__init__.py 3.0 KB

  1. """
  2. Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
  3. For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
  4. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
  5. OS and devices are detected and set as constants when ly_test_tools.__init__() completes.
  6. """
  7. import logging
  8. import sys
  9. import platform
  10. logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  11. # Supported platforms
  12. ALL_PLATFORM_OPTIONS = ['android', 'ios', 'linux', 'mac', 'windows']
  14. 'android', 'base', 'linux', 'mac', 'windows', 'windows_editor', 'windows_dedicated', 'windows_atom_tools']
  15. ANDROID = False
  16. IOS = False # Not implemented - see SPEC-2505
  17. LINUX = sys.platform.startswith('linux')
  18. MAC = sys.platform.startswith('darwin')
  19. WINDOWS = sys.platform.startswith('win')
  20. # Detect available platforms
  21. HOST_OS_PLATFORM = 'unknown'
  22. HOST_OS_EDITOR = 'unknown'
  23. HOST_OS_DEDICATED_SERVER = 'unknown'
  24. HOST_OS_ATOM_TOOLS = 'unknown'
  25. LAUNCHERS = {}
  26. for launcher_option in ALL_LAUNCHER_OPTIONS:
  27. LAUNCHERS[launcher_option] = None
  28. from ly_test_tools.launchers.platforms.base import Launcher
  29. LAUNCHERS['base'] = Launcher
  30. if WINDOWS:
  31. HOST_OS_PLATFORM = 'windows'
  32. HOST_OS_EDITOR = 'windows_editor'
  33. HOST_OS_DEDICATED_SERVER = 'windows_dedicated'
  34. HOST_OS_ATOM_TOOLS = 'windows_atom_tools'
  35. import ly_test_tools.mobile.android
  36. from ly_test_tools.launchers import (
  37. AndroidLauncher, WinLauncher, DedicatedWinLauncher, WinEditor, WinAtomToolsLauncher)
  38. ANDROID = ly_test_tools.mobile.android.can_run_android()
  39. LAUNCHERS['windows'] = WinLauncher
  40. LAUNCHERS['windows_editor'] = WinEditor
  41. LAUNCHERS['windows_dedicated'] = DedicatedWinLauncher
  42. LAUNCHERS['windows_atom_tools'] = WinAtomToolsLauncher
  43. LAUNCHERS['android'] = AndroidLauncher
  44. elif MAC:
  45. ARM64 = platform.machine() == 'arm64'
  46. HOST_OS_PLATFORM = 'mac'
  47. HOST_OS_EDITOR = NotImplementedError('LyTestTools does not yet support Mac editor')
  48. HOST_OS_DEDICATED_SERVER = NotImplementedError('LyTestTools does not yet support Mac dedicated server')
  49. HOST_OS_ATOM_TOOLS = NotImplementedError('LyTestTools does not yet support Mac Atom Tools executables')
  50. from ly_test_tools.launchers import MacLauncher
  51. LAUNCHERS['mac'] = MacLauncher
  52. elif LINUX:
  53. ARM64 = platform.machine() == 'aarch64'
  54. HOST_OS_PLATFORM = 'linux'
  55. HOST_OS_EDITOR = 'linux_editor'
  56. HOST_OS_DEDICATED_SERVER = 'linux_dedicated'
  57. HOST_OS_ATOM_TOOLS = 'linux_atom_tools'
  58. from ly_test_tools.launchers.platforms.linux.launcher import (
  59. LinuxLauncher, LinuxEditor, DedicatedLinuxLauncher, LinuxAtomToolsLauncher)
  60. LAUNCHERS['linux'] = LinuxLauncher
  61. LAUNCHERS['linux_editor'] = LinuxEditor
  62. LAUNCHERS['linux_dedicated'] = DedicatedLinuxLauncher
  63. LAUNCHERS['linux_atom_tools'] = LinuxAtomToolsLauncher
  64. else:
  65. ARM64 = False
  66. logger.warning(f'WARNING: LyTestTools only supports Windows, Mac, and Linux. '
  67. f'Unexpectedly detected HOST_OS_PLATFORM: "{HOST_OS_PLATFORM}".')