123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include <AssImpTypeConverter.h>
- #include <assimp/mesh.h>
- #include <assimp/scene.h>
- #include <AzCore/Serialization/SerializeContext.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/algorithm.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/smart_ptr/make_shared.h>
- #include <AzCore/StringFunc/StringFunc.h>
- #include <AzToolsFramework/Debug/TraceContext.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneBuilder/SceneSystem.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneBuilder/ImportContexts/AssImpImportContexts.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneBuilder/Importers/AssImpAnimationImporter.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneBuilder/Importers/AssImpImporterUtilities.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneBuilder/Importers/Utilities/RenamedNodesMap.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneCore/Containers/Scene.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneData/GraphData/AnimationData.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SDKWrapper/AssImpNodeWrapper.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SDKWrapper/AssImpSceneWrapper.h>
- namespace AZ
- {
- namespace SceneAPI
- {
- namespace SceneBuilder
- {
- const char* AssImpAnimationImporter::s_animationNodeName = "animation";
- // Downstream only supports 30 frames per second sample rate. Adjusting to 60 doubles the
- // length of the animations, they still play back at 30 frames per second.
- const double AssImpAnimationImporter::s_defaultTimeStepBetweenFrames = 1.0 / 30.0;
- AZ::u32 GetNumKeyFrames(AZ::u32 keysSize, double duration, double ticksPerSecond)
- {
- if (AZ::IsClose(ticksPerSecond, 0))
- {
- AZ_Warning("AnimationImporter", false, "Animation ticks per second should not be zero, defaulting to %d keyframes for animation.", keysSize);
- return keysSize;
- }
- const double totalTicks = duration / ticksPerSecond;
- AZ::u32 numKeys = keysSize;
- // +1 because the animation is from [0, duration] - we have a keyframe at the end of the duration which needs to be included
- double totalFramesAtDefaultTimeStep = totalTicks / AssImpAnimationImporter::s_defaultTimeStepBetweenFrames + 1;
- if (!AZ::IsClose(totalFramesAtDefaultTimeStep, numKeys, 1))
- {
- numKeys = static_cast<AZ::u32>(AZStd::ceilf(static_cast<float>(totalFramesAtDefaultTimeStep)));
- }
- return numKeys;
- }
- double GetTimeForFrame(AZ::u32 frame, double ticksPerSecond)
- {
- return frame * AssImpAnimationImporter::s_defaultTimeStepBetweenFrames * ticksPerSecond;
- }
- // Helper class to store key data, when translating from AssImp layout to the engine's scene format.
- struct KeyData
- {
- KeyData(float value, float time) :
- mValue(value),
- mTime(time)
- {
- }
- bool operator<(const KeyData& other) const
- {
- return mTime < other.mTime;
- }
- float mValue = 0;
- float mTime = 0;
- };
- template<class T>
- void LerpTemplate(T& start, const T& end, float t)
- {
- start = start * (1.0f - t) + end * t;
- }
- template<>
- void LerpTemplate(aiQuaternion& start, const aiQuaternion& end, float t)
- {
- aiQuaternion::Interpolate(start, start, end, t);
- }
- template<>
- void LerpTemplate(float& start, const float& end, float t)
- {
- start = AZ::Lerp(start, end, t);
- }
- template<class KeyContainerType, class FrameValueType>
- bool SampleKeyFrame(FrameValueType& result, const KeyContainerType& keys, AZ::u32 numKeys, double time, AZ::u32& lastIndex)
- {
- if (numKeys == 0)
- {
- AZ_Error("AnimationImporter", numKeys > 0, "Animation key set must have at least 1 key");
- return false;
- }
- if (numKeys == 1)
- {
- result = keys[0].mValue;
- return true;
- }
- while (lastIndex < numKeys - 1 && time >= keys[lastIndex + 1].mTime)
- {
- ++lastIndex;
- }
- result = keys[lastIndex].mValue;
- if (lastIndex < numKeys - 1)
- {
- auto nextValue = keys[lastIndex + 1].mValue;
- float normalizedTimeBetweenFrames = 0;
- if (keys[lastIndex + 1].mTime != keys[lastIndex].mTime)
- {
- normalizedTimeBetweenFrames =
- static_cast<float>((time - keys[lastIndex].mTime) / (keys[lastIndex + 1].mTime - keys[lastIndex].mTime));
- }
- else
- {
