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  1. """
  2. Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
  3. For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
  4. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
  5. """
  6. from constructs import Construct
  7. from aws_cdk import (
  8. CfnOutput,
  9. Stack,
  10. aws_iam as iam
  11. )
  12. class AuthPolicy:
  13. """
  14. Creator of auth policies related for the example stack
  15. """
  16. def __init__(self, context: Construct):
  17. self._context = context
  18. self._policy_output = None
  19. def generate_user_policy(self, stack: Stack) -> None:
  20. """
  21. Generate require role policy for calling resources created in the stack.
  22. Currently, all resources use grant_access to groups so no direct policy
  23. is generated.
  24. :param stack: The stack to use to generate the policy for
  25. :return: The created Admin IAM managed policy.
  26. """
  27. return None
  28. def generate_admin_policy(self, stack: Stack) -> iam.ManagedPolicy:
  29. """
  30. Generate required role policy for calling service / using resources.
  31. :param stack: The stack to use to generate the policy for
  32. :return: The created Admin IAM managed policy.
  33. """
  34. policy_id = f'CoreExampleAdminPolicy'
  35. policy_statements = []
  36. # Add permissions to describe stacks and resources
  37. stack_statement = iam.PolicyStatement(
  38. actions=[
  39. "cloudformation:DescribeStackResources",
  40. "cloudformation:DescribeStackResource",
  41. "cloudformation:ListStackResources"
  42. ],
  43. effect=iam.Effect.ALLOW,
  44. resources=[
  45. f"arn:{stack.partition}:cloudformation:{stack.region}:{stack.account}:stack/{stack.stack_name}"
  46. ],
  47. sid="ReadDeploymentStacks",
  48. )
  49. policy_statements.append(stack_statement)
  50. policy = iam.ManagedPolicy(
  51. self._context,
  52. policy_id,
  53. managed_policy_name=f'{stack.stack_name}-AdminPolicy',
  54. statements=policy_statements)
  55. self._policy_output = CfnOutput(
  56. self._context,
  57. id=f'{policy_id}AdminOutput',
  58. description='Admin user policy arn to work with resources',
  59. export_name=f"{stack.stack_name}:{policy_id}",
  60. value=policy.managed_policy_arn)
  61. return policy