123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #if !defined(Q_MOC_RUN)
- #include <AzCore/base.h>
- #include <AzCore/Memory/SystemAllocator.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/containers/map.h>
- #include <AzToolsFramework/AssetBrowser/Search/Filter.h>
- #include <AzToolsFramework/UI/LegacyFramework/UIFrameworkAPI.h>
- #include <AzToolsFramework/UI/LegacyFramework/MainWindowSavedState.h>
- #include <AzToolsFramework/UI/Logging/LogPanel_Panel.h>
- #include <Source/LUA/LUAEditorFindResults.hxx>
- #include "LUAEditorContextInterface.h"
- #include "LUAEditorViewMessages.h"
- #include "LUAEditorView.hxx"
- #include "LUAEditorFindDialog.hxx"
- #pragma once
- class QMenu;
- class QAction;
- class QToolbar;
- class QDockWidget;
- class QSettings;
- class QStandardItemModel;
- namespace Ui
- {
- class LUAEditorMainWindow;
- }
- namespace AzToolsFramework
- {
- class TargetSelectorButtonAction;
- namespace AssetBrowser
- {
- class AssetBrowserFilterModel;
- }
- }
- namespace LUA
- {
- class TargetContextButtonAction;
- }
- class ClassReferenceFilterModel;
- #include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow>
- #endif
- namespace LUAEditor
- {
- // Structure used for storing/retrieving compilation error data
- struct CompilationErrorData
- {
- AZStd::string m_filename;
- int m_lineNumber = 0;
- };
- //forwards
- class LUAViewWidget;
- class LUAEditorSettingsDialog;
- class DebugAttachmentButtonAction;
- class AssetDatabaseLocationListener;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Main Window
- class LUAEditorMainWindow
- : public QMainWindow
- , public LUAEditorMainWindowMessages::Handler
- , private LUAEditor::LUABreakpointTrackerMessages::Bus::Handler
- , public LUAViewMessages::Handler
- {
- public:
- AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR(LUAEditorMainWindow,AZ::SystemAllocator,0);
- LUAEditorMainWindow(QStandardItemModel* dataModel, bool connectedState, QWidget* parent = NULL, Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::WindowFlags());
- virtual ~LUAEditorMainWindow();
- bool OnGetPermissionToShutDown();
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Qt Events
- private:
- void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event) override;
- Ui::LUAEditorMainWindow* m_gui;
- AzToolsFramework::TargetSelectorButtonAction* m_pTargetButton;
- LUA::TargetContextButtonAction* m_pContextButton;
- DebugAttachmentButtonAction* m_pDebugAttachmentButton;
- bool m_bAutocompleteEnabled;
- int m_SkinChoice;
- void OnReferenceDataChanged();
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Qt Slots
- public slots:
- void RestoreWindowState();
- void OnMenuCloseCurrentWindow();
- //file menu
- void OnFileMenuOpen();
- void OnFileMenuNew();
- void OnFileMenuSave();
- void OnFileMenuSaveAs();
- void OnFileMenuSaveAll();
- void OnFileMenuReload();
- void OnFileMenuClose();
- void OnFileMenuCloseAll();
- void OnFileMenuCloseAllExcept();
- //edit menu
- void OnEditMenuUndo();
- void OnEditMenuRedo();
- void OnEditMenuCut();
- void OnEditMenuCopy();
- void OnEditMenuPaste();
- void OnEditMenuFind();
- void OnEditMenuFindNext();
- void OnEditMenuFindInAllOpen();
- void OnEditMenuFindLocal();
- void OnEditMenuFindLocalReverse();
- void OnEditMenuGoToLine();
- void OnEditMenuFoldAll();
- void OnEditMenuUnfoldAll();
- void OnEditMenuReplace();
- void OnEditMenuReplaceInAllOpen();
- void OnEditMenuSelectAll();
- void OnEditMenuSelectToBrace();
- void OnCommentSelectedBlock();
- void OnUnCommentSelectedBlock();
- void OnEditMenuTransposeUp();
- void OnEditMenuTransposeDn();
- void OnTabForwards();
- void OnTabBackwards();
- //view menu
- void OnViewMenuBreakpoints();
- void OnViewMenuStack();
