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- int StyleUVW ; // 0 = specular reflection, 1 = diffuse reflection, 2 = use model vertex coordinates for uvw.
- float4x4 WorldViewProj;
- float4x4 World;
- float3 CameraPos;
- // Vertex Shader
- void VS(
- in float4 VPos : POSITION,
- in float3 VNorm : NORMAL,
- in float3 VTex : TEXCOORD0,
- out float4 outPos : POSITION,
- out float4 outTex : TEXCOORD0 )
- {
- // vertex position from model-space to view-space
- outPos = mul( VPos, WorldViewProj );
- if ( StyleUVW == 0 )
- {
- // create ray from camera position to the vertex, in world space
- float4 worldPos = mul(float4(VPos.x, VPos.y, VPos.z, 1.0), World);
- float3 view = CameraPos - worldPos.xyz;
- float4 normWorld = normalize(mul(float4(VNorm.x, VNorm.y, VNorm.z, 0.0), World)); // TODO: when objects are scaled non-uniform we need to multiply by WorldInverseTranspose instead
- // compute the reflection vector, and assign it to texcoord 0
- outTex.xyz = reflect( -normalize(view), normWorld.xyz );
- }
- else if ( StyleUVW == 1 )
- {
- // just use the normal for the reflection vector
- outTex.xyz = normalize(VNorm);
- }
- else if ( StyleUVW == 2 )
- {
- // use vertex-coordinates for texture coordinates
- outTex.xyz = VPos.xyz;
- }
- }