123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #pragma once
- #include <AzCore/Jobs/Job.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/parallel/condition_variable.h>
- #include <AzFramework/Physics/Components/SimulatedBodyComponentBus.h>
- #include <AzFramework/Physics/HeightfieldProviderBus.h>
- #include <AzFramework/Physics/PhysicsScene.h>
- #include <AzFramework/Physics/Shape.h>
- #include <PhysX/ColliderShapeBus.h>
- namespace PhysX
- {
- //! PhysX Heightfield Collider base class.
- //! This contains all the logic shared between the Editor Heightfield Collider Component and the Heightfield Collider Component
- //! to create, update, and destroy the heightfield collider at runtime.
- class HeightfieldCollider
- : protected AzPhysics::SimulatedBodyComponentRequestsBus::Handler
- , protected Physics::HeightfieldProviderNotificationBus::Handler
- , protected PhysX::ColliderShapeRequestBus::Handler
- {
- public:
- //! Enum for specifying how Heightfield Collider should be created
- enum class DataSource
- {
- //! Generate a new heightfield using the data from the Terrain System.
- GenerateNewHeightfield,
- //! Use the cached heightfield data from shape configuration.
- //! Usually it comes loaded from a heightfield asset.
- UseCachedHeightfield
- };
- HeightfieldCollider() = default;
- ~HeightfieldCollider();
- //! Create a HeightfieldCollider that operates on the given set of data.
- //! @param entityId The entity Id for the entity that contains this heightfield collider
- //! @param entityName The enntity name for the entity that contains this heightfield collider (for debug purposes)
- //! @param sceneHandler The physics scene to create the collider in (Editor or runtime)
- //! @param colliderConfig The collider configuration to use. Some of its data will get modified based on the heightfield data.
- //! @param shapeConfig The shape configuration to use. All of its data will get modified based on the heightfield data.
- HeightfieldCollider(
- AZ::EntityId entityId,
- const AZStd::string& entityName,
- AzPhysics::SceneHandle sceneHandle,
- AZStd::shared_ptr<Physics::ColliderConfiguration> colliderConfig,
- AZStd::shared_ptr<Physics::HeightfieldShapeConfiguration> shapeConfig,
- DataSource dataSourceType);
- //! Get the currently-spawned heightfield shape.
- //! @return Pointer to the heightfield shape.
- AZStd::shared_ptr<Physics::Shape> GetHeightfieldShape();
- //! Notify the heightfield that it may need to refresh some or all of its data.
- //! @param changeMask The types of data changes causing the notification.
- //! @param dirtyRegion The area affected by the notification, or a Null Aabb if everything is affected.
- void RefreshHeightfield(
- Physics::HeightfieldProviderNotifications::HeightfieldChangeMask changeMask,
- const AZ::Aabb& dirtyRegion = AZ::Aabb::CreateNull());
- //! Get a pointer to the currently-spawned simulated body.
- //! @return Pointer to the simulated body.
- const AzPhysics::SimulatedBody* GetSimulatedBody() const;
- void BlockOnPendingJobs();
- // AzPhysics::SimulatedBodyComponentRequestsBus::Handler overrides ...
- void EnablePhysics() override;
- void DisablePhysics() override;
- bool IsPhysicsEnabled() const override;
- AZ::Aabb GetAabb() const override;
- AzPhysics::SimulatedBody* GetSimulatedBody() override;
- AzPhysics::SimulatedBodyHandle GetSimulatedBodyHandle() const override;
- AzPhysics::SceneQueryHit RayCast(const AzPhysics::RayCastRequest& request) override;
- protected:
- // Physics::HeightfieldProviderNotificationBus::Handler overrides ...
- void OnHeightfieldDataChanged(
- const AZ::Aabb& dirtyRegion, Physics::HeightfieldProviderNotifications::HeightfieldChangeMask changeMask) override;
- // ColliderShapeRequestBus
- AZ::Aabb GetColliderShapeAabb() override;
- bool IsTrigger() override
- {
- // PhysX Heightfields don't support triggers.
