#87 Adding ToberUberStobe

Ghost vēlas sapludināt 0 revīzijas no deleted uz Calinou/master
Ghost komentēja 7 gadi atpakaļ

I don't know is it good to PR my game here, but here it is

I don't know is it good to PR my game here, but here it is

Looks like that user has left or hidden their repo. However, it still exists at nongnu.


Looks like that user has left or hidden their repo. However, it still exists at nongnu. https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/toberuberstobe
Ghost komentēja 6 gadi atpakaļ

The project had been broken to multiple repos and I forgot about this pull request. I will maybe open a new one later

P.S. the project at Savannah is abandoned

The project had been broken to multiple repos and I forgot about this pull request. I will maybe open a new one later P.S. the project at Savannah is abandoned
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