- AZ_Warning("AnimationImporter", false,
- "Animation has keys with duplicate time %5.5f, at indices %d and %d. The second will be ignored.",
- keys[lastIndex].mTime,
- lastIndex,
- lastIndex + 1);
- }
- LerpTemplate(result, nextValue, normalizedTimeBetweenFrames);
- }
- return true;
- }
- AssImpAnimationImporter::AssImpAnimationImporter()
- {
- BindToCall(&AssImpAnimationImporter::ImportAnimation);
- }
- void AssImpAnimationImporter::Reflect(ReflectContext* context)
- {
- SerializeContext* serializeContext = azrtti_cast<SerializeContext*>(context);
- if (serializeContext)
- {
- // Revision 5: [LYN-4226] Invert PostRotation matrix in animation chains
- // Revision 6: Handle duplicate blend shape animations
- serializeContext->Class<AssImpAnimationImporter, SceneCore::LoadingComponent>()->Version(6);
- }
- }
- AZStd::string GetName(const aiMeshAnim* anim)
- {
- return anim->mName.C_Str();
- }
- AZStd::string GetName(const aiNodeAnim* anim)
- {
- return anim->mNodeName.C_Str();
- }
- AZStd::string GetName(const aiMeshMorphAnim* anim)
- {
- return anim->mName.C_Str();
- }
- struct ConsolidatedNodeAnim
- {
- ConsolidatedNodeAnim() = default;
- ConsolidatedNodeAnim(const ConsolidatedNodeAnim& other) = delete;
- ConsolidatedNodeAnim(ConsolidatedNodeAnim&& other) noexcept
- : mNumPositionKeys{ other.mNumPositionKeys },
- mPositionKeys{ other.mPositionKeys },
- mNumRotationKeys{ other.mNumRotationKeys },
- mRotationKeys{ other.mRotationKeys },
- mNumScalingKeys{ other.mNumScalingKeys },
- mScalingKeys{ other.mScalingKeys },
- m_ownedPositionKeys{ std::move(other.m_ownedPositionKeys) },
- m_ownedScalingKeys{ std::move(other.m_ownedScalingKeys) },
- m_ownedRotationKeys{ std::move(other.m_ownedRotationKeys) },
- mPreState{ other.mPreState },
- mPostState{ other.mPostState }
- {
- }
- ConsolidatedNodeAnim& operator=(const ConsolidatedNodeAnim& other) = delete;
- ConsolidatedNodeAnim& operator=(ConsolidatedNodeAnim&& other) noexcept
- {
- if (this == &other)
- {
- return *this;
- }
- mNumPositionKeys = other.mNumPositionKeys;
- mPositionKeys = other.mPositionKeys;
- mNumRotationKeys = other.mNumRotationKeys;
- mRotationKeys = other.mRotationKeys;
- mNumScalingKeys = other.mNumScalingKeys;
- mScalingKeys = other.mScalingKeys;
- m_ownedPositionKeys = std::move(other.m_ownedPositionKeys);
- m_ownedScalingKeys = std::move(other.m_ownedScalingKeys);
- m_ownedRotationKeys = std::move(other.m_ownedRotationKeys);
- mPreState = other.mPreState;
- mPostState = other.mPostState;
- return *this;
- }
- // These variables are named using AssImp naming convention for consistency
- AZ::u32 mNumPositionKeys{};
- aiVectorKey* mPositionKeys{};
- AZ::u32 mNumRotationKeys{};
- aiQuatKey* mRotationKeys{};
- AZ::u32 mNumScalingKeys{};
- aiVectorKey* mScalingKeys{};
- AZStd::vector<aiVectorKey> m_ownedPositionKeys{};
- AZStd::vector<aiVectorKey> m_ownedScalingKeys{};
- AZStd::vector<aiQuatKey> m_ownedRotationKeys{};
- aiAnimBehaviour mPreState{};
- aiAnimBehaviour mPostState{};
- };
- AZStd::pair<const aiAnimation*, ConsolidatedNodeAnim> MakeMyPair(const aiAnimation* animation, const aiNodeAnim* anim)
- {
- ConsolidatedNodeAnim consolidatedNodeAnim{};
- consolidatedNodeAnim.mNumRotationKeys = anim->mNumRotationKeys;
- consolidatedNodeAnim.mNumPositionKeys = anim->mNumPositionKeys;
- consolidatedNodeAnim.mNumScalingKeys = anim->mNumScalingKeys;
- consolidatedNodeAnim.mRotationKeys = anim->mRotationKeys;
- consolidatedNodeAnim.mPositionKeys = anim->mPositionKeys;
- consolidatedNodeAnim.mScalingKeys = anim->mScalingKeys;
- return {animation, AZStd::move(consolidatedNodeAnim)};
- }
- auto MakeMyPair(const aiAnimation* animation, const aiMeshAnim* anim)
- {
- return AZStd::make_pair(animation, anim);
- }
- auto MakeMyPair(const aiAnimation* animation, const aiMeshMorphAnim* anim)
- {
- return AZStd::make_pair(animation, anim);
- }
- Events::ProcessingResult AssImpAnimationImporter::ImportAnimation(AssImpSceneNodeAppendedContext& context)
- {
- AZ_TraceContext("Importer", "Animation");
- const aiNode* currentNode = context.m_sourceNode.GetAssImpNode();
- const aiScene* scene = context.m_sourceScene.GetAssImpScene();
- // Add check for animation layers at the scene level.
