123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378 |
- """
- Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- """
- import math
- from editor_python_test_tools.editor_entity_utils import EditorEntity
- from editor_python_test_tools.prefab_utils import Prefab
- from editor_python_test_tools.wait_utils import PrefabWaiter
- from editor_python_test_tools.utils import Report
- from editor_python_test_tools.utils import TestHelper as helper
- import azlmbr.bus as bus
- import azlmbr.editor as editor
- import azlmbr.entity as entity
- import azlmbr.legacy.general as general
- import azlmbr.globals as globals
- def get_linear_nested_items_name(nested_items_name_prefix, current_level):
- return f"{nested_items_name_prefix}{current_level}"
- def create_linear_nested_entities(nested_entities_name_prefix, level_count, pos, parent_id=None):
- """
- This is a helper function which helps create nested entities
- where each nested entity has only one child entity at most. For example:
- Entity_0
- |- Entity_1
- | |- Entity_2
- ...
- :param nested_entities_name_prefix: Name prefix which will be used to generate names of newly created nested entities.
- :param level_count: Number of levels which the newly constructed nested entities will have.
- :param pos: The position where the nested entities will be.
- :param parent_id: EntityId of the intended parent to the root entity
- :return: Root of the newly created nested entities.
- """
- assert level_count > 0, "Can't create nested entities with less than one level"
- current_entity = EditorEntity.create_editor_entity_at(
- pos, name=get_linear_nested_items_name(nested_entities_name_prefix, 0), parent_id=parent_id)
- root_entity = current_entity
- for current_level in range(1, level_count):
- current_entity = EditorEntity.create_editor_entity(
- parent_id=current_entity.id, name=get_linear_nested_items_name(nested_entities_name_prefix, current_level))
- return root_entity
- def validate_linear_nested_entities(nested_entities_root, expected_level_count, expected_pos):
- """
- This is a helper function which helps validate linear nested entities
- created by helper function create_linear_nested_entities.
- :param nested_entities_root: Root of nested entities created by create_linear_nested_entities.
- :param expected_level_count: Number of levels which target nested entities should have.
- :param expected_pos: The position where target nested entities should be.
- """
- assert expected_level_count > 0, "Can't validate nested entities with less than one layer"
- assert nested_entities_root.get_parent_id().IsValid(), \
- "Root of nested entities should have a valid parent entity"
- current_entity = nested_entities_root
- level_count = 1
- while True:
- assert current_entity.id.IsValid(), f"Entity '{current_entity.get_name()}' is not valid"
- current_entity_pos = current_entity.get_world_translation()
- assert current_entity_pos.IsClose(expected_pos), \
- f"Entity '{current_entity.get_name()}' position '{current_entity_pos.ToString()}' " \
- f"is not located at expected position '{expected_pos.ToString()}'"
- child_entities = current_entity.get_children()
- if len(child_entities) == 0:
- break
- assert len(child_entities) == 1, \
- f"These entities are not linearly nested. Entity '{current_entity.get_name}' has {len(child_entities)} child entities"
- level_count += 1
- child_entity = child_entities[0]
- assert child_entity.get_parent_id() == current_entity.id, \
- f"Entity '{child_entity.get_name()}' should be under entity '{current_entity.get_name()}'"
- current_entity = child_entity
- assert level_count == expected_level_count, \
- f"Number of levels of nested entities should be {expected_level_count}, not {level_count}"
- def create_linear_nested_prefabs(entities, nested_prefabs_file_name_prefix, nested_prefabs_instance_name_prefix, level_count):
- """
- This is a helper function which helps create nested prefabs
- where each nested prefab has only one child prefab at most. For example:
- Prefab_0
- |- Prefab_1
- | |- Prefab_2
- | | |- TestEntity
- ...
- :param entities: Entities which the nested prefabs will be built from.
- :param nested_prefabs_file_name_prefix: Name prefix which will be used to generate file names of newly created nested prefabs.
- :param level_count: Number of levels the newly constructed nested prefabs will have.
- :param nested_prefabs_instance_name_prefix: Name prefix which will be used to generate names of newly created nested prefab instances.
