changes.txt 288 KB

  1. --------------------------
  2. Changes in 1.9 (not yet released)
  3. - createCylinderMesh, createArrowMesh and createConeMesh in GeometryCreator tessellation numbers now for full instead of semi-circle.
  4. Double your tessellation numbers to get same results as in 1.8
  5. Sorry had to break as old solution didn't allow for odd numbers. Also was documented otherwise, so was a bug.
  6. - Change in UV's for top/bottom center vertex in CGeometryCreator::createCylinderMesh
  7. - Add some default UV's in CGeometryCreator::createConeMesh
  8. - Bugfix: CTriangleSelector::getTriangles with bounding-box parameter no longer ignores an additionally passed matrix transformation in the box check
  9. - Fix: CGUITabControl now catching EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN
  10. - Add options for transparency node sorting algorithm.
  11. - CImageWriterPNG now also supports the writeImageToFile param to allow setting compressing level. 0 stays default, 1-10 for range increasing compression level.
  12. - Add io::IUserData which can be set in SMaterial to make it easer passing additional material values to shaders
  13. - Add lens shift support for the camera and the perspective projection functions
  14. - TGA loader no longer reduces 24&32 bit TGA's with palettes to 16 bit. Thanks @erlehmann for report:
  15. - Fix compile error with OS X 10.10 SDK, bug #463. Thanks @Ryan Schmidt for report and patch.
  16. - Optimize quaternion::rotationFromTo. Thanks @Robert Eisele for patch and proof (
  17. - Shader material example shows now how to pass material values.
  18. In 1.8 we could still use gl_FrontMaterial, but that is no longer supported in shaders
  19. - Get IMeshBuffer::append functions working for a few more cases and adapt interface so one can prevent the BoundingBox update.
  20. - Bugfix: SMaterialLayer::operator!= no longer returns true when comparing a layer without texture matrix with one with a set identity texture matrix. Those are the same.
  21. - SMaterialLayer no longer releases allocated texture memory before destructor unless explicitly requested.
  22. This can avoid constantly allocation/releasing memory in the active driver material when setting materials.
  23. Note that it does not copy texture memory when it's unused. This is still optimized.
  24. - Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node
  25. - Add SMaterialLayer::hasSetTextureMatrix and SMaterialLayer::resetTextureMatrix
  26. - Add IShaderConstantSetCallBack::OnCreate to allow earlier access to IMaterialRendererServices
  27. - CIrrDeviceWin32::yield() now uses Sleep(0) instead of Sleep(1).
  28. We had Sleep(1) to allow yielding to all processes back in Windows XP time.
  29. But a) This caused Windows apps to sleep for 15ms usually and b) behavior for Sleep(0) was changed after Window XP to do what we want it to do.
  30. - Add ICursorControl::getReferenceRect
  31. - Fix: Listbox no longer sending EGET_LISTBOX_SELECTED_AGAIN instead of EGET_LISTBOX_CHANGED when pressed mouse was moved over item before releasing the mouse button
  32. - Listbox items can now change individual background colors
  33. - Fix some bitfield sizes in SMaterial which were chosen too small for enums (PolygonOffsetDirection, ZWriteEnable, BlendOperation)
  34. - Add ISceneNode::UpdateAbsolutePosBehavior variable to allow nodes to ignore the scale/rotation parts of their parents transformation.
  35. - Add IGUISpinBox functions getValueFor and getOldValue
  36. - Bugfix: IGUIElement::getNextElement now passing includeInvisible and includeDisabled flags recursively instead of disabling those for children.
  37. This fixes problems that elements sometimes didn't get a tab order because some parent was invisible and so tab'ing for them failed completely.
  38. Also setTabOrder(-1) now also checks for disabled elements for the same reason (disabled parent causing children to not get a tab-order).
  39. - Fix MouseButtonStates for mouse events in CIrrDeviceSDL when middle or right button are released.
  40. - CGUIContextMenu no longer marks EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED as handled
  41. - core::array::linear_search and linear_reverse_search can now work with any types as long as corresponding operator== is implemented.
  42. - Add checks for sane image sizes in some image loaders (so far: bmp, jpg, tga, png).
  43. Thanks @sfan5 for the original patch (got modified a bit):
  44. - Add IImage::checkDataSizeLimit and make IImage getDataSizeFromFormat return size_t so image loaders can check if sizes are sane.