- if (!scene->HasAnimations() || IsPivotNode(currentNode->mName))
- {
- return Events::ProcessingResult::Ignored;
- }
- AZStd::unordered_multimap<AZStd::string, AZStd::pair<const aiAnimation*, ConsolidatedNodeAnim>> boneAnimations;
- typedef AZStd::pair<const aiAnimation*, const aiMeshMorphAnim*> AnimAndMorphAnim;
- typedef AZStd::unordered_map<AZStd::string, AnimAndMorphAnim> ChannelToMorphAnim;
- typedef AZStd::unordered_map<AZStd::string, ChannelToMorphAnim> NodeToChannelToMorphAnim;
- NodeToChannelToMorphAnim meshMorphAnimations;
- // Goes through all the animation channels of a given type and adds them to a map so we can easily find
- // all the animations for a given node
- // In the case of bone animations, the data is copied into a ConsolidatedNodeAnim so we can
- // do fix-ups later without affecting the original data
- auto mapAnimationsFunc = [](AZ::u32 numChannels, auto** channels, const aiAnimation* animation, auto& map)
- {
- map.reserve(numChannels);
- for (AZ::u32 channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < numChannels; ++channelIndex)
- {
- auto* nodeAnim = channels[channelIndex];
- AZStd::string name = GetName(nodeAnim);
- map.emplace(name, MakeMyPair(animation, nodeAnim));
- }
- };
- for (AZ::u32 animIndex = 0; animIndex < scene->mNumAnimations; ++animIndex)
- {
- const aiAnimation* animation = scene->mAnimations[animIndex];
- if (animation->mTicksPerSecond == 0)
- {
- AZ_Error(
- "AnimationImporter", false,
- "Animation name %s has a sample rate of 0 ticks per second and cannot be processed.",
- animation->mName.C_Str());
- return Events::ProcessingResult::Failure;
- }
- mapAnimationsFunc(animation->mNumChannels, animation->mChannels, animation, boneAnimations);
- for (AZ::u32 channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < animation->mNumMorphMeshChannels; ++channelIndex)
- {
- auto* nodeAnim = animation->mMorphMeshChannels[channelIndex];
- AZStd::string name = GetName(nodeAnim);
- AZStd::vector<AZStd::string> meshNodeNameAndChannel;
- // Morph target animations include the channel in the name,
- // so if a mesh is named Mesh01, the morph target for the first channel
- // will be named Mesh01*0
- AZ::StringFunc::Tokenize(name, meshNodeNameAndChannel, '*');
- if (meshNodeNameAndChannel.size() != 2)
- {
- AZ_Error(
- "AnimationImporter", false,
- "Morph animation name %s was not in the expected format of: node name, asterisk, node channel. "
- "Example: 'NodeName*0'",
- name.c_str());
- continue;
- }
- AZStd::string meshNodeName(meshNodeNameAndChannel[0]);
- AZStd::string channel(meshNodeNameAndChannel[1]);
- meshMorphAnimations[meshNodeName][channel] = AnimAndMorphAnim(animation, nodeAnim);
- }
- }
- // Go through all the bone animations and find any that reference a pivot node
- // We'll make a new node anim and store all the combined animation channels there
- // with the name set to the base bone name
- decltype(boneAnimations) combinedAnimations;
- for (auto&& animation : boneAnimations)
- {
- size_t pos = AZ::StringFunc::Find(animation.first, PivotNodeMarker, 0);
- if (pos != animation.first.npos)
