123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #pragma once
- #include <Archive/Clients/ArchiveBaseAPI.h>
- #include <Archive/Clients/ArchiveReaderAPI.h>
- #include <Clients/ArchiveTOCView.h>
- #include <AzCore/Memory/Memory_fwd.h>
- #include <AzCore/RTTI/RTTIMacros.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/parallel/mutex.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/smart_ptr/unique_ptr.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/utility/to_underlying.h>
- #include <AzCore/Task/TaskExecutor.h>
- namespace AZ
- {
- class TaskGraphEvent;
- }
- namespace AZ::IO
- {
- class GenericStream;
- }
- namespace Archive
- {
- //! Implements the Archive Reader Interface
- //! This can be used to read and extract files from an archive
- class ArchiveReader
- : public IArchiveReader
- {
- public:
- ArchiveReader();
- //! Create an archive reader using the specified reader settings
- explicit ArchiveReader(const ArchiveReaderSettings& readerSettings);
- //! Open an file at the specified file path and takes sole ownership of it
- //! The ArchiveReader will close the file on Unmount
- explicit ArchiveReader(AZ::IO::PathView archivePath, const ArchiveReaderSettings& readerSettings = {});
- //! Takes ownership of the open stream and will optionally delete it based on the ArchiveFileDeleter
- explicit ArchiveReader(ArchiveStreamPtr archiveStream, const ArchiveReaderSettings& readerSettings = {});
- ~ArchiveReader();
- //! Opens the archive path and returns true if successful
- //! Will unmount any previously mounted archive
- bool MountArchive(AZ::IO::PathView archivePath) override;
- bool MountArchive(ArchiveStreamPtr archiveStream) override;
- //! Closes the handle to the mounted archive stream
- void UnmountArchive() override;
- //! Returns if an open archive that is mounted
- bool IsMounted() const override;
- //! Reads the content of the file specified in the ArchiveReadeFileSettings
- //! The file path identifier in the settings is used to locate the file to extract from the archive
- //! The outputSpan should be a pre-allocated buffer that is large enough
- //! to fit either the uncompressed size of the file if the `m_decompressFile` setting is true
- //! or the compressed size of the file if the `m_decompressFile` setting is false
- //!
- //! @param outputSpan pre-allocated buffer that should be large enough to store the extracted
- //! file
- //! @param fileSettings settings which can configure whether the file should be decompressed,
- //! the start offset where to start reading content within the file, how many bytes
- //! to read from the file, etc...
- //! @return ArchiveExtractFileResult structure which on success contains
- //! a span of the actual data extracted from the Archive.
- //! NOTE: The extracted data can be smaller than the outputSpan.size()
- //! On failure, the result outcome member contains the error that occurred
- ArchiveExtractFileResult ExtractFileFromArchive(AZStd::span<AZStd::byte> outputSpan,
- const ArchiveReaderFileSettings& fileSettings) override;
- //! List the file metadata from the archive using the ArchiveFileToken
- //! @param filePathToken identifier token that can be used to quickly lookup
- //! metadata about the file
- //! @return ArchiveListResult with metadata for the file if found
- ArchiveListFileResult ListFileInArchive(ArchiveFileToken filePathToken) const override;
- //! List the file metadata from the archive using the relative FilePath
- //! @param relativePath File path to lookup within the archive
- //! @return ArchiveListResult with metadata for the file if found
- ArchiveListFileResult ListFileInArchive(AZ::IO::PathView relativePath) const override;
- //! Returns if the archive contains a relative path
- //! @param relativePath Relative path within archive to search for
- //! @returns true if the relative path is contained with the Archive
- //! equivalent to `return FindFile(relativePath) != InvalidArchiveFileToken;`
- bool ContainsFile(AZ::IO::PathView relativePath) const override;
- //! Enumerates all files within the archive table of contents and invokes a callback
- //! function with the listing information about the file
- //! This function can be used to build filter files in the Archive based on any value
- //! supplied in the ArchiveListFileResult structure
- //! For example filtering can be done based on file path(such as globbing for all *.txt files)
- //! or filtering based on uncompressed size(such as locating all files > 2MiB, etc...)
- //! Alternatively this function can be used to list all of the files within the archive by
- //! binding a lambda that populates a vector
- //!
- //! @param listFileCallback Callback which is invoked for each file in the archive
- //! @return result structure that is convertible to a boolean value indicating if enumeration was successful
- EnumerateArchiveResult EnumerateFilesInArchive(ListFileCallback listFileCallback) const override;
- //! Dump metadata for the archive to the supplied generic stream
- //! @param metadataStream archive file metadata will be written to the stream
- //! @param metadataSettings settings using which control the file metadata to write to the stream
- //! @return true if metadata was successfully written
- bool DumpArchiveMetadata(AZ::IO::GenericStream& metadataStream,
- const ArchiveMetadataSettings& metadataSettings = {}) const override;
- private:
- //! Reads the Archive Header into memory.
