123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include <SkinnedMesh/SkinnedMeshDispatchItem.h>
- #include <SkinnedMesh/SkinnedMeshOutputStreamManager.h>
- #include <SkinnedMesh/SkinnedMeshFeatureProcessor.h>
- #include <Atom/RPI.Public/Shader/ShaderResourceGroup.h>
- #include <Atom/RPI.Public/Shader/Shader.h>
- #include <Atom/RPI.Public/Model/ModelLod.h>
- #include <Atom/RPI.Public/Buffer/Buffer.h>
- #include <Atom/RPI.Public/RPIUtils.h>
- #include <Atom/RHI/Factory.h>
- #include <Atom/RHI/DeviceBufferView.h>
- #include <limits>
- namespace AZ
- {
- namespace Render
- {
- SkinnedMeshDispatchItem::SkinnedMeshDispatchItem(
- AZStd::intrusive_ptr<SkinnedMeshInputBuffers> inputBuffers,
- const SkinnedMeshOutputVertexOffsets& outputBufferOffsetsInBytes,
- uint32_t positionHistoryOutputBufferOffsetInBytes,
- uint32_t lodIndex,
- uint32_t meshIndex,
- Data::Instance<RPI::Buffer> boneTransforms,
- const SkinnedMeshShaderOptions& shaderOptions,
- SkinnedMeshFeatureProcessor* skinnedMeshFeatureProcessor,
- MorphTargetInstanceMetaData morphTargetInstanceMetaData,
- float morphTargetDeltaIntegerEncoding)
- : m_dispatchItem(RHI::MultiDevice::AllDevices)
- , m_inputBuffers(inputBuffers)
- , m_outputBufferOffsetsInBytes(outputBufferOffsetsInBytes)
- , m_positionHistoryBufferOffsetInBytes(positionHistoryOutputBufferOffsetInBytes)
- , m_lodIndex(lodIndex)
- , m_meshIndex(meshIndex)
- , m_boneTransforms(AZStd::move(boneTransforms))
- , m_shaderOptions(shaderOptions)
- , m_morphTargetInstanceMetaData(morphTargetInstanceMetaData)
- , m_morphTargetDeltaIntegerEncoding(morphTargetDeltaIntegerEncoding)
- {
- m_skinningShader = skinnedMeshFeatureProcessor->GetSkinningShader();
- // Shader options are generally set per-skinned mesh instance, but morph targets may only exist on some lods. Override the option for applying morph targets here
- if (m_morphTargetInstanceMetaData.m_accumulatedPositionDeltaOffsetInBytes != MorphTargetConstants::s_invalidDeltaOffset)
- {
- m_shaderOptions.m_applyMorphTargets = true;
- }
- // CreateShaderOptionGroup will also connect to the SkinnedMeshShaderOptionNotificationBus
- m_shaderOptionGroup = skinnedMeshFeatureProcessor->CreateSkinningShaderOptionGroup(m_shaderOptions, *this);
- }
- SkinnedMeshDispatchItem::~SkinnedMeshDispatchItem()
- {
- SkinnedMeshShaderOptionNotificationBus::Handler::BusDisconnect();
- }
- bool SkinnedMeshDispatchItem::Init()
- {
- if (!m_skinningShader)
- {
- AZ_Error("SkinnedMeshDispatchItem", false, "Cannot initialize a SkinnedMeshDispatchItem with a null shader");
- return false;
- }
- // Get the shader variant and instance SRG
- m_shaderOptionGroup.SetUnspecifiedToDefaultValues();
- const RPI::ShaderVariant& shaderVariant = m_skinningShader->GetVariant(m_shaderOptionGroup.GetShaderVariantId());
- RHI::PipelineStateDescriptorForDispatch pipelineStateDescriptor;
- shaderVariant.ConfigurePipelineState(pipelineStateDescriptor, m_shaderOptionGroup);
- auto perInstanceSrgLayout = m_skinningShader->FindShaderResourceGroupLayout(AZ::Name{ "InstanceSrg" });
- if (!perInstanceSrgLayout)
- {
- AZ_Error("SkinnedMeshDispatchItem", false, "Failed to get shader resource group layout");
- return false;
- }