- {
- AZStd::string_view name, part;
- SplitPivotNodeName(aiString(animation.first.c_str()), pos, name, part);
- auto&& iterator = combinedAnimations.find(name);
- if (iterator == combinedAnimations.end())
- {
- combinedAnimations.emplace(AZStd::string(name), AZStd::move(animation.second));
- iterator = combinedAnimations.find(name);
- }
- if (iterator != combinedAnimations.end())
- {
- auto& existingNode = iterator->second.second;
- auto&& src = animation.second.second;
- if (part == "Translation")
- {
- existingNode.mNumPositionKeys = src.mNumPositionKeys;
- existingNode.mPositionKeys = src.mPositionKeys;
- }
- else if (part == "Rotation")
- {
- existingNode.mNumRotationKeys = src.mNumRotationKeys;
- existingNode.mRotationKeys = src.mRotationKeys;
- }
- else if (part == "Scaling")
- {
- existingNode.mNumScalingKeys = src.mNumScalingKeys;
- existingNode.mScalingKeys = src.mScalingKeys;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!combinedAnimations.empty())
- {
- boneAnimations.swap(combinedAnimations);
- }
- Events::ProcessingResultCombiner combinedAnimationResult;
- if (context.m_sourceNode.ContainsMesh())
- {
- const aiMesh* firstMesh = scene->mMeshes[currentNode->mMeshes[0]];
- if (NodeToChannelToMorphAnim::iterator channelsForMeshName = meshMorphAnimations.find(firstMesh->mName.C_Str());
- channelsForMeshName != meshMorphAnimations.end())
- {
- const auto [nodeIterName, channels] = *channelsForMeshName;
- for (const auto& [channel, animAndMorphAnim] : channels)
- {
- const auto& [animation, morphAnimation] = animAndMorphAnim;
- combinedAnimationResult += ImportBlendShapeAnimation(
- context, animation, morphAnimation, firstMesh);
- }
- }
- }
- AZStd::string nodeName = s_animationNodeName;
- RenamedNodesMap::SanitizeNodeName(nodeName, context.m_scene.GetGraph(), context.m_currentGraphPosition);
- AZ_TraceContext("Animation node name", nodeName);
- // If there are no bone animations, but there are mesh animations,
- // then a stub animation needs to be created so the exporter can create the exported morph target animation.
- if (boneAnimations.empty() && !meshMorphAnimations.empty())
- {
- const aiAnimation* animation = scene->mAnimations[0];
- for (AZ::u32 channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < animation->mNumMorphMeshChannels; ++channelIndex)
- {
- const aiMeshMorphAnim* nodeAnim = animation->mMorphMeshChannels[channelIndex];
- // Morph animations need a regular animation on the node, as well.
- // If there is no bone animation on the current node, then generate one here.
- AZStd::shared_ptr<AZ::SceneData::GraphData::AnimationData> createdAnimationData =
- AZStd::make_shared<AZ::SceneData::GraphData::AnimationData>();
- const size_t numKeyframes = GetNumKeyFrames(
- nodeAnim->mNumKeys,
- animation->mDuration,
- animation->mTicksPerSecond);
- createdAnimationData->ReserveKeyFrames(numKeyframes);
- const double timeStepBetweenFrames = 1.0 / animation->mTicksPerSecond;
- createdAnimationData->SetTimeStepBetweenFrames(timeStepBetweenFrames);
- // Set every frame of the animation to the start location of the node.
