123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include <TerrainRaycast/TerrainRaycastContext.h>
- #include <TerrainSystem/TerrainSystem.h>
- #include <AzCore/Math/IntersectSegment.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/sort.h>
- using namespace Terrain;
- namespace
- {
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Convenience function to get the terrain height values at each corner of an AABB, triangulate them,
- // and then find the nearest intersection (if any) between the resulting triangles and the given ray.
- static void TriangulateAndFindNearestIntersection(const TerrainSystem& terrainSystem,
- const AZ::Aabb& aabb,
- const AZ::Intersect::SegmentTriangleHitTester& hitTester,
- AzFramework::RenderGeometry::RayResult& result)
- {
- // Obtain the height values at each corner of the AABB.
- const AZ::Vector3& aabbMin = aabb.GetMin();
- const AZ::Vector3& aabbMax = aabb.GetMax();
- AZ::Vector3 point0 = aabbMin;
- AZ::Vector3 point2 = aabbMax;
- AZ::Vector3 point1(point0.GetX(), point2.GetY(), 0.0f);
- AZ::Vector3 point3(point2.GetX(), point0.GetY(), 0.0f);
- point0.SetZ(terrainSystem.GetHeight(point0, AzFramework::Terrain::TerrainDataRequests::Sampler::EXACT));
- point1.SetZ(terrainSystem.GetHeight(point1, AzFramework::Terrain::TerrainDataRequests::Sampler::EXACT));
- point2.SetZ(terrainSystem.GetHeight(point2, AzFramework::Terrain::TerrainDataRequests::Sampler::EXACT));
- point3.SetZ(terrainSystem.GetHeight(point3, AzFramework::Terrain::TerrainDataRequests::Sampler::EXACT));
- // Finally, triangulate the four terrain points and check for a hit,
- // splitting using the top-left -> bottom-right diagonal so to match
- // the current behavior of the terrain physics and rendering systems.
- AZ::Vector3 bottomLeftHitNormal;
- float bottomLeftHitDistance;
- bool bottomLeftHit =
- hitTester.IntersectSegmentTriangleCCW(point0, point3, point1, bottomLeftHitNormal, bottomLeftHitDistance);
- AZ::Vector3 topRightHitNormal;
- float topRightHitDistance;
- bool topRightHit =
- hitTester.IntersectSegmentTriangleCCW(point2, point1, point3, topRightHitNormal, topRightHitDistance);
- if (bottomLeftHit && (!topRightHit || (bottomLeftHitDistance < topRightHitDistance)))
- {
- result.m_distance = bottomLeftHitDistance;
- result.m_worldNormal = bottomLeftHitNormal;
- result.m_worldPosition = hitTester.GetIntersectionPoint(result.m_distance);
- }
- else if (topRightHit)
- {
- result.m_distance = topRightHitDistance;
- result.m_worldNormal = topRightHitNormal;
- result.m_worldPosition = hitTester.GetIntersectionPoint(result.m_distance);
- }
- }
- } // namespace
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- TerrainRaycastContext::TerrainRaycastContext(TerrainSystem& terrainSystem)
- : m_terrainSystem(terrainSystem)
- , m_entityContextId(AzFramework::EntityContextId::CreateRandom())
- {
- AzFramework::RenderGeometry::IntersectorBus::Handler::BusConnect(m_entityContextId);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- TerrainRaycastContext::~TerrainRaycastContext()
- {
- AzFramework::RenderGeometry::IntersectorBus::Handler::BusDisconnect();
- }
- /*
- Iterative function that divides an AABB encompasing terrain points into grid squares based on
- the given grid resolution and steps along the ray visiting each voxel it intersects in order
- from nearest to farthest. In each square, it obtains the terrain height values at each corner and
- triangulates them to find the nearest intersection (if any) between the triangles and the ray.
- To step through the grid, we use an algorithm similar to Bresenham's line algorithm or a Digital
- Differential Analyzer. We can't use Bresenham's line algorithm itself because it will sometimes skip
- squares if the ray only passes through a tiny portion, and we need to use every square that it passes through.
- We start by clipping the ray itself to the terrain AABB so that we don't walk through any grid squares
- that cannot contain terrain. We then walk through the grid one square at a time, either moving horizontally
- or vertically to the next square based on the ray's slope, until we reach the end of the ray or we've found a hit.
