123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596 |
- """
- Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- """
- import sys
- import functools
- import azlmbr.bus
- import azlmbr.shadermanagementconsole
- import azlmbr.shader
- import azlmbr.math
- import azlmbr.name
- import azlmbr.rhi
- import azlmbr.atom
- import azlmbr.atomtools
- import GenerateShaderVariantListUtil
- from PySide2 import QtWidgets
- from PySide2 import QtCore
- from PySide2 import QtGui
- from PySide2.QtWidgets import QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QGridLayout, QListWidget, QPushButton, QMessageBox, QLabel, QGroupBox, QComboBox, QSplitter, QWidget, QLineEdit, QSpinBox, QCheckBox, QButtonGroup, QRadioButton, QAction, QMenu
- # globals
- numVariantsInDocument = 0
- optionsByNames = {} # dict lookup accelerator (name to descriptor)
- valueRestrictions = {} # option name to list of values that are accepted for this option (absence of registration in this dict = use the whole range)
- # constants
- SortAlpha = 0
- SortRank = 1
- SortCost = 2
- def nextElement(inlist, after):
- """ O(N) complexity, generic utility """
- """ nextElement(inlist=['a', 'b', 'c'], after='b') is 'c' """
- try:
- idx = inlist.index(after)
- return inlist[idx + 1]
- except:
- return after + 1 # need to return something comparable to `end` so that the test "digit > maxValue(desc)" in the `increment` function may pass
- def inclusiveRange(start, end):
- return range(start, end + 1)
- def isDocumentOpen(document_id: azlmbr.math.Uuid) -> bool:
- return azlmbr.atomtools.AtomToolsDocumentSystemRequestBus(
- azlmbr.bus.Broadcast, "IsDocumentOpen", document_id)
- def beginEdit(document_id):
- azlmbr.atomtools.AtomToolsDocumentRequestBus(
- azlmbr.bus.Event, "BeginEdit", document_id)
- def endEdit(document_id):
- azlmbr.atomtools.AtomToolsDocumentRequestBus(
- azlmbr.bus.Event, "EndEdit", document_id)
- def transferSelection(qlistSrc, qlistDst):
- '''intended to work with 2 QListWidget'''
- items = qlistSrc.selectedItems()
- qlistDst.addItems([x.text() for x in items])
- for i in items:
- qlistSrc.takeItem(qlistSrc.row(i))
- def listItems(qlist):
- return (qlist.item(i) for i in range(0, qlist.count()))
- def getRank(name):
- return optionsByNames[name].GetOrder()
- def getCost(name):
- return optionsByNames[name].GetCostEstimate()
- def infoStr(name):
- '''for tooltip'''
- return f"rank: {getRank(name)} | cost: {getCost(name)}"
- def sumCost(descriptors):
- return sum((x.GetCostEstimate() for x in descriptors))
- @functools.cache # memoize
- def totalCost():
- return sumCost(optionsByNames.values())
- def toInt(digit):
- '''extract the python integer from a boxed option description'''
- return digit.GetIndex() + 0
- def createOptionValue(intVal):
- return azlmbr.shadermanagementconsole.ShaderManagementConsoleRequestBus(
- azlmbr.bus.Broadcast, 'MakeShaderOptionValueFromInt',
- intVal)
- def intFromOptionValueName(optionName, valueNameStr):
- n = azlmbr.name.Name(valueNameStr)
- return toInt(optionsByNames[optionName].FindValue(n))
- def hasRestrictions(optionName):
- return optionName in valueRestrictions \
- and len(valueRestrictions[optionName]) < optionsByNames[optionName].GetValuesCount() # if everything is "checked" that's no restriction
