tut_head.html 4.3 KB

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  6. <meta name="generator" content="Doxygen $doxygenversion"/>
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  8. <!--BEGIN PROJECT_NAME--><title>$projectname: $title</title><!--END PROJECT_NAME-->
  9. <!--BEGIN !PROJECT_NAME--><title>$title</title><!--END !PROJECT_NAME-->
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  11. <!-- Wanted to avoid copying .css to each folder, so copied default .css from doxyen in here, kicked out most stuff we don't need for examples and modified some a little bit.
  12. Target was having a single html in each example folder which is created from the main.cpp files and needs no files besides some images below media folder.
  13. Feel free to improve :)
  14. -->
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  188. <div id="top"><!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! -->
  189. <!--END TITLEAREA-->
  190. <!-- end header part -->