example_resources_stack.py 8.8 KB

  1. """
  2. Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
  3. For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
  4. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
  5. """
  6. import os
  7. from constructs import Construct
  8. from aws_cdk import (
  9. CfnOutput,
  10. Fn,
  11. RemovalPolicy,
  12. Stack,
  13. aws_lambda as lambda_,
  14. aws_iam as iam,
  15. aws_s3 as s3,
  16. aws_s3_deployment as s3_deployment,
  17. aws_dynamodb as dynamo,
  18. )
  19. from .auth import AuthPolicy
  20. class ExampleResources(Stack):
  21. """
  22. Defines a set of resources to use with AWSCore's ScriptBehaviours and examples. The example resources are:
  23. * An S3 bucket with a text file
  24. * A python 'echo' lambda
  25. * A small dynamodb table with a primary 'id': str key
  26. """
  27. def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id_: str, project_name: str, feature_name: str, **kwargs) -> None:
  28. super().__init__(scope, id_, **kwargs,
  29. description=f'Contains resources for the AWSCore examples as part of the '
  30. f'{project_name} project')
  31. self._project_name = project_name
  32. self._feature_name = feature_name
  33. self._policy = AuthPolicy(context=self).generate_admin_policy(stack=self)
  34. self._s3_bucket = self.__create_s3_bucket()
  35. self._lambda = self.__create_example_lambda()
  36. self._table = self.__create_dynamodb_table()
  37. self.__create_outputs()
  38. # Finally grant cross stack references
  39. self.__grant_access()
  40. def __grant_access(self):
  41. user_group = iam.Group.from_group_arn(
  42. self,
  43. f'{self._project_name}-{self._feature_name}-ImportedUserGroup',
  44. Fn.import_value(f'{self._project_name}:UserGroup')
  45. )
  46. admin_group = iam.Group.from_group_arn(
  47. self,
  48. f'{self._project_name}-{self._feature_name}-ImportedAdminGroup',
  49. Fn.import_value(f'{self._project_name}:AdminGroup')
  50. )
  51. # Provide the admin and user groups permissions to read the example S3 bucket.
  52. # Cannot use the grant_read method defined by the Bucket structure since the method tries to add to
  53. # the resource-based policy but the imported IAM groups (which are tokens from Fn.ImportValue) are
  54. # not valid principals in S3 bucket policies.
  55. # Check https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/s3-invalid-principal-in-policy-error/
  56. user_group.add_to_principal_policy(
  57. iam.PolicyStatement(
  58. actions=[
  59. "s3:GetBucket*",
  60. "s3:GetObject*",
  61. "s3:List*"
  62. ],
  63. effect=iam.Effect.ALLOW,
  64. resources=[self._s3_bucket.bucket_arn, f'{self._s3_bucket.bucket_arn}/*']
  65. )
  66. )
  67. admin_group.add_to_principal_policy(
  68. iam.PolicyStatement(
  69. actions=[
  70. "s3:GetBucket*",
  71. "s3:GetObject*",
  72. "s3:List*"
  73. ],
  74. effect=iam.Effect.ALLOW,
  75. resources=[self._s3_bucket.bucket_arn, f'{self._s3_bucket.bucket_arn}/*']
  76. )
  77. )
  78. # Provide the admin and user groups permissions to invoke the example Lambda function.
  79. # Cannot use the grant_invoke method defined by the Function structure since the method tries to add to
  80. # the resource-based policy but the imported IAM groups (which are tokens from Fn.ImportValue) are
  81. # not valid principals in Lambda function policies.
  82. user_group.add_to_principal_policy(
  83. iam.PolicyStatement(
  84. actions=[
  85. "lambda:InvokeFunction"
  86. ],
  87. effect=iam.Effect.ALLOW,
  88. resources=[self._lambda.function_arn]
  89. )
  90. )
  91. admin_group.add_to_principal_policy(
  92. iam.PolicyStatement(
  93. actions=[
  94. "lambda:InvokeFunction"
  95. ],
  96. effect=iam.Effect.ALLOW,
  97. resources=[self._lambda.function_arn]
  98. )
  99. )
  100. # Provide the admin and user groups permissions to read from the DynamoDB table.