- void OnViewMenuLocals();
- void OnViewMenuWatch();
- void OnViewMenuReference();
- void OnViewMenuFind1();
- void OnViewMenuFind2();
- void OnViewMenuFind3();
- void OnViewMenuFind4();
- void OnViewMenuResetZoom();
- // options Menu
- void OnAutocompleteChanged(bool change);
- void OnSettings();
- // help menu
- void OnLuaDocumentation();
- void OnDebugExecute();
- void OnDebugExecuteOnTarget();
- // execution control
- void OnDebugToggleBreakpoint();
- void OnDebugContinueRunning();
- void OnDebugStepOver();
- void OnDebugStepIn();
- void OnDebugStepOut();
- //source control
- void OnSourceControlMenuCheckOut();
- //tools menu
- // panels
- void luaClassFilterTextChanged( const QString& );
- //find
- void OnFindResultClicked(FindResultsBlockInfo result);
- void showTabContextMenu(const AZStd::string& assetId, const QPoint&);
- void closeAllTabsExceptThisTabContextMenu();
- // user closed all tabs in the log control
- void OnLogTabsReset();
- void AddMessageToLog(AzToolsFramework::Logging::LogLine::LogType type, const char* window, const char* message, void* data);
- private:
- AZStd::string m_currentTabContextMenuUUID;
- AZStd::string m_lastOpenFilePath;
- AZStd::vector<FindResultsBlockInfo> m_dProcessFindListClicked;
- void OnDataLoadedAndSet(const DocumentInfo& info, LUAViewWidget* pLUAViewWidget) override;
- AzToolsFramework::AssetBrowser::AssetBrowserFilterModel* m_filterModel;
- QSharedPointer<AzToolsFramework::AssetBrowser::CompositeFilter> CreateFilter();
- QAction* m_actionClearRecentFiles;
- void LogLineSelectionChanged(const AzToolsFramework::Logging::LogLine& logLine);
- void OnOptionsMenuRequested();
- void UpdateOpenRecentMenu();
- public:
- void SetupLuaFilesPanel();
- void ResetSearchClicks();
- bool NeedsCheckout();
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //ClientInterface Messages
- private:
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- AssetDatabaseLocationListener* m_assetDatabaseListener = nullptr;
- public:
- void OnOpenLUAView(const DocumentInfo& docInfo);
- void OnOpenWatchView();
- void OnOpenBreakpointsView();
- void OnOpenStackView();
- void OnOpenLocalsView();
- void OnOpenFindView(int watchIndex); //this is not the page index this is the watch window index
- void OnOpenReferenceView();
- void MoveProgramCursor(const AZStd::string& assetId, int lineNumber);
- void MoveEditCursor(const AZStd::string& assetId, int lineNumber, bool withSelection = false);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // LUAEditorMainWindow Messages.
- public:
- virtual void OnCloseView(const AZStd::string& assetId);
- void OnFocusInEvent(const AZStd::string& assetId) override;
- void OnFocusOutEvent(const AZStd::string& assetId) override;
- void OnRequestCheckOut(const AZStd::string& assetId) override;
- void OnConnectedToTarget() override;
- void OnDisconnectedFromTarget() override;
- void OnConnectedToDebugger() override;
- void OnDisconnectedFromDebugger() override;
- void Repaint() override;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *pEvent) override;
- void dropEvent(QDropEvent *pEvent) override;
- void IgnoreFocusEvents(bool ignore) { m_bIgnoreFocusRequests = ignore; }
- // specifically pass by value
- bool RequestCloseDocument(const AZStd::string assetId);
- void OnDockWidgetLocationChanged(const AZStd::string assetId);
- void OnDocumentInfoUpdated(const DocumentInfo& newInfo);
- bool OnRequestFocusView(const AZStd::string& assetId);
- bool OnFileSaveDialog(const AZStd::string& assetName, AZStd::string& newAssetName);
- bool OnFileSaveAsDialog(const AZStd::string& assetName, AZStd::string& newAssetName);
- //window state
- void SaveWindowState();
- // send new data to context.
