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  1. """
  2. Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
  3. For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
  4. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
  5. """
  6. # Import builtin libraries
  7. import pytest
  8. import logging
  9. import os
  10. import json
  11. # Import fixtures
  12. from ..ap_fixtures.asset_processor_fixture import asset_processor as asset_processor
  13. from ..ap_fixtures.ap_setup_fixture import ap_setup_fixture as ap_setup_fixture
  14. # Import LyShared
  15. import ly_test_tools.o3de.pipeline_utils as utils
  16. # Use the following logging pattern to hook all test logging together:
  17. logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  18. # Configuring the logging is done in ly_test_tools at the following location:
  19. # ~/dev/Tools/LyTestTools/ly_test_tools/log/
  20. @pytest.fixture
  21. def local_resources(request, workspace, ap_setup_fixture):
  22. ap_setup_fixture["tests_dir"] = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
  23. @pytest.mark.usefixtures("asset_processor")
  24. @pytest.mark.usefixtures("ap_setup_fixture")
  25. @pytest.mark.usefixtures("local_resources")
  26. @pytest.mark.parametrize("project", ["AutomatedTesting"])
  27. @pytest.mark.SUITE_main
  28. class TestsPythonAssetProcessing_APBatch(object):
  29. @property
  30. def asset_processor_extra_params(self):
  31. return [
  32. # Disabling Atom assets disables most products, using the debugOutput flag ensures one product is output.
  33. "--debugOutput",
  34. # By default, if job priorities are equal, jobs run in an arbitrary order. This makes sure
  35. # jobs are run by sorting on the database source name, so they run in the same order each time
  36. # when this test is run.
  37. "--sortJobsByDBSourceName",
  38. # Disabling Atom products means this asset won't need a lot of source dependencies to be processed,
  39. # keeping the scope of this test down.
  40. "--regset=\"/O3DE/SceneAPI/AssetImporter/SkipAtomOutput=true\"",
  41. # The bug this regression test happened when the same builder processed FBX files with and without Python.
  42. # This flag ensures that only one builder is launched, so that situation can be replicated.
  43. "--regset=\"/Amazon/AssetProcessor/Settings/Jobs/maxJobs=1\""]
  44. def test_ProcessAssetWithoutScriptAfterAssetWithScript_ScriptOnlyRunsOnExpectedAsset(self, workspace, ap_setup_fixture, asset_processor):
  45. # This is a regression test. The situation it's testing is, the Python script to run
  46. # defined in scene manifest files was persisting in a single builder. So if
  47. # that builder processed file a.fbx, then b.fbx, and a.fbx has a Python script to run,
  48. # it was also running that Python script on b.fbx.
  49. asset_processor.prepare_test_environment(ap_setup_fixture["tests_dir"], "TwoSceneFiles_OneWithPythonOneWithout_PythonOnlyRunsOnFirstScene")
  50. result, _ = asset_processor.batch_process(extra_params=self.asset_processor_extra_params)
  51. assert result, "AP Batch failed"
  52. expected_product_list = [
  53. "a_simple_box_with_script.fbx.dbgsg",
  54. "b_simple_box_no_script.fbx.dbgsg"
  55. ]
  56. missing_assets, _ = utils.compare_assets_with_cache(expected_product_list,
  57. asset_processor.project_test_cache_folder())
  58. assert not missing_assets, f'The following assets were expected to be in, but not found in cache: {str(missing_assets)}'
  59. # The Python script loaded in the scene manifest will write a log file with the source file's name
  60. # to the temp folder. This is the easiest way to have the internal Python there communicate with this test.
  61. expected_path = os.path.join(asset_processor.project_test_source_folder(), "a_simple_box_with_script_fbx.log")
  62. unexpected_path = os.path.join(asset_processor.project_test_source_folder(), "b_simple_box_no_script_fbx.log")
  63. # Simple check to make sure the Python script in the scene manifest ran on the file it should have ran on.
  64. assert os.path.exists(expected_path), f"Did not find expected output test asset {expected_path}"
  65. # If this test fails here, it means the Python script from the first processed FBX file is being run
  66. # on the second FBX file, when it should not be.