- # check if a value should be skipped for counting (not included in enumeration because it's unchecked)
- def isValueRestricted(optionName, valueNameStr):
- valAsInt = intFromOptionValueName(optionName, valueNameStr)
- if hasRestrictions(optionName):
- return valAsInt not in valueRestrictions[optionName]
- return False
- # "virtualize" access to GetMinValue to reflect the potential value-space restriction
- def getMinValue(descriptor):
- global valueRestrictions
- name = str(descriptor.GetName())
- if hasRestrictions(name):
- return createOptionValue(valueRestrictions[name][0])
- else:
- return descriptor.GetMinValue()
- # "virtualize" access to GetMaxValue to reflect the potential value-space restriction
- def getMaxValue(descriptor):
- global valueRestrictions
- name = str(descriptor.GetName())
- if hasRestrictions(name):
- return createOptionValue(valueRestrictions[name][-1])
- else:
- return descriptor.GetMaxValue()
- # same concept as above
- def getValuesCount(descriptor):
- global valueRestrictions
- name = str(descriptor.GetName())
- if hasRestrictions(name):
- return len(valueRestrictions[name])
- else:
- return descriptor.GetValuesCount()
- # "virtualize" `increment by one` to be able to jump over restricted values
- def getNextValueInt(descriptor, digit):
- global valueRestrictions
- name = str(descriptor.GetName())
- if hasRestrictions(name):
- possibles = valueRestrictions[name]
- return nextElement(inlist=possibles, after=digit)
- else:
- return digit + 1
- # small window to select sub-ranges into an option's possible values
- class ValueSelector(QDialog):
- def __init__(self, optionName, optionValuesNames):
- super().__init__()
- self.setWindowTitle("[" + optionName + "] - restrict enumerated values")
- self.optionName = optionName
- self.optionValuesNames = optionValuesNames
- self.initUI()
- def initUI(self):
- mainvl = QVBoxLayout(self)
- self.valueList = QListWidget()
- for idx, optVN in enumerate(self.optionValuesNames):
- self.valueList.insertItem(idx, optVN)
- added = self.valueList.item(idx)
- added.setFlags(added.flags() | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable)
- added.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked if isValueRestricted(self.optionName, optVN) else QtCore.Qt.Checked)
- mainvl.addWidget(self.valueList)
- twoBtnsHL = QHBoxLayout(self)
- self.cancel = QPushButton("Cancel")
- twoBtnsHL.addWidget(self.cancel)
- self.ok = QPushButton("Ok")
- twoBtnsHL.addWidget(self.ok)
- mainvl.addLayout(twoBtnsHL)
- self.cancel.clicked.connect(self.close)
- self.ok.clicked.connect(self.storeRestriction)
- self.setMaximumWidth(500)
- self.setMaximumHeight(1100)
- self.resize(380, 300)
- # on OK click
- def storeRestriction(self):
- '''update the global dictionary of usable values for this option'''
- global valueRestrictions
- restrictedList = [intFromOptionValueName(self.optionName, x.text()) for x in listItems(self.valueList) if x.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked]
- if len(restrictedList) == 0:
- msgBox = QMessageBox()
- msgBox.setText("Keep at least one value")
- msgBox.setInformativeText("Nothing to enumerate: just remove the option from the pariticipants altogether.")
- msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok)
- msgBox.exec()
- return
- # save:
- valueRestrictions[self.optionName] = restrictedList
- self.accept() # exit dialog
- # that's the control that holds 2 face to face lists doing communicating vases
- class DoubleList(QtCore.QObject):
- left = QListWidget()
- leftSubLbl = QLabel()
- right = QListWidget()
- rightSubLbl = QLabel()
- add = QPushButton(">")
- rem = QPushButton("<")
- layout = QHBoxLayout()
- changed = QtCore.Signal()
- order = SortCost
- def __init__(self, optionNamesList):
- super(DoubleList, self).__init__()
- self.left.setSelectionMode(QListWidget.MultiSelection)
- self.right.setSelectionMode(QListWidget.MultiSelection)
- for i in optionNamesList:
- self.left.addItem(i)
- self.maintainOrder()
- subV1 = QVBoxLayout()
- subV1.addWidget(self.left)
- subV1.addWidget(self.leftSubLbl)
- self.layout.addLayout(subV1)
- midstack = QVBoxLayout()
- midstack.addStretch()
- midstack.addWidget(self.add)
- midstack.addWidget(self.rem)
- midstack.addStretch()
- self.layout.addLayout(midstack)
- subV2 = QVBoxLayout()
- subV2.addWidget(self.right)
- subV2.addWidget(self.rightSubLbl)
- self.layout.addLayout(subV2)
- self.left.setStyleSheet("""QListWidget{ background: #27292D; }""")
- self.right.setStyleSheet("""QListWidget{ background: #262B35; }""")
- self.add.clicked.connect(lambda: self.addClick())
- self.rem.clicked.connect(lambda: self.remClick())
- self.refreshCountLabels()
- self.right.viewport().installEventFilter(self)
- self.right.setMouseTracking(True)
- def addClick(self):
- transferSelection(self.left, self.right)
- self.changed.emit()
- self.refreshCountLabels()
- def remClick(self):
- transferSelection(self.right, self.left)
- self.maintainOrder()
- self.changed.emit()
- self.refreshCountLabels()
- def resetAllToLeft(self):
- self.right.selectAll()
- self.remClick()
- self.left.clearSelection()
- def maintainOrder(self):
- elems = [li.text() for li in listItems(self.left)]
- self.left.clear()
- keyGetters = [lambda x: x, getRank, getCost]
- elems.sort(reverse = self.order==SortCost, key=keyGetters[self.order])
- self.left.addItems(elems)
- for li in listItems(self.left):
- li.setToolTip(infoStr(li.text()))
- def refreshCountLabels(self):
- self.leftSubLbl.setText(str(self.left.count()) + " elements")
- self.rightSubLbl.setText(str(self.right.count()) + " elements")
- def refreshLabelColors(self): # to mark value-restricted options
- for elem in listItems(self.right):
- if hasRestrictions(elem.text()):
- elem.setForeground(QtGui.QColor(0xbf, 0x8f, 0xff)) # mauve
- else:
- elem.setForeground(QtGui.QBrush()) # default
- def eventFilter(self, source, event):
- if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.ContextMenu and source is self.right.viewport():
- menu = QMenu()
- menu.addAction("Customize generated values")
- if menu.exec_(event.globalPos()):
- self.restrictValueSpace()
- return True
- return False
- def restrictValueSpace(self):
- items = self.right.selectedItems()
- if len(items) == 1:
- optName = items[0].text()
- desc = optionsByNames[optName]
- optionValuesNames = [desc.GetValueName(createOptionValue(v)).ToString() for v in inclusiveRange(toInt(desc.GetMinValue()), toInt(desc.GetMaxValue()))]
- subdialog = ValueSelector(optName, optionValuesNames)
- subdialog.setModal(True)
- if subdialog.exec() == QDialog.Accepted:
- self.changed.emit()
- self.refreshLabelColors()
- class Dialog(QDialog):
- def __init__(self, options):
- super().__init__()
- self.optionDescriptors = options
- self.initUI()
- self.participantNames = []
- self.listOfDigitArrays = []
- def initUI(self):
- self.setWindowTitle("Full variant combinatorics enumeration for select options")
- # Create the layout for the dialog box
- mainvl = QVBoxLayout(self)
- leftrightCut = QHBoxLayout()
- mainvl.addLayout(leftrightCut)
- # Create the list box on the left
- self.optionsSelector = DoubleList([x.GetName().ToString() for x in self.optionDescriptors])
- listGroup = QGroupBox("Add desired participating options from the left bucket, to the selection bucket on the right. Right click on options in the right bucket to further configure used values.")