- :return: A list of created nested prefabs and a list of created nested prefab instances. Ordered from top to bottom.
- """
- assert level_count > 0, "Can't create nested prefabs with less than one level"
- created_prefabs = []
- created_prefab_instances = []
- for current_level in range(0, level_count):
- current_prefab, current_prefab_instance = Prefab.create_prefab(
- entities, get_linear_nested_items_name(nested_prefabs_file_name_prefix, current_level),
- prefab_instance_name=get_linear_nested_items_name(nested_prefabs_instance_name_prefix, current_level))
- created_prefabs.append(current_prefab)
- created_prefab_instances.append(current_prefab_instance)
- entities = current_prefab_instance.get_direct_child_entities()
- # Focus on the newly created prefab instance before next creation to perform a prefab edit rather than override edit.
- current_prefab_instance.container_entity.focus_on_owning_prefab()
- # Switch focus back on the originally focused instance.
- parent_entity = EditorEntity(created_prefab_instances[0].container_entity.get_parent_id())
- parent_entity.focus_on_owning_prefab()
- return created_prefabs, created_prefab_instances
- def validate_linear_nested_prefab_instances_hierarchy(nested_prefab_instances):
- """
- This is a helper function which helps validate linear nested prefabs
- created by helper function create_linear_nested_prefabs.
- :param nested_prefab_instances: A list of nested prefab instances created by create_linear_nested_prefabs. Ordered from top to bottom.
- """
- if len(nested_prefab_instances) == 0:
- return
- nested_prefab_instances_root = nested_prefab_instances[0]
- assert nested_prefab_instances_root.container_entity.get_parent_id().IsValid(), \
- "Root of nested prefabs should have a valid parent entity"
- parent_prefab_instance = nested_prefab_instances_root
- for current_level in range(0, len(nested_prefab_instances) - 1):
- current_prefab_instance = nested_prefab_instances[current_level]
- current_prefab_instance_container_entity = current_prefab_instance.container_entity
- assert current_prefab_instance_container_entity.id.IsValid(), \
- f"Prefab '{current_prefab_instance_container_entity.get_name()}' is not valid"
- direct_child_entities = current_prefab_instance.get_direct_child_entities()
- assert len(direct_child_entities) == 1, \
- f"These prefab instances are not linearly nested. " \
- f"Entity '{current_entity.get_name}' has {len(direct_child_entities)} direct child entities"
- direct_child_entity = direct_child_entities[0]
- inner_prefab_instance = nested_prefab_instances[current_level + 1]
- inner_prefab_instance_container_entity = inner_prefab_instance.container_entity
- assert direct_child_entity.id == inner_prefab_instance_container_entity.id, \
- f"Direct child entity of prefab '{current_prefab_instance_container_entity.get_name()}' " \
- f"should be prefab '{inner_prefab_instance_container_entity.get_name()}', " \
- f"not '{direct_child_entity.get_name()}'."
- assert inner_prefab_instance_container_entity.get_parent_id() == current_prefab_instance_container_entity.id, \
- f"Prefab '{inner_prefab_instance_container_entity.get_name()}' should be the inner prefab of " \
- f"prefab '{current_prefab_instance_container_entity.get_name()}'"
- most_inner_prefab_instance = nested_prefab_instances[-1]
- most_inner_prefab_instance_container_entity = most_inner_prefab_instance.container_entity
- assert most_inner_prefab_instance_container_entity.id.IsValid(), \
- f"Prefab '{most_inner_prefab_instance_container_entity.get_name()}' is not valid"
- direct_child_entities = most_inner_prefab_instance.get_direct_child_entities()
- for entity in direct_child_entities:
- assert entity.get_parent_id() == most_inner_prefab_instance_container_entity.id, \
- f"Entity '{entity.get_name()}' should be under prefab '{most_inner_prefab_instance_container_entity.get_name()}'"
- def check_entity_children_count(entity_id, expected_children_count):
- entity_children_count_matched_result = (
- "Entity with a unique name found",
- "Entity with a unique name *not* found")
- entity = EditorEntity(entity_id)
- children_entity_ids = entity.get_children_ids()
- entity_children_count_matched = len(children_entity_ids) == expected_children_count
- Report.result(entity_children_count_matched_result, entity_children_count_matched)
- if not entity_children_count_matched:
- Report.info(f"Entity '{entity_id.ToString()}' actual children count: {len(children_entity_ids)}. Expected children count: {expected_children_count}")
- return entity_children_count_matched
- def validate_count_for_named_editor_entity(entity_name, expected_count):
- """
- This is a helper function which helps validate the number of entities for a given name in editor.
