123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540 |
- #
- # Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- # For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- #
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- #
- #
- include_guard()
- # LY_GOOGLETEST_EXTRA_PARAMS to append additional
- # google test parameters to every google test invocation.
- set(LY_GOOGLETEST_EXTRA_PARAMS CACHE STRING "Allows injection of additional options to be passed to all google test commands")
- # Note pytest does not need the above because it natively has PYTEST_ADDOPTS environment
- # variable support.
- find_package(Python REQUIRED MODULE)
- ly_set(LY_PYTEST_EXECUTABLE ${LY_PYTHON_CMD} -B -m pytest -v --tb=short --show-capture=stdout -c ${LY_ROOT_FOLDER}/pytest.ini --build-directory "${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/$<CONFIG>")
- ly_set(LY_TEST_GLOBAL_KNOWN_SUITE_NAMES "smoke" "main" "periodic" "benchmark" "sandbox" "awsi")
- # Set default test aborts to 25 minutes, avoids hitting the CI pipeline inactivity timeout usually set to 30 minutes
- # Add the CMake Test targets for each suite if testing is supported
- ly_add_suite_build_and_run_targets(${LY_TEST_GLOBAL_KNOWN_SUITE_NAMES})
- endif()
- # Set and create folders for PyTest and GTest xml output
- #! ly_check_valid_test_suites: internal helper to check for errors in test suites
- function(ly_check_valid_test_suite suite_name)
- message(SEND_ERROR "Invalid test suite name ${suite_name} in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}, it can only be one of the following: ${LY_TEST_GLOBAL_KNOWN_SUITE_NAMES} or unspecified.")
- endif()
- endfunction()
- #! ly_check_valid_test_requires: internal helper to check for errors in test requirements
- function(ly_check_valid_test_requires)
- foreach(name_check ${ARGV})
- message(SEND_ERROR "Invalid test requirement name ${name_check} in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}, it can only be one of the following: ${LY_TEST_GLOBAL_KNOWN_REQUIREMENTS} or unspecified")
- endif()
- endforeach()
- endfunction()
- #! ly_strip_target_namespace: Strips all "::" namespaces from target
- # \arg: TARGET - Target to remove namespace prefixes
- # \arg: OUTPUT_VARIABLE - Variable which will be set to output containing the stripped target
- function(ly_strip_target_namespace)
- set(one_value_args TARGET OUTPUT_VARIABLE)
- cmake_parse_arguments(ly_strip_target_namespace "${options}" "${one_value_args}" "${multi_value_args}" ${ARGN})
- if(NOT ly_strip_target_namespace_OUTPUT_VARIABLE)
- message(SEND_ERROR "Output variable must be supplied to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION}")
- endif()
- string(REPLACE "::" ";" qualified_name_list ${ly_strip_target_namespace_TARGET})
- list(POP_BACK qualified_name_list stripped_target)
- set(${ly_strip_target_namespace_OUTPUT_VARIABLE} ${stripped_target} PARENT_SCOPE)
- endfunction()
- #! ly_add_test: Adds a new RUN_TEST for the specified target using the supplied command
- #
- # \arg:NAME - Name of the test run target
- # \arg:PARENT_NAME(optional) - Name of the parent test run target (if this is a subsequent call to specify a suite)
- # \arg:TEST_REQUIRES(optional) - List of system resources that are required to run this test.
- # Only available option is "gpu"
- # \arg:TEST_SUITE(optional) - "smoke" or "periodic" or "benchmark" or "sandbox" or "awsi" - prevents the test from running normally
- # and instead places it in a special suite of tests that only run when requested.
- # Otherwise, do not specify a TEST_SUITE value and the default ("main") will apply.
- # "smoke" is tiny, quick tests of fundamental operation (tests with no suite marker will also execute here in CI)
- # "periodic" is low-priority verification, which should not block code submission
- # "benchmark" is currently reserved for Google Benchmarks
- # "sandbox" should be only be used for the workflow of flaky tests
- # "awsi" Time consuming AWS integration end-to-end tests
- # \arg:TIMEOUT (optional) The timeout in seconds for the module. Defaults to LY_TEST_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT.
- # \arg:TEST_COMMAND - Command which runs the tests. It is a required argument
- # \arg:NON_IDE_PARAMS - extra params that will be run in ctest, but will not be used in the IDE.
- # This exists because there is only one IDE "target" (dll or executable)
- # but many potential tests which invoke it with different filters (suites).
