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- The Scene Logging Example demonstrates how to extend the SceneAPI by adding additional logging to the pipeline. The SceneAPI is
- a collection of libraries that handle loading scene files and converting content to data that the Open 3D Engine and its editor can load.
- The following approach is used:
- 1. The SceneBuilder and SceneData load and convert the scene file (for example, .fbx) into a graph that is stored in memory.
- 2. SceneCore and SceneData are used to create a manifest with instructions about how to export the file.
- 3. SceneData analyzes the manifest and memory graph and creates defaults.
- 4. Scene Settings allows updates to the manifest through a UI.
- 5. The ResourceCompilerScene uses the instructions from the manifest and the data in the graph to create assets. These assets are ready for Open 3D Engine to use.
- The example gem demonstrates the following key features:
- - Initialization of the SceneAPI libraries.
- (See SceneLoggingExampleModule.cpp)
- - Adding a LoadingComponent to hook into the scene loading and react to loading events.
- (See Processing/LoadingTrackingProcessor)
- - Extension of the Scene Settings UI and ability to set defaults using the BehaviorComponent.
- (See Groups/LoggingGroup and Behaviors/LoggingGroupBehavior)
- - Adding an ExportingComponent to hook into the scene converting and exporting events.
- (See Behaviors/ExportTrackingProcessor)