  45. - Fix crash with large jpg files. Based somewhat on a patch in Minetest from sfan5
  46. - COSOperator::getSystemMemory now returns some value on OSX (thought same for total and available).
  47. Thanks @sfan5 for patch and
  48. - Fix CVertexBuffer::setType switching types for non-empty arrays. Before we had some bad casts which could result in random initializing of some vertex data.
  49. - IVertexBuffer interface changes: pointer() now returns void*. Adding a const version of getData(). Some set functions have now overload for all vertex types.
  50. - S3DVertex now always initializes color to 0xffffff. That was previously the only uninitialized variable in there. Also both derived classes have now a constructor taking a const S3DVertex&.
  51. - Fix deserialization in CGUITable. Use now getAttributeAsStringW instead of getAttributeAsString.
  52. Thanks @chronologicaldot for report and patch:
  53. - IIndexBuffer interface changes: Adding a const version of getData(). Some set functions now copy by value instead of per reference, which shouldn't be slower for this and is safer to use.
  54. - Fix CIndexBuffer::setType going from 16 to 32 bit. This had some casts which simply could mess up the results.
  55. - Fix OSX nor resizing properly. Thanks @torleif, Jordach and sfan5 for patch and report:
  56. - X meshloader fixes bug with uninitialized normals. Thanks @sfan5 for patch:
  57. - stl meshloader now faster, especially with text format
  58. - CMemoryReadFile::seek CMemoryWriteFile::seek and no longer allowed to go _before_ start.
  59. Thanks @sfan5 for patch:
  60. - stl meshloader can now load 32 bit buffers.
  61. Thanks @Foaly for the patch:
  62. - Add IMeshBufffer::clone function to create buffer copies. CMeshManipulator::createMeshCopy uses that now and works now with all types of meshbuffers.
  63. - obj writer can now write 32 bit buffers
  64. - obj meshloader can now load 32 bit buffers when setIndexTypeHint is set correspondingly
  65. It's 16 bit meshes use now also an IDynamicMeshbuffer instead of an SMeshBuffer.
  66. Thanks @Wol101 for original patch proposal:
  67. - Add IMeshLoader::setIndexTypeHint and getIndexTypeHint to allow setting hints for the loaders if users prefer 16 or 32 bit meshbuffers.
  68. Default is now to use optimal meshbuffer depending on number of vertices (if the loader supports it).
  69. - Add IMeshBuffer::getType to allow finding out which class type a meshbuffer has (similar to ISceneNode::getType).
  70. - Add IGUIImage::flip to flip/mirror images
  71. - IBillboardSceneNode got functions to access meshbuffers. So uv-coordinates can now be modified directly (previously only possible via texture matrix).
  72. - vector3d scalar operator/ and operator/= no longer multiply by the inverse but use the expected division.
  73. Costs some speed, but fixes floating point troubles caused by this optimization (like x/x no longer being 1.0).
  74. - Bugfix: XML reader dropped last character in strings if there was a special character replacement for the second-last character.
  75. - Avoid allocating more than 16k on stack in OCT loader. Also avoid potential heap overwrites in there.
  76. - obj file loader now allows using mtl files with spaces in the filename.
  77. Note that this means it no longer handles obj files which have multiple mtl files behind the mtllib command.
  78. But Irrlicht ignored all but the first name anyway and this way of handling mtllib commands seems to be more common.
  79. - Many defines changed because they were using names which are reserved identifiers in c++.
  80. Mostly it's about replacing __IRRxxx or _IRRxxx identifiers by versions without underscores
  81. Sometimes underscores at end also got removed.
  82. There is a header file irrLegacyDefines.h which can be included to allow having the old defines back.
  83. Thanks @Markus Elfring for reporting this (bug #427)
  84. - Add equals and set_data functions to core::array for easier working with blocks of data.
  85. - SIrrlichtCreationParameters::IgnoreInput set to false works again on X11.
  86. Thanks @ Victor Gaydov for report + patch + very good test cases! (bug #401)
  87. This had been broken since Irrlicht 1.6
  88. - Add steer parameter to CSceneNodeAnimatorFollowSpline which allows rotating node toward direction of movement.
  89. Thanks @ Bate for the patch (patch #175)
  90. - Add a workaround for XWarpPointer bug that causes mouse to jump when users have set a Coordinate Transformation Matrix for their mouse on X11.