- aiMatrix4x4 combinedTransform = GetConcatenatedLocalTransform(currentNode);
- DataTypes::MatrixType localTransform = AssImpSDKWrapper::AssImpTypeConverter::ToTransform(combinedTransform);
- context.m_sourceSceneSystem.SwapTransformForUpAxis(localTransform);
- context.m_sourceSceneSystem.ConvertUnit(localTransform);
- for (AZ::u32 time = 0; time <= numKeyframes; ++time)
- {
- createdAnimationData->AddKeyFrame(localTransform);
- }
- AZStd::string stubBoneAnimForMorphName(AZStd::string::format("%s%s", nodeName.c_str(), nodeAnim->mName.C_Str()));
- RenamedNodesMap::SanitizeNodeName(stubBoneAnimForMorphName, context.m_scene.GetGraph(), context.m_currentGraphPosition);
- Containers::SceneGraph::NodeIndex addNode = context.m_scene.GetGraph().AddChild(
- context.m_currentGraphPosition, stubBoneAnimForMorphName.c_str(), AZStd::move(createdAnimationData));
- context.m_scene.GetGraph().MakeEndPoint(addNode);
- }
- return combinedAnimationResult.GetResult();
- }
- AZStd::unordered_set<AZStd::string> nonPivotBoneList;
- for (unsigned int meshIndex = 0; meshIndex < scene->mNumMeshes; ++meshIndex)
- {
- aiMesh* mesh = scene->mMeshes[meshIndex];
- if (!mesh)
- {
- AZ_Error(
- "AnimationImporter",
- false,
- "Mesh at index %d is invalid. This scene file may be corrupt and may need to be re-exported.",
- meshIndex);
- continue;
- }
- for (unsigned int boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < mesh->mNumBones; ++boneIndex)
- {
- aiBone* bone = mesh->mBones[boneIndex];
- if (!bone)
- {
- AZ_Error(
- "AnimationImporter",
- false,
- "Bone at index %d for mesh %s is invalid. This scene file may be corrupt and may need to be re-exported.",
- boneIndex,
- mesh->mName.C_Str());
- continue;
- }
- if (!IsPivotNode(bone->mName))
- {
- nonPivotBoneList.insert(bone->mName.C_Str());
- }
- }
- }
- decltype(boneAnimations) fillerAnimations;
- // Go through all the animations and make sure we create placeholder animations for any bones missing them
- for (auto&& anim : boneAnimations)
- {
- for (auto boneName : nonPivotBoneList)
- {
- if (!boneAnimations.contains(boneName) &&
- !fillerAnimations.contains(boneName))
- {
- // Create 1 key for each type that just copies the current transform
- ConsolidatedNodeAnim emptyAnimation;
- auto node = scene->mRootNode->FindNode(boneName.c_str());
- aiMatrix4x4 globalTransform = GetConcatenatedLocalTransform(node);
- aiVector3D position, scale;
- aiQuaternion rotation;
- globalTransform.Decompose(scale, rotation, position);
- emptyAnimation.mNumRotationKeys = emptyAnimation.mNumPositionKeys = emptyAnimation.mNumScalingKeys = 1;
- emptyAnimation.m_ownedPositionKeys.emplace_back(0, position);
- emptyAnimation.mPositionKeys = emptyAnimation.m_ownedPositionKeys.data();
- emptyAnimation.m_ownedRotationKeys.emplace_back(0, rotation);
- emptyAnimation.mRotationKeys = emptyAnimation.m_ownedRotationKeys.data();
- emptyAnimation.m_ownedScalingKeys.emplace_back(0, scale);
- emptyAnimation.mScalingKeys = emptyAnimation.m_ownedScalingKeys.data();
- fillerAnimations.insert(
- AZStd::make_pair(boneName, AZStd::make_pair(anim.second.first, AZStd::move(emptyAnimation))));
- }
- }
- }
- boneAnimations.insert(AZStd::make_move_iterator(fillerAnimations.begin()), AZStd::make_move_iterator(fillerAnimations.end()));
- auto animItr = boneAnimations.equal_range(currentNode->mName.C_Str());
- if (animItr.first == animItr.second)
- {
- return combinedAnimationResult.GetResult();
- }
- bool onlyOne = false;
- for (auto it = animItr.first; it != animItr.second; ++it)
- {
- if (onlyOne)
- {
- AZ_Error("AnimationImporter", false, "Bone %s has multiple animations. Only 1 animation per bone is supported", currentNode->mName.C_Str());
- break;
- }
- const aiAnimation* animation = it->second.first;
- const ConsolidatedNodeAnim* anim = &it->second.second;
- // We don't currently handle having a different number of keys, with 1 exception:
- // 1 key is essentially a constant so we do handle that case
- if ((anim->mNumPositionKeys != anim->mNumRotationKeys && anim->mNumPositionKeys > 1 && anim->mNumRotationKeys > 1) ||
- (anim->mNumPositionKeys != anim->mNumScalingKeys && anim->mNumPositionKeys > 1 && anim->mNumScalingKeys > 1) ||
- (anim->mNumRotationKeys != anim->mNumScalingKeys && anim->mNumRotationKeys > 1 && anim->mNumScalingKeys > 1))
- {
- AZ_Error("AnimationImporter", false, "Bone Animation with different number of position (%d)/rotation (%d)/scaling (%d) keys not supported",
- anim->mNumPositionKeys, anim->mNumRotationKeys, anim->mNumScalingKeys);
- return Events::ProcessingResult::Failure;
- }
- // Resample the animations at a fixed time step. This matches the behaviour of
- // the previous SDK used. Longer term, this could be data driven, or based on the
- // smallest time step between key frames.