- listGroup.setLayout(self.optionsSelector.layout)
- vsplitter = QSplitter(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal)
- vsplitter.addWidget(listGroup)
- leftrightCut.addWidget(vsplitter)
- # Create the buttons on the right
- actionPaneLayout = QVBoxLayout()
- sortHbox = QHBoxLayout()
- sortHbox.addWidget(QLabel("Sort options by:"))
- self.sortChoices = QComboBox()
- self.sortChoices.addItem("Alphabetical")
- self.sortChoices.addItem("Rank")
- self.sortChoices.addItem("Analyzed Cost")
- self.sortChoices.setCurrentIndex(2)
- self.sortChoices.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.changeSort)
- self.sortChoices.view().setMinimumWidth(self.sortChoices.minimumSizeHint().width() * 1.4) # fix a Qt bug that doesn't prepare enough space
- #self.sortChoices.SizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon)
- sortHbox.addWidget(self.sortChoices)
- sortHbox.addStretch()
- actionPaneLayout.addLayout(sortHbox)
- autoSelGp = QGroupBox("Auto selection suggestion from targeted count (prioritizing highest sorted options)")
- autoSelGpHL = QHBoxLayout()
- autoSelGp.setLayout(autoSelGpHL)
- autoSelGpHL.addWidget(QLabel("Target:"))
- self.target = QSpinBox()
- self.target.setMaximum(100000)
- self.target.setValue(32)
- autoSelGpHL.addWidget(self.target)
- suggest = QPushButton("Generate auto selection", self)
- suggest.clicked.connect(self.autogenSelectionBucket)
- autoSelGpHL.addWidget(suggest)
- autoSelGpHL.addStretch()
- actionPaneLayout.addWidget(autoSelGp)
- mixOptBox = QGroupBox("Generation method:")
- mixOptBoxHL = QHBoxLayout()
- mixOptBox.setLayout(mixOptBoxHL)
- self.mixOpt_append = QRadioButton("Append")
- self.mixOpt_append.setToolTip("Just add the generated combinations at the end of the variant list, with non-participating options set as dynamic")
- self.mixOpt_append.setChecked(True)
- self.mixOpt_multiply = QRadioButton("Multiply")
- self.mixOpt_multiply.setToolTip("generated_combinatorials x current_variants (i.e combine by mixing)")
- mixOptGp = QButtonGroup()
- mixOptGp.addButton(self.mixOpt_append)
- mixOptGp.addButton(self.mixOpt_multiply)
- self.mixOpt_append.clicked.connect(self.refreshSelection)
- self.mixOpt_multiply.clicked.connect(self.refreshSelection)
- mixOptBoxHL.addWidget(self.mixOpt_append)
- mixOptBoxHL.addWidget(self.mixOpt_multiply)
- actionPaneLayout.addWidget(mixOptBox)
- genBox = QGroupBox("Estimations from current selection:")
- genBoxGL = QGridLayout()
- genBox.setLayout(genBoxGL)
- genBoxGL.addWidget(QLabel("Generation count: "), 0,0)
- self.directGenCount = QLineEdit()
- self.directGenCount.setReadOnly(True)
- genBoxGL.addWidget(self.directGenCount, 0,1)
- genBoxGL.addWidget(QLabel("Final variant count: "), 1,0)
- self.totalVariantsPostSend = QLineEdit()
- self.totalVariantsPostSend.setReadOnly(True)
- genBoxGL.addWidget(self.totalVariantsPostSend, 1,1)
- actionPaneLayout.addLayout(genBoxGL)
- self.coveredLbl = QLabel()
- genBoxGL.addWidget(self.coveredLbl, 2,0)
- self.makeCostLabel()
- actionPaneLayout.addWidget(genBox)
- genListBtn = QPushButton("Generate variant list", self)
- genListBtn.clicked.connect(self.generateVariants)
- genListBtn.setToolTip("Enumerate the variants*options matrix, and send to document")
- actionPaneLayout.addWidget(genListBtn)
- exitBtn = QPushButton("Exit", self)
- actionPaneLayout.addWidget(exitBtn)
- exitBtn.clicked.connect(self.close)
- actionPaneLayout.addStretch()
- phonywg = QWidget()
- phonywg.setLayout(actionPaneLayout)
- vsplitter.addWidget(phonywg)
- leftrightCut.addWidget(vsplitter)
- self.optionsSelector.changed.connect(self.refreshSelection)
- def changeSort(self):
- self.optionsSelector.order = self.sortChoices.currentIndex()
- self.optionsSelector.maintainOrder()
- def getParticipantOptionDescs(self):
- '''access option descriptors selected in the right bucket (in the form of a generator)'''
- return (optionsByNames[x.text()] for x in listItems(self.optionsSelector.right))
- def calculateCombinationCountInducedByCurrentParticipants(self):
- '''calculate the count of variants that will result from enumerating participant options'''