  91. This was mentioned in bug #450 by vikaig.
  92. The fix needs compiling with _IRR_LINUX_X11_XINPUT2_ enabled (so far disabled by default)
  93. - Add IGeometryCreator::createTorusMesh to create donuts.
  94. - Don't try loading broken image files twice with same loader anymore.
  95. - Make CImageLoaderJPG thread safe. Thanks @ Edoardo Lolletti for report and patch (patch #324)
  96. - Add ETCF_SUPPORT_VERTEXT_TEXTURE flag which can be used to enable vertex texture sampling support in Direct3D 9.
  97. Note that this was enabled for a long time in 1.9 svn, but is now disabled by default.
  98. - CGUIListBox now serializes the state of "Selected". Feature wish by chronologicaldot (
  99. - Bugfix: Changing focus with tab-keys now also work when elements are inside a modal screen.
  100. - COBJMeshFileLoader using a bit more exact color conversion for 0-1 to 0-255 range (same now as SColorf::toSColor uses).
  101. - Speedup for COBJMeshWriter
  102. - Add blinkMode parameter to IGUIEnvironment::addModalScreen, so blinking can be suppressed
  103. - Speedup: Avoid string copy in CXMLReaderImpl::getAttributeByName
  104. - Fix bug in rect::clipAgainst that had caused rects completely outside to the left-top of the rect to be clipped against ending up with both corners outside.
  105. It still worked for UI in most cases as the resulting rectangle still had an area of 0.
  106. - Add getAlign functions to IGUIElement
  107. - Add optional multitouch support to X11 (but disabled in IrrCompileConfig by default). Thanks @TheBrokenRail for a patch proposal based on example code from esjeon (patch #322).
  108. - Slightly changed close window handling on X11 (optimized and avoids problems on some shells). Thanks @TheBrokenRail for a patch (was part of patch #322).
  109. - Add getActiveColor functions to IGUIStaticText and IGUIButton (get currently used color).
  110. - Add IGUIEnvironment::addToDeletionQueue to allow save removal of gui elements while iterating over them (like the same named function in ISceneManager).
  111. - IGUIEnvironment::drawAll has now a parameter to allow disabling automatic resize to screensize. Makes it easier to use partial screens with full alignment support.
  112. - No longer try to set WM_QUIT when using an external Window on Win32.
  113. Thx @Marko Mahnic for the patch (
  114. - ply meshloader now also supports textures with uv-labels named texture_u/texture_v.
  115. Thx @acy for bugreport and test-model (
  116. - Fix potential reading/writing 1 byte behind it's own buffer in PLY loader.
  117. Thanks @wolfgang for report and patch (
  118. - ICursorControl::isVisible is now always returning the flag set in setVisible.
  119. This changes the behaviour on Win32 somewhat when Windows returned a CURSOR_SUPPRESSED state (touch-screen input).
  120. Previously we set IsVisible it to false when CURSOR_SUPPRESSED was set.
  121. Also we handle the CURSOR_SUPPRESSED state slightly different now and still try to hide cursors once when requested.
  122. - Improvements to B3D writer for speed, readability and handling of low framerate animations.
  123. Thanks @JLouisB for the patch (For more info, see:
  124. - Add another render pass ESNRP_GUI which is drawn last and is p.E. useful for rendering gui nodes in the scenemanager.
  125. - BurningVideo: 0.52
  126. - 10 year anniversary update
  127. - Lighting model reworked. moved to eyespace like openGL. [Specular Highlights, Fog, Sphere/Reflection Map]
  128. - increased internal s4DVertex to support 4 Textures and 4 Colors [switchable]
  129. - Textures are handled as sRGB during Mipmap Generation. More accurate, less visual disruption
  130. - 2D is drawn as 3D like hardware drivers. [switchable]. enables viewport scaling, material2D, scissor
  131. - Texture Spatial Resolution Limiting working. [lower memory consumption,SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_TEXTURE_MAXSIZE]
  132. - NormalMap for 1 Light accurate. still all lights are accumulated
  133. - SuperTuxKart 8.0.1 playable
  134. - Internal Backbuffer Scaling and Interlacing
  135. - Known Problems
  136. - Depthbuffer range not equal to Hardware Drivers. Problems with Orthographic Stencil Shadows
  137. - Triangle MipMap Selection. Wrong for TextureAtlas and Billboards
  138. - Fix CPLYMeshFileLoader checking for wrong vertex count when switching between 16/32 bit. Thanks @randomMesh for reporting.