- # Those params which vary per CTest are stored in this parameter
- # and do not appy to the "launch options" for the IDE target.
- # \arg:RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES (optional) - List of additional runtime dependencies required by this test.
- # \arg:COMPONENT (optional) - Scope of the feature area that the test belongs to (eg. physics, graphics, etc.).
- # \arg:LABELS (optional) - Additional labels to apply to the test target which can be used by ctest filters.
- # \arg:EXCLUDE_TEST_RUN_TARGET_FROM_IDE(bool) - If set the test run target will be not be shown in the IDE
- # \arg:TEST_LIBRARY(internal) - Internal variable that contains the library be used. This is only to be used by the other
- # ly_add_* function below, not by user code
- # sets LY_ADDED_TEST_NAME to the fully qualified name of the test, in parent scope
- function(ly_add_test)
- return()
- endif()
- # note that we dont use TEST_LIBRARY here, but PAL files might so do not remove!
- cmake_parse_arguments(ly_add_test "${options}" "${one_value_args}" "${multi_value_args}" ${ARGN})
- if (ly_add_test_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS)
- message(SEND_ERROR "Invalid arguments passed to ly_add_test: ${ly_add_test_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}")
- endif()
- if(NOT ly_add_test_NAME)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "You must provide a name for the target")
- endif()
- if(NOT ly_add_test_TEST_SUITE)
- set(ly_add_test_TEST_SUITE "main")
- endif()
- # Set default test module timeout
- if(NOT ly_add_test_TIMEOUT)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "TIMEOUT for test ${ly_add_test_NAME} set at ${ly_add_test_TIMEOUT} seconds which is longer than the default of ${LY_TEST_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT}. Allowing a single module to run exceedingly long creates problems in a CI pipeline.")
- endif()
- if(NOT ly_add_test_TEST_COMMAND)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "TEST_COMMAND arguments must be supplied in order to run test")
- endif()
- # Treat supplied TEST_COMMAND argument as a list. The first element is used as the test command
- list(POP_FRONT ly_add_test_TEST_COMMAND test_command)
- # The remaining elements are treated as arguments to the command
- set(test_arguments ${ly_add_test_TEST_COMMAND})
- # Check that the supplied test suites and test requires are from the choices we provide
- ly_check_valid_test_requires(${ly_add_test_TEST_REQUIRES})
- ly_check_valid_test_suite(${ly_add_test_TEST_SUITE})
- set(qualified_test_run_name_with_suite "${ly_add_test_NAME}.${ly_add_test_TEST_SUITE}")
- # Retrieves platform specific arguments that is used for adding arguments to the test
- if(NOT EXISTS ${wrapper_file})
- o3de_pal_dir(wrapper_file ${wrapper_file} "${O3DE_ENGINE_RESTRICTED_PATH}" "${LY_ROOT_FOLDER}")
- endif()
- include(${wrapper_file})
- add_test(
- NAME ${qualified_test_run_name_with_suite}::TEST_RUN
- COMMAND ${test_command} ${test_arguments} ${ly_add_test_NON_IDE_PARAMS} ${PAL_TEST_COMMAND_ARGS}
- )
- set(LY_ADDED_TEST_NAME ${qualified_test_run_name_with_suite}::TEST_RUN)
- set(final_labels SUITE_${ly_add_test_TEST_SUITE})
- if (ly_add_test_TEST_REQUIRES)
- list(APPEND final_labels ${prepended_list})
- # Workaround so we can filter "AND" of labels until https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/21087 is fixed
- list(TRANSFORM prepended_list PREPEND "SUITE_${ly_add_test_TEST_SUITE}_" OUTPUT_VARIABLE prepended_list)
- list(APPEND final_labels ${prepended_list})
- endif()
- if (ly_add_test_COMPONENT)
- list(TRANSFORM ly_add_test_COMPONENT PREPEND "COMPONENT_" OUTPUT_VARIABLE prepended_component_list)
- list(APPEND final_labels ${prepended_component_list})
- endif()
- if (ly_add_test_LABELS)
- list(APPEND final_labels ${ly_add_test_LABELS})
- endif()
- # Allow TIAF to apply the label of supported test categories from being run by CTest
- o3de_test_impact_apply_test_labels(${ly_add_test_TEST_LIBRARY} final_labels)
- # labels expects a single param, of concatenated labels
- # this always has a value because ly_add_test_TEST_SUITE is automatically
- # filled in to be "main" if not specified.