- participants = self.getParticipantOptionDescs()
- count = 0
- for p in participants:
- if count == 0:
- count = getValuesCount(p) # initial value
- else:
- count = count * getValuesCount(p)
- return count
- def calculateResultVariantCountAfterExpedite(self, calculatedGenCount):
- if self.mixOpt_append.isChecked():
- return numVariantsInDocument + calculatedGenCount
- elif self.mixOpt_multiply.isChecked():
- return numVariantsInDocument * calculatedGenCount
- def makeCostLabel(self):
- curSum = sumCost(self.getParticipantOptionDescs())
- total = totalCost()
- percent = 0 if total == 0 else curSum * 100 // total
- self.coveredLbl.setText(f"Cost covered by current selection: {curSum}/{total} ({percent}%)")
- def refreshSelection(self):
- '''triggered after a change in participants'''
- count = self.calculateCombinationCountInducedByCurrentParticipants()
- self.directGenCount.setText(str(count))
- self.makeCostLabel()
- self.totalVariantsPostSend.setText(str(self.calculateResultVariantCountAfterExpedite(count)))
- def autogenSelectionBucket(self):
- '''reset right bucket to an automatically suggested content'''
- self.optionsSelector.resetAllToLeft()
- startBucket = listItems(self.optionsSelector.left)
- expandCount = 1
- for itemWidget in startBucket:
- newCount = expandCount * getValuesCount(optionsByNames[itemWidget.text()])
- if newCount > self.target.value():
- break # stop here
- else:
- itemWidget.setSelected(True)
- expandCount = newCount
- self.optionsSelector.addClick()
- # requirement len(digitArray) == len(descriptorArray)
- # digits are integers (ShaderOptionValue). descriptors are RPI::ShaderOptionDescriptor
- @staticmethod
- def allMaxedOut(digitArray, descriptorArray):
- '''verify if an array of option-values, has all values corresponding to the described max-value, for their respective option'''
- zipped = zip(digitArray, descriptorArray)
- return all((digit == toInt(getMaxValue(desc)) for digit, desc in zipped))
- @staticmethod
- def increment(digit, descriptor):
- '''increment one digit in its own base-space. return pair or new digit and carry bit'''
- carry = False
- digit = getNextValueInt(descriptor, digit)
- if digit > toInt(getMaxValue(descriptor)):
- digit = toInt(getMinValue(descriptor))
- carry = True
- return (digit, carry)
- @staticmethod
- def incrementArray(digitArray, descriptorArray):
- '''+1 operation in the digitArray'''
- carry = True # we consider that the LSB is always to increment
- for i in reversed(range(0, len(digitArray))):
- if carry:
- digitArray[i], carry = Dialog.increment(digitArray[i], descriptorArray[i])
- @staticmethod
- def toNames(digitArray, descriptorArray):
- return [desc.GetValueName(createOptionValue(digit)) for digit, desc in zip(digitArray, descriptorArray)]
- def generateVariants(self):
- '''make a list of azlmbr.shader.ShaderVariantInfo that fully enumerate the combinatorics of the selected options space'''
- steps = self.calculateCombinationCountInducedByCurrentParticipants()
- progressDialog = QtWidgets.QProgressDialog("Enumerating", "Cancel", 0, steps)
- progressDialog.setMaximumWidth(400)
- progressDialog.setMaximumHeight(100)
- progressDialog.setModal(True)
- progressDialog.setWindowTitle("Generate variants")
- genOptDescs = list(self.getParticipantOptionDescs())
- self.participantNames = [x.GetName() for x in genOptDescs]
- self.listOfDigitArrays = []
- digits = [toInt(getMinValue(desc)) for desc in genOptDescs]
- c = 0
- if len(digits) > 0:
- while(True):
- self.listOfDigitArrays.extend(self.toNames(digits, genOptDescs)) # flat list
- if Dialog.allMaxedOut(digits, genOptDescs):
- break # we are done enumerating the "digit" space
- Dialog.incrementArray(digits, genOptDescs) # go to next, doing digit cascade
- progressDialog.setValue(c)
- c = c + 1
- if progressDialog.wasCanceled():
- self.listOfDigitArrays = []
- return
- progressDialog.close()
- def main():
- print("==== Begin shader variant expand option combinatorials script ====")
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print(f"argv count is {len(sys.argv)}. The script requires a documentID as input argument.")