  139. - Fix bug that AnimatedMeshSceneNode ignored ReadOnlyMaterials flag when checking materials for transparent render passes.
  140. - Unify checks if materials should use transparent render pass with new IVideoDriver::needsTransparentRenderPass function.
  141. - Material.ZWriteEnable is now of type E_ZWRITE instead of bool. This allows now setting materials to always "on" independent of material type and transparency.
  142. This breaks compiling. To have old values replace false with EZW_OFF and true with EWZ_AUTO.
  143. - Materials EMT_REFLECTION_2_LAYER and EMT_TRANSPARENT_REFLECTION_2_LAYER on OpenGL are now same as in D3D9. Before GL used a sphere-map for those instead of reflection.
  144. - Bugfix: CGUIToolBar automatic placement no longer outside of screen when there are modals screens when creating it.
  145. Or when there are other window elements going over full window-size.
  146. Thanks to Stephen Lynx for the bugreport and to Sérgio Augusto Vianna for writing a test case with a bug example.
  147. Changes: a) Never move the toolbar below it's parents lower border. b) No longer check all element-types, but only try to be below other toolbars or menus.
  148. - Add a normalType parameter to IGeometryCreator::createCylinderMesh
  149. - Add a normalsUpdate parameter to IMeshManipulator::transform to allow updating the normals with the inverse-transpose of the transformation matrix.
  150. - Bugfix: quaternion::slerp now uses lerpN instead of lerp to keep result normalized.
  151. - Add function quaternion::lerpN which is like lerp but normalizes the result.
  152. - Add function ISceneManager::createShadowVolumeSceneNode to allow custom ISceneNode's to use shadows.
  153. - CGUITabControl serialization changed to allow using custom tabs (before only CGUITab could be serialized).
  154. There was a lot of rewriting involved, including some minor interface changes (IGUITab* can now be added directly for example).
  155. See for a thread about this.
  156. Thanks @chronologicaldot for bringing this up, writing a patch proposal and even writing test.
  157. - CGUITabControl no longer eats EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN (doesn't seem to need it, was just done for a planned feature which is not implemented yet).
  158. - Removing a tab in CGUITabControl will now also remove the tab-element. Fixes problems like tabs still being around & visible when you removed the active tab.
  159. - Add example 28.CubeMapping.
  160. Based originally on EnvCubeMap example from irrSpintz engine.
  161. Including a cubemap texture from Emil Persson, aka Humus from
  162. - IGeometryCreator::createCubeMesh has a new parameter to allow creating different types of cube meshes.
  163. Added a new cube-mesh with meshbuffers per side.
  164. Also single buffer cube-mesh now normalizes it's normals.
  165. - Bugfix: CBillboardTextSceneNode no longer disregards IsVisible flag
  166. - FPS-camera rotation now smoother.
  167. First bug was that it would sometimes skip back because it worked with wrong values for the screen-center position.
  168. Second (and bigger) bug was that it ignored all cursor-movement which happened between device->run() and the point where
  169. the animator did run. Tiny side-effect your camera will now rotate generally faster.
  170. - Fix ms3d loader to work on big endian systems which need floats to be aligned in memory. Thanks @ kas1e, Corto and Salas for the patch (
  171. - Bugfix: COBJMeshFileLoder no longer overwrites transparency value with 1.0 when it's set before the diffuse color value in the mtl file. Thanks @Boshen for bugreport (#445).
  172. - Bugfix: OpenGL no longer antialiasing stencil buffer when driver has antialiasing disabled.
  173. - Add IShadowVolumeSceneNode::setOptimization to allow disabling optimizations for meshes were contour shadows fail.
  174. - Stencil shadows work now also with directional light
  175. - Add example 27.PostProcessing written by Boshen Guan
  176. - Drivers can now try to create textures from images in more exotic color formats (like floating point formats). It depends on the driver how much that works (so far mainly OpenGL can handle it somewhat).
  177. - Fix OpenGL to no longer switch colors red and blue in 24-bit RGB format. But warnings added to documentation to avoid 24-bit textures as they are generally just trouble.
  178. - No longer try to convert ECF_R5G6B5 to ECF_A1R5G5B5 on OpenGL (just made texture-loading seem to fail).
  179. - Add parameter SIrrlichtCreationParameters.WindowResizable. Mainly to work around troubles with SDL+OpenGL on some platforms where resizing later can be tricky/impossible.
