123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include "ImGuiLYCommonMenu.h"
- #include <AzCore/std/string/conversions.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/sort.h>
- #include <AzCore/StringFunc/StringFunc.h>
- #include <AzCore/Console/IConsole.h>
- #include <AzFramework/Input/Buses/Requests/InputSystemCursorRequestBus.h>
- #include <AzFramework/Input/Devices/Mouse/InputDeviceMouse.h>
- #include <AzFramework/Spawnable/Spawnable.h>
- #include <AzFramework/Viewport/ViewportBus.h>
- #include <imgui/imgui_internal.h>
- #include <ILevelSystem.h>
- #include "ImGuiColorDefines.h"
- #include "LYImGuiUtils/ImGuiDrawHelpers.h"
- // individual menus
- #include "ImGuiLYAssetExplorer.h"
- #include "ImGuiLYCameraMonitor.h"
- #include "ImGuiLYEntityOutliner.h"
- namespace ImGui
- {
- // Resolution Widths to recommend for usage for both O3DE Rendering and/or ImGui Rendering
- static int s_renderResolutionWidths[7] = { 800, 1280, 1600, 1920, 2560, 3440, 3840 };
- static int s_renderAspectRatios[4][2] = { {16,9}, {16,10}, {43,18}, {4,3} };
- static const char* s_toggleTelemetryConsoleCmd = "radtm_ToggleEnabled 1";
- ImGuiLYCommonMenu::ImGuiLYCommonMenu()
- : m_telemetryCaptureTime(8.0f)
- , m_telemetryCaptureTimeRemaining(-1.0f)
- , m_controllerLegendWindowVisible(false)
- {
- }
- ImGuiLYCommonMenu::~ImGuiLYCommonMenu()
- {
- }
- void ImGuiLYCommonMenu::Initialize()
- {
- // Connect EBusses
- ImGuiUpdateListenerBus::Handler::BusConnect();
- // init sub menu objects
- m_assetExplorer.Initialize();
- m_cameraMonitor.Initialize();
- m_entityOutliner.Initialize();
- m_inputMonitor.Initialize();
- m_deltaTimeHistogram.Init("onTick Delta Time (Milliseconds)", 250, LYImGuiUtils::HistogramContainer::ViewType::Histogram, true, 0.0f, 60.0f);
- AZ::TickBus::Handler::BusConnect();
- }
- void ImGuiLYCommonMenu::Shutdown()
- {
- // Disconnect EBusses
- AZ::TickBus::Handler::BusDisconnect();
- ImGuiUpdateListenerBus::Handler::BusDisconnect();
- // shutdown sub menu objects
- m_inputMonitor.Shutdown();
- m_assetExplorer.Shutdown();
- m_cameraMonitor.Shutdown();
- m_entityOutliner.Shutdown();
- }
- static auto SystemCursorStateComboGetter = []([[maybe_unused]] void* contextPtr, int idx, const char** out_text)
- {
- AzFramework::SystemCursorState cursorState = static_cast<AzFramework::SystemCursorState>(idx);
- switch (cursorState)
- {
- default:
- break;
- case AzFramework::SystemCursorState::Unknown:
- *out_text = "*unknown*";
- return true;
- case AzFramework::SystemCursorState::ConstrainedAndHidden:
- *out_text = "ConstrainedAndHidden";
- return true;
- case AzFramework::SystemCursorState::ConstrainedAndVisible:
- *out_text = "ConstrainedAndVisible";
- return true;
- case AzFramework::SystemCursorState::UnconstrainedAndHidden:
- *out_text = "UnconstrainedAndHidden";
- return true;
- case AzFramework::SystemCursorState::UnconstrainedAndVisible:
- *out_text = "UnconstrainedAndVisible";
- return true;
- }
- *out_text = "*error_unimplemented*";
- return false;
- };
- void ImGuiLYCommonMenu::OnImGuiUpdate()
- {
- float dpiScalingFactor = 1.0f;
- ImGuiManagerBus::BroadcastResult(dpiScalingFactor, &ImGuiManagerBus::Events::GetDpiScalingFactor);
- // Utility function to calculate the size in device pixels based on the current DPI
- const auto dpiAwareSizeFn = [dpiScalingFactor](float size)
- {
- return dpiScalingFactor * size;
