123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include <native/tests/AssetProcessorTest.h>
- #include <native/tests/MockAssetDatabaseRequestsHandler.h>
- #include <native/utilities/StatsCapture.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/containers/vector.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/string/string.h>
- #include <AzCore/Settings/SettingsRegistry.h>
- #include <AzCore/Debug/TraceMessageBus.h>
- #include <AzCore/StringFunc/StringFunc.h>
- #include <QDir>
- #include <QString>
- // the simple stats capture system has a trivial interface and only writes to printf.
- // So the simplest tests we can do is make sure it only asserts when it should
- // and doesn't assert in cases when it shouldn't, and that the stats are reasonable
- // in printf format.
- namespace AssetProcessor
- {
- class StatsCaptureTest
- : public AssetProcessorTest
- {
- private:
- MockAssetDatabaseRequestsHandler m_databaseLocationListener;
- };
- // Its okay to talk to this system when unintialized, you can gain some perf
- // by not intializing it at all
- TEST_F(StatsCaptureTest, StatsCaptureTest_UninitializedSystemDoesNotAssert)
- {
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::BeginCaptureStat("Test");
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::EndCaptureStat("Test");
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::Dump();
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::Shutdown();
- }
- // Double-intiailize is an error
- TEST_F(StatsCaptureTest, StatsCaptureTest_DoubleInitializeIsAnAssert)
- {
- m_errorAbsorber->Clear();
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::Initialize();
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::Initialize();
- EXPECT_EQ(m_errorAbsorber->m_numErrorsAbsorbed, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(m_errorAbsorber->m_numAssertsAbsorbed, 1); // not allowed to assert on this
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::BeginCaptureStat("Test");
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::Shutdown();
- }
- class StatsCaptureOutputTest
- : public StatsCaptureTest
- , public AZ::Debug::TraceMessageBus::Handler
- {
- private:
- //! These private members establish the connection to a temporary asset database, which StatsCapture may persist stat entries to.
- AssetDatabaseConnection m_dbConnection;
- friend class GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(StatsCaptureOutputTest, StatsCaptureTest_PersistToDb);
- public:
- void SetUp() override
- {
- StatsCaptureTest::SetUp();
- m_dbConnection.OpenDatabase();
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::Initialize();
- }
- // dump but also capture the dump as a vector of lines:
- void Dump()
- {
- AZ::Debug::TraceMessageBus::Handler::BusConnect();
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::Dump();
- AZ::Debug::TraceMessageBus::Handler::BusDisconnect();
- }
- virtual bool OnPrintf(const char* /*window*/, const char* message)
- {
- m_gatheredMessages.emplace_back(message);
- AZ::StringFunc::TrimWhiteSpace(m_gatheredMessages.back(), true, true);
- return false;
- }
- void TearDown() override
- {
- m_gatheredMessages = {};
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::Shutdown();
- StatsCaptureTest::TearDown();
- }
- AZStd::vector<AZStd::string> m_gatheredMessages;
- };
- // turning off machine and human readable mode, should not dump anything.
- TEST_F(StatsCaptureOutputTest, StatsCaptureTest_DisabledByRegset_DumpsNothing)
- {
- auto registry = AZ::SettingsRegistry::Get();
- ASSERT_NE(registry, nullptr);
- registry->Set("/Amazon/AssetProcessor/Settings/Stats/HumanReadable", false);
- registry->Set("/Amazon/AssetProcessor/Settings/Stats/MachineReadable", false);
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::BeginCaptureStat("Test");
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::EndCaptureStat("Test");
- Dump();
- EXPECT_EQ(m_gatheredMessages.size(), 0);
- }
- // turning on Human Readable, turn off Machine Readable, should not output any machine readable stats.
- TEST_F(StatsCaptureOutputTest, StatsCaptureTest_HumanReadableOnly_DumpsNoMachineReadable)
- {
- auto registry = AZ::SettingsRegistry::Get();
- ASSERT_NE(registry, nullptr);
- registry->Set("/Amazon/AssetProcessor/Settings/Stats/HumanReadable", true);
- registry->Set("/Amazon/AssetProcessor/Settings/Stats/MachineReadable", false);
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::BeginCaptureStat("Test");
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::EndCaptureStat("Test");
- Dump();
- EXPECT_GT(m_gatheredMessages.size(), 0);
- for (const auto& message : m_gatheredMessages)
- {
- // we expect to see ZERO "Machine Readable" lines
- EXPECT_FALSE(message.contains("MachineReadableStat:")) << "Found unexpected line in output: " << message.c_str();
- }
- }
- // Turn on Machine Readable, Turn off Human Readable, ensure only Machine Readable stats emitted.
- TEST_F(StatsCaptureOutputTest, StatsCaptureTest_MachineReadableOnly_DumpsNoHumanReadable)
- {
- auto registry = AZ::SettingsRegistry::Get();
- ASSERT_NE(registry, nullptr);
- registry->Set("/Amazon/AssetProcessor/Settings/Stats/HumanReadable", false);
- registry->Set("/Amazon/AssetProcessor/Settings/Stats/MachineReadable", true);
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::BeginCaptureStat("Test");
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::EndCaptureStat("Test");
- Dump();
- for (const auto& message : m_gatheredMessages)
- {
- // we expect to see ONLY "Machine Readable" lines
- EXPECT_TRUE(message.contains("MachineReadableStat:")) << "Found unexpected line in output: " << message.c_str();
- }
- EXPECT_GT(m_gatheredMessages.size(), 0);
- }
- // The interface for StatsCapture just captures and then dumps.