  67. assert not os.path.exists(unexpected_path), f"Found unexpected output test asset {unexpected_path}"
  68. def find_user_defined_property(self, filename: str, text: str):
  69. # find the user defined property pattern in a file
  70. with open(filename) as f:
  71. content = f.readlines()
  72. for line in content:
  73. if line.rstrip().endswith(text):
  74. return True
  75. return False
  76. def compute_udp_asset_debug_file(self, workspace, asset_processor, debug_filename, ap_setup_fixture):
  77. asset_folder_name = 'UserDefinedProperties'
  78. return self.compute_asset_debug_file(workspace, asset_processor, debug_filename, asset_folder_name, ap_setup_fixture)
  79. def compute_asset_debug_file(self, workspace, asset_processor, debug_filename, folder_name, ap_setup_fixture):
  80. # computes the file name of the debug file for a UserDefinedProperties test file
  81. asset_processor.prepare_test_environment(ap_setup_fixture["tests_dir"], folder_name)
  82. result, _ = asset_processor.batch_process(extra_params=self.asset_processor_extra_params)
  83. assert result, "AP Batch failed"
  84. # compute the cache path
  85. cache_folder = asset_processor.project_test_cache_folder()
  86. # compute the file name to the debug file
  87. asset_debug_filename = os.path.join(cache_folder, debug_filename)
  88. if os.path.isfile(asset_debug_filename) == False:
  89. raise Exception(f"Missing file {asset_debug_filename}")
  90. return asset_debug_filename
  91. def test_ProcessSceneWithMetadata_SupportedMayaDataTypes_Work(self, workspace, ap_setup_fixture, asset_processor):
  92. # This test loads the debug output file for an FBX exported by Maya that has a few user defined properties
  93. asset_dbgsg = 'maya_with_attributes.fbx.dbgsg'
  94. dbgsg_file = self.compute_udp_asset_debug_file(workspace, asset_processor, asset_dbgsg, ap_setup_fixture)
  95. assert self.find_user_defined_property(dbgsg_file, 'o3de_atom_lod: false'), "Malformed o3de_atom_lod value"
  96. assert self.find_user_defined_property(dbgsg_file, 'o3de_atom_material: 0'), "Malformed o3de_atom_material value"
  97. assert self.find_user_defined_property(dbgsg_file, 'o3de_default_lod: 0.000000'), "Malformed o3de_default_lod value"
  98. assert self.find_user_defined_property(dbgsg_file, 'o3de_default_material: gem/sponza/assets/objects/sponza_mat_bricks.azmaterial'), "Malformed o3de_default_material value"
  99. def test_ProcessSceneWithMetadata_SupportedMaxDataTypes_Work(self, workspace, ap_setup_fixture, asset_processor):
  100. # This test loads the debug output file for an FBX exported by Max that has a few user defined properties
  101. asset_dbgsg = 'max_with_attributes.fbx.dbgsg'
  102. dbgsg_file = self.compute_udp_asset_debug_file(workspace, asset_processor, asset_dbgsg, ap_setup_fixture)
  103. assert self.find_user_defined_property(dbgsg_file, 'o3de_atom_material: 0'), "Malformed o3de_atom_material value"
  104. assert self.find_user_defined_property(dbgsg_file, 'o3de_phyx_lodY: 0.000000'), "Malformed o3de_phyx_lodY value"
  105. assert self.find_user_defined_property(dbgsg_file, 'o3de_default_lod: 0.000000'), "Malformed o3de_default_lod value"
  106. assert self.find_user_defined_property(dbgsg_file, 'o3de_atom_lod: false'), "Malformed o3de_atom_lod value"
  107. assert self.find_user_defined_property(dbgsg_file, 'o3de_default_material: gem/sponza/assets/objects/sponza_mat_bricks.azmaterial'), "Malformed o3de_default_material value"
  108. def test_ProcessSceneWithMetadata_SupportedBlenderDataTypes_Work(self, workspace, ap_setup_fixture, asset_processor):
  109. # This test loads the debug output file for an FBX exported by Blender that has a few user defined properties
  110. asset_dbgsg = 'blender_with_attributes.fbx.dbgsg'
  111. dbgsg_file = self.compute_udp_asset_debug_file(workspace, asset_processor, asset_dbgsg, ap_setup_fixture)
  112. assert self.find_user_defined_property(dbgsg_file, 'o3de_atom_material: 0'), "Malformed o3de_atom_material value"