- };
- AZStd::optional<AzFramework::ViewportBorderPadding> viewportBorderPaddingOpt;
- AzFramework::ViewportBorderRequestBus::BroadcastResult(
- viewportBorderPaddingOpt, &AzFramework::ViewportBorderRequestBus::Events::GetViewportBorderPadding);
- AzFramework::ViewportBorderPadding viewportBorderPadding = viewportBorderPaddingOpt.value_or(AzFramework::ViewportBorderPadding{});
- auto ctx = ImGui::GetCurrentContext();
- // determine if the window is the drop down and if it is active
- const auto windowIt = AZStd::find_if(
- ctx->Windows.begin(),
- ctx->Windows.end(),
- [](const ImGuiWindow* window)
- {
- // there is a drop down if the BeginOrder is 2 (1 below main menu),
- // drop down items are called "##Menu_00"
- return window->BeginOrderWithinContext == 2 && strcmp(window->Name, "##Menu_00") == 0 && window->WasActive;
- });
- if (windowIt != ctx->Windows.end())
- {
- m_markedForHiding = false;
- // this conditional stops the notification from repeatedly broadcasting
- if (m_dropdownState != ImGuiDropdownState::Shown)
- {
- m_dropdownState = ImGuiDropdownState::Shown;
- AzFramework::ViewportImGuiNotificationBus::Broadcast(
- &AzFramework::ViewportImGuiNotificationBus::Events::OnImGuiDropDownShown);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // if it has already been marked that it is hidden, notify that it has done so
- if (m_dropdownState != ImGuiDropdownState::Hidden && m_markedForHiding)
- {
- m_dropdownState = ImGuiDropdownState::Hidden;
- AzFramework::ViewportImGuiNotificationBus::Broadcast(
- &AzFramework::ViewportImGuiNotificationBus::Events::OnImGuiDropDownHidden);
- m_markedForHiding = false;
- }
- else
- {
- // when the dropdown switches between options it counts as hidden, but it isn't known if it is
- // actually hidden or just switching, this acts as an intermediary for the next update
- // in the above conditional
- m_markedForHiding = true;
- }
- }
- // Utility function to return the current offset (scaled by DPI) if a viewport border
- // is active (otherwise 0.0)
- auto dpiAwareBorderOffsetFn = [&viewportBorderPaddingOpt, &dpiAwareSizeFn](float size)
- {
- return viewportBorderPaddingOpt.has_value() ? dpiAwareSizeFn(size) : 0.0f;
- };
- // Shift the menu down if a viewport border is active
- ImVec2 cachedSafeArea = ImGui::GetStyle().DisplaySafeAreaPadding;
- ImGui::GetStyle().DisplaySafeAreaPadding = ImVec2(cachedSafeArea.x, cachedSafeArea.y + dpiAwareSizeFn(viewportBorderPadding.m_top));
- if (ImGui::BeginMainMenuBar())
- {
- // Constant to shift right aligned menu items by (distance to the left) when a viewport border is active
- const float rightAlignedBorderOffset = dpiAwareBorderOffsetFn(36.0f);
- // Get Discrete Input state now, we will use it both inside the ImGui SubMenu, and along the main task bar ( when it is on )
- bool discreteInputEnabled = false;
- ImGuiManagerBus::BroadcastResult(discreteInputEnabled, &IImGuiManager::GetEnableDiscreteInputMode);
- // Input Mode Display
- {
- const float prevCursorPos = ImGui::GetCursorPosX();
- ImGui::SetCursorPosX(
- ImGui::GetWindowWidth() - dpiAwareSizeFn(300.0f + viewportBorderPadding.m_right) - rightAlignedBorderOffset);
- AZStd::string inputTitle = "Input: ";
- if (!discreteInputEnabled)
- {
- inputTitle.append("ImGui & Game");
- }
- else
- {
- // Discrete Input - Control ImGui and Game independently.
