1. Graphs generator for Temelia
  2. Author: Laurențiu Dascălu
  3. You can use it for generating Octave scripts and PNG images of plotted data.
  4. By default, this application uses input/performance_log.txt as input file.
  5. You may specify another by giving it as parameter.
  6. The structure of input file, XML based, should be:
  7. <data_structure name="QWERTY">
  8. <test_case function="QWERTY" library="QWERTY">
  9. <test_unit input="QWERTY" time="QWERTY">
  10. <another test units>
  11. </test_case>
  12. <other test cases>
  13. </data_structure>
  14. where {QWERTY} is your data
  15. For-each record, this application generates:
  16. - directory library/data_structure
  17. - method.m Octave script and method.png plotted data - in directory generated above