  180. - Add operator[] to vector2d and vector3d
  181. - Bugfix: IrrlichtDevice::isWindowMinimized no longer returns true when it's maximized on Windows.
  182. - Ignore degenerated faces in obj file loader when they would generate triangles where 2 vertices use identical indices.
  183. - Add CMatrix4::transformVec4 to transform vectors with 4 elements (thx @ devsh)
  184. - Add ITexture::getOriginalColorFormat to access color format of images used to create a texture
  185. - Add IMemoryReadFile interface which allows direct access to memory block used as file.
  186. - Add IReadFile::getType() interface to all users to find out what kind of class implements that interface.
  187. - .dae/Collada reader/writer now handle whitespace in texture-filenames with escape characters (handle them as xs:anyURI).
  188. - Add function string::insert.
  189. - EditBox now still allows overwriting characters when the text-length is at max.
  190. - Bugfix: CMatrix4::transformPlane was calculating the wrong plane-normal before.
  191. - SViewFrustum::recalculateBoundingBox no longer includes camera position in the bounding-box. Only using frustum corners now. Thx @DevSH for bugreport & patch.
  192. - Camera uses now OGL projection matrices with OpenGL driver. Fixes wrong near-plane values with OpenGL (showed too much before).
  193. - Add a flag to most CMatrix4::buildProjectionMatrix functions to allow creating OpenGL projection matrices (target range of -w to w instead of 0 to w).
  194. - Bugfix: CCameraSceneNode resets the IsOrthogonal flag to false now when it recalculates a projection matrix.
  195. - SViewFrustum::setFrom and SViewFrustum constructor now use a parameter to allow to set the correct near clipping plane when the projection matrix doesn't use a target depth range of 0 to z, but for example -z to z. So OGL projections matrices can now also use it.
  196. - Remove code to read boundingbox element in Collada reader as it's not in Collada specification.
  197. - .dae/Collada reader now converts from Collada's right-handed to Irrlicht's left handed coordinate system (switching z to -z)
  198. - Add irr::string::eraseTrailingFloatZeros to kick out trailing 0's for strings generated from floats.
  199. - .dae/Collada writer now converts from Irrlicht's left-handed to Collada's right-handed coordinate system (switching z to -z)
  200. - Switch Collada writer to utf8 xml's.
  201. - Add IXMLWriterUTF8
  202. - IColladaMeshWriter::writeScene got an additional flag to decide if root should be written.
  203. - _IRR_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES_ now set to 8 by default. So we can use now 8 textures per material without recompiling the engine.
  204. Additionally there's a new global variable irr::video::MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES_USED which can be set to lower numbers to avoid most of the costs coming with this for people not needing more textures.
  205. But using more textures via _IRR_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES_ also has become less calculation intensive than it was in the past, so in release builds the difference is hardly noticeable.
  206. - Serialization fixes for materials in irr format (in IVideoDriver::createAttributesFromMaterial/fillMaterialStructureFromAttributes).
  207. - Add serialization for ToolTip to IGUIElement. Thanks @chronologicaldot for patch (
  208. - Try recovering lost device in D3D9 for 3 seconds when device reset fails after resizing Window.
  209. - Add typedefs like value_type and size_type to array, list and map like std containers have. Thanks @SLC for idea (
  210. - Remove unused enum E_LOST_RESOURCE
  211. - CGUIComboBox uses now EGDS_SCROLLBAR_SIZE instead of EGDS_WINDOW_BUTTON_WIDTH for the width of the listbox button to allow changing that without changing window topbar height.
  212. Thanks @LunaRebirth for reporting. (Forum:
  213. - CGUIListbox, CGUITreeView and CGUITable now resize scrollbars when EGDS_SCROLLBAR_SIZE in the skin changes without having to re-create the elements.
  214. This also fixes the problem that drawing looked wrong when this value got changed after the elements were created.
  215. Thanks @LunaRebirth for reporting. (Forum:
  216. - Scrollbar buttons can no longer get larger than half the ScrollBar element to avoid them overlapping.
  217. - Add IVideoDriver::swapMaterialRenderers to allow swapping the renderer used to render a certain material.
  218. - IMeshManipulator functions createMeshWith1TCoords, createMeshWith2TCoords and createMeshWithTangents no longer weld vertices while converting meshes. Use IMeshManipulator::createMeshWelded if you need that welding.
