123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #pragma once
- #include <AzCore/base.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/containers/array.h>
- #include <AzFramework/Terrain/TerrainDataRequestBus.h>
- #include <Atom/Feature/Utils/GpuBufferHandler.h>
- #include <Atom/RHI/FrameGraphAttachmentInterface.h>
- #include <Atom/RHI/FrameGraphInterface.h>
- #include <Atom/RPI.Public/Image/AttachmentImage.h>
- #include <Atom/RPI.Public/Scene.h>
- #include <Atom/RPI.Public/Shader/ShaderResourceGroup.h>
- #include <TerrainRenderer/ClipmapBounds.h>
- #include <TerrainRenderer/TerrainAreaMaterialRequestBus.h>
- #include <TerrainRenderer/TerrainMacroMaterialBus.h>
- namespace Terrain
- {
- //! Clipmap configuration to set basic properties of the clipmaps.
- //! Derived properties will be automatically calculated based on the given data, including:
- //! Precision of each clipmap level, depth of the clipmap stack.
- struct ClipmapConfiguration
- {
- AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR(ClipmapConfiguration, AZ::SystemAllocator);
- AZ_RTTI(ClipmapConfiguration, "{5CC8A81E-B850-46BA-A577-E21530D9ED04}");
- ClipmapConfiguration() = default;
- virtual ~ClipmapConfiguration() = default;
- //! Max clipmap number that can have. Used to initialize fixed arrays.
- static constexpr uint32_t MacroClipmapStackSizeMax = 16;
- static constexpr uint32_t DetailClipmapStackSizeMax = 16;
- static constexpr uint32_t SharedClipmapStackSizeMax = AZStd::max(ClipmapConfiguration::MacroClipmapStackSizeMax, ClipmapConfiguration::DetailClipmapStackSizeMax);
- enum ClipmapSize : uint32_t
- {
- ClipmapSize512 = 512u,
- ClipmapSize1024 = 1024u,
- ClipmapSize2048 = 2048u
- };
- //! Enable clipmap feature for rendering
- bool m_clipmapEnabled = false;
- //! The size of the clipmap image in each layer.
- ClipmapSize m_clipmapSize = ClipmapSize1024;
- //! Max render radius that the lowest resolution clipmap can cover.
- //! Radius in: meters.
- //! For example, 1000 means the clipmaps render 1000 meters at most from the view position.
- float m_macroClipmapMaxRenderRadius = 2048.0f;
- float m_detailClipmapMaxRenderRadius = 256.0f;
- //! The resolution of the highest resolution clipmap in the stack.
- //! The actual max resolution may be higher due to matching max render radius.
- //! Resolution in: texels per meter.
- float m_macroClipmapMaxResolution = 2.0f;
- float m_detailClipmapMaxResolution = 2048.0f;
- //! The scale base between two adjacent clipmap layers.
- //! For example, 3 means the (n+1)th clipmap covers 3^2 = 9 times
- //! to what is covered by the nth clipmap.
- float m_macroClipmapScaleBase = 2.0f;
- float m_detailClipmapScaleBase = 2.0f;
- //! The margin of the clipmap where the data won't be used, so that bigger margin results in less frequent update.
- //! But bigger margin also means it tends to use lower resolution clipmap.
- //! Size in: texels.
- uint32_t m_macroClipmapMarginSize = 4;
- uint32_t m_detailClipmapMarginSize = 4;
- //! In addition to the above margin size used for updating,
- //! this margin is a safety margin to avoid edge cases when blending or sampling.
- //! For example, due to toroidal addressing, 2 physical adjacent texels can locate
- //! on the opposite edges in the clipmap in logical space. They may be accidentally blended
- //! by float rounding errors. Size in texels.
- uint32_t m_extendedClipmapMarginSize = 2;
- //! The size of the blending area between each clipmap level.
- //! Size in texels.
- uint32_t m_clipmapBlendSize = 256;
- //! Calculate how many layers of clipmap is needed.
- //! Final result must be less or equal than the MacroClipmapStackSizeMax/DetailClipmapStackSizeMax.
- uint32_t CalculateMacroClipmapStackSize() const;
- uint32_t CalculateDetailClipmapStackSize() const;
- };
- //! This class manages all terrain clipmaps' creation and update.
- //! It should be owned by the TerrianFeature Processor and provide data and images
- //! for the ClipmapGenerationPass and terrain forward rendering pass.
- class TerrainClipmapManager
- : private TerrainMacroMaterialNotificationBus::Handler
- , private TerrainAreaMaterialNotificationBus::Handler
- , private AzFramework::Terrain::TerrainDataNotificationBus::Handler
- {
- friend class TerrainClipmapGenerationPass;
- public:
- AZ_RTTI(TerrainClipmapManager, "{5892AEE6-F3FA-4DFC-BBEC-77E1B91506A2}");
- AZ_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE(TerrainClipmapManager);
- TerrainClipmapManager();
- virtual ~TerrainClipmapManager() = default;
- //! Name for each clipmap image.