- ImGui::DisplayState state;
- ImGui::ImGuiManagerBus::BroadcastResult(state, &ImGui::IImGuiManager::GetDisplayState);
- if (state == DisplayState::Visible)
- {
- inputTitle.append("ImGui");
- }
- else
- {
- inputTitle.append("Game");
- }
- }
- if (ImGui::BeginMenu(inputTitle.c_str()))
- {
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Discrete Input Mode. Currently Enabled:");
- ImGui::SameLine();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_NiceLabelColor, discreteInputEnabled ? "True" : "False");
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, " * Discrete Input mode ON: All input goes to both ImGui and the Game, all the time.");
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, " * Discrete Input mode OFF: ImGui has three states 1)ImGui On, Input->ImGui, 2)ImGui On, Input->Game 3) ImGui Off");
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, " * Hot Tip: use the LY Common -> ImGui Menu to toggle on and off discrete input mode, or the CVAR: 'imgui_DiscreteInputMode'");
- ImGui::Separator();
- ImGui::Text("Controller Legend ");
- ImGui::SameLine();
- if (ImGui::SmallButton("Window"))
- {
- m_controllerLegendWindowVisible = true;
- }
- ImGui::SameLine();
- if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Peek"))
- {
- OnImGuiUpdate_DrawControllerLegend();
- ImGui::EndMenu();
- }
- ImGui::EndMenu(); // inputTitle
- }
- ImGui::SetCursorPosX(prevCursorPos);
- }
- // Add some space before the first menu so it won't overlap with view control buttons
- ImGui::SetCursorPosX(dpiAwareSizeFn(40.0f + viewportBorderPadding.m_left));
- // Main Open 3D Engine menu
- if (ImGui::BeginMenu("O3DE"))
- {
- AZ::IConsole* console = AZ::Interface<AZ::IConsole>::Get();
- if (console != nullptr)
- {
- // Get the current console visibility status and cache it
- bool showConsole = true;
- console->GetCvarValue("bg_showDebugConsole", showConsole);
- const bool originalValue = showConsole;
- ImGui::Checkbox("Console", &showConsole);
- if (originalValue != showConsole)
- {
- // If the visibility state changed then update the console variable
- // Guard for edges so we don't continuously spam the console with commands
- console->PerformCommand(showConsole ? "bg_showDebugConsole true" : "bg_showDebugConsole false");
- }
- }
- if (ImGui::MenuItem("Delta Time Graph"))
- {
- m_showDeltaTimeGraphs = !m_showDeltaTimeGraphs;
- }
- // Asset Explorer
- if (ImGui::MenuItem("Asset Explorer"))
- {
- m_assetExplorer.ToggleEnabled();
- }
- // Camera Monitor
- if (ImGui::MenuItem("Camera Monitor"))
- {
- m_cameraMonitor.ToggleEnabled();
- }
- if (ImGui::MenuItem("Input Monitor"))
- {
- m_inputMonitor.ToggleEnabled();
- }
- // LY Entity Outliner
- if (ImGui::SmallButton("Launch"))
- {
- m_entityOutliner.ToggleEnabled();
- }
- ImGui::SameLine();
- if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Entity Outliner"))
- {
- m_entityOutliner.ImGuiUpdate_DrawComponentViewSubMenu();
- ImGui::EndMenu();
- }
- // Display Options
- if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Display Info"))
- {
- // Display Info
- static ICVar* rDisplayInfoCVar = gEnv->pConsole->GetCVar("r_DisplayInfo");
- if (rDisplayInfoCVar)
- {
- int displayInfoVal = rDisplayInfoCVar->GetIVal();
- int dragIntVal = displayInfoVal;
- ImGui::Text("r_DisplayInfo: %d ( View Runtime LY Debug Stats)", displayInfoVal);
- ImGui::SliderInt("##DisplayInfo", &dragIntVal, 0, 5);
- if (dragIntVal != displayInfoVal)
- {
- rDisplayInfoCVar->Set(dragIntVal);
- }
- }
- // Texel Density
- static ICVar* eTexelDensityCVAR = gEnv->pConsole->GetCVar("e_texeldensity");
- if (eTexelDensityCVAR)
- {
- int texelDensityValue = eTexelDensityCVAR->GetIVal();
- int dragIntVal = texelDensityValue;
- ImGui::Text("e_texeldensity: %d ( Used for Misc. LOD/MipMap debugging )", texelDensityValue);
- ImGui::SliderInt("##texelDensity", &dragIntVal, 0, 2);
- if (dragIntVal != texelDensityValue)
- {
- eTexelDensityCVAR->Set(dragIntVal);
- }
- }
- ImGui::EndMenu();
- }
- // View Maps ( pending valid ILevelSystem )
- auto lvlSystem = (gEnv && gEnv->pSystem) ? gEnv->pSystem->GetILevelSystem() : nullptr;
- if (lvlSystem && AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleInterface::Get() && ImGui::BeginMenu("Levels"))
- {
- if (AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleInterface::Get()->IsLevelLoaded())
- {
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Current Level: ");
- ImGui::SameLine();
- ImGui::TextColored(
- ImGui::Colors::s_NiceLabelColor,
- "%s",
- AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleInterface::Get()->GetCurrentLevelName());
- }
- // Run through all the assets in the asset catalog and gather up the list of level assets
- AZ::Data::AssetType levelAssetType = lvlSystem->GetLevelAssetType();
- AZStd::vector<AZStd::string> levelNames;
- AZStd::set<AZStd::string> networkedLevelNames;
- auto enumerateCB =
- [levelAssetType, &levelNames, &networkedLevelNames]([[maybe_unused]] const AZ::Data::AssetId id, const AZ::Data::AssetInfo& assetInfo)
- {
- if (assetInfo.m_assetType == levelAssetType)
- {
- // A network spawnable is serialized to file as a ".network.spawnable". (See Multiplayer Gem's MultiplayerConstants.h)
- // Filter out network spawnables from the level list,
- // but keep track of which levels require networking so they can be recognized in the level selection menu.