- set_tests_properties(${LY_ADDED_TEST_NAME}
- LABELS "${final_labels}"
- TIMEOUT ${ly_add_test_TIMEOUT}
- )
- # ly_add_test_NAME could be an alias, we need the actual un-aliased target
- set(unaliased_test_name ${ly_add_test_NAME})
- if(TARGET ${ly_add_test_NAME})
- get_target_property(alias ${ly_add_test_NAME} ALIASED_TARGET)
- if(alias)
- set(unaliased_test_name ${alias})
- endif()
- endif()
- list(JOIN test_arguments " " test_arguments_line)
- if(TARGET ${unaliased_test_name})
- # In this case we already have a target, we inject the debugging parameters for the target directly
- set_target_properties(${unaliased_test_name} PROPERTIES
- VS_DEBUGGER_COMMAND ${test_command}
- VS_DEBUGGER_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS "${test_arguments_line}"
- )
- else()
- # Adds a custom target for the test run
- # The true command is used to add a target-level dependency on the test command
- ly_strip_target_namespace(TARGET ${unaliased_test_name} OUTPUT_VARIABLE unaliased_test_name)
- add_custom_target(${unaliased_test_name} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E true ${args_TEST_COMMAND} ${args_TEST_ARGUMENTS})
- set(ide_path ${project_path})
- # Visual Studio doesn't support a folder layout that starts with ".."
- # So strip away the parent directory of a relative path
- if (${project_path} MATCHES [[^(\.\./)+(.*)]])
- set(ide_path "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}")
- endif()
- set_target_properties(${unaliased_test_name} PROPERTIES
- FOLDER "${ide_path}"
- VS_DEBUGGER_COMMAND ${test_command}
- VS_DEBUGGER_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS "${test_arguments_line}"
- )
- # In the case where we are creating a custom target, we need to add dependency to the target
- if(ly_add_test_PARENT_NAME AND NOT ${ly_add_test_NAME} STREQUAL ${ly_add_test_PARENT_NAME})
- ly_add_dependencies(${unaliased_test_name} ${ly_add_test_PARENT_NAME})
- endif()
- endif()
- # For test projects that are custom targets, pass a props file that sets the project as "Console" so
- # it leaves the console open when it finishes
- set_target_properties(${unaliased_test_name} PROPERTIES VS_USER_PROPS "${LY_ROOT_FOLDER}/cmake/Platform/Common/MSVC/TestProject.props")
- # Include additional dependencies
- if (ly_add_test_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES)
- ly_add_dependencies(${unaliased_test_name} ${ly_add_test_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES})
- endif()
- # RUN_TESTS wont build dependencies: https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/8774
- # In the mean time we add a custom target and mark the dependency
- ly_add_dependencies(TEST_SUITE_${ly_add_test_TEST_SUITE} ${unaliased_test_name})
- else()
- # Include additional dependencies
- if (ly_add_test_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES)
- ly_add_dependencies(TEST_SUITE_${ly_add_test_TEST_SUITE} ${ly_add_test_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES})
- endif()
- # Include additional tests
- if (TARGET ${unaliased_test_name})
- ly_add_dependencies(TEST_SUITE_${ly_add_test_TEST_SUITE} ${unaliased_test_name})
- endif()
- endif()
- if(NOT ly_add_test_PARENT_NAME)
- set(test_target ${ly_add_test_NAME})
- else()
- set(test_target ${ly_add_test_PARENT_NAME})
- endif()
- # Check to see whether or not this test target has been stored in the global list for walking by the test impact analysis framework
- get_property(all_tests GLOBAL PROPERTY LY_ALL_TESTS)
- if(NOT "${test_target}" IN_LIST all_tests)
- # Extract the test target name from the namespace::target_name composite
- string(REGEX REPLACE ".*::" "" test_name "${test_target}")
- # Store the test target name sans namespace so they can be looked up without the preceeding namespace
- # This is the first reference to this test target so add it to the global list
- set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY LY_ALL_TESTS ${test_target})
- set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY LY_ALL_TESTS_${test_target}_TEST_LIBRARY ${ly_add_test_TEST_LIBRARY})
- endif()
- # Add the test suite, timeout value and labels to the test target params
- set(LY_TEST_PARAMS "${LY_TEST_PARAMS}#${ly_add_test_TEST_SUITE}")
- set(LY_TEST_PARAMS "${LY_TEST_PARAMS}#${ly_add_test_TIMEOUT}")
- string(REPLACE ";" "," flattened_labels "${final_labels}")
- set(LY_TEST_PARAMS "${LY_TEST_PARAMS}#${flattened_labels}")
- # Store the params and labels for this test target
- endfunction()
- #! ly_add_pytest: registers target PyTest-based test with CTest
- #
- # \arg:NAME name of the test-module to register with CTest
- # \arg:PATH path to the file (or dir) containing pytest-based tests
- # \arg:PYTEST_MARKS (optional) extra pytest marker filtering string (see pytest arg "-m")
- # \arg:EXTRA_ARGS (optional) additional arguments to pass to PyTest, should not include pytest marks (value for "-m" should be passed to PYTEST_MARKS)
- # \arg:TEST_SERIAL (bool) disable parallel execution alongside other test modules, important when this test depends on shared resources or environment state
- # \arg:TEST_REQUIRES (optional) list of system resources needed by the tests in this module. Used to filter out execution when those system resources are not available. For example, 'gpu'
- # \arg:RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES (optional) - List of additional runtime dependencies required by this test.