- Visualization:
- - X: Grid square intersection but no triangle hit found
- - T: Grid square intersection with a triangle hit found
- ________________________________________
- | | | | | | | | |
- |____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| Ray
- | | | | | | | | | /
- |____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| /
- | | | | | | | | X |/
- |____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____/
- | | | | | | | | X /|
- |____|____|____|____|____|____|____|__/_|
- | | | | | | | | /X |
- |____|____|____|____|____|____|____|/___|
- | | | | | | | X / X |
- |____|____|____|____|____|____|___/|____|
- | | | | | | | T/ | |
- |____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|
- | | | | | | | | |
- |____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|
- */
- AzFramework::RenderGeometry::RayResult TerrainRaycastContext::RayIntersect(
- const AzFramework::RenderGeometry::RayRequest& ray)
- {
- const AZ::Aabb terrainWorldBounds = m_terrainSystem.GetTerrainAabb();
- const AZ::Vector2 terrainResolution(m_terrainSystem.GetTerrainHeightQueryResolution());
- // Initialize the result to invalid at the start.
- AzFramework::RenderGeometry::RayResult rayIntersectionResult = AzFramework::RenderGeometry::RayResult();
- if (!terrainWorldBounds.IsValid())
- {
- // There is no terrain to intersect.
- return rayIntersectionResult;
- }
- // Start by clipping the ray to the terrain world bounds so that we can reduce our iteration over the ray to just
- // the subset that can potentially collide with the terrain.
- // We use a slightly expanded terrain world bounds for clipping the ray so that precision errors don't cause the ray
- // to get overly truncated and miss a collision that might occur right on the world boundary.
- AZ::Vector3 clippedRayStart = ray.m_startWorldPosition;
- AZ::Vector3 clippedRayEnd = ray.m_endWorldPosition;
- float tClipStart, tClipEnd;
- bool rayIntersected = AZ::Intersect::ClipRayWithAabb(
- terrainWorldBounds.GetExpanded(AZ::Vector3(0.01f)), clippedRayStart, clippedRayEnd, tClipStart, tClipEnd);
- if (!rayIntersected)
- {
- // The ray does not intersect the terrain world bounds.
- return rayIntersectionResult;
- }
- // Move our clipped line segment into Vector2s for more convenient use below.
- const AZ::Vector2 clippedStart(clippedRayStart);
- const AZ::Vector2 clippedEnd(clippedRayEnd);
- const AZ::Vector2 clippedLineSegment = clippedEnd - clippedStart;
- // Calculate the total number of terrain squares we'll need to visit to trace the ray segment.
- // We need to visit 1 at the start, 1 for each X square we need to move, and 1 for each Y square we need to move,
- // since we'll always move either horizontally or vertically one square at a time when traversing the ray segment.
- const AZ::Vector2 numSquaresToMove =
- ((clippedEnd / terrainResolution).GetFloor() - (clippedStart / terrainResolution).GetFloor()).GetAbs();
- const int32_t numTerrainSquares =
- 1 + aznumeric_cast<int32_t>(numSquaresToMove.GetX()) + aznumeric_cast<int32_t>(numSquaresToMove.GetY());
- // This tells us how much t distance on the line to move to increment one terrain square in each direction.
- // Note that it could be infinity (due to a divide-by-0) if we're not moving in that direction.
- const AZ::Vector2 tDelta(terrainResolution / clippedLineSegment.GetAbs());
- // Get the min world space corner of the terrain grid square containing (x0, y0)
- const AZ::Vector2 clippedStartGridCorner = (clippedStart / terrainResolution).GetFloor() * terrainResolution;
- // tUntilNextBoundary stores how much further we currently need to move along t to get to the next terrain grid square boundary
- // in each direction.
- // We initialize with the fractional amount that we're starting in the square or max() if we're not moving in this
- // direction at all (when clippedLineSegment == 0)
- const AZ::Vector2 tFromMinCorner((clippedStart - clippedStartGridCorner) / clippedLineSegment.GetAbs());
- AZ::Vector2 tUntilNextBoundary = AZ::Vector2::CreateSelectCmpEqual(
- clippedLineSegment, AZ::Vector2::CreateZero(), AZ::Vector2(AZStd::numeric_limits<float>::max()), tFromMinCorner);
- // If we're moving in the positive direction in the square, then the amount till the next boundary is actually
- // the distance remaining to the max corner, not the distance in from the min corner, so flip our calculation.