- constexpr AZStd::fixed_string<32> networkSpawnablePrefix(".network");
- constexpr AZStd::fixed_string<32> networkSpawnableFileExtension = networkSpawnablePrefix + AzFramework::Spawnable::DotFileExtension;
- if (assetInfo.m_relativePath.ends_with(networkSpawnableFileExtension))
- {
- AZStd::string spawnablePath(assetInfo.m_relativePath);
- AZ::StringFunc::Replace(spawnablePath, networkSpawnablePrefix.c_str(), "");
- networkedLevelNames.emplace(spawnablePath);
- }
- else
- {
- levelNames.emplace_back(assetInfo.m_relativePath);
- }
- }
- };
- AZ::Data::AssetCatalogRequestBus::Broadcast(
- &AZ::Data::AssetCatalogRequestBus::Events::EnumerateAssets, nullptr, enumerateCB, nullptr);
- AZStd::sort(levelNames.begin(), levelNames.end());
- // Create a menu item for each level asset, with an action to load it if selected.
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Load Level: ");
- for (int i = 0; i < levelNames.size(); i++)
- {
- bool isNetworked = networkedLevelNames.contains(levelNames[i]);
- if (ImGui::MenuItem(AZStd::string::format("%d- %s%s", i, levelNames[i].c_str(), isNetworked ? " (Multiplayer)":"").c_str()))
- {
- AZ::TickBus::QueueFunction(
- [lvlSystem, levelNames, i]()
- {
- lvlSystem->LoadLevel(levelNames[i].c_str());
- });
- }
- }
- ImGui::EndMenu();
- }
- if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Mouse/Cursor"))
- {
- AzFramework::SystemCursorState currentCursorState;
- AzFramework::InputSystemCursorRequestBus::EventResult(currentCursorState, AzFramework::InputDeviceMouse::Id, &AzFramework::InputSystemCursorRequests::GetSystemCursorState);
- int comboCursorState = static_cast<int>(currentCursorState);
- ImGui::Combo("System Cursor State", &comboCursorState, SystemCursorStateComboGetter, this, static_cast<int>(AzFramework::SystemCursorState::UnconstrainedAndVisible) + 1);
- AzFramework::SystemCursorState postComboCursorState = static_cast<AzFramework::SystemCursorState>(comboCursorState);
- if (postComboCursorState != currentCursorState)
- {
- AzFramework::InputSystemCursorRequestBus::Event(AzFramework::InputDeviceMouse::Id, &AzFramework::InputSystemCursorRequests::SetSystemCursorState, postComboCursorState);
- }
- ImGui::EndMenu();
- }
- if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Telemetry"))
- {
- bool telemetryToggleEnabled = false;
- if (ImGui::MenuItem("Toggle Enabled"))
- {
- telemetryToggleEnabled = true;
- m_telemetryCaptureTimeRemaining = -1;
- }
- if (telemetryToggleEnabled)
- {
- gEnv->pConsole->ExecuteString(s_toggleTelemetryConsoleCmd);
- }
- if (m_telemetryCaptureTimeRemaining <= 0.0f)
- {
- if (ImGui::SmallButton(AZStd::string::format("Enable for %.01f seconds \n(ImGui will close and re-open upon completion)", m_telemetryCaptureTime).c_str()))
- {
- StartTelemetryCapture();
- }
- ImGui::DragFloat("Capture Time", &m_telemetryCaptureTime, 0.1f, 0.1f, 600.0f);
- }
- else
- {
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_NiceLabelColor, "Currently Auto-Capturing for % .01f / % .01f", (m_telemetryCaptureTime - m_telemetryCaptureTimeRemaining), m_telemetryCaptureTime);
- }
- ImGui::EndMenu();
- }
- if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Video Options"))
- {
- // VSync
- IMGUI_DRAW_CVAR_CHECKBOX("vsync_interval", "VSync");
- // Max Frame Rate
- static ICVar* maxFPSCVar = gEnv->pConsole->GetCVar("sys_MaxFPS");
- if (maxFPSCVar)
- {
- // Display max frame rate
- ImGui::Text("Max FPS: %d", maxFPSCVar->GetIVal());
- // Shortcut buttons
- int fpsToSet = 0;
- if (ImGui::SmallButton("30"))
- {
- fpsToSet = 30;
- }
- ImGui::SameLine();
- if (ImGui::SmallButton("60"))
- {
- fpsToSet = 60;
- }
- ImGui::SameLine();
- if (ImGui::SmallButton("unlocked"))
- {
- fpsToSet = -1;
- }
- // fpsToSet will be 0 if no one set it.