- # \arg:COMPONENT (optional) - Scope of the feature area that the test belongs to (eg. physics, graphics, etc.).
- # \arg:EXCLUDE_TEST_RUN_TARGET_FROM_IDE(bool) - If set the test run target will be not be shown in the IDE
- # \arg:TEST_SUITE(optional) - "smoke" or "periodic" or "sandbox" or "awsi" - prevents the test from running normally
- # and instead places it a special suite of tests that only run when requested.
- # \arg:TIMEOUT (optional) The timeout in seconds for the module. If not set defaults to LY_TEST_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
- #
- function(ly_add_pytest)
- return()
- endif()
- set(options TEST_SERIAL)
- set(multiValueArgs EXTRA_ARGS COMPONENT)
- cmake_parse_arguments(ly_add_pytest "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
- if(NOT ly_add_pytest_PATH)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Must supply a value for PATH to tests")
- endif()
- if(ly_add_pytest_PYTEST_MARKS)
- # Suite marker args added by non_ide_params will duplicate those set by custom_marks_args
- # however resetting flags is safe and overrides with the final value set
- set(custom_marks_args "-m" "${ly_add_pytest_PYTEST_MARKS}")
- endif()
- string(REPLACE "::" "_" pytest_report_directory "${PYTEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}/${ly_add_pytest_NAME}.xml")
- string(REPLACE "::" "_" pytest_output_directory "${LYTESTTOOLS_OUTPUT_DIR}/${ly_add_pytest_NAME}")
- # Add the script path to the test target params
- set(LY_TEST_PARAMS "${ly_add_pytest_PATH}")
- # Command to run the test
- set(test_command ${LY_PYTEST_EXECUTABLE} ${ly_add_pytest_PATH} ${ly_add_pytest_EXTRA_ARGS} --output-path ${pytest_output_directory} --junitxml=${pytest_report_directory} ${custom_marks_args})
- ly_add_test(
- NAME ${ly_add_pytest_NAME}
- PARENT_NAME ${ly_add_pytest_NAME}
- TEST_SUITE ${ly_add_pytest_TEST_SUITE}
- TEST_COMMAND ${test_command}
- COMPONENT ${ly_add_pytest_COMPONENT}
- ${ly_add_pytest_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}
- )
- set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY LY_ALL_TESTS_${ly_add_pytest_NAME}_SCRIPT_PATH ${ly_add_pytest_PATH})
- set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY LY_ALL_TESTS_${ly_add_pytest_NAME}_TEST_COMMAND ${test_command})
- set_tests_properties(${LY_ADDED_TEST_NAME} PROPERTIES RUN_SERIAL "${ly_add_pytest_TEST_SERIAL}")
- endfunction()
- #! ly_add_googletest: Adds a new RUN_TEST using for the specified target using the supplied command or fallback to running
- # googletest tests through AzTestRunner
- # \arg:NAME Name to for the test run target
- # \arg:TARGET Name of the target module that is being run for tests. If not provided, will default to 'NAME'
- # \arg:TEST_REQUIRES(optional) List of system resources that are required to run this test.
- # Only available option is "gpu"
- # \arg:TEST_SUITE(optional) - "smoke" or "periodic" or "sandbox" or "awsi" - prevents the test from running normally
- # and instead places it a special suite of tests that only run when requested.
- # \arg:TEST_COMMAND(optional) - Command which runs the tests.
- # If not supplied, a default of "AzTestRunner $<TARGET_FILE:${NAME}> AzRunUnitTests" will be used
- # \arg:COMPONENT (optional) - Scope of the feature area that the test belongs to (eg. physics, graphics, etc.).