- enum ClipmapName : uint32_t
- {
- MacroColor = 0,
- MacroNormal,
- DetailColor,
- DetailNormal,
- DetailHeight,
- DetailRoughness,
- DetailSpecularF0,
- DetailMetalness,
- DetailOcclusion,
- Count
- };
- //! Shader input names
- static constexpr const char* ClipmapDataShaderInput = "m_clipmapData";
- static constexpr const char* ClipmapImageShaderInput[ClipmapName::Count] = {
- "m_macroColorClipmaps",
- "m_macroNormalClipmaps",
- "m_detailColorClipmaps",
- "m_detailNormalClipmaps",
- "m_detailHeightClipmaps",
- "m_detailRoughnessClipmaps",
- "m_detailSpecularF0Clipmaps",
- "m_detailMetalnessClipmaps",
- "m_detailOcclusionClipmaps",
- };
- void SetConfiguration(const ClipmapConfiguration& config);
- bool IsClipmapEnabled() const;
- void Initialize(AZ::Data::Instance<AZ::RPI::ShaderResourceGroup>& terrainSrg);
- bool IsInitialized() const;
- void Reset();
- //! Reset full refresh flag so that all the clipmap image will be repainted.
- void TriggerFullRefresh();
- void UpdateSrgIndices(AZ::Data::Instance<AZ::RPI::ShaderResourceGroup>& srg);
- void Update(const AZ::Vector3& cameraPosition, const AZ::RPI::Scene* scene, AZ::Data::Instance<AZ::RPI::ShaderResourceGroup>& terrainSrg);
- //! Import the clipmap to the frame graph and set scope attachment access,
- //! so that the compute pass can build dependencies accordingly.
- void ImportClipmap(ClipmapName clipmapName, AZ::RHI::FrameGraphAttachmentInterface attachmentDatabase) const;
- void UseClipmap(ClipmapName clipmapName, AZ::RHI::ScopeAttachmentAccess access, AZ::RHI::FrameGraphInterface frameGraph) const;
- //! Get the clipmap images for passes using them.
- AZ::Data::Instance<AZ::RPI::AttachmentImage> GetClipmapImage(ClipmapName clipmapName) const;
- //! Get the dispatch thread num for the clipmap compute shader based on the current frame.
- void GetMacroDispatchThreadNum(uint32_t& outThreadX, uint32_t& outThreadY, uint32_t& outThreadZ) const;
- void GetDetailDispatchThreadNum(uint32_t& outThreadX, uint32_t& outThreadY, uint32_t& outThreadZ) const;
- //! Get the size of the clipmap from config.
- uint32_t GetClipmapSize() const;
- //! Returns if there are clipmap regions requiring update.
- bool HasMacroClipmapUpdate() const;
- bool HasDetailClipmapUpdate() const;
- private:
- //! Update the C++ copy of the clipmap data. And will later be bound to the terrain SRG.
- void UpdateClipmapData(
- const AZ::Vector3& cameraPosition,
- const AZ::RPI::Scene* scene,
- AZ::Data::Instance<AZ::RPI::ShaderResourceGroup>& terrainSrg);
- //! Initialzation functions.
- void QueryMacroClipmapStackSize();
- void QueryDetailClipmapStackSize();
- void InitializeMacroClipmapBounds(const AZ::Vector2& center);
- void InitializeMacroClipmapData();
- void InitializeMacroClipmapImages();
- void InitializeMacroClipmapGpuBuffer();
- void InitializeDetailClipmapBounds(const AZ::Vector2& center);
- void InitializeDetailClipmapData();
- void InitializeDetailClipmapImages();
- void InitializeDetailClipmapGpuBuffer();
- //! Clear functions.
- void ClearMacroClipmapImages();
- void ClearMacroClipmapGpuBuffer();
- void ClearDetailClipmapImages();
- void ClearDetailClipmapGpuBuffer();
- //! Cached terrain SRG for configuration update.
- AZ::Data::Instance<AZ::RPI::ShaderResourceGroup> m_terrainSrg;
- using RawVector2f = AZStd::array<float, 2>;
- using RawVector4f = AZStd::array<float, 4>;
- using RawVector2u = AZStd::array<uint32_t, 2>;
- using RawVector4u = AZStd::array<uint32_t, 4>;
- //! Data to be passed to shaders
- struct alignas(16) ClipmapData
- {
- //! Current viewport size.
- RawVector2f m_viewportSize;
- //! The max range that the clipmap is covering.