- if (fpsToSet && fpsToSet != maxFPSCVar->GetIVal())
- {
- maxFPSCVar->Set(fpsToSet);
- }
- }
- ImGui::Separator();
- // FullScreen options
- IMGUI_DRAW_CVAR_CHECKBOX("r_Fullscreen", "FullScreen");
- IMGUI_DRAW_CVAR_CHECKBOX("r_FullscreenWindow", "FullScreen Window");
- IMGUI_DRAW_CVAR_CHECKBOX("r_FullscreenNativeRes", "FullScreen Native Resolution");
- ImGui::Separator();
- // Render Resolution ( pending valid CVARS
- static ICVar* widthCVar = gEnv->pConsole->GetCVar("r_width");
- static ICVar* heightCVar = gEnv->pConsole->GetCVar("r_height");
- if (widthCVar && heightCVar)
- {
- if (ImGui::BeginMenu(AZStd::string::format("Render Resolution ( %d x %d )", widthCVar->GetIVal(), heightCVar->GetIVal()).c_str()))
- {
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Current Render Resolution: ");
- ImGui::SameLine();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_NiceLabelColor, "%d x %d", widthCVar->GetIVal(), heightCVar->GetIVal());
- const int aspectRatioCount = sizeof(s_renderAspectRatios) / sizeof(s_renderAspectRatios[0]);
- const int resolutionWidthsCount = sizeof(s_renderResolutionWidths) / sizeof(s_renderResolutionWidths[0]);
- for (int i = 0; i < aspectRatioCount; i++)
- {
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_NiceLabelColor, "%d:%d", s_renderAspectRatios[i][0], s_renderAspectRatios[i][1]);
- for (int j = 0; j < resolutionWidthsCount; j++)
- {
- const int renderHeight = s_renderResolutionWidths[j] * s_renderAspectRatios[i][1] / s_renderAspectRatios[i][0];
- if (ImGui::Button(AZStd::string::format("%d x %d", s_renderResolutionWidths[j], renderHeight).c_str(), ImVec2(400, 0)))
- {
- widthCVar->Set(s_renderResolutionWidths[j]);
- heightCVar->Set(renderHeight);
- }
- }
- }
- // End Render Resolution menu
- ImGui::EndMenu();
- }
- }
- // End Video Options Menu
- ImGui::EndMenu();
- }
- // Frame Rate Cap and VSync CVAR
- if (ImGui::BeginMenu("ImGui Options"))
- {
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Input Options:");
- // Controller Support - Contextual
- {
- bool controllerEnabled = false;
- ImGuiManagerBus::BroadcastResult(controllerEnabled, &IImGuiManager::IsControllerSupportModeEnabled, ImGuiControllerModeFlags::Contextual);
- bool controllerEnabledCheckbox = controllerEnabled;
- ImGui::Checkbox(AZStd::string::format("Controller Support (Contextual) %s (Click Checkbox to Toggle)", controllerEnabledCheckbox ? "On" : "Off").c_str(), &controllerEnabledCheckbox);
- if (controllerEnabledCheckbox != controllerEnabled)
- {
- ImGuiManagerBus::Broadcast(&IImGuiManager::EnableControllerSupportMode, ImGuiControllerModeFlags::Contextual, controllerEnabledCheckbox);
- }
- }
- // Controller Support - Mouse
- {
- bool controllerMouseEnabled = false;
- ImGuiManagerBus::BroadcastResult(controllerMouseEnabled, &IImGuiManager::IsControllerSupportModeEnabled, ImGuiControllerModeFlags::Mouse);
- bool controllerMouseEnabledCheckbox = controllerMouseEnabled;
- ImGui::Checkbox(AZStd::string::format("Controller Support (Mouse) %s (Click Checkbox to Toggle)", controllerMouseEnabledCheckbox ? "On" : "Off").c_str(), &controllerMouseEnabledCheckbox);
- if (controllerMouseEnabledCheckbox != controllerMouseEnabled)
- {
- ImGuiManagerBus::Broadcast(&IImGuiManager::EnableControllerSupportMode, ImGuiControllerModeFlags::Mouse, controllerMouseEnabledCheckbox);
- }
- // Only draw Controller Mouse Sensitivity slider if the mouse is enabled
- if (controllerMouseEnabled)
- {
- float controllerMouseSensitivity = 1.0f;
- ImGuiManagerBus::BroadcastResult(controllerMouseSensitivity, &IImGuiManager::GetControllerMouseSensitivity);
- float controllerMouseSensitivitySlider = controllerMouseSensitivity;