- // AssImp has an animation->mTicksPerSecond and animation->mDuration, but those
- // are less predictable than just using a fixed time step.
- // AssImp documentation claims animation->mDuration is the duration of the animation in ticks, but
- // not all animations we've tested follow that pattern. Sometimes duration is in seconds.
- const size_t numKeyFrames = GetNumKeyFrames(
- AZStd::max(AZStd::max(anim->mNumScalingKeys, anim->mNumPositionKeys), anim->mNumRotationKeys),
- animation->mDuration,
- animation->mTicksPerSecond);
- AZStd::shared_ptr<AZ::SceneData::GraphData::AnimationData> createdAnimationData =
- AZStd::make_shared<AZ::SceneData::GraphData::AnimationData>();
- createdAnimationData->ReserveKeyFrames(numKeyFrames);
- createdAnimationData->SetTimeStepBetweenFrames(s_defaultTimeStepBetweenFrames);
- AZ::u32 lastScaleIndex = 0;
- AZ::u32 lastPositionIndex = 0;
- AZ::u32 lastRotationIndex = 0;
- for (AZ::u32 frame = 0; frame < numKeyFrames; ++frame)
- {
- const double time = GetTimeForFrame(frame, animation->mTicksPerSecond);
- aiVector3D scale(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- aiVector3D position(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
- aiQuaternion rotation(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
- if (!SampleKeyFrame(scale, anim->mScalingKeys, anim->mNumScalingKeys, time, lastScaleIndex) ||
- !SampleKeyFrame(position, anim->mPositionKeys, anim->mNumPositionKeys, time, lastPositionIndex) ||
- !SampleKeyFrame(rotation, anim->mRotationKeys, anim->mNumRotationKeys, time, lastRotationIndex))
- {
- return Events::ProcessingResult::Failure;
- }
- aiMatrix4x4 transform(scale, rotation, position);
- DataTypes::MatrixType animTransform = AssImpSDKWrapper::AssImpTypeConverter::ToTransform(transform);
- context.m_sourceSceneSystem.SwapTransformForUpAxis(animTransform);
- context.m_sourceSceneSystem.ConvertBoneUnit(animTransform);
- createdAnimationData->AddKeyFrame(animTransform);
- }
- Containers::SceneGraph::NodeIndex addNode = context.m_scene.GetGraph().AddChild(
- context.m_currentGraphPosition, nodeName.c_str(), AZStd::move(createdAnimationData));
- context.m_scene.GetGraph().MakeEndPoint(addNode);
- onlyOne = true;
- }
- combinedAnimationResult += Events::ProcessingResult::Success;
- return combinedAnimationResult.GetResult();
- }
- Events::ProcessingResult AssImpAnimationImporter::ImportBlendShapeAnimation(
- AssImpSceneNodeAppendedContext& context,
- const aiAnimation* animation,
- const aiMeshMorphAnim* meshMorphAnim,
- const aiMesh* mesh)
- {
- if (meshMorphAnim->mNumKeys == 0)
- {
- return Events::ProcessingResult::Ignored;
- }
- Events::ProcessingResultCombiner combinedAnimationResult;
- // In:
- // Key index
- // Time
- // Values in AssImp, Channel in FBX SDK
- // Weights in AssImp, Values in FBX SDK
- // Num values & weights
- // Out:
- // One BlendShapeAnimationData per value (Channel in FBX SDK) index
- // SetTimeStepBetweenFrames set on the animation data
- // Keyframes. Weights (Values in FBX SDK) per key time.
- // Keyframes generated for every single frame of the animation.
- typedef AZStd::map<int, AZStd::vector<KeyData>> ValueToKeyDataMap;
- ValueToKeyDataMap valueToKeyDataMap;
- // Key time can be less than zero, normalize to have zero be the lowest time.
