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- #pragma once
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneCore/Containers/SceneGraph.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneCore/DataTypes/MatrixType.h>
- namespace AZ
- {
- namespace SceneAPI
- {
- namespace Containers
- {
- class Scene;
- }
- namespace Utilities
- {
- // Searches for any entries in the scene graph that are derived or match the given type.
- // If "checkVirtualTypes" is true, a matching entry is also checked if it's not a
- // virtual type.
- template<typename T>
- bool DoesSceneGraphContainDataLike(const Containers::Scene& scene, bool checkVirtualTypes);
- SCENE_CORE_API DataTypes::MatrixType BuildWorldTransform(const Containers::SceneGraph& graph, Containers::SceneGraph::NodeIndex nodeIndex);
- // Searches only the immediate children of nodeIndex for a child node that matches the specified type.
- // Returns the NodeIndex if it exists, or and invalid NodeIndex if it doesn't
- SCENE_CORE_API Containers::SceneGraph::NodeIndex GetImmediateChildOfType(
- const Containers::SceneGraph& graph, const Containers::SceneGraph::NodeIndex& nodeIndex, const AZ::TypeId& typeId);
- } // Utilities
- } // SceneAPI
- } // AZ
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneCore/Containers/Utilities/SceneGraphUtilities.inl>