- tUntilNextBoundary = AZ::Vector2::CreateSelectCmpGreater(clippedEnd, clippedStart, tDelta - tUntilNextBoundary, tUntilNextBoundary);
- // Initialize our segment/triangle hit tester with the ray that we're using. We use the full ray instead of the clipped one
- // to make sure we don't run into any precision issues caused from the clipping.
- AZ::Intersect::SegmentTriangleHitTester hitTester(ray.m_startWorldPosition, ray.m_endWorldPosition);
- // These will hold our current square coordinates in world space values as we loop through the squares, starting with the
- // grid square for (x0, y0). These values represent the minimum corner of each terrain square.
- AZ::Vector2 curGridCorner = clippedStartGridCorner;
- // This is how much we need to increment our x and y by to get to the next grid square along the line.
- // They will either be +/- terrainResolution or 0 if we're not moving in that direction.
- const AZ::Vector2 gridIncrement = terrainResolution *
- AZ::Vector2::CreateSelectCmpEqual(clippedLineSegment,
- AZ::Vector2::CreateZero(),
- AZ::Vector2::CreateZero(),
- AZ::Vector2(AZ::GetSign(clippedLineSegment.GetX()), AZ::GetSign(clippedLineSegment.GetY())));
- // Convenience vectors that we can use in the loop to just increment one direction.
- const AZ::Vector2 tDeltaX(tDelta.GetX(), 0.0f);
- const AZ::Vector2 tDeltaY(0.0f, tDelta.GetY());
- const AZ::Vector2 gridIncrementX(gridIncrement.GetX(), 0.0f);
- const AZ::Vector2 gridIncrementY(0.0f, gridIncrement.GetY());
- // Walk through each grid square in the terrain that intersects the XY coordinates of the line.
- // We'll check each square to see if the ray intersections actually intersect the terrain triangles in the square.
- for (int terrainSquare = 0; terrainSquare < numTerrainSquares; terrainSquare++)
- {
- // Create a bounding volume for this terrain square.
- AZ::Aabb currentVoxel = AZ::Aabb::CreateFromMinMax(
- AZ::Vector3(curGridCorner, terrainWorldBounds.GetMin().GetZ()),
- AZ::Vector3(curGridCorner + terrainResolution, terrainWorldBounds.GetMax().GetZ()));
- // Check for a hit against the terrain triangles in this square.
- // Note - this could be optimized to be 2x faster by adding some code to keep track of the terrain heights
- // from the previous square checked so that we only get the 2 new corners instead of all 4 every time.
- TriangulateAndFindNearestIntersection(m_terrainSystem, currentVoxel, hitTester, rayIntersectionResult);
- if (rayIntersectionResult)
- {
- // Intersection found. Replace the triangle normal from the hit with a higher-quality normal calculated
- // by the terrain system.
- rayIntersectionResult.m_worldNormal = m_terrainSystem.GetNormal(
- rayIntersectionResult.m_worldPosition, AzFramework::Terrain::TerrainDataRequests::Sampler::DEFAULT);
- // Return the distance in world space instead of in ray distance space.
- rayIntersectionResult.m_distance = rayIntersectionResult.m_worldPosition.GetDistance(ray.m_startWorldPosition);
- break;
- }
- // No hit yet, so move forward along the line (either horizontally or vertically) to the next terrain square.
- if (tUntilNextBoundary.GetY() < tUntilNextBoundary.GetX())
- {
- curGridCorner += gridIncrementY;
- tUntilNextBoundary += tDeltaY;
- }
- else
- {
- curGridCorner += gridIncrementX;
- tUntilNextBoundary += tDeltaX;
- }
- }
- // If needed we could call m_terrainSystem.FindBestAreaEntityAtPosition in order to set
- // rayIntersectionResult.m_entityAndComponent, but I'm not sure whether that is correct.
- return rayIntersectionResult;
- }