  101. self._table.grant_read_data(user_group)
  102. self._table.grant_read_data(admin_group)
  103. def __create_s3_bucket(self) -> s3.Bucket:
  104. # Create a sample S3 bucket following S3 best practices
  105. # # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/security-best-practices.html
  106. # 1. Block all public access to the bucket
  107. # 2. Use SSE-S3 encryption. Explore encryption at rest options via
  108. # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/serv-side-encryption.html
  109. # 3. Enable Amazon S3 server access logging
  110. # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/ServerLogs.html
  111. server_access_logs_bucket = None
  112. if self.node.try_get_context('disable_access_log') != 'true':
  113. server_access_logs_bucket = s3.Bucket.from_bucket_name(
  114. self,
  115. f'{self._project_name}-{self._feature_name}-ImportedAccessLogsBucket',
  116. Fn.import_value(f"{self._project_name}:ServerAccessLogsBucket")
  117. )
  118. # Auto cleanup bucket and data if requested
  119. _remove_storage = self.node.try_get_context('remove_all_storage_on_destroy') == 'true'
  120. _removal_policy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY if _remove_storage else RemovalPolicy.RETAIN
  121. example_bucket = s3.Bucket(
  122. self,
  123. f'{self._project_name}-{self._feature_name}-Example-S3bucket',
  124. auto_delete_objects=_remove_storage,
  125. block_public_access=s3.BlockPublicAccess.BLOCK_ALL,
  126. encryption=s3.BucketEncryption.S3_MANAGED,
  127. removal_policy=_removal_policy,
  128. server_access_logs_bucket=
  129. server_access_logs_bucket if server_access_logs_bucket else None,
  130. server_access_logs_prefix=
  131. f'{self._project_name}-{self._feature_name}-{self.region}-AccessLogs' if server_access_logs_bucket else None
  132. )
  133. s3_deployment.BucketDeployment(
  134. self,
  135. f'{self._project_name}-{self._feature_name}-S3bucket-Deployment',
  136. destination_bucket=example_bucket,
  137. sources=[
  138. s3_deployment.Source.asset('example/s3_content')
  139. ],
  140. retain_on_delete=False
  141. )
  142. return example_bucket
  143. def __create_example_lambda(self) -> lambda_.Function:
  144. # create lambda function
  145. function = lambda_.Function(
  146. self,
  147. f'{self._project_name}-{self._feature_name}-Lambda-Function',
  148. runtime=lambda_.Runtime.PYTHON_3_9,
  149. handler="lambda-handler.main",
  150. code=lambda_.Code.from_asset(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'lambda'))
  151. )
  152. return function
  153. def __create_dynamodb_table(self) -> dynamo.Table:
  154. # create dynamo table
  155. # NB: CDK does not support seeding data, see simple table_seeder.py
  156. demo_table = dynamo.Table(
  157. self,
  158. f'{self._project_name}-{self._feature_name}-Table',
  159. partition_key=dynamo.Attribute(
  160. name="id",
  161. type=dynamo.AttributeType.STRING
  162. )
  163. )
  164. # Auto-delete the table when requested
  165. if self.node.try_get_context('remove_all_storage_on_destroy') == 'true':
  166. demo_table.apply_removal_policy(RemovalPolicy.DESTROY)
  167. return demo_table
  168. def __create_outputs(self) -> None:
  169. # Define exports
  170. # Export resource group
  171. self._s3_output = CfnOutput(
  172. self,
  173. id=f'ExampleBucketOutput',
  174. description='An example S3 bucket name to use with AWSCore ScriptBehaviors',
  175. export_name=f"{self.stack_name}:ExampleS3Bucket",
  176. value=self._s3_bucket.bucket_name)
  177. # Define exports
  178. # Export resource group
  179. self._lambda_output = CfnOutput(
  180. self,
  181. id=f'ExampleLambdaOutput',
  182. description='An example Lambda name to use with AWSCore ScriptBehaviors',
  183. export_name=f"{self.stack_name}::ExampleLambdaFunction",
  184. value=self._lambda.function_name)
  185. # Export DynamoDB Table
  186. self._table_output = CfnOutput(
  187. self,
  188. id=f'ExampleDynamoTableOutput',
  189. description='An example DynamoDB Table name to use with AWSCore ScriptBehaviors',
  190. export_name=f"{self.stack_name}:ExampleTable",
  191. value=self._table.table_name)
  192. # Export user policy
  193. self._user_policy = CfnOutput(
  194. self,
  195. id=f'ExampleUserPolicyOutput',
  196. description='A User policy to invoke example resources',
  197. export_name=f"{self.stack_name}:ExampleUserPolicy",
  198. value=self._policy.managed_policy_arn)