- m_instanceSrg = RPI::ShaderResourceGroup::Create(m_skinningShader->GetAsset(), m_skinningShader->GetSupervariantIndex(), perInstanceSrgLayout->GetName());
- if (!m_instanceSrg)
- {
- AZ_Error("SkinnedMeshDispatchItem", false, "Failed to create shader resource group for skinned mesh");
- return false;
- }
- // If the shader variation is not fully baked, set the fallback key to use a runtime branch for the shader options
- if (shaderVariant.UseKeyFallback() && m_instanceSrg->HasShaderVariantKeyFallbackEntry())
- {
- m_instanceSrg->SetShaderVariantKeyFallbackValue(m_shaderOptionGroup.GetShaderVariantKeyFallbackValue());
- }
- m_inputBuffers->SetBufferViewsOnShaderResourceGroup(m_lodIndex, m_meshIndex, m_instanceSrg);
- // Set the SRG indices
- RHI::ShaderInputBufferIndex actorInstanceBoneTransformsIndex;
- if (m_shaderOptions.m_skinningMethod == SkinningMethod::LinearSkinning)
- {
- actorInstanceBoneTransformsIndex = m_instanceSrg->FindShaderInputBufferIndex(Name{ "m_boneTransformsLinear" });
- if (!actorInstanceBoneTransformsIndex.IsValid())
- {
- AZ_Error("SkinnedMeshDispatchItem", false, "Failed to find shader input index for m_boneTransformsLinear in the skinning compute shader per-instance SRG.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- else if(m_shaderOptions.m_skinningMethod == SkinningMethod::DualQuaternion)
- {
- actorInstanceBoneTransformsIndex = m_instanceSrg->FindShaderInputBufferIndex(Name{ "m_boneTransformsDualQuaternion" });
- if (!actorInstanceBoneTransformsIndex.IsValid())
- {
- AZ_Error("SkinnedMeshDispatchItem", false, "Failed to find shader input index for m_boneTransformsDualQuaternion in the skinning compute shader per-instance SRG.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- else if (m_shaderOptions.m_skinningMethod == SkinningMethod::NoSkinning)
- {
- // Do nothing if no skinning
- }
- else
- {
- AZ_Assert(false, "Invalid skinning method for SkinnedMeshDispatchItem.");
- }
- for (uint8_t outputStream = 0; outputStream < static_cast<uint8_t>(SkinnedMeshOutputVertexStreams::NumVertexStreams); outputStream++)
- {
- // Set the buffer offsets
- const SkinnedMeshOutputVertexStreamInfo& outputStreamInfo = SkinnedMeshVertexStreamPropertyInterface::Get()->GetOutputStreamInfo(static_cast<SkinnedMeshOutputVertexStreams>(outputStream));
- {
- RHI::ShaderInputConstantIndex outputOffsetIndex = m_instanceSrg->FindShaderInputConstantIndex(outputStreamInfo.m_shaderResourceGroupName);
- if (!outputOffsetIndex.IsValid())
- {
- AZ_Error("SkinnedMeshDispatchItem", false, "Failed to find shader input index for %s in the skinning compute shader per-instance SRG.", outputStreamInfo.m_shaderResourceGroupName.GetCStr());
- return false;
- }
- // The shader has a view with 4 bytes per element
- // Divide the byte offset here so it doesn't need to be done in the shader
- m_instanceSrg->SetConstant(outputOffsetIndex, m_outputBufferOffsetsInBytes[outputStream] / 4);
- }
- // Set the position history buffer offset
- RHI::ShaderInputConstantIndex outputOffsetIndex =
- m_instanceSrg->FindShaderInputConstantIndex(Name{ "m_targetPositionHistory" });
- if (!outputOffsetIndex.IsValid())
- {
- AZ_Error(
- "SkinnedMeshDispatchItem", false,