  219. - Add ITerrainSceneNode::setFixedBorderLOD to handle connecting terrain nodes without gaps. Thanks @diho for the bugreport, testcase and a patch proposal (
  220. - PLY loader now works with files which use "st" instead of "uv" for texture coordinates (like generated from Blender or Assimp). Thanks @JLouisB for patch (
  221. - STL writer does now also write binary files when EMWF_WRITE_BINARY flag is used. Based on patch from JLouisB (
  222. (EMWF_WRITE_COMPRESSED also still works for downward compatibility)
  223. - Improved PLY exporter. Thanks for Patch from JLouisB. (Forum:
  224. - Support for UV and vertex colors.
  225. - Support for binary PLY files export with the EMWF_WRITE_BINARY flag
  226. - Fix for the meshes with 32 bits index
  227. - Fix wrong colors on big endian platforms with burnings renders. Thx @kas1e for reporting and @curaga for the patch (#318). Forum bug discussion at
  228. - Fix bug #440 where OpenGL driver enabled second texture for single-texture materials when setMaterial was called twice. Thx@ "number Zero" for bugreport and test-case.
  229. - Irrlicht icon now loaded with LR_DEFAULTSIZE to better support larger icon requests. Thx@ luthyr for report and bugfix.
  230. - Cursor on X11 behaves now like on Win32 and doesn't try to clip positions to the window
  231. - IImage::copyToWithAlpha has a new parameter to allow combining alpha value instead of replacing them. This uses new blitters called BLITTER_TEXTURE_COMBINE_ALPHA. Thx @chronologicaldot for providing this patch and @burningreggae for his feedback.
  232. - Add _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_PARTICLES_ to control compilation of particle system
  233. - Add IGUIImage::setDrawBackground to allow disabling background drawing even when no texture is set.
  234. - Fix: IGUIContextMenu now raises sub-menu when they would otherwise be displayed below bottom-border of root gui element.
  235. - Prevent initializing/quitting SDL several times when using more than one Irrlicht device.
  236. - Reduce log-messages for "loaded texture" and "loaded mesh" from ELL_INFORMATION to ELL_DEBUG.
  237. - Add IGUIButton::setOverrideColor to allow overriding text-color (same function as statictexts and editboxes have).
  238. - Add functions IGUIButton::getClickShiftState and IGUIButton::getClickControlState to get shift/ctrl key-state when a button was clicked. Thanks @StarSonata for patch.
  239. - Add function ISceneManager::clearAllRegisteredNodesForRendering.
  240. - Add function IVideoDriver::queryTextureFormat to allow checking if a driver supports textures with a specific color format.
  241. - ISceneManager::getMesh can now creates meshes with alternative cache-names.
  242. - Lets the BSP loader find textures inserted with relative paths. Thx@ curaga for patch
  243. - Slightly simplified ALLOC_STRATEGY_DOUBLE in arrays
  244. - Add alternative BoundingBox calculation for BillboardSceneNode which can take in a camera node. Thx @Seven and @JacKDuRdEn for bugreports.
  245. - FPS camera now supports keyboard rotation.
  246. - Base FPS-camera movement on last position of mouse instead of always center (works better on platforms where cursor-placement is not allowed)
  247. - Octrees with other vertex types than EVT_2TCOORDS can now also use VBO's.
  248. - Add IOctreeSceneNode interface to control polygon clipping checks for octree scene nodes.
  249. - Add support for different geometric primitives to meshbuffers. Thanks @gerdb for patch proposal (
  250. - change SEvent::SUserEvent.UserData1 and SEvent::SUserEvent.UserData1 from s32 to size_t to avoid cutting numbers on some 64-bit platforms (SDL and Windows)
  251. - Improve speed of draw3DBox (OpenGL and D3D9). Thanks @zerochen for patch (
  252. - Support more keys on OSX "[]\". Thanks @neoascetic for patch (#313).
  253. - Fix IBillboardTextSceneNode::setTextColor which did nothing in the past. It now maps to setColor instead.
  254. - Add access functions to IBillboardTextSceneNode (getText, getFont).
  255. - Add access functions to ITextSceneNode (getText, getTextColor, setFont, getFont).
  256. - Try harder to move Window to custom WindowPosition set in SIrrlichtCreationParameters on X11. Thx@ Hernan Ezequiel Di Giorgi for the patch (#304).
