TestSuite_Sandbox.py 9.2 KB

  1. """
  2. Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
  3. For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
  4. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
  5. """
  6. import pytest
  7. import os
  8. import sys
  9. from ly_test_tools import LAUNCHERS
  10. sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/../automatedtesting_shared')
  11. from base import TestAutomationBase
  12. import ly_test_tools.environment.file_system as file_system
  13. import hydra_test_utils as hydra
  14. TEST_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(__file__)
  15. @pytest.mark.SUITE_sandbox
  16. @pytest.mark.parametrize("launcher_platform", ['windows_editor'])
  17. @pytest.mark.parametrize("project", ["AutomatedTesting"])
  18. class TestAutomation(TestAutomationBase):
  19. def test_Opening_Closing_Pane(self, request, workspace, editor, launcher_platform):
  20. from . import Opening_Closing_Pane as test_module
  21. self._run_test(request, workspace, editor, test_module)
  22. @pytest.mark.REQUIRES_gpu
  23. @pytest.mark.SUITE_sandbox
  24. @pytest.mark.parametrize("launcher_platform", ['windows_editor'])
  25. @pytest.mark.parametrize("project", ["AutomatedTesting"])
  26. class TestAutomationQtPyTests(TestAutomationBase):
  27. def test_VariableManager_ExposeVarsToComponent(self, request, workspace, editor, launcher_platform):
  28. from . import VariableManager_ExposeVarsToComponent as test_module
  29. self._run_test(request, workspace, editor, test_module)
  30. @pytest.mark.REQUIRES_gpu
  31. @pytest.mark.SUITE_sandbox
  32. @pytest.mark.parametrize("launcher_platform", ['windows_editor'])
  33. @pytest.mark.parametrize("project", ["AutomatedTesting"])
  34. class TestAutomation(TestAutomationBase):
  35. def test_ScriptEvent_HappyPath_CreatedWithoutError(self, request, workspace, editor, launcher_platform, project):
  36. def teardown():
  37. file_system.delete(
  38. [os.path.join(workspace.paths.project(), "ScriptCanvas", "test_file.scriptevent")], True, True
  39. )
  40. request.addfinalizer(teardown)
  41. file_system.delete(
  42. [os.path.join(workspace.paths.project(), "ScriptCanvas", "test_file.scriptevent")], True, True
  43. )
  44. from . import ScriptEvent_HappyPath_CreatedWithoutError as test_module
  45. self._run_test(request, workspace, editor, test_module)
  46. @pytest.mark.SUITE_sandbox
  47. @pytest.mark.parametrize("launcher_platform", ["windows_editor"])
  48. @pytest.mark.parametrize("project", ["AutomatedTesting"])
  49. class TestScriptCanvasTests(object):
  50. """
  51. The following tests use hydra_test_utils.py to launch the editor and validate the results.
  52. """
  53. def test_ScriptEvent_AddRemoveMethod_UpdatesInSC(self, request, workspace, editor, launcher_platform):
  54. expected_lines = [
  55. "Node found in Node Palette",
  56. "Method removed from scriptevent file",
  57. ]
  58. hydra.launch_and_validate_results(
  59. request,
  61. editor,
  62. "ScriptEvent_AddRemoveMethod_UpdatesInSC.py",
  63. expected_lines,
  64. auto_test_mode=False,
  65. timeout=60,
  66. )
  67. def test_NodeCategory_ExpandOnClick(self, request, editor, launcher_platform):
  68. expected_lines = [
  69. "Script Canvas pane successfully opened",
  70. "Category expanded on left click",
  71. "Category collapsed on left click",
  72. "Category expanded on double click",
  73. "Category collapsed on double click",
  74. ]
  75. hydra.launch_and_validate_results(
  76. request,
  78. editor,
  79. "NodeCategory_ExpandOnClick.py",
  80. expected_lines,
  81. auto_test_mode=False,
  82. timeout=60,
  83. )
  84. def test_Node_HappyPath_DuplicateNode(self, request, editor, launcher_platform):
  85. expected_lines = [
  86. "Successfully duplicated node",
  87. ]
  88. hydra.launch_and_validate_results(
  89. request,
  91. editor,
  92. "Node_HappyPath_DuplicateNode.py",
  93. expected_lines,
  94. auto_test_mode=False,
  95. timeout=60,
  96. )
  97. def test_ScriptEvent_AddRemoveParameter_ActionsSuccessful(self, request, editor, launcher_platform):
  98. expected_lines = [
  99. "Success: New Script Event created",
  100. "Success: Child Event created",
  101. "Success: Successfully saved event asset",
  102. "Success: Successfully added parameter",
