{project_name}.sln').is_file(), 'No project solution file was created'
  80. # build profile (non-monolithic)
  81. result = context.run([str(cmake_path),'--build', str(context.project_build_path_profile), '--target', launcher_target, 'Editor', '--config', 'profile','--','-m'], cwd=context.project_path)
  82. assert result.returncode == 0, 'Failed to build the test project profile non-monolithic Launcher and Editor targets'
  83. assert (context.project_bin_path_profile / f'{launcher_target}.exe').is_file(), 'No test project binary was created'
  84. # configure monolithic
  85. result = context.run([str(cmake_path),'-B', str(context.project_build_path_release), '-S', '.','-DLY_MONOLITHIC_GAME=1'], cwd=context.project_path)
  86. assert result.returncode == 0, 'Failed to configure the test project monolithic build'
  87. assert (context.project_build_path_release / f'{project_name}.sln').is_file(), 'No project solution file was created'
  88. # build release (monolithic)
  89. result = context.run([str(cmake_path),'--build', str(context.project_build_path_release), '--target', launcher_target, '--config', 'release','--','-m'], cwd=context.project_path)
  90. assert result.returncode == 0, 'Failed to build the test project monolithic release Launcher target'
  91. assert (context.project_bin_path_release / f'{launcher_target}.exe').is_file(), 'No test project binary was created'
  92. @pytest.fixture(scope="session")
  93. def test_run_asset_processor_batch_fixture(test_compile_project_fixture, context):
  94. """ AssetProcessorBatch can process assets before running Editor and Launcher tests which use them. """
  95. try:
  96. result = context.run([str(context.engine_bin_path / 'AssetProcessorBatch.exe'),f'--project-path="{context.project_path}"','/platform=pc'], timeout=30*60)
  97. assert result.returncode == 0, f"AssetProcessorBatch.exe failed with exit code {result.returncode}"
  98. except TimeoutExpired as e:
  99. pass
  100. @pytest.fixture(scope="session")
  101. def test_run_editor_fixture(test_run_asset_processor_batch_fixture, context):
  102. """ Editor can be run without crashing. """
  103. try:
  104. # run Editor.exe for 2 mins
  105. cmd = [
  106. str(context.engine_bin_path / 'Editor.exe'),
  107. f'--project-path="{context.project_path}"',
  108. '--rhi=null',
  109. '--regset="/Amazon/Settings/EnableSourceControl=false"',
  110. '--regset="/Amazon/AWS/Preferences/AWSAttributionConsentShown=true"',
  111. '--regset="/Amazon/AWS/Preferences/AWSAttributionEnabled=false"',
  112. '--skipWelcomeScreenDialog=true',
  113. '+wait_seconds','10',
  114. '+quit'
  115. ]
  116. result = context.run(cmd, timeout=2*60)
  117. assert result.returncode == 0, f"Editor.exe failed with exit code {result.returncode}"
  118. except TimeoutExpired as e:
  119. pass
  120. editor_log = context.project_path / 'user/log/Editor.log'
  121. assert editor_log.is_file(), "Editor.log file not found"
  122. # expect to find "Engine initialized" in Editor log
  123. engine_initialized_message_found = False
  124. with editor_log.open('r') as f:
  125. engine_initialized_message_found = ('Engine initialized' in f.read())
  126. assert engine_initialized_message_found, "Engine initialized message not found in editor.log"
  127. @pytest.fixture(scope="session")
  128. def test_run_launcher_fixture(test_run_asset_processor_batch_fixture, context):
  129. """ Game launcher can be run without crashing. """
  130. project_name = Path(context.project_path).name
  131. launcher_filename = f"{project_name}.GameLauncher.exe"
  132. try:
  133. # run profile launcher for 2 mins
  134. result = context.run([str(context.project_bin_path_profile / launcher_filename),'--rhi=null'], cwd=context.project_bin_path_profile, timeout=2*60)
  135. assert result.returncode == 0, f"{launcher_filename} failed with exit code {result.returncode}"
  136. except TimeoutExpired as e:
  137. # we expect to close the app on timeout ourselves
  138. # deferred console commands are disabled in launcher
  139. pass
  140. game_log = context.project_path / 'user/log/Game.log'
  141. assert game_log.is_file(), "Game.log file not found"
  142. exception_found = False
  143. with game_log.open('r') as f:
  144. exception_found = ('Exception with exit code' in f.read())
  145. assert not exception_found, "Exception found in Game.log"
  146. @pytest.fixture(scope="session")
  147. def test_uninstall_fixture(test_run_launcher_fixture, test_run_editor_fixture, context):
  148. """ Uninstall succeeds and unregisters the engine. """
  149. assert context.installer_path.is_file(), f"Invalid installer path {context.installer_path}"
  150. engine_json_data = manifest.get_engine_json_data(engine_name=None, engine_path=context.install_root)
  151. assert engine_json_data, f"Failed to get engine.json data for engine in {context.install_root}"
  152. assert 'engine_name' in engine_json_data, "Engine.json does not contain the engine_name key"
  153. # when the installer is run with timeout of 30 minutes
  154. result = context.run([str(context.installer_path) , f"InstallFolder={context.install_root}", "/quiet","/uninstall"], timeout=30*60)
  155. # the installer succeeds
  156. assert result.returncode == 0, f"Installer failed with exit code {result.returncode}"
  157. # the engine is no longer registered
  158. engine_name = engine_json_data['engine_name']
  159. engine_registered_path = manifest.get_registered(engine_name = engine_name)
  160. assert not engine_registered_path, f"{engine_name} is still registered with the path {engine_registered_path}"
  161. def test_installer(test_uninstall_fixture):
  162. """ PyTest needs one non-fixture test. Change the 'test_uninstall_fixture' param to the
  163. specific fixture you want to test during development.
  164. """
  165. assert True