- float m_macroClipmapMaxRenderRadius;
- float m_detailClipmapMaxRenderRadius;
- //! The scale base between two adjacent clipmap layers.
- //! For example, 3 means the (n+1)th clipmap covers 3^2 = 9 times
- //! to what is covered by the nth clipmap.
- float m_macroClipmapScaleBase;
- float m_detailClipmapScaleBase;
- //! Size of the clipmap stack.
- uint32_t m_macroClipmapStackSize;
- uint32_t m_detailClipmapStackSize;
- //! The margin size of the edge of the clipmap where the data won't be used.
- //! Use float to reduce frequent casting in shaders.
- float m_macroClipmapMarginSize;
- float m_detailClipmapMarginSize;
- //! In addition to the above margin size used for updating,
- //! this margin is a safety margin to avoid edge cases when blending or sampling.
- float m_extendedClipmapMarginSize;
- //! The size of the clipmap image in each layer.
- //! Given 2 copies in different types to save casting.
- float m_clipmapSizeFloat;
- uint32_t m_clipmapSizeUint;
- //! The texel position where blending to the next level should start. Equivalent to:
- //! m_clipmapSizeFloat / 2.0 - m_macroClipmapMarginSize - m_extendedClipmapMarginSize
- //! Cached for frequent access.
- float m_validMacroClipmapRadius;
- //! Same as above, equivalent to:
- //! m_clipmapSizeFloat / 2.0 - m_detailClipmapMarginSize - m_extendedClipmapMarginSize
- float m_validDetailClipmapRadius;
- //! The size of the blending area between each clipmap level.
- float m_clipmapBlendSize;
- //! The number of regions to be updated during the current frame.
- uint32_t m_macroClipmapUpdateRegionCount = 0;
- uint32_t m_detailClipmapUpdateRegionCount = 0;
- //! Numbers match the compute shader invoking call dispatch(X, Y, 1).
- uint32_t m_macroDispatchGroupCountX = 1;
- uint32_t m_macroDispatchGroupCountY = 1;
- uint32_t m_detailDispatchGroupCountX = 1;
- uint32_t m_detailDispatchGroupCountY = 1;
- //! Debug data
- //! Enables debug overlay to indicate clipmap levels.
- float m_macroClipmapOverlayFactor = 0.0f;
- float m_detailClipmapOverlayFactor = 0.0f;
- // 0: macro color clipmap
- // 1: macro normal clipmap
- // 2: detail color clipmap
- // 3: detail normal clipmap
- // 4: detail height clipmap
- // 5: detail roughness clipmap
- // 6: detail specularF0 clipmap
- // 7: detail metalness clipmap
- // 8: detail occlusion clipmap
- uint32_t m_debugClipmapId = 0;
- // Which clipmap level to sample from, or texture array index.
- float m_debugClipmapLevel = 0; // cast to float in CPU
- // How big the clipmap should appear on the screen.
- float m_debugScale = 0.5f;
- // Multiplier adjustment for final color output.
- float m_debugBrightness = 1.0f;
- //! Clipmap centers in texel coordinates ranging [0, size).
- //! Clipmap centers are the logical center of the texture, based on toroidal addressing.
- struct ClipmapCenter
- {
- RawVector2u m_macro;
- RawVector2u m_detail;
- };
- AZStd::array<ClipmapCenter, ClipmapConfiguration::SharedClipmapStackSizeMax> m_clipmapCenters;
- //! Clipmap centers in world coordinates.
- struct ClipmapWorldCenter
- {
- RawVector2f m_macro;
- RawVector2f m_detail;
- };
- AZStd::array<ClipmapWorldCenter, ClipmapConfiguration::SharedClipmapStackSizeMax> m_clipmapWorldCenters;
- //! A scale converting the length from the texture space to the world space.
- //! For example: given texel (u0, v0) and (u1, v1), dtexel = sqrt((u0 - u1)^2, (v0 - v1)^2)
- //! dworld = dtexel * clipmapToWorldScale.
- struct ClipmapToWorldScale
- {
- float m_macro;
- float m_detail;
- RawVector2f m_padding;
- };
- AZStd::array<ClipmapToWorldScale, ClipmapConfiguration::SharedClipmapStackSizeMax> m_clipmapToWorldScale;
- };
- ClipmapData m_clipmapData;
- //! They describe how clipmaps are initilized and updated.
- //! Data will be gathered from them when camera moves.
- AZStd::vector<ClipmapBounds> m_macroClipmapBounds;
- AZStd::vector<ClipmapBounds> m_detailClipmapBounds;
- //! GPU buffer containing the region aabbs to be updated during this frame.
