123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include <GradientSignal/Editor/EditorGradientImageCreatorUtils.h>
- #include <Atom/RPI.Edit/Common/AssetUtils.h>
- #include <AzCore/Asset/AssetCommon.h>
- #include <AzCore/Settings/SettingsRegistryMergeUtils.h>
- #include <AzFramework/IO/FileOperations.h>
- #include <AzToolsFramework/API/EditorAssetSystemAPI.h>
- #include <AzToolsFramework/API/ToolsApplicationAPI.h>
- #include <AzToolsFramework/UI/UICore/WidgetHelpers.h>
- #if !defined(Q_MOC_RUN)
- #include <QApplication>
- #include <QMessageBox>
- #include <QProgressDialog>
- #endif
- AZ_PUSH_DISABLE_WARNING(4777, "-Wunknown-warning-option")
- #include <OpenImageIO/imageio.h>
- namespace GradientSignal::ImageCreatorUtils
- {
- AZStd::string GetSupportedImagesFilter()
- {
- // Build filter for supported streaming image formats that will be used on the
- // native file dialog when creating/picking an output file for the painted image.
- // ImageProcessingAtom::s_SupportedImageExtensions actually has more formats
- // that will produce streaming image assets, but not all of them support
- // all of the bit depths we care about (8/16/32), so we've reduced the list
- // to the image formats that do.
- return "Images (*.png *.tif *.tiff *.tga *.exr)";
- }
- AZStd::vector<AZ::Edit::EnumConstant<OutputFormat>> SupportedOutputFormatOptions()
- {
- return { AZ::Edit::EnumConstant<OutputFormat>(OutputFormat::R8, "R8 (8-bit)"),
- AZ::Edit::EnumConstant<OutputFormat>(OutputFormat::R16, "R16 (16-bit)"),
- AZ::Edit::EnumConstant<OutputFormat>(OutputFormat::R32, "R32 (32-bit)") };
- }
- int GetChannels(OutputFormat format)
- {
- switch (format)
- {
- case OutputFormat::R8:
- return 1;
- case OutputFormat::R16:
- return 1;
- case OutputFormat::R32:
- return 1;
- case OutputFormat::R8G8B8A8:
- return 4;
- default:
- AZ_Assert(false, "Unsupported output image format (%d)", format);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int GetBytesPerChannel(OutputFormat format)
- {
- switch (format)
- {
- case OutputFormat::R8:
- return 1;
- case OutputFormat::R16:
- return 2;
- case OutputFormat::R32:
- return 4;
- case OutputFormat::R8G8B8A8:
- return 1;
- default:
- AZ_Assert(false, "Unsupported output image format (%d)", format);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- AZStd::vector<AZ::u8> CreateDefaultImageBuffer(int imageResolutionX, int imageResolutionY, int channels, OutputFormat format)
- {
- // Fill in our image buffer. Default all values to 0 (black)
- int bytesPerChannel = ImageCreatorUtils::GetBytesPerChannel(format);
- const size_t imageSize = imageResolutionX * imageResolutionY * channels * bytesPerChannel;
- AZStd::vector<AZ::u8> pixels(imageSize, 0);
- // If we're saving a 4-channel image, loop through and set the Alpha channel to opaque.
- if (channels == 4)
- {
- for (size_t alphaIndex = (channels - 1); alphaIndex < (imageResolutionX * imageResolutionY * channels); alphaIndex += channels)
- {
- switch (format)
- {
- case OutputFormat::R8:
- {
- pixels[alphaIndex] = std::numeric_limits<AZ::u8>::max();
- break;
- }
- case OutputFormat::R16:
- {
- auto actualMem = reinterpret_cast<AZ::u16*>(pixels.data());
- actualMem[alphaIndex] = std::numeric_limits<AZ::u16>::max();
- break;
- }
- case OutputFormat::R32:
- {
- auto actualMem = reinterpret_cast<float*>(pixels.data());
- actualMem[alphaIndex] = 1.0f;
- break;
- }
- case OutputFormat::R8G8B8A8:
- {
- pixels[alphaIndex] = std::numeric_limits<AZ::u8>::max();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return pixels;
- }
- bool WriteImage(
- const AZStd::string& absoluteFileName,
- int imageResolutionX,
- int imageResolutionY,
- int channels,
- OutputFormat format,
- const AZStd::span<const AZ::u8>& pixelBuffer,
- bool showProgressDialog)
- {
- OIIO::TypeDesc pixelFormat = OIIO::TypeDesc::UINT8;
- switch (format)
- {
- case OutputFormat::R8:
- pixelFormat = OIIO::TypeDesc::UINT8;
- break;
- case OutputFormat::R16:
- pixelFormat = OIIO::TypeDesc::UINT16;
- break;
- case OutputFormat::R32:
- pixelFormat = OIIO::TypeDesc::FLOAT;
- break;
- case OutputFormat::R8G8B8A8:
- pixelFormat = OIIO::TypeDesc::UINT8;
- break;
- default:
- AZ_Assert(false, "Unsupported output image format (%d)", format);
- return false;
- }
- // We *could* declare this as a local variable and just never show it, but then calling WriteImage would always
- // require Qt to be started. This way, we can call WriteImage from unit tests without starting Qt as long as we
- // set showProgressDialog = false.
- QProgressDialog* saveDialog = nullptr;
- // Show a dialog box letting the user know the image is being written out.