- bool SyncDocumentToContext(const AZStd::string& assetId);
- private:
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Find Dialog
- LUAEditorFindDialog *m_ptrFindDialog;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- LUAEditorSettingsDialog* m_settingsDialog;
- QTabBar* ResolveDockWidgetToTabBarAndIndex(LUADockWidget* pDockWidget, int& tabIndex);
- AZ::Uuid ResolveTabBarAndIndexToDocumentID(QTabBar* pBar, int tabIndex);
- QTabBar* FindMyDock(QWidget *source);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //View Tracking
- private:
- //LUA Views
- class TrackedLUAView
- {
- public:
- TrackedLUAView( LUADockWidget* pLUADockWidget,
- LUAViewWidget* pLUAViewWidget,
- AZStd::string assetId)
- : m_pLUADockWidget(pLUADockWidget)
- , m_pLUAViewWidget(pLUAViewWidget)
- , m_assetId(assetId){}
- ~TrackedLUAView(){};
- LUADockWidget* luaDockWidget(){ return m_pLUADockWidget;}
- LUAViewWidget* luaViewWidget(){ return m_pLUAViewWidget;}
- AZStd::string assetId(){ return m_assetId; }
- private:
- LUADockWidget* m_pLUADockWidget;
- LUAViewWidget* m_pLUAViewWidget;
- AZStd::string m_assetId;
- };//class TrackedLUAView
- typedef AZStd::unordered_map<AZStd::string, TrackedLUAView> TrackedLUAViewMap;
- TrackedLUAViewMap m_dOpenLUAView;
- //this will track the last focused document
- //this will get set on the focus event
- //Note this is only valid if the m_dOpenLUAView is not empty
- AZStd::string m_lastFocusedAssetId;
- QAction *actionTabForwards;
- QAction *actionTabBackwards;
- QLabel *m_ptrPerforceStatusWidget;
- // support for windows-ish Ctrl+Tab cycling through documents via the above Tab actions
- typedef AZStd::list<AZStd::string> TrackedLUACtrlTabOrder;
- TrackedLUACtrlTabOrder m_CtrlTabOrder;
- bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) override;
- AZStd::string m_StoredTabAssetId;
- bool m_bIgnoreFocusRequests;
- // this tracks where the program cursor was last:
- AZStd::string m_lastProgramCounterAssetId;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Debugger Messages, from the LUAEditor::LUABreakpointTrackerMessages::Bus
- void BreakpointsUpdate(const LUAEditor::BreakpointMap& uniqueBreakpoints) override;
- void BreakpointHit(const LUAEditor::Breakpoint& breakpoint) override;
- void BreakpointResume() override;
- void OnExecuteScriptResult(bool success) override;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // track activity and synchronize the appropriate widgets' states to match
- void SetDebugControlsToInitial();
- void SetDebugControlsToRunning();
- void SetDebugControlsToAtBreak();
- void SetEditContolsToNoFilesOpen();
- void SetEditContolsToAtLeastOneFileOpen();
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // LUA class reference panel support
- ClassReferenceFilterModel *m_ClassReferenceFilter;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Internal state tracking to consolidate button/GUI handling
- struct StateTrack
- {
- StateTrack()
- : targetConnected(false)
- , debuggerAttached(false)
- , atLeastOneFileOpen(false)
- , scriptRunning(false)
- , atBreak(false)
- , hasExecuted(false)
- {}
- void Init()
- {
- targetConnected = false;
- debuggerAttached = false;
- atLeastOneFileOpen = false;
- scriptRunning = false;
- atBreak = false;
- hasExecuted = false;
- }
- bool targetConnected;
- bool debuggerAttached;
- bool atLeastOneFileOpen;
- bool scriptRunning;
- bool atBreak;
- bool hasExecuted;
- } m_StateTrack;
- void SetGUIToMatch( StateTrack & );
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Debugging
- private:
- void ExecuteScript(bool locally);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //finding
- public:
- QTabWidget* GetFindTabWidget();
- FindResults* GetFindResultsWidget(int index);
- void SetCurrentFindListWidget(int index);
- LUAViewWidget* GetCurrentView();
- AZStd::vector<LUAViewWidget*> GetAllViews();
- bool HasAtLeastOneFileOpen() const;
- };
- class LUAEditorMainWindowLayout : public QLayout
- {
- public:
- AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR(LUAEditorMainWindowLayout, AZ::SystemAllocator);
- LUAEditorMainWindowLayout(QWidget *pParent);
- virtual ~LUAEditorMainWindowLayout();
- virtual void addItem(QLayoutItem *);
- virtual QLayoutItem *itemAt(int index) const ;
- virtual QLayoutItem *takeAt(int index) ;
- virtual int count() const;
- virtual void setGeometry ( const QRect & r );
- virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
- virtual QSize minimumSize() const;
- // this layout can only have two children:
- AZStd::vector<QLayoutItem *> children;
- virtual Qt::Orientations expandingDirections() const;
- };
- class LUAEditorMainWindowSavedState : public AzToolsFramework::MainWindowSavedState
- {
- public:
- AZ_RTTI(LUAEditorMainWindowSavedState, "{AEB8E5D6-4F2F-49A2-BB09-795614ABAAFF}", AzToolsFramework::MainWindowSavedState);
- AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR(LUAEditorMainWindowSavedState, AZ::SystemAllocator);
- AZStd::vector<AZStd::string> m_openAssetIds;
- bool m_bAutocompleteEnabled;
- bool m_bAutoReloadUnmodifiedFiles = false;
- LUAEditorMainWindowSavedState() {}
- void Init(const QByteArray& windowState,const QByteArray& windowGeom) override
- {
- AzToolsFramework::MainWindowSavedState::Init(windowState, windowGeom);
- }
- static void Reflect(AZ::ReflectContext* reflection);
- };
- }