- # \arg:TIMEOUT (optional) The timeout in seconds for the module. If not set, will have its timeout set by ly_add_test to the default timeout.
- # \arg:EXCLUDE_TEST_RUN_TARGET_FROM_IDE(bool) - If set the test run target will be not be shown in the IDE
- function(ly_add_googletest)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Platform does not support test targets")
- endif()
- set(one_value_args NAME TARGET TEST_SUITE)
- set(multi_value_args TEST_COMMAND COMPONENT)
- cmake_parse_arguments(ly_add_googletest "${options}" "${one_value_args}" "${multi_value_args}" ${ARGN})
- if (ly_add_googletest_TARGET)
- set(target_name ${ly_add_googletest_TARGET})
- else()
- set(target_name ${ly_add_googletest_NAME})
- endif()
- # AzTestRunner modules only supports google test libraries, regardless of whether or not
- # google test suites are supported
- return()
- endif()
- if (ly_add_googletest_TEST_SUITE AND NOT ly_add_googletest_TEST_SUITE STREQUAL "main")
- # if a suite is specified, we filter to only accept things which match that suite (in c++)
- set(non_ide_params "--gtest_filter=*SUITE_${ly_add_googletest_TEST_SUITE}*")
- else()
- # otherwise, if its the main suite we only runs things that dont have any of the other suites.
- # Note: it doesn't do AND, only 'or' - so specifying SUITE_main:REQUIRES_gpu
- # will actually run everything in main OR everything tagged as requiring a GPU
- # instead of only tests tagged with BOTH main and gpu...
- # so we have to do it this way (negating all others)
- set(non_ide_params "--gtest_filter=-*SUITE_smoke*:*SUITE_periodic*:*SUITE_benchmark*:*SUITE_sandbox*:*SUITE_awsi*")
- endif()
- if(NOT ly_add_googletest_TEST_COMMAND)
- # Use the NAME parameter as the build target
- set(build_target ${target_name})
- ly_strip_target_namespace(TARGET ${build_target} OUTPUT_VARIABLE build_target)
- if(NOT TARGET ${build_target})
- message(FATAL_ERROR "A valid build target \"${build_target}\" for test run \"${target_name}\" has not been found.\
- A valid target via the TARGET parameter or a custom TEST_COMMAND must be supplied")
- endif()
- # If command is not supplied attempts, uses the AzTestRunner to run googletest on the supplied NAME
- set(full_test_command $<TARGET_FILE:AZ::AzTestRunner> $<TARGET_FILE:${build_target}> AzRunUnitTests)
- # Add AzTestRunner as a build dependency
- ly_add_dependencies(${build_target} AZ::AzTestRunner)
- # Start the test target params and dd the command runner command
- # Ideally, we would populate the full command procedurally but the generator expressions won't be expanded by the time we need this data
- set(LY_TEST_PARAMS "AzRunUnitTests")
- else()
- set(full_test_command ${ly_add_googletest_TEST_COMMAND})
- # Remove the generator expressions so we are left with the argument(s) required to run unit tests for executable targets
- string(REPLACE ";" "" stripped_test_command ${full_test_command})
- string(GENEX_STRIP ${stripped_test_command} stripped_test_command)
- # Start the test target params and dd the command runner command
- set(LY_TEST_PARAMS "${stripped_test_command}")
- endif()
- string(REPLACE "::" "_" report_directory "${GTEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}/${ly_add_googletest_NAME}.xml")
- # Invoke the lower level ly_add_test command to add the actual ctest and setup the test labels to add_dependencies on the target
- ly_add_test(
- NAME ${ly_add_googletest_NAME}
- PARENT_NAME ${target_name}
- TEST_SUITE ${ly_add_googletest_TEST_SUITE}
- TEST_COMMAND ${full_test_command} --gtest_output=xml:${report_directory} ${LY_GOOGLETEST_EXTRA_PARAMS}
- TEST_LIBRARY googletest
- ${ly_add_googletest_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}
- NON_IDE_PARAMS ${non_ide_params}
- COMPONENT ${ly_add_googletest_COMPONENT}
- )
- endfunction()
- #! ly_add_googlebenchmark: Adds a new RUN_TEST using for the specified target using the supplied command or fallback to running
- # benchmark tests through AzTestRunner
- # \arg:NAME Name to for the test run target
- # \arg:TARGET Target to use to retrieve target file to run test on. NAME is adds TARGET as a dependency
- # \arg:TEST_REQUIRES(optional) List of system resources that are required to run this test.