- ImGui::DragFloat("Controller Mouse Sensitivity", &controllerMouseSensitivitySlider, 0.1f, 0.1f, 50.0f);
- if (controllerMouseSensitivitySlider != controllerMouseSensitivity)
- {
- ImGuiManagerBus::Broadcast(&IImGuiManager::SetControllerMouseSensitivity, controllerMouseSensitivitySlider);
- }
- }
- }
- // Discrete Input Mode
- // Not available in edit mode because inputs are discrete there anyway.
- if (!gEnv->IsEditor() || gEnv->IsEditorGameMode())
- {
- bool discreteInputEnabledCheckbox = discreteInputEnabled;
- ImGui::Checkbox(AZStd::string::format("Discrete Input %s (Click Checkbox to Toggle)", discreteInputEnabledCheckbox ? "On" : "Off").c_str(), &discreteInputEnabledCheckbox);
- if (discreteInputEnabledCheckbox != discreteInputEnabled)
- {
- ImGuiManagerBus::Broadcast(&IImGuiManager::SetEnableDiscreteInputMode, discreteInputEnabledCheckbox);
- }
- }
- // Controller Legend
- ImGui::Text("Controller Legend ");
- ImGui::SameLine();
- if (ImGui::SmallButton("Window"))
- {
- m_controllerLegendWindowVisible = true;
- }
- ImGui::SameLine();
- if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Peek"))
- {
- OnImGuiUpdate_DrawControllerLegend();
- ImGui::EndMenu();
- }
- ImGui::Separator();
- if (ImGui::BeginMenu("ImGui Resolution"))
- {
- // Resolution Mode
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_NiceLabelColor, "ImGui Resolution Mode:");
- ImGuiResolutionMode resMode = ImGuiResolutionMode::MatchRenderResolution;
- ImGuiManagerBus::BroadcastResult(resMode, &IImGuiManager::GetResolutionMode);
- int resModeRadioBtn = static_cast<int>(resMode);
- ImGui::RadioButton("Force Resolution", &resModeRadioBtn, static_cast<int>(ImGuiResolutionMode::LockToResolution));
- ImGui::SameLine();
- ImGui::RadioButton("Match Render Resolution", &resModeRadioBtn, static_cast<int>(ImGuiResolutionMode::MatchRenderResolution));
- ImGui::SameLine();
- ImGui::RadioButton("Match Render Resolution To Max", &resModeRadioBtn, static_cast<int>(ImGuiResolutionMode::MatchToMaxRenderResolution));
- ImGuiResolutionMode resModeRadioBtnResult = static_cast<ImGuiResolutionMode>(resModeRadioBtn);
- if (resModeRadioBtnResult != resMode)
- {
- ImGuiManagerBus::Broadcast(&IImGuiManager::SetResolutionMode, resModeRadioBtnResult);
- }
- // Resolutions
- ImVec2 imGuiRes;
- ImGuiManagerBus::BroadcastResult(imGuiRes, &IImGuiManager::GetImGuiRenderResolution);
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Current ImGui Resolution: ");
- ImGui::SameLine();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_NiceLabelColor, "%.0f x %.0f", imGuiRes.x, imGuiRes.y);
- const int aspectRatioCount = sizeof(s_renderAspectRatios) / sizeof(s_renderAspectRatios[0]);
- const int resolutionWidthsCount = sizeof(s_renderResolutionWidths) / sizeof(s_renderResolutionWidths[0]);
- for (int i = 0; i < aspectRatioCount; i++)
- {
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_NiceLabelColor, "%d:%d", s_renderAspectRatios[i][0], s_renderAspectRatios[i][1]);
- for (int j = 0; j < resolutionWidthsCount; j++)
- {
- const int renderHeight = s_renderResolutionWidths[j] * s_renderAspectRatios[i][1] / s_renderAspectRatios[i][0];
- if (ImGui::Button(AZStd::string::format("%d x %d", s_renderResolutionWidths[j], renderHeight).c_str(), ImVec2(400, 0)))
- {
- ImVec2 newRenderRes(static_cast<float>(s_renderResolutionWidths[j]), static_cast<float>(renderHeight));
- ImGuiManagerBus::Broadcast(&IImGuiManager::SetImGuiRenderResolution, newRenderRes);
- }
- }
- }
- // End ImGui Render Resolution menu
- ImGui::EndMenu();
- }
- // End ImGui Options Menu
- ImGui::EndMenu();
- }
- if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Misc."))