- double keyOffset = 0;
- for (unsigned int keyIdx = 0; keyIdx < meshMorphAnim->mNumKeys; keyIdx++)
- {
- aiMeshMorphKey& key = meshMorphAnim->mKeys[keyIdx];
- for (unsigned int valIdx = 0; valIdx < key.mNumValuesAndWeights; ++valIdx)
- {
- int currentValue = key.mValues[valIdx];
- KeyData thisKey(static_cast<float>(key.mWeights[valIdx]), static_cast<float>(key.mTime));
- valueToKeyDataMap[currentValue].insert(
- AZStd::upper_bound(valueToKeyDataMap[currentValue].begin(), valueToKeyDataMap[currentValue].end(),thisKey),
- thisKey);
- if (key.mTime < keyOffset)
- {
- keyOffset = key.mTime;
- }
- }
- }
- for (const auto& [meshIdx, keys] : valueToKeyDataMap)
- {
- if (static_cast<AZ::u32>(meshIdx) >= mesh->mNumAnimMeshes)
- {
- AZ_Error(
- "AnimationImporter", false,
- "Mesh %s has an animation mesh index reference of %d, but only has %d animation meshes. Skipping importing this. This is an error in the source scene file that should be corrected.",
- mesh->mName.C_Str(), meshIdx, mesh->mNumAnimMeshes);
- continue;
- }
- AZStd::shared_ptr<AZ::SceneData::GraphData::BlendShapeAnimationData> morphAnimNode =
- AZStd::make_shared<AZ::SceneData::GraphData::BlendShapeAnimationData>();
- const size_t numKeyFrames = GetNumKeyFrames(static_cast<AZ::u32>(keys.size()), animation->mDuration, animation->mTicksPerSecond);
- morphAnimNode->ReserveKeyFrames(numKeyFrames);
- morphAnimNode->SetTimeStepBetweenFrames(s_defaultTimeStepBetweenFrames);
- aiAnimMesh* aiAnimMesh = mesh->mAnimMeshes[meshIdx];
- AZStd::string_view nodeName(aiAnimMesh->mName.C_Str());
- AZ::u32 keyIdx = 0;
- for (AZ::u32 frame = 0; frame < numKeyFrames; ++frame)
- {
- const double time = GetTimeForFrame(frame, animation->mTicksPerSecond);
- float weight = 0;
- if (!SampleKeyFrame(weight, keys, static_cast<AZ::u32>(keys.size()), time + keyOffset, keyIdx))
- {
- return Events::ProcessingResult::Failure;
- }
- morphAnimNode->AddKeyFrame(weight);
- }
- // Some DCC tools, like Maya, include a full path separated by '.' in the node names.
- // For example, "cone_skin_blendShapeNode.cone_squash"
- // Downstream processing doesn't want anything but the last part of that node name,
- // so find the last '.' and remove anything before it.
- const size_t dotIndex = nodeName.find_last_of('.');
- nodeName = nodeName.substr(dotIndex + 1);
- morphAnimNode->SetBlendShapeName(nodeName.data());
- // Duplicates can exist if an anim mesh had a name with a suffix like .001, in that case
- // AssImp will strip off that suffix. Note that this behavior is separate from the
- // scan for a period in the node name that came before this.
- AZStd::string originalNodeName(AZStd::string::format("%s_%s", s_animationNodeName, nodeName.data()));
- AZStd::string animNodeName(originalNodeName);
- if (RenamedNodesMap::SanitizeNodeName(
- animNodeName, context.m_scene.GetGraph(), context.m_currentGraphPosition, originalNodeName.c_str()))
- {
- AZ_Warning(
- "AnimationImporter", false,
- "Duplicate animations were found with the name %s on mesh %s. The duplicate will be named %s.",
- originalNodeName.c_str(), mesh->mName.C_Str(), animNodeName.c_str());
- }
- Containers::SceneGraph::NodeIndex addNode = context.m_scene.GetGraph().AddChild(
- context.m_currentGraphPosition, animNodeName.c_str(), AZStd::move(morphAnimNode));
- context.m_scene.GetGraph().MakeEndPoint(addNode);
- }
- return Events::ProcessingResult::Success;
- }
- } // namespace SceneBuilder
- } // namespace SceneAPI
- } // namespace AZ