- # Only available option is "gpu"
- # \arg:TEST_COMMAND(optional) - Command which runs the tests
- # If not supplied, a default of "AzTestRunner $<TARGET_FILE:${TARGET}> AzRunBenchmarks" will be used
- # \arg:COMPONENT (optional) - Scope of the feature area that the test belongs to (eg. physics, graphics, etc.).
- # \arg:OUTPUT_FILE_FORMAT(optional) - Format of benchmark output file. Valid options are <console|json|csv>
- # If not supplied, json is used as a default and the test run command will output results to
- # "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/BenchmarkResults/" directory
- # NOTE: Not used if a custom TEST_COMMAND is supplied
- # \arg:TIMEOUT (optional) The timeout in seconds for the module. If not set, will have its timeout set by ly_add_test to the default timeout.
- function(ly_add_googlebenchmark)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Platform does not support test targets")
- endif()
- return()
- endif()
- cmake_parse_arguments(ly_add_googlebenchmark "${options}" "${one_value_args}" "${multi_value_args}" ${ARGN})
- ly_strip_target_namespace(TARGET ${ly_add_googlebenchmark_NAME} OUTPUT_VARIABLE stripped_name)
- string(TOLOWER "${ly_add_googlebenchmark_OUTPUT_FILE_FORMAT}" output_file_format_lower)
- # Make the BenchmarkResults at configure time so that benchmark results can be stored there
- file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/BenchmarkResults")
- if("${output_file_format_lower}" STREQUAL "console")
- set(output_format_args
- "--benchmark_out_format=console"
- "--benchmark_out=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/BenchmarkResults/${stripped_name}.log"
- )
- elseif("${output_file_format_lower}" STREQUAL "csv")
- set(output_format_args
- "--benchmark_out_format=csv"
- "--benchmark_out=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/BenchmarkResults/${stripped_name}.csv"
- )
- else()
- set(output_format_args
- "--benchmark_out_format=json"
- "--benchmark_out=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/BenchmarkResults/${stripped_name}.json"
- )
- endif()
- if(NOT ly_add_googlebenchmark_TEST_COMMAND)
- # Use the TARGET parameter as the build target if supplied, otherwise fallback to using the NAME parameter
- set(build_target ${ly_add_googlebenchmark_TARGET})
- if(NOT build_target)
- set(build_target ${ly_add_googlebenchmark_NAME}) # Assume NAME is the TARGET if not specified
- endif()
- ly_strip_target_namespace(TARGET ${build_target} OUTPUT_VARIABLE build_target)
- if(NOT TARGET ${build_target})
- message(FATAL_ERROR "A valid build target \"${build_target}\" for test run \"${ly_add_googlebenchmark_NAME}\" has not been found.\
- A valid target via the TARGET parameter or a custom TEST_COMMAND must be supplied")
- endif()
- # If command is not supplied attempts, uses the AzTestRunner to run googlebenchmarks on the supplied TARGET
- set(full_test_command $<TARGET_FILE:AZ::AzTestRunner> $<TARGET_FILE:${build_target}> AzRunBenchmarks ${output_format_args})
- # Start the test target params and dd the command runner command
- # Ideally, we would populate the full command procedurally but the generator expressions won't be expanded by the time we need this data
- set(LY_TEST_PARAMS "AzRunUnitTests")
- else()
- set(full_test_command ${ly_add_googlebenchmark_TEST_COMMAND})
- # Remove the generator expressions so we are left with the argument(s) required to run unit tests for executable targets
- string(REPLACE ";" "" stripped_test_command ${full_test_command})
- string(GENEX_STRIP ${stripped_test_command} stripped_test_command)
- # Start the test target params and dd the command runner command
- set(LY_TEST_PARAMS "${stripped_test_command}")
- endif()
- # Set the name of the current test target for storage in the global list
- ly_add_test(
- NAME ${ly_add_googlebenchmark_NAME}
- PARENT_NAME ${ly_add_googlebenchmark_NAME}
- TEST_REQUIRES ${ly_add_googlebenchmark_TEST_REQUIRES}
- TEST_SUITE "benchmark"
- LABELS FRAMEWORK_googlebenchmark
- TEST_LIBRARY googlebenchmark
- TIMEOUT ${ly_add_googlebenchmark_TIMEOUT}
- ${build_target}
- AZ::AzTestRunner
- COMPONENT ${ly_add_googlebenchmark_COMPONENT}
- )
- endfunction()