- {
- // Assert Level
- static ICVar* gAssertLevelCVAR = gEnv->pConsole->GetCVar("sys_asserts");
- if (gAssertLevelCVAR)
- {
- int assertLevelValue = gAssertLevelCVAR->GetIVal();
- int dragIntVal = assertLevelValue;
- ImGui::Text("sys_asserts: %d ( 0-off | 1-log | 2-popup | 3-crash )", assertLevelValue);
- ImGui::SliderInt("##sys_asserts", &dragIntVal, 0, 3);
- if (dragIntVal != assertLevelValue)
- {
- gAssertLevelCVAR->Set(dragIntVal);
- }
- }
- // End Misc Options Menu
- ImGui::EndMenu();
- }
- if (ImGui::MenuItem("ImGui Demo"))
- {
- m_showImGuiDemo = true;
- }
- // End LY Common Tools menu
- ImGui::EndMenu();
- }
- if (m_showImGuiDemo)
- {
- ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(&m_showImGuiDemo);
- }
- const float labelSize = dpiAwareSizeFn(100.0f + viewportBorderPadding.m_right) + rightAlignedBorderOffset;
- const float buttonSize = dpiAwareSizeFn(40.0f + viewportBorderPadding.m_right) + rightAlignedBorderOffset;
- ImGuiUpdateListenerBus::Broadcast(&IImGuiUpdateListener::OnImGuiMainMenuUpdate);
- ImGui::SameLine(ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMax().x - labelSize);
- float backgroundHeight = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() + dpiAwareSizeFn(3.0f);
- ImVec2 cursorPos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
- ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddRectFilled(
- cursorPos, ImVec2(cursorPos.x + labelSize, cursorPos.y + backgroundHeight), IM_COL32(0, 115, 187, 255));
- ImGui::SameLine(ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMax().x - labelSize);
- ImGui::SetCursorPosY(ImGui::GetCursorPosY() - 1);
- ImGui::Text("ImGui:ON");
- ImGui::SameLine(ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMax().x - buttonSize);
- ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, IM_COL32(0, 0, 0, 255));
- ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, 255));
- ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered, IM_COL32(128, 128, 128, 255));
- if (ImGui::SmallButton("home"))
- {
- ImGuiManagerBus::Broadcast(&IImGuiManager::ToggleThroughImGuiVisibleState);
- }
- ImGui::PopStyleColor(3);
- ImGui::EndMainMenuBar();
- }
- // Restore original safe area.