- "Failed to find shader input index for m_targetPositionHistory in the skinning compute shader per-instance SRG.");
- return false;
- }
- // The shader has a view with 4 bytes per element
- // Divide the byte offset here so it doesn't need to be done in the shader
- m_instanceSrg->SetConstant(outputOffsetIndex, m_positionHistoryBufferOffsetInBytes / 4);
- }
- // Ignore bone transform buffer for actors with skinning disabled
- if (m_shaderOptions.m_skinningMethod != SkinningMethod::NoSkinning)
- {
- m_instanceSrg->SetBuffer(actorInstanceBoneTransformsIndex, m_boneTransforms);
- }
- // Set the morph target related srg constants
- RHI::ShaderInputConstantIndex morphPositionOffsetIndex = m_instanceSrg->FindShaderInputConstantIndex(Name{ "m_morphTargetPositionDeltaOffset" });
- // The buffer is using 32-bit integers, so divide the offset by 4 here so it doesn't have to be done in the shader
- m_instanceSrg->SetConstant(morphPositionOffsetIndex, m_morphTargetInstanceMetaData.m_accumulatedPositionDeltaOffsetInBytes / 4);
- RHI::ShaderInputConstantIndex morphNormalOffsetIndex = m_instanceSrg->FindShaderInputConstantIndex(Name{ "m_morphTargetNormalDeltaOffset" });
- // The buffer is using 32-bit integers, so divide the offset by 4 here so it doesn't have to be done in the shader
- m_instanceSrg->SetConstant(morphNormalOffsetIndex, m_morphTargetInstanceMetaData.m_accumulatedNormalDeltaOffsetInBytes / 4);
- RHI::ShaderInputConstantIndex morphTangentOffsetIndex = m_instanceSrg->FindShaderInputConstantIndex(Name{ "m_morphTargetTangentDeltaOffset" });
- // The buffer is using 32-bit integers, so divide the offset by 4 here so it doesn't have to be done in the shader
- m_instanceSrg->SetConstant(morphTangentOffsetIndex, m_morphTargetInstanceMetaData.m_accumulatedTangentDeltaOffsetInBytes / 4);
- RHI::ShaderInputConstantIndex morphBitangentOffsetIndex = m_instanceSrg->FindShaderInputConstantIndex(Name{ "m_morphTargetBitangentDeltaOffset" });
- // The buffer is using 32-bit integers, so divide the offset by 4 here so it doesn't have to be done in the shader
- m_instanceSrg->SetConstant(morphBitangentOffsetIndex, m_morphTargetInstanceMetaData.m_accumulatedBitangentDeltaOffsetInBytes / 4);
- RHI::ShaderInputConstantIndex morphDeltaIntegerEncodingIndex = m_instanceSrg->FindShaderInputConstantIndex(Name{ "m_morphTargetDeltaInverseIntegerEncoding" });
- m_instanceSrg->SetConstant(morphDeltaIntegerEncodingIndex, 1.0f / m_morphTargetDeltaIntegerEncoding);
- // Set the vertex count
- const uint32_t vertexCount = GetVertexCount();
- RHI::ShaderInputConstantIndex numVerticesIndex = m_instanceSrg->FindShaderInputConstantIndex(Name{ "m_numVertices" });
- AZ_Error("SkinnedMeshInputBuffers", numVerticesIndex.IsValid(), "Failed to find shader input index for m_numVerticies in the skinning compute shader per-instance SRG.");
- m_instanceSrg->SetConstant(numVerticesIndex, vertexCount);
- uint32_t xThreads = 0;
- uint32_t yThreads = 0;
- CalculateSkinnedMeshTotalThreadsPerDimension(vertexCount, xThreads, yThreads);
- // Set the total number of threads in the x dimension, so the shader can calculate the vertex index from the thread ids
- RHI::ShaderInputConstantIndex totalNumberOfThreadsXIndex;
