3.5 KB

  1. """
  2. Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
  3. For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
  4. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
  5. """
  6. # fmt: off
  7. class Tests:
  8. enter_game_mode = ("Successfully entered game mode", "Failed to enter game mode")
  9. lines_found = ("Successfully found expected message", "Failed to find expected message")
  10. exit_game_mode = ("Successfully exited game mode", "Failed to exit game mode")
  11. # fmt: on
  12. def ScriptEvents_HappyPath_SendReceiveAcrossMultiple():
  13. """
  14. Summary:
  15. EntityA and EntityB will be created in a level. Attached to both will be a Script Canvas component.
  16. The Script Event created for the test will be sent from EntityA to EntityB.
  17. Expected Behavior:
  18. The output of the Script Event should be printed to the console
  19. Test Steps:
  20. 1) Create test level
  21. 2) Create EntityA/EntityB (add scriptcanvas files part of entity setup)
  22. 3) Enter Game Mode
  23. 4) Read for line
  24. 5) Exit Game Mode
  25. Note:
  26. - Any passed and failed tests are written to the Editor.log file.
  27. Parsing the file or running a log_monitor are required to observe the test results.
  28. :return: None
  29. """
  30. import os
  31. import azlmbr.math as math
  32. from editor_python_test_tools.editor_entity_utils import EditorEntity
  33. from editor_python_test_tools.editor_component.editor_script_canvas import ScriptCanvasComponent
  34. from editor_python_test_tools.utils import TestHelper as TestHelper
  35. from editor_python_test_tools.utils import Report, Tracer
  36. import azlmbr.legacy.general as general
  37. import azlmbr.paths as paths
  38. import scripting_utils.scripting_tools as scripting_tools
  39. from scripting_utils.scripting_constants import (WAIT_TIME_3)
  40. ASSET_PREFIX = "T92567321"
  41. asset_paths = {
  42. "event": os.path.join(paths.projectroot, "TestAssets", f"{ASSET_PREFIX}.scriptevents"),
  43. "assetA": os.path.join(paths.projectroot, "ScriptCanvas", f"{ASSET_PREFIX}A.scriptcanvas"),
  44. "assetB": os.path.join(paths.projectroot, "ScriptCanvas", f"{ASSET_PREFIX}B.scriptcanvas"),
  45. }
  46. ENTITY_NAME_FILEPATH_MAP = {"EntityA": asset_paths["assetA"], "EntityB": asset_paths["assetB"]}
  47. EXPECTED_LINES = ["Incoming Message Received"]
  48. position = math.Vector3(512.0, 512.0, 32.0)
  49. # Preconditions
  50. general.idle_enable(True)
  51. # 1) Create temp level
  52. TestHelper.open_level("", "Base")
  53. # 2) Create EntityA/EntityB
  54. for key_name in ENTITY_NAME_FILEPATH_MAP.keys():
  55. editor_entity = EditorEntity.create_editor_entity_at(position, key_name)
  56. scriptcanvas_component = ScriptCanvasComponent(editor_entity)
  57. scriptcanvas_component.set_component_graph_file_from_path(ENTITY_NAME_FILEPATH_MAP[key_name])
  58. TestHelper.wait_for_condition(lambda: editor_entity is not None, WAIT_TIME_3)
  59. with Tracer() as section_tracer:
  60. # 3) Enter Game Mode
  61. TestHelper.enter_game_mode(Tests.enter_game_mode)
  62. # 4) Read for line
  63. lines_located = TestHelper.wait_for_condition(
  64. lambda: scripting_tools.located_expected_tracer_lines(section_tracer, EXPECTED_LINES), WAIT_TIME_3)
  65. Report.result(Tests.lines_found, lines_located)
  66. # 5) Exit Game Mode
  67. TestHelper.exit_game_mode(Tests.exit_game_mode)
  68. if __name__ == "__main__":
  69. import ImportPathHelper as imports
  70. imports.init()
  71. from utils import Report
  72. Report.start_test(ScriptEvents_HappyPath_SendReceiveAcrossMultiple)