- // For us to test this, we thus have to capture and parse the dump output.
- TEST_F(StatsCaptureOutputTest, StatsCaptureTest_Sanity)
- {
- auto registry = AZ::SettingsRegistry::Get();
- ASSERT_NE(registry, nullptr);
- // Make it output in "machine raadable" format so that it is simpler to parse.
- registry->Set("/Amazon/AssetProcessor/Settings/Stats/HumanReadable", false);
- registry->Set("/Amazon/AssetProcessor/Settings/Stats/MachineReadable", true);
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::BeginCaptureStat("CreateJobs,foo,mybuilder");
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::EndCaptureStat("CreateJobs,foo,mybuilder");
- // Intentionally not using sleeps in this test. It means that the
- // captured duration will be likely 0 but its not worth it to slow down tests.
- // If the durations end up 0 its going to be extremely noticable in day-to-day use.
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::BeginCaptureStat("CreateJobs,foo,mybuilder");
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::EndCaptureStat("CreateJobs,foo,mybuilder");
- // for the second stat, we'll double capture and double end, in order to test debounce
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::BeginCaptureStat("CreateJobs,foo2,mybuilder");
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::BeginCaptureStat("CreateJobs,foo2,mybuilder");
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::EndCaptureStat("CreateJobs,foo2,mybuilder2");
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::EndCaptureStat("CreateJobs,foo2,mybuilder2");
- m_gatheredMessages.clear();
- Dump();
- EXPECT_GT(m_gatheredMessages.size(), 0);
- // We'll parse the machine readable stat lines here and make sure that the following is true
- // mybuilder appears
- // mybuilder appears only once but count is 2
- bool foundFoo = false;
- bool foundFoo2 = false;
- for (const auto& stat : m_gatheredMessages)
- {
- if (stat.contains("MachineReadableStat:"))
- {
- AZStd::vector<AZStd::string> tokens;
- AZ::StringFunc::Tokenize(stat, tokens, ":", false, false);
- ASSERT_EQ(tokens.size(), 5); // should be "MachineReadableStat:time:count:average:name)
- const auto& countData = tokens[2];
- const auto& nameData = tokens[4];
- if (AZ::StringFunc::Equal(nameData, "CreateJobs,foo,mybuilder"))
- {
- EXPECT_FALSE(foundFoo); // should only find one of these
- foundFoo = true;
- EXPECT_STREQ(countData.c_str(), "2");
- }
- if (AZ::StringFunc::Equal(nameData, "CreateJobs,foo2,mybuilder2"))
- {
- EXPECT_FALSE(foundFoo2); // should only find one of these
- foundFoo2 = true;
- EXPECT_STREQ(countData.c_str(), "1");
- }
- }
- }
- EXPECT_TRUE(foundFoo) << "The expected token CreateJobs,foo,mybuilder did not appear in the output.";
- EXPECT_TRUE(foundFoo2) << "The expected CreateJobs.foo2.mybuilder2 did not appear in the output";
- }
- // If BeginCaptureStat was called for a certain statName, EndCaptureStat returns with a AZStd::optional containing just-measured duration as
- // its value. If BeginCaptureStat was not called for a certain statName, EndCaptureStat returns with a AZStd::optional without a value.
- TEST_F(StatsCaptureOutputTest, StatsCaptureTest_ReturnsLastDuration)
- {
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::BeginCaptureStat("O3");
- auto o3Result = AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::EndCaptureStat("O3");
- auto deResult = AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::EndCaptureStat("DE");
- EXPECT_TRUE(o3Result.has_value());
- EXPECT_FALSE(deResult.has_value());
- }
- // Stat does not exist in asset database if EndCaptureStat's persistToDb argument is not specified or is false, and exist in asset database if
- // persistToDb is true.
- TEST_F(StatsCaptureOutputTest, StatsCaptureTest_PersistToDb)
- {
- AZ::u32 statEntryCount{ 0 };
- auto countQueriedStatEntry = [&statEntryCount]([[maybe_unused]] AzToolsFramework::AssetDatabase::StatDatabaseEntry& entry)
- {
- ++statEntryCount;
- return true;
- };
- AZStd::vector<AzToolsFramework::AssetDatabase::StatDatabaseEntry> statEntryContainer;
- auto getQueriedStatEntry = [&statEntryContainer]([[maybe_unused]] AzToolsFramework::AssetDatabase::StatDatabaseEntry& entry)
- {
- statEntryContainer.emplace_back() = AZStd::move(entry);
- return true;
- };
- // persistToDb argument is not specified
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::BeginCaptureStat("Open");
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::EndCaptureStat("Open");
- statEntryCount = 0;
- m_dbConnection.QueryStatsTable(countQueriedStatEntry);
- EXPECT_EQ(statEntryCount, 0);
- // persistToDb argument is false
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::BeginCaptureStat("3D");
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::EndCaptureStat("3D", false);
- statEntryCount = 0;
- m_dbConnection.QueryStatsTable(countQueriedStatEntry);
- EXPECT_EQ(statEntryCount, 0);
- // persistToDb argument is true
- AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::BeginCaptureStat("Engine");
- auto statResult = AssetProcessor::StatsCapture::EndCaptureStat("Engine", true);
- ASSERT_TRUE(statResult.has_value());
- statEntryContainer.clear();
- m_dbConnection.QueryStatsTable(getQueriedStatEntry);
- ASSERT_EQ(statEntryContainer.size(), 1);
- EXPECT_EQ(statEntryContainer.at(0).m_statValue, aznumeric_cast<AZ::s64>(statResult.value()));
- }
- } // namespace AssetProcessor