  257. - Fix bug in virtual filessystem which prevented createFileList from working. Thx @Cube for reporting a problem.
  258. - ITriangleSelector now can also return meshbuffer collision information.
  259. - core::string::split now adds delimiter to token before delimiter when keepSeparators is true. That way we never end up with 2 tokens for an original string with a single character.
  260. - Bugfix: SMesh::recalculateBoundingBox() does now ignore empty boundingboxes of meshbuffers instead of adding them.
  261. - IIrrXMLReader::getAttributeValueAsInt and IIrrXMLReader::getAttributeValueAsFloat can now return a custom default-value when the attribute is not found.
  262. - core::string::split now handles ignoreEmptyTokens=false correct. Thanks @manni63 for bugreport:
  263. - Bugfix: Previously when some material had a texture matrix and another didn't those materials were still considered identical. Which had prevented correct switching between materials with and without texture matrices.
  264. - IWriteFile::write now returning size_t (like fwrite in c-lib). Also sizeToWrite parameter changed from u32 to size_t.
  265. - IReadFile::read now returning size_t (like fread in c-lib). Also sizeToRead parameter changed from u32 to size_t.
  266. - add clear function to strings.
  267. - Collision manager now using const camera pointers.
  268. - Several fixes for SceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse, based on
  269. Thanks to all people who reported and to JLouisB and kinkreet for the patches:
  270. - Gravity is now fps independent
  271. - Values of gravity now like documented (wasn't 1 unit = 1m before, had been 1m = current frames per second, so maybe 100 units = 1m).
  272. Note that jump-values for fps-camera must also change when adapting gravity!
  273. Several examples got adapted for new ranges.
  274. - Pausing timer now pauses animator. Also doesn't reset values anymore with pauses.
  275. - Clones no longer have 1000 times the gravity of original animator.
  276. - Should now be fps independent
  277. - Speedup CTriangleSelector (mainly for animated meshes)
  278. - CTriangleSelector now supports 32-bit meshbuffers. Thanks @Wol101 for reporting and patch-proposal.
  279. - Fix: CTriangleSelector no longer resets it's boundingbox to 0,0,0 (was wrong when a meshbuffer was not around 0)
  280. - Fix: Collada writer now uses wrap_p for third texture wrap value instead of invalid wrap_w (thx @Yoran for bugreport)
  281. - Several getter functions in IAttributes made const (thx @Erik Schultheis for the patch)
  282. - Fix: CTriangleSelector no longer ignores meshbuffer transformations from skinned meshes (thx @AlexAzazel for report and test-model).
  283. - Randomizer now returns range 0..randMax as documented and no longer 1..randMax as it did before. randMax got reduced by 1.
  284. Note: You will generally get different numbers than before! If you need the exact old calculations, please check the corresponding sources in Irrlicht 1.8 in os.cpp/.h
  285. - Resetting Randomizer with 0 or no longer breaks it (will be set to 1). Same for other numbers for which it wasn't defined.
  286. - Add SMaterialLayer::TextureWrapW for cubemap texture wrap mode at W axis.
  287. - Add cubemap texture support for D3D9 and OpenGL drivers.
  288. - Do no longer re-calculate md2 frames when they don't change (thx @npc for reporting)
  289. - Add multibyteToWString wrapper functions around mbstowcs which work with Irrlicht string class.
  290. - Fix: addFileArchive now grab()'s the archive when you pass one in by pointer.
  291. - Fix: Prevent division by 0 in CGUIScrollBar::setPos
  292. - Fix: Add missing serialization to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS and CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya
  293. - Fix: File-open dialog now restores the original locale after modifying it internally
  294. - Fix first calculation of the camerascenenode boundingsphere.
  295. - Fix bug with ignored opening brace in .X files with DeclData section. Thx @Alin for bugreport and patch.
  296. - Fix problem with OpenGL textures cache.
  297. - Add clear buffer flags and marked some methods used for clear buffers as deprecated.
  298. - Fix skinned meshes not playing their last frame. Also clarified animation documentation to describe current behavior more exactly.
  299. - Add IWriteFile::flush interface (thx @ JLouisB for the patch).
  300. - CLightSceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition does now light recalculations. This is to fix using animators with lights.
  301. - Fix Collada export for objects with rotations around more than 1 axis.
  302. - Add ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya::setTargetMinDistance and getTargetMinDistance.