- :param entity_name: Entity name for the entities to be validated.
- :param expected_count: Expected number of entities.
- """
- entities = EditorEntity.find_editor_entities([entity_name])
- assert len(entities) == expected_count, f"{len(entities)} entity(s) found. " \
- f"Expected {expected_count} {entity_name} entity(s)."
- def validate_child_count_for_named_editor_entity(entity_name, expected_child_count):
- """
- This is a helper function which helps validate the number of children of entities for a given name in editor.
- :param entity_name: Entity name for the entities to be validated.
- :param expected_child_count: Expected number of children.
- """
- entities = EditorEntity.find_editor_entities([entity_name])
- for entity in entities:
- child_entities = entity.get_children()
- assert len(child_entities) == expected_child_count, f"{len(child_entities)} children found. " \
- f"Expected {expected_child_count} children for all {entity_name} entity(s)."
- def open_base_tests_level():
- helper.init_idle()
- helper.open_level("Prefab", "Base")
- def validate_undo_redo_on_prefab_creation(prefab_instance, original_parent_id):
- """
- This is a helper function which helps validate undo/redo functionality after creating a prefab.
- :param prefab_instance: A prefab instance generated by Prefab.create_prefab()
- :param original_parent_id: The EntityId of the original parent to the entity that a prefab was created from
- """
- # Get information on prefab instance's child entities
- child_entities = prefab_instance.get_direct_child_entities()
- child_entity_names = []
- for child_entity in child_entities:
- child_entity_names.append(child_entity.get_name())
- # Undo the create prefab operation
- general.undo()
- PrefabWaiter.wait_for_propagation()
- # Validate that undo has reverted the addition of the EditorPrefabComponent
- is_prefab = editor.EditorComponentAPIBus(bus.Broadcast, "HasComponentOfType", prefab_instance.container_entity.id,
- globals.property.EditorPrefabComponentTypeId)
- assert not is_prefab, "Undo operation failed. Entity is still recognized as a prefab."
- # Validate that undo has restored the original parent entity of the entity used to create the prefab
- search_filter = entity.SearchFilter()
- search_filter.names = child_entity_names
- entities_found = entity.SearchBus(bus.Broadcast, 'SearchEntities', search_filter)
- for child_entity in entities_found:
- assert EditorEntity(child_entity).get_parent_id() == original_parent_id, \
- "Original parent was not restored on Undo."
- # Redo the create prefab operation
- general.redo()
- PrefabWaiter.wait_for_propagation()
- # Validate that redo has re-added the EditorPrefabComponent to the prefab instance
- is_prefab = editor.EditorComponentAPIBus(bus.Broadcast, "HasComponentOfType", prefab_instance.container_entity.id,
- globals.property.EditorPrefabComponentTypeId)
- assert is_prefab, "Redo operation failed. Entity is not recognized as a prefab."
- # Validate the redo has restored the child entities under the container entity
- entities_found = entity.SearchBus(bus.Broadcast, 'SearchEntities', search_filter)
- for child_entity in entities_found:
- assert EditorEntity(child_entity).get_parent_id() == prefab_instance.container_entity.id, \
- "Prefab parent was not restored on Redo."