- totalNumberOfThreadsXIndex = m_instanceSrg->FindShaderInputConstantIndex(Name{ "m_totalNumberOfThreadsX" });
- AZ_Error("SkinnedMeshInputBuffers", totalNumberOfThreadsXIndex.IsValid(), "Failed to find shader input index for m_totalNumberOfThreadsX in the skinning compute shader per-instance SRG.");
- m_instanceSrg->SetConstant(totalNumberOfThreadsXIndex, xThreads);
- m_instanceSrg->Compile();
- m_dispatchItem.SetUniqueShaderResourceGroup(m_instanceSrg->GetRHIShaderResourceGroup());
- m_dispatchItem.SetPipelineState(m_skinningShader->AcquirePipelineState(pipelineStateDescriptor));
- RHI::DispatchDirect arguments;
- const auto outcome = RPI::GetComputeShaderNumThreads(m_skinningShader->GetAsset(), arguments);
- if (!outcome.IsSuccess())
- {
- AZ_Error("SkinnedMeshInputBuffers", false, outcome.GetError().c_str());
- }
- arguments.m_totalNumberOfThreadsX = xThreads;
- arguments.m_totalNumberOfThreadsY = yThreads;
- arguments.m_totalNumberOfThreadsZ = 1;
- m_dispatchItem.SetArguments(arguments);
- return true;
- }
- const RHI::DispatchItem& SkinnedMeshDispatchItem::GetRHIDispatchItem() const
- {
- return m_dispatchItem;
- }
- Data::Instance<RPI::Buffer> SkinnedMeshDispatchItem::GetBoneTransforms() const
- {
- return m_boneTransforms;
- }
- uint32_t SkinnedMeshDispatchItem::GetVertexCount() const
- {
- return m_inputBuffers->GetVertexCount(m_lodIndex, m_meshIndex);
- }
- void SkinnedMeshDispatchItem::Enable()
- {
- m_isEnabled = true;
- }
- void SkinnedMeshDispatchItem::Disable()
- {
- m_isEnabled = false;
- }
- bool SkinnedMeshDispatchItem::IsEnabled() const
- {
- return m_isEnabled;
- }
- void SkinnedMeshDispatchItem::OnShaderReinitialized(const CachedSkinnedMeshShaderOptions* cachedShaderOptions)
- {
- m_shaderOptionGroup = cachedShaderOptions->CreateShaderOptionGroup(m_shaderOptions);
- if (!Init())
- {
- AZ_Error("SkinnedMeshDispatchItem", false, "Failed to re-initialize after the shader was re-loaded.");
- }
- }
- void CalculateSkinnedMeshTotalThreadsPerDimension(uint32_t vertexCount, uint32_t& xThreads, uint32_t& yThreads)
- {
- const uint32_t maxVerticesPerDimension = static_cast<uint32_t>(std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max());
- if (vertexCount > maxVerticesPerDimension * maxVerticesPerDimension)
- {
- AZ_Error("CalculateSkinnedMeshTotalThreadsPerDimension", false, "Vertex count '%d' exceeds maximum supported vertices '%d' for skinned meshes. Not all vertices will be rendered.", vertexCount, maxVerticesPerDimension * maxVerticesPerDimension);
- xThreads = maxVerticesPerDimension;
- yThreads = maxVerticesPerDimension;
- return;
- }
- else if (vertexCount == 0)
- {
- AZ_Error("CalculateSkinnedMeshTotalThreadsPerDimension", false, "Cannot skin mesh with 0 vertices.");
- xThreads = 0;
- yThreads = 0;
- return;
- }
- // Get the minimum number of threads in the y dimension needed to cover all the vertices in the mesh
- yThreads = vertexCount % maxVerticesPerDimension != 0 ? vertexCount / maxVerticesPerDimension + 1 : vertexCount / maxVerticesPerDimension;
- // Divide the total number of threads across y dimensions, rounding the number of xThreads up to cover any remainder
- xThreads = 1 + ((vertexCount - 1) / yThreads);
- }
- } // namespace Render
- } // namespace AZ