  103. "Success: Successfully removed parameter",
  104. ]
  105. hydra.launch_and_validate_results(
  106. request,
  108. editor,
  109. "ScriptEvent_AddRemoveParameter_ActionsSuccessful.py",
  110. expected_lines,
  111. auto_test_mode=False,
  112. timeout=60,
  113. )
  114. def test_ScriptEvents_AllParamDatatypes_CreationSuccess(self, request, workspace, editor, launcher_platform):
  115. def teardown():
  116. file_system.delete(
  117. [os.path.join(workspace.paths.project(), "TestAssets", "test_file.scriptevents")], True, True
  118. )
  119. request.addfinalizer(teardown)
  120. file_system.delete(
  121. [os.path.join(workspace.paths.project(), "TestAssets", "test_file.scriptevents")], True, True
  122. )
  123. expected_lines = [
  124. "Success: New Script Event created",
  125. "Success: Child Event created",
  126. "Success: New parameters added",
  127. "Success: Script event file saved",
  128. "Success: Node found in Script Canvas",
  129. ]
  130. hydra.launch_and_validate_results(
  131. request,
  133. editor,
  134. "ScriptEvents_AllParamDatatypes_CreationSuccess.py",
  135. expected_lines,
  136. auto_test_mode=False,
  137. timeout=60,
  138. )
  139. def test_FileMenu_Default_NewAndOpen(self, request, editor, launcher_platform):
  140. expected_lines = [
  141. "Verified no tabs open: True",
  142. "New tab opened successfully: True",
  143. "Open file window triggered successfully: True"
  144. ]
  145. hydra.launch_and_validate_results(
  146. request,
  148. editor,
  149. "FileMenu_Default_NewAndOpen.py",
  150. expected_lines,
  151. auto_test_mode=False,
  152. timeout=60,
  153. )
  154. def test_NewScriptEventButton_HappyPath_ContainsSCCategory(self, request, editor, launcher_platform):
  155. expected_lines = [
  156. "New Script event action found: True",
  157. "Asset Editor opened: True",
  158. "Asset Editor created with new asset: True",
  159. "New Script event created in Asset Editor: True",
  160. ]
  161. hydra.launch_and_validate_results(
  162. request,
  164. editor,
  165. "NewScriptEventButton_HappyPath_ContainsSCCategory.py",
  166. expected_lines,
  167. auto_test_mode=False,
  168. timeout=60,
  169. )
  170. def test_GraphClose_Default_SavePrompt(self, request, editor, launcher_platform):
  171. expected_lines = [
  172. "New graph created: True",
  173. "Save prompt opened as expected: True",
  174. "Close button worked as expected: True",
  175. ]
  176. hydra.launch_and_validate_results(
  177. request,
  179. editor,
  180. "GraphClose_Default_SavePrompt.py",
  181. expected_lines,
  182. auto_test_mode=False,
  183. timeout=160,
  184. )
  185. def test_VariableManager_Default_CreateDeleteVars(self, request, editor, launcher_platform):
  186. var_types = ["Boolean", "Color", "EntityId", "Number", "String", "Transform", "Vector2", "Vector3", "Vector4"]
  187. expected_lines = [f"{var_type} variable is created: True" for var_type in var_types]
  188. expected_lines.extend([f"{var_type} variable is deleted: True" for var_type in var_types])
  189. hydra.launch_and_validate_results(
  190. request,
  192. editor,
  193. "VariableManager_Default_CreateDeleteVars.py",
  194. expected_lines,
  195. auto_test_mode=False,
  196. timeout=60,
  197. )
  198. @pytest.mark.parametrize(
  199. "config",
  200. [
  201. {
  202. "cfg_args": "before_restart",
  203. "expected_lines": [
  204. "All the test panes are opened: True",
  205. "Test pane 1 is closed: True",
  206. "Location of test pane 2 changed successfully: True",
  207. "Test pane 3 resized successfully: True",
  208. ],
  209. },
  210. {
  211. "cfg_args": "after_restart",
  212. "expected_lines": [
  213. "Test pane retained its visiblity on Editor restart: True",
  214. "Test pane retained its location on Editor restart: True",
  215. "Test pane retained its size on Editor restart: True",
  216. ],
  217. },
  218. ],
  219. )
  220. def test_Pane_PropertiesChanged_RetainsOnRestart(self, request, editor, config, project, launcher_platform):
  221. hydra.launch_and_validate_results(
  222. request,
  224. editor,
  225. "Pane_PropertiesChanged_RetainsOnRestart.py",
  226. config.get('expected_lines'),
  227. cfg_args=[config.get('cfg_args')],
  228. auto_test_mode=False,
  229. timeout=60,
  230. )