123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475 |
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --
- -- Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- -- For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- --
- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GetRequiredStringValue(valueKey, prettyName)
- value = g_SettingsRegistry:GetString(valueKey)
- if (not value:has_value()) then
- Print('GenricRenderScreenshotTest script missing ' .. tostring(prettyName) .. ' settings registry entry, ending script early')
- return false, nil
- end
- Print('GenricRenderScreenshotTest script found ' .. prettyName .. ' settings registry entry, ' .. value:value())
- return true, value:value()
- end
- function GetOptionalUIntValue(valueKey, defaultValue)
- return g_SettingsRegistry:GetUInt(valueKey):value_or(defaultValue)
- end
- function GetOptionalStringValue(valueKey, defaultValue)
- return g_SettingsRegistry:GetString(valueKey):value_or(defaultValue)
- end
- -- required settings
- local LevelPathRegistryKey <const> = "/O3DE/ScriptAutomation/ImageCapture/LevelPath"
- local TestGroupNameRegistryKey <const> = "/O3DE/ScriptAutomation/ImageCapture/TestGroupName" -- used as part of capture filepath, no whitespace or other invalid characters
- local ImageNameRegistryKey <const> = "/O3DE/ScriptAutomation/ImageCapture/ImageName"
- local CaptureCameraNameKey <const> = "/O3DE/ScriptAutomation/ImageCapture/CaptureCameraName"
- local ImageComparisonLevelRegistryKey <const> = "/O3DE/ScriptAutomation/ImageCapture/ImageComparisonLevel"
- -- check for SettingsRegistry values that must exist
- succeeded, levelPath = GetRequiredStringValue(LevelPathRegistryKey, "Image Capture Level Path")
- if (not succeeded) then return end
- succeeded, testGroupName = GetRequiredStringValue(TestGroupNameRegistryKey, "Test Group Name")
- if (not succeeded) then return end
- succeeded, imageNameStr = GetRequiredStringValue(ImageNameRegistryKey, "Image Capture Name")
- if (not succeeded) then return end
- succeeded, imageComparisonLevelStr = GetRequiredStringValue(ImageComparisonLevelRegistryKey, "Image Comparison Level")
- if (not succeeded) then return end
- succeeded, cameraNameStr = GetRequiredStringValue(CaptureCameraNameKey, "Camera Entity Names")
- if (not succeeded) then return end
- splitterChar = ","
- imageNames = SplitString(imageNameStr, splitterChar)
- imageComparisonLevels = SplitString(imageComparisonLevelStr, splitterChar)
- cameraNames = SplitString(cameraNameStr, splitterChar)
- if (imageNames:Size() ~= imageComparisonLevels:Size() or imageNames:Size() ~= cameraNames:Size()) then
- Error("Invalid number of arguments received")
- return
- end
- RunScript("@gemroot:ScriptAutomation@/Assets/AutomationScripts/GenericImageComparisonTestEnvironment.lua")
- IdleFrames(3) -- tick 3 frames to allow tick delta to settle
- ExecuteConsoleCommand("r_displayInfo=0")
- LoadLevel(levelPath) -- waits for the engine to say the level is finished loading
- IdleSeconds(2) -- Wait for assets to finish loading.
- for index=1, imageNames:Size() do
- SetCamera(cameraNames[index])
- captureName = testGroupName .. "/" .. imageNames[index]
- IdleFrames(10) -- Wait for camera transition to happen
- Print("Saving screenshots to " .. ResolvePath(g_screenshotOutputFolder .. "/" .. g_testEnv .. "/" .. testGroupName))
- CaptureScreenshot(captureName)
- CompareScreenshotToBaseline(testGroupName .. "/" .. g_testEnv, imageComparisonLevels[index], captureName, g_imperceptibleImageDiffLevel)
- end