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- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include <System/PhysXCookingParams.h>
- namespace PhysX
- {
- namespace PxCooking
- {
- //! Return PxCookingParams better suited for use at run-time, these parameters will improve cooking time.
- //! Reference: https://docs.nvidia.com/gameworks/content/gameworkslibrary/physx/guide/Manual/Geometry.html#triangle-meshes
- physx::PxCookingParams GetRealTimeCookingParams()
- {
- physx::PxCookingParams params{ physx::PxTolerancesScale() };
- // disable mesh cleaning - perform mesh validation on development configurations
- params.meshPreprocessParams |= physx::PxMeshPreprocessingFlag::eDISABLE_CLEAN_MESH;
- // disable edge pre-compute, edges are set for each triangle, slows contact generation
- params.meshPreprocessParams |= physx::PxMeshPreprocessingFlag::eDISABLE_ACTIVE_EDGES_PRECOMPUTE;
- return params;
- }
- //! Return PxCookingParams better suited for use at edit-time, these parameters will
- //! increase cooking time but improve accuracy/precision.
- physx::PxCookingParams GetEditTimeCookingParams()
- {
- physx::PxCookingParams params{ physx::PxTolerancesScale() };
- // when set, mesh welding is performed - clean mesh must be enabled
- params.meshPreprocessParams |= physx::PxMeshPreprocessingFlag::eWELD_VERTICES;
- // note: default value in PxCookingParams is 0.0f;
- const float physx_CookWeldTolerance = 0.0001f;
- params.meshWeldTolerance = physx_CookWeldTolerance;
- return params;
- }
- }
- }