- //! Afterwards the Archive Header is used to read the TOC into memory
- //! and build any structures for acceleration of lookups
- bool ReadArchiveHeaderAndToc();
- //! Reads the archive header from the generic stream
- bool ReadArchiveHeader(ArchiveHeader& archiveHeader, AZ::IO::GenericStream& archiveStream);
- //! Reads the archive table of contents from the generic stream by using the archive header
- //! to determine the offset and size of the table of contents
- struct ArchiveTableOfContentsReader;
- bool ReadArchiveTOC(ArchiveTableOfContentsReader& archiveToc, AZ::IO::GenericStream& archiveStream,
- const ArchiveHeader& archiveHeader);
- //! Creates a mapping of views to the file paths within the archive to the ArchiveFileToken
- //! The ArchiveFileToken currently corresponds to the index within the table of contents
- //! ArchiveTocFilePathIndex, ArchiveTocFileMetadata and ArchiveFilePath vector structures
- bool BuildFilePathMap(const ArchiveTableOfContentsView& archiveToc);
- //! Read data from offset within archive directly to span
- //! @param fileBuffer pre-allocated span to populate buffer with data
- //! @param offset absolute file within mounted archive to start reading data from
- //! @param fileSize the amount of data to read at the specified offset
- //! @param fileSettings setting structure which is used to configure where the
- //! start offset for reading within the extracted file and how many bytes to read from that
- //! start offset
- //! @return result outcome which contains an error messages related to reading the file
- //! if it fails
- using ReadRawFileOutcome = AZStd::expected<AZStd::span<AZStd::byte>, ResultString>;
- ReadRawFileOutcome ReadRawFileIntoBuffer(AZStd::span<AZStd::byte> fileBuffer,
- AZ::u64 offset, AZ::u64 fileSize,
- const ArchiveReaderFileSettings& fileSettings);
- //! Decompressed the content from the input buffer
- //! @param decompressionResultSpan span to populated with decompressed results
- //! @param fileSettings settings which indicate the max number of decompression task
- //! to use for decompressing the file content.
- //! This parameter also contains settings for selecting an offset within the decompressed
- //! file to start reading, as well as a cap on the number of bytes to read from that start offset
- //! @param extractFileResult Contains the compressed size, raw offset within the archive and uncompressed
- //! size of the file needed for extracting
- //! @return result outcome with a span containing a view of the decompressed file data
- //! within the offset range specified by
- //! [ArchiveReaderFileSettings::m_startOffset, ArchiveReaderFileSettings::m_startOffset + ArchiveReaderFileSettings::m_bytesToRead)
- //! Otherwise an error message string providing reasons why decompression failed
- using ReadCompressedFileOutcome = AZStd::expected<AZStd::span<AZStd::byte>, ResultString>;
- ReadCompressedFileOutcome ReadCompressedFileIntoBuffer(AZStd::span<AZStd::byte> decompressionResultSpan,
- const ArchiveReaderFileSettings& fileSettings,
- const ArchiveExtractFileResult& extractFileResult);
- // Private Member variables section
- //! Archive Reader specific settings
- //! Controls the number of tasks to use for reading and decompression of content
- //! from the archive
- //! Also contains an error callback that is invoked when error occurs in the constructor
- ArchiveReaderSettings m_settings;
- //! Archive header as read from the first sizeof(ArchiveHeader) blocks of the archive stream
- //! The header is not modified by the reader
- ArchiveHeader m_archiveHeader;
- //! View of the Archive TOC within the supplied archive stream
- //! Since the ArchiveReader doesn't mutate the archive, a Table of Contents View is used
- //! and paired with a raw buffer of the Table of Contents
- struct ArchiveTableOfContentsReader
- {
- // Default a table of contents reader that has an empty vector
- // and default constructed view
- ArchiveTableOfContentsReader();
- // Stores the buffer containing the Table of Contents raw data
- // and an ArchiveTableOfContentsView instance which is a read-only view into that raw data
- ArchiveTableOfContentsReader(AZStd::vector<AZStd::byte> tocBuffer, ArchiveTableOfContentsView tocView);
- ArchiveTableOfContentsView m_tocView;
- private:
- AZStd::vector<AZStd::byte> m_tocBuffer;
- };
- ArchiveTableOfContentsReader m_archiveToc;
- //! Stores mapping of FilePath to index within the file path table in the Archive TOC
- //! The index is used to as the ArchiveFileToken
- //! IMPORTANT: The PathView is a view into the m_archiveToc TOC buffer
- //! and therefore this map should be cleared before reading another archive TOC
- using FilePathTable = AZStd::unordered_map<AZ::IO::PathView, size_t>;
- FilePathTable m_pathMap;
- //! GenericStream pointer which stores the open archive
- ArchiveStreamPtr m_archiveStream;
- //! Protects reads within the archive stream
- //! NOTE: This does restrict read jobs to be done on one thread at a time
- //! if done using the AZ::IO::GenericStream API as it maintains a single seek position
- AZStd::mutex m_archiveStreamMutex;
- //! Task Executor used to decompress blocks of a file in parallel
- AZ::TaskExecutor m_taskExecutor;
- };
- } // namespace Archive