- AZ::Render::GpuBufferHandler m_macroClipmapUpdateRegionsBuffer;
- AZ::Render::GpuBufferHandler m_detailClipmapUpdateRegionsBuffer;
- struct ClipmapUpdateRegion
- {
- RawVector4u m_updateRegion;
- uint32_t m_clipmapLevel;
- // 16 bytes alignment padding
- AZStd::array<uint32_t, 3> m_padding;
- ClipmapUpdateRegion(uint32_t clipmapLevel, RawVector4u updateRegion)
- : m_clipmapLevel(clipmapLevel)
- , m_updateRegion(updateRegion)
- {
- }
- };
- AZStd::vector<ClipmapUpdateRegion> m_macroClipmapUpdateRegions;
- AZStd::vector<ClipmapUpdateRegion> m_detailClipmapUpdateRegions;
- //! Terrain SRG input.
- AZ::RHI::ShaderInputNameIndex m_terrainSrgClipmapDataIndex = ClipmapDataShaderInput;
- AZ::RHI::ShaderInputNameIndex m_terrainSrgClipmapImageIndex[ClipmapName::Count];
- //! Clipmap images.
- AZ::Data::Instance<AZ::RPI::AttachmentImage> m_clipmaps[ClipmapName::Count];
- //! The actual stack size calculated from the configuration.
- uint32_t m_macroClipmapStackSize;
- uint32_t m_detailClipmapStackSize;
- //! Clipmap config that sets basic properties of the clipmaps.
- ClipmapConfiguration m_config;
- //! Flag used to refresh the class and prevent doule initialization.
- bool m_isInitialized = false;
- //! Flag to generate the full clipmap in situation such as first frame and material update.
- bool m_fullRefreshClipmaps = true;
- //! Dispatch threads for the compute pass.
- uint32_t m_macroTotalDispatchThreadX = 0;
- uint32_t m_macroTotalDispatchThreadY = 0;
- uint32_t m_detailTotalDispatchThreadX = 0;
- uint32_t m_detailTotalDispatchThreadY = 0;
- //! Group threads defined in the compute shader.
- static constexpr uint32_t MacroGroupThreadX = 8;
- static constexpr uint32_t MacroGroupThreadY = 8;
- static constexpr uint32_t DetailGroupThreadX = 8;
- static constexpr uint32_t DetailGroupThreadY = 8;
- // AzFramework::Terrain::TerrainDataNotificationBus overrides...
- void OnTerrainDataChanged(const AZ::Aabb& dirtyRegion, TerrainDataChangedMask dataChangedMask) override;
- // TerrainMacroMaterialNotificationBus overrides...
- void OnTerrainMacroMaterialCreated(AZ::EntityId entityId, const MacroMaterialData& material) override;
- void OnTerrainMacroMaterialChanged(AZ::EntityId entityId, const MacroMaterialData& material) override;
- void OnTerrainMacroMaterialRegionChanged(AZ::EntityId entityId, const AZ::Aabb& oldRegion, const AZ::Aabb& newRegion) override;
- void OnTerrainMacroMaterialDestroyed(AZ::EntityId entityId) override;
- // TerrainAreaMaterialNotificationBus overrides...
- void OnTerrainDefaultSurfaceMaterialCreated(AZ::EntityId entityId, AZ::Data::Instance<AZ::RPI::Material> material) override;
- void OnTerrainDefaultSurfaceMaterialDestroyed(AZ::EntityId entityId) override;
- void OnTerrainDefaultSurfaceMaterialChanged(AZ::EntityId entityId, AZ::Data::Instance<AZ::RPI::Material> newMaterial) override;
- void OnTerrainSurfaceMaterialMappingCreated(AZ::EntityId entityId, SurfaceData::SurfaceTag surfaceTag, AZ::Data::Instance<AZ::RPI::Material> material) override;
- void OnTerrainSurfaceMaterialMappingDestroyed(AZ::EntityId entityId, SurfaceData::SurfaceTag surfaceTag) override;
- void OnTerrainSurfaceMaterialMappingMaterialChanged(AZ::EntityId entityId, SurfaceData::SurfaceTag surfaceTag, AZ::Data::Instance<AZ::RPI::Material> material) override;
- void OnTerrainSurfaceMaterialMappingTagChanged(AZ::EntityId entityId, SurfaceData::SurfaceTag oldSurfaceTag, SurfaceData::SurfaceTag newSurfaceTag) override;
- void OnTerrainSurfaceMaterialMappingRegionCreated(AZ::EntityId entityId, const AZ::Aabb& region) override;
- void OnTerrainSurfaceMaterialMappingRegionDestroyed(AZ::EntityId entityId, const AZ::Aabb& oldRegion) override;
- void OnTerrainSurfaceMaterialMappingRegionChanged(AZ::EntityId entityId, const AZ::Aabb& oldRegion, const AZ::Aabb& newRegion) override;
- };
- }