- // For large image sizes, it can take 15+ seconds to create and write out the image.
- if (showProgressDialog)
- {
- saveDialog = new QProgressDialog(AzToolsFramework::GetActiveWindow());
- saveDialog->setWindowFlags(saveDialog->windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint);
- saveDialog->setLabelText("Saving image...");
- saveDialog->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal);
- saveDialog->setMaximumSize(QSize(256, 96));
- saveDialog->setMinimum(0);
- saveDialog->setMaximum(100);
- saveDialog->setMinimumDuration(0);
- saveDialog->setAutoClose(false);
- saveDialog->setCancelButton(nullptr);
- saveDialog->show();
- QApplication::processEvents();
- }
- AZ::IO::Path fullPathIO(absoluteFileName);
- AZ::IO::Path absolutePath = fullPathIO.LexicallyNormal();
- // Give our progress dialog another chance to update so we don't look frozen.
- if (showProgressDialog)
- {
- saveDialog->setValue(1);
- QApplication::processEvents();
- }
- // check out the file in source control if source control exists.
- bool checkedOutSuccessfully = true;
- AzToolsFramework::ToolsApplicationRequestBus::BroadcastResult(
- checkedOutSuccessfully,
- &AzToolsFramework::ToolsApplicationRequestBus::Events::RequestEditForFileBlocking,
- absolutePath.c_str(),
- "Checking out for edit...",
- AzToolsFramework::ToolsApplicationRequestBus::Events::RequestEditProgressCallback());
- if (!checkedOutSuccessfully)
- {
- AZ_Error("EditorImageGradientComponent", false, "Failed to check out file from source control: %s", absolutePath.c_str());
- delete saveDialog;
- return false;
- }
- // Create and save the image on disk. We initially save it to a temporary name so that the Asset Processor won't start
- // processing it, and then we'll move it to the correct name at the end.
- AZStd::string tempSavePath;
- AZ::IO::CreateTempFileName(absolutePath.c_str(), tempSavePath);
- std::unique_ptr<OIIO::ImageOutput> outputImage = OIIO::ImageOutput::create(tempSavePath.c_str());
- if (!outputImage)
- {
- AZ_Error("EditorImageGradientComponent", false, "Failed to create image at path: %s", tempSavePath.c_str());
- delete saveDialog;
- return false;
- }
- OIIO::ImageSpec spec(imageResolutionX, imageResolutionY, channels, pixelFormat);
- outputImage->open(tempSavePath.c_str(), spec);
- // Callback to upgrade our progress dialog during image saving.
- auto WriteProgressCallback = [](void* opaqueData, float percentDone) -> bool
- {
- QProgressDialog* saveDialog = reinterpret_cast<QProgressDialog*>(opaqueData);
- if (saveDialog && saveDialog->isVisible())
- {
- saveDialog->setValue(aznumeric_cast<int>(percentDone * 100.0f));
- QApplication::processEvents();
- }
- return false;
- };
- bool writeResult = outputImage->write_image(
- pixelFormat, pixelBuffer.data(), OIIO::AutoStride, OIIO::AutoStride, OIIO::AutoStride, WriteProgressCallback, saveDialog);
- if (!writeResult)
- {
- AZ_Error("EditorImageGradientComponent", writeResult, "Failed to write out gradient image to path: %s", tempSavePath.c_str());
- }
- outputImage->close();
- // Now that we're done saving the temporary image, rename it to the correct file name.
- auto moveResult = AZ::IO::SmartMove(tempSavePath.c_str(), absolutePath.c_str());
- AZ_Error("EditorImageGradientComponent", moveResult,
- "Failed to rename temporary image asset %s to %s", tempSavePath.c_str(), absolutePath.c_str());
- delete saveDialog;
- return writeResult && moveResult;
- }
- AZStd::string GetDefaultImageSourcePath(const AZ::Data::AssetId& imageAssetId, const AZStd::string& defaultFileName)
- {
- // If the image asset ID is valid, try getting the source asset path to use as the default source path.
- // Otherwise, create a new name.
- if (imageAssetId.IsValid())
- {
- AZStd::string sourcePath;
- bool sourceFileFound = false;
- AZ::Data::AssetInfo assetInfo;
- AZStd::string watchFolder;
- AzToolsFramework::AssetSystemRequestBus::BroadcastResult(
- sourceFileFound,
- &AzToolsFramework::AssetSystem::AssetSystemRequest::GetSourceInfoBySourceUUID,
- imageAssetId.m_guid,
- assetInfo,
- watchFolder);
- if (sourceFileFound)
- {
- bool success =
- AzFramework::StringFunc::Path::ConstructFull(watchFolder.c_str(), assetInfo.m_relativePath.c_str(), sourcePath, true);
- if (success)
- {
- return sourcePath;
- }
- }
- }
- // Invalid image asset or failed path creation, try creating a new name.
- AZ::IO::Path defaultPath;
- if (auto settingsRegistry = AZ::SettingsRegistry::Get(); settingsRegistry != nullptr)
- {
- settingsRegistry->Get(defaultPath.Native(), AZ::SettingsRegistryMergeUtils::FilePathKey_ProjectPath);
- }
- defaultPath /= AZ::IO::FixedMaxPathString(AZ::RPI::AssetUtils::SanitizeFileName(defaultFileName));
- return defaultPath.Native();
- }
- }