  113. assert self.find_user_defined_property(dbgsg_file, 'o3de_default_lod: 0.000000'), "Malformed o3de_default_lod value"
  114. assert self.find_user_defined_property(dbgsg_file, 'o3de_default_material: gem/sponza/assets/objects/sponza_mat_bricks.azmaterial'), "Malformed o3de_default_material value"
  115. assert self.find_user_defined_property(dbgsg_file, 'o3de_atom_lod: 0'), "Malformed o3de_atom_lod value"
  116. def test_ProcessSceneWithMetadata_DebugSceneManifest_Work(self, workspace, ap_setup_fixture, asset_processor):
  117. # This test detects the debug .assetinfo file in the cahce folder
  118. assetinfo_dbg = 'blender_with_attributes.fbx.assetinfo.dbg'
  119. assetinfo_dbg_file = self.compute_udp_asset_debug_file(workspace, asset_processor, assetinfo_dbg, ap_setup_fixture)
  120. assert assetinfo_dbg_file, "The debug assetinfo file is missing"
  121. def test_ProcessSceneWithCommonParent_DefaultMeshGroups_Work(self, workspace, ap_setup_fixture, asset_processor):
  122. # This test validates that the correct meshes are included and excluded in the default mesh groups
  123. # of a scene containing mesh nodes that have a common parent transform node
  124. assetinfo_dbg_list = {
  125. "blender_with_common_parent.fbx.assetinfo.dbg",
  126. "maya_with_common_parent.fbx.assetinfo.dbg"
  127. }
  128. expected_mesh_nodes = {
  129. "RootNode.AstroVAC v10.CPU:1.CPU1.CUPCase",
  130. "RootNode.AstroVAC v10.CPU:1.CPU1.CPUUserDoor",
  131. "RootNode.AstroVAC v10.CPU:1.CPU1.CPUCover"
  132. }
  133. for assetinfo_dbg in assetinfo_dbg_list:
  134. asset_folder_name = 'MeshGroups'
  135. assetinfo_dbg_file = self.compute_asset_debug_file(workspace, asset_processor, assetinfo_dbg, asset_folder_name, ap_setup_fixture)
  136. assert assetinfo_dbg_file, "The debug assetinfo file is missing"
  137. with open(assetinfo_dbg_file, 'r') as file :
  138. filedata =
  139. dgb_dict = json.loads(filedata)
  140. found_mesh_nodes = set()
  141. # Check that each default mesh group contains one of the expected mesh nodes in its selected
  142. # node list and has the rest of the expected mesh nodes in its unselected node list
  143. groups = dgb_dict['values']
  144. for group in groups:
  145. if 'MeshGroup' in group.get('$type', str()) and group.get('name', str()).startswith('default_'):
  146. selection_lists = group.get('nodeSelectionList')
  147. selected_node_list = selection_lists.get('selectedNodes', [])
  148. assert len(selected_node_list) == 1, "Selected node list does not contain exactly one mesh"
  149. current_set = expected_mesh_nodes.copy()
  150. current_set.remove(selected_node_list[0])
  151. unselected_node_list = selection_lists.get('unselectedNodes', [])
  152. assert current_set == set(unselected_node_list), "Unselected node list does not contain the correct meshes"
  153. found_mesh_nodes.add(selected_node_list[0])
  154. assert found_mesh_nodes == expected_mesh_nodes, "Not all expected mesh groups found"
  155. def test_ProcessAssetScript_SimpleFbx_HasExpectedProducts(self, workspace, ap_setup_fixture, asset_processor):
  156. # This tests all of the entry points a scene builder can script:
  157. # - OnUpdateManifest() returns a JSON string to use as the scene manifest; this must succeed to continue the scene pipe
  158. # - OnPrepareForExport() returns an export product list; this test should produce a simple.fbx.fake_asset export product
  159. asset_processor.prepare_test_environment(ap_setup_fixture["tests_dir"], "script_basics")
  160. result, _ = asset_processor.batch_process(extra_params=self.asset_processor_extra_params)
  161. assert result, "AP Batch failed"
  162. expected_product_list = [
  163. "simple.fbx.fake_asset"
  164. ]
  165. missing_assets, _ = utils.compare_assets_with_cache(expected_product_list, asset_processor.project_test_cache_folder())
  166. assert not missing_assets, f'The following assets were expected to be in, but not found in cache: {str(missing_assets)}'