- def validate_spawned_entity_rotation(entity, expected_rotation):
- """
- This is a helper function which helps validate the rotation of entities spawned via the spawnable API
- :param entity: The spawned entity on which to validate transform values
- :param expected_rotation: The expected world rotation of the spawned entity
- """
- spawned_entity_rotation = entity.get_world_rotation()
- x_rotation_success = math.isclose(spawned_entity_rotation.x, expected_rotation.x,
- rel_tol=1e-5)
- y_rotation_success = math.isclose(spawned_entity_rotation.y, expected_rotation.y,
- rel_tol=1e-5)
- z_rotation_success = math.isclose(spawned_entity_rotation.z, expected_rotation.z,
- rel_tol=1e-5)
- Report.info(f"Spawned Entity Rotation: Found {spawned_entity_rotation}, expected {expected_rotation}")
- return x_rotation_success and y_rotation_success and z_rotation_success
- def validate_spawned_entity_scale(entity, expected_scale):
- """
- This is a helper function which helps validate the scale of entities spawned via the spawnable API
- :param entity: The spawned entity on which to validate transform values
- :param expected_scale: The expected world scale of the spawned entity
- """
- spawned_entity_scale = entity.get_world_uniform_scale()
- scale_success = spawned_entity_scale == expected_scale
- Report.info(f"Spawned Entity Scale: Found {spawned_entity_scale}, expected {expected_scale}")
- return scale_success
- def validate_spawned_entity_translation(entity, expected_position):
- """
- This is a helper function which helps validate the world position of entities spawned via the spawnable API
- :param entity: The spawned entity on which to validate transform values
- :param expected_position: The expected world translation of the spawned entity
- """
- spawned_entity_position = entity.get_world_translation()
- position_success = spawned_entity_position == expected_position
- Report.info(f"Spawned Entity Translation: Found {spawned_entity_position}, expected {expected_position}")
- return position_success
- def validate_spawned_entity_transform(entity, expected_position, expected_rotation, expected_scale):
- """
- This is a helper function which helps validate the transform of entities spawned via the spawnable API
- :param entity: The spawned entity on which to validate transform values
- :param expected_position: The expected world position of the spawned entity
- :param expected_rotation: The expected world rotation of the spawned entity
- :param expected_scale: The expected local scale of the spawned entity
- """
- position_success = helper.wait_for_condition(lambda: validate_spawned_entity_translation(entity, expected_position),
- 5.0)
- rotation_success = helper.wait_for_condition(lambda: validate_spawned_entity_rotation(entity, expected_rotation),
- 5.0)
- scale_success = helper.wait_for_condition(lambda: validate_spawned_entity_scale(entity, expected_scale),
- 5.0)
- assert position_success, \
- f"Entity was not spawned in the position expected: Found {entity.get_world_translation()}, " \
- f"expected {expected_position}"
- assert rotation_success, \
- f"Entity was not spawned with the rotation expected: Found {entity.get_world_rotation()}, " \
- f"expected {expected_rotation}"
- assert scale_success, \
- f"Entity was not spawned with the scale expected: Found {entity.get_world_uniform_scale()}, " \
- f"expected {expected_scale}"
- return position_success and rotation_success and scale_success
- def validate_expected_override_status(entity: EditorEntity, expected_override_status: bool) -> None:
- """
- Validates the expected override status of the given entity. NOTE: This should only be used on an entity within a
- prefab as this will currently always return as True on a container entity.
- :param entity: The EditorEntity to validate the status of overrides on
- :param expected_override_status: True if overrides are expected, False otherwise
- :return: None
- """
- if expected_override_status:
- assert entity.has_overrides(), \
- f"Found no overrides on expected entity: {entity.id}"
- else:
- assert not entity.has_overrides(), \
- f"Found overrides present on unexpected entity: {entity.id}"
- def validate_expected_components(entity: EditorEntity, expected_components: list = None,
- unexpected_components: list = None) -> None:
- """
- Validates that the entity has the given expected components, and none of the unexpected components.
- Useful for ensuring prefab overrides have affected only specific entities.
- :return: None
- """
- if expected_components:
- for component in expected_components:
- assert entity.has_component(component), \
- f"Failed to find expected {component} component on {entity.get_name()} with id {entity.id}"
- if unexpected_components:
- for component in unexpected_components:
- assert not entity.has_component(component), \
- f"Unexpectedly found {component} component on {entity.get_name()} with id {entity.id}"