- ImGui::GetStyle().DisplaySafeAreaPadding = cachedSafeArea;
- // Update Contextual Controller Window
- if (m_controllerLegendWindowVisible)
- {
- if (ImGui::Begin("Controller ImGui Input Legend", &m_controllerLegendWindowVisible, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings))
- {
- OnImGuiUpdate_DrawControllerLegend();
- }
- ImGui::End();
- }
- // Update sub menus
- m_assetExplorer.ImGuiUpdate();
- m_cameraMonitor.ImGuiUpdate();
- m_inputMonitor.ImGuiUpdate();
- m_entityOutliner.ImGuiUpdate();
- if (m_showDeltaTimeGraphs)
- {
- ImGui::SetNextWindowSize({ 500, 200 }, ImGuiCond_Once);
- if (ImGui::Begin(
- "Delta Time Graphs", &m_showDeltaTimeGraphs,
- ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings))
- {
- m_deltaTimeHistogram.Draw(ImGui::GetColumnWidth(), 100.0f);
- }
- ImGui::End();
- }
- }
- void ImGuiLYCommonMenu::OnImGuiUpdate_DrawControllerLegend()
- {
- bool contextualControllerEnabled = false;
- ImGuiManagerBus::BroadcastResult(contextualControllerEnabled, &IImGuiManager::IsControllerSupportModeEnabled, ImGuiControllerModeFlags::Contextual);
- bool controllerMouseEnabled = false;
- ImGuiManagerBus::BroadcastResult(controllerMouseEnabled, &IImGuiManager::IsControllerSupportModeEnabled, ImGuiControllerModeFlags::Mouse);
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Contextual Controller Input Legend. Currently Enabled:");
- ImGui::SameLine();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_NiceLabelColor, contextualControllerEnabled ? "True" : "False");
- ImGui::NewLine();
- ImGui::Columns(2);
- ImGui::SetColumnWidth(-1, 170.0f);
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_NiceLabelColor, "Controller Input");
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_NiceLabelColor, "ImGui Action");
- ImGui::Separator();
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "D-Pad U/D/L/R");
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Move");
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Tweak Values (when activated with A)");
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Resize Window (when holding X)");
- ImGui::Separator();
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Left Stick");
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Scroll");
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Move Window (when holding X)");
- ImGui::Separator();
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "X (Left Face Button)");
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Tap: Toggle Menu");
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Hold + L1/R1: Focus Windows");
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Hold + D-Pad: Resize Window");
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Hold + Left Stick: Move Window");
- ImGui::Separator();
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Y (Upper Face Button)");
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Exit text / on-screen keyboard");
- ImGui::Separator();
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "B (Right Face Button)");
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Cancel / Close / Exit");
- ImGui::Separator();
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "A (Lower Face Button)");
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Activate / Open / Toggle");
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Tweak values with D-Pad");
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, " (+ L1/R1 to tweak slower/faster)");
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::Columns(1);
- ImGui::Separator();
- ImGui::NewLine();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Controller Mouse Legend. Currently Enabled:");
- ImGui::SameLine();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_NiceLabelColor, controllerMouseEnabled ? "True" : "False");
- ImGui::NewLine();
- ImGui::Columns(2);
- ImGui::SetColumnWidth(-1, 170.0f);
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_NiceLabelColor, "Controller Input");
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_NiceLabelColor, "Mouse Action");
- ImGui::Separator();
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Left Stick");
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Move Mouse Pointer");
- ImGui::Separator();
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "A");
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Left Mouse Button (Btn1)");
- ImGui::Separator();
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "B");
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::Bullet();
- ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::Colors::s_PlainLabelColor, "Right Mouse Button (Btn2)");
- ImGui::NextColumn();
- ImGui::Columns(1);
- }
- void ImGuiLYCommonMenu::StartTelemetryCapture()
- {
- // Start the Capture
- gEnv->pConsole->ExecuteString(s_toggleTelemetryConsoleCmd);
- // Set the timer and connect to tick bus to count down.
- m_telemetryCaptureTimeRemaining = m_telemetryCaptureTime;
- // Get the current ImGui Display state to restore it later.
- ImGuiManagerBus::BroadcastResult(m_telemetryCapturePreCaptureState, &IImGuiManager::GetDisplayState);
- // Turn off the ImGui Manager
- ImGuiManagerBus::Broadcast(&IImGuiManager::SetDisplayState, DisplayState::Hidden);
- }
- void ImGuiLYCommonMenu::StopTelemetryCapture()
- {
- // Stop the Capture
- gEnv->pConsole->ExecuteString(s_toggleTelemetryConsoleCmd);
- // Restore ImGui State
- // Turn off the ImGui Manager
- ImGuiManagerBus::Broadcast(&IImGuiManager::SetDisplayState, m_telemetryCapturePreCaptureState);
- // Reset timer and disconnect tick bus
- m_telemetryCaptureTimeRemaining = 0.0f;
- }
- // OnTick just used for telemetry captures.
- void ImGuiLYCommonMenu::OnTick(float deltaTime, [[maybe_unused]] AZ::ScriptTimePoint time)
- {
- m_deltaTimeHistogram.PushValue(deltaTime*1000.0f); // convert to milliseconds
- if (m_telemetryCaptureTimeRemaining > 0.0f)
- {
- m_telemetryCaptureTimeRemaining -= deltaTime;
- if (m_telemetryCaptureTimeRemaining <= 0.0f)
- {
- StopTelemetryCapture();
- }
- }
- }
- } // namespace ImGui
- #endif // IMGUI_ENABLED