- return
- documentId = azlmbr.math.Uuid_CreateString(sys.argv[1])
- if not isDocumentOpen(documentId):
- print(f"document ID {documentId} not opened")
- return
- print(f"getting options for uuid {documentId}")
- # Get options
- optionCount = azlmbr.shadermanagementconsole.ShaderManagementConsoleDocumentRequestBus(
- azlmbr.bus.Event, 'GetShaderOptionDescriptorCount',
- documentId)
- if optionCount == 0:
- print("No options to work with on that document")
- return
- optionDescriptors = [None] * optionCount
- for i in range(0, optionCount):
- optionDescriptors[i] = azlmbr.shadermanagementconsole.ShaderManagementConsoleDocumentRequestBus(
- azlmbr.bus.Event, 'GetShaderOptionDescriptor',
- documentId, i)
- if optionDescriptors[i] is None:
- print(f"Error: Couldn't access option descriptor at {i}")
- return
- print(f"got list of {len(optionDescriptors)} options")
- global optionsByNames
- for optDesc in optionDescriptors:
- optionsByNames[optDesc.GetName().ToString()] = optDesc
- # Get current variant list to append our expansion after it
- variantList = azlmbr.shadermanagementconsole.ShaderManagementConsoleDocumentRequestBus(
- azlmbr.bus.Event,
- 'GetShaderVariantListSourceData',
- documentId
- )
- global numVariantsInDocument
- numVariantsInDocument = len(variantList.shaderVariants)
- dialog = Dialog(optionDescriptors)
- try:
- dialog.exec()
- except:
- print("exited early due to exception")
- return
- numVal = len(dialog.listOfDigitArrays)
- if numVal == 0:
- return
- mode = "append" if dialog.mixOpt_append.isChecked() else ("multiply" if dialog.mixOpt_multiply.isChecked() else "<error>")
- print(f"sending {numVal} values. ({numVal/len(dialog.participantNames)} new variants). in '{mode}' mode")
- beginEdit(documentId)
- # passing the result
- if dialog.mixOpt_append.isChecked(): # append mode
- azlmbr.shadermanagementconsole.ShaderManagementConsoleDocumentRequestBus(
- azlmbr.bus.Event,
- 'AppendSparseVariantSet',
- documentId,
- dialog.participantNames,
- dialog.listOfDigitArrays
- )
- elif dialog.mixOpt_multiply.isChecked(): # mix mode (enumerate the new variants fully with the old ones)
- azlmbr.shadermanagementconsole.ShaderManagementConsoleDocumentRequestBus(
- azlmbr.bus.Event,
- 'MultiplySparseVariantSet',
- documentId,
- dialog.participantNames,
- dialog.listOfDigitArrays
- )
- endEdit(documentId)
- #if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
- print("==== End shader variant script ====")