readme.txt 826 B

  1. If you wish to compile Irrlicht for Win32-gcc you have several choices.
  2. 1. You can work from within a MinGW shell.
  3. Go to the folder source/Irrlicht and run the Makefile with:
  4. make win32
  5. Examples can be build by going into the folder of the example (for example examples/01.HelloWorld) and running the Makefile with:
  6. make all_win32
  7. 2. Use the Code::Blocks IDE
  8. There is a project file called Irrlicht-gcc.cbp in source/Irrlicht to compile just the engine.
  9. Be sure to select a Windows target like "Win32 - release - accurate math - dll"
  10. There is also Code::Blocks workspace file in the examples folder called BuildAllExamples.workspace
  11. Again be sure to select a Windows target like "Win32 - release - accurate math - dll"
  12. This workspace allows you to compile the engine together with all examples and tools.