- return false;
- }
- void ClearHeightfield();
- void InitStaticRigidBody(const AZ::Transform& baseTransform);
- void InitStaticRigidBody();
- void UpdateHeightfieldMaterialSlots(const Physics::MaterialSlots& updatedMaterialSlots);
- private:
- //! Updates a subset of rows in the heightfield shape configuration.
- void UpdateShapeConfigRows(
- AZ::Job* updateCompleteJob, size_t startColumn, size_t startRow, size_t numColumns, size_t numRows);
- //! Updates a subset of rows in the PhysX heightfield based on the data in the heightfield shape configuration.
- //! Note that while this takes in column ranges, the expectation is that it is processing all the dirty columns for each
- //! row being updated. If this assumption changes, the dirty region tracking logic will also need to change.
- void UpdatePhysXHeightfieldRows(
- AzPhysics::Scene* scene, AZStd::shared_ptr<Physics::Shape> shape,
- size_t startColumn, size_t startRow, size_t numColumns, size_t numRows);
- //! Called once all of the asynchronous update jobs have completed.
- void RefreshComplete();
- //! Helper class to manage the spawned physics update jobs.
- class HeightfieldUpdateJobContext : public AZ::JobContext
- {
- public:
- AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR(HeightfieldUpdateJobContext, AZ::ThreadPoolAllocator)
- HeightfieldUpdateJobContext(AZ::JobManager& jobManager)
- : JobContext(jobManager)
- {
- }
- //! Cancel any running jobs
- void Cancel();
- //! Check to see if the jobs should be canceled.
- bool IsCanceled() const;
- //! Track that the refresh has been started.
- void OnRefreshStart();
- //! Track that the refresh has been completed.
- void OnRefreshComplete();
- //! Block until all jobs have been completed.
- void BlockUntilComplete();
- private:
- //! Track whether or not a refresh is currently happening.
- bool m_refreshInProgress = false;
- //! Mutex to protect the job-running state
- AZStd::mutex m_jobsRunningNotificationMutex;
- //! Notification mechanism for knowing when the jobs have stopped running.
- //! This uses a condition_variable instead of a semaphore so that there doesn't need to be an equal number of job starts
- //! vs "block on complete" calls.
- AZStd::condition_variable m_jobsRunning;
- //! Track whether or not the currently-running jobs should be canceled.
- AZStd::atomic_bool m_isCanceled = false;
- };
- //! Stores collision layers, whether the collider is a trigger, etc.
- AZStd::shared_ptr<Physics::ColliderConfiguration> m_colliderConfig;
- //! Stores all of the cached information for the heightfield shape.
- AZStd::shared_ptr<Physics::HeightfieldShapeConfiguration> m_shapeConfig;
- //! Handle to the body in the provided physics scene.
- AzPhysics::SimulatedBodyHandle m_staticRigidBodyHandle = AzPhysics::InvalidSimulatedBodyHandle;
- //! Handle to the provided physics scene.
- AzPhysics::SceneHandle m_attachedSceneHandle = AzPhysics::InvalidSceneHandle;
- //! Job context for managing the collider update jobs that get spawned.
- AZStd::unique_ptr<HeightfieldUpdateJobContext> m_jobContext;
- //! Cached entity ID for the entity this collider is attached to.
- AZ::EntityId m_entityId;
- //! Cached entity name for the entity this collider is attached to.
- AZStd::string m_entityName;
- //! Track the current dirty region for async heightfield refreshes.
- struct DirtyHeightfieldRegion
- {
- DirtyHeightfieldRegion();
- void SetNull();
- void AddAabb(const AZ::Aabb& dirtyRegion, AZ::EntityId entityId);
- size_t m_minRowVertex; //! the first dirty row vertex
- size_t m_minColumnVertex; //! the first dirty column vertex
- size_t m_maxRowVertex; //! one past the last dirty row vertex (i.e. max - min = num dirty)
- size_t m_maxColumnVertex; //! one past the last dirty column vertex
- };
- DirtyHeightfieldRegion m_dirtyRegion;
- //! Specifies the way of creating Heightfield Collider.
- DataSource m_dataSourceType = DataSource::GenerateNewHeightfield;
- };
- } // namespace PhysX