  303. - Add override font to IGUITreeView
  304. - CGUIComboBox now updates selection-list when font changes while it's open (thx @ rubixcuber for bugreport)
  305. - CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setMesh does now set the animation speed again to that of the mesh (had been changed in 1.7, but not for obvious reasons)
  306. - .x meshloader regards now AnimTicksPerSecond (thx @qian for a test-model and bugreport)
  307. - Interface getMeshType moved from IAnimatedMesh up to IMesh.
  308. - Add b3d mesh-writer. Static writer written by Hendu, support for animated meshes added by JLouisB, testing and bugfixes by CuteAlien.
  309. - Node-collision functions of SceneCollisionManager like getSceneNodeFromScreenCoordinatesBB will now ignore collisions against empty boundingboxes.
  310. - Cameras return again an empty boundingbox (at 0,0,0) instead of returning the frustum boundingbox (was changed in very old Irrlicht version).
  311. You can access the frustum boundingbox through the frustum itself.
  312. This means cameras no longer show up in the node-collision of the SceneCollisionManager (showing up there because of their frustum bounding-box was too confusing).
  313. - Fix problem in IrrlichtDevice::setResizable on X11 that caused window titlebars to hide occasionally under the taskbar in some systems (Ubuntu, Mint).
  314. - Added new IRenderTarget interface.
  315. - Replace the swprintf and snprintf defines by swprintf_irr and snprintf_irr to avoid conflicts with the standard libraries (and other libraries).
  316. - XBox support removed as it would need DX8 (this was about the original XBox).
  317. - Support for Direct3D 8 removed after svn revision 5052 due to lack of maintenance.
  318. - _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX removed. This was a bugfix for VS2003 (in combination with .NET) which we haven't supported in a while.
  319. - VS 2005 support removed after svn revision 5048.
  320. - WinCE 6 supported removed after svn revision 5046.
  321. - NVidia CG support removed after svn revision 5045 due to lack of maintenance. NVidia has also stopped supporting this.
  322. - TA burningvideo:
  323. enabled triangle fan again so that skybox works.[need more testmeshes if other trianglefan than skybox doesn't work]
  324. correct vc2013 project files for x64,static lib
  325. correct alphablend vs add [was broken]
  326. - Add a new core::rect constructor which takes a dimension parameter and set's left-top to 0.
  327. - mtl (obj) format reader and write now regards texture scaling and translation. (thx @thanhle for noticing and patch proposal).
  328. - Added Visual Studio 2013 project files.
  329. - Added new color formats: ECF_R8, ECF_R8G8, ECF_D16, ECF_D32, ECF_D24S8.
  330. - Can now enable/disable background drawing for IGUITable.
  331. - Bugfix: Cloning CBillboardSceneNode now copies colors and sizes.
  332. - EditBox works now with numpad on X11
  333. - Added helper functions for converting between wchar and utf-8. Patch provided by Hendu.
  334. - Added sphere frustum culling support. Patch provided by Hendu.
  335. - Fixed issues with setViewPort method under OpenGL. (reported by anontypist)
  336. - Fixed several selection, highlighting and clipping bugs in CGUITreeview (thx @ AReichl for the patch + test)
  337. - Removed DllMain from the static windows build (thx @ AReichl for reporting)
  338. - Fixed maximize/minimize under Linux by supporting NETWM hints. Patch provided by hendu.
  339. - ISceneNode::deserializeAttributes uses now old values for parameters which are not in the attributes (thx @entity for noticing).
  340. - Add interface for easier access to scrollbars for IGUIListBox, IGUITreeView and IGUITable
  341. - Fix serializing colors as strings. Was previously mixing up strings with number-arrays and hex color values. Now using hex color values always, but also fixed the the handling when it get's number-array strings.
  342. - Fix IAttributes::setAttribute implementation for textures (did do nothing before).
  343. - Added support for separate blending in OpenGL and D3D9 drivers.
  344. - Added pack_textureBlendFuncSeparate and unpack_textureBlendFuncSeparate functions, which allow to use separate blending functions in OpenGL.
  345. - Added BlendFactor field to SMaterial which allow user to set blending factor per SMaterial set call without use EMT_ONETEXTURE_BLEND type.
  346. - Fixed issue with blending operation set to EBO_NONE and some transparent material types.
  347. - Add a code profiler (stop-watch style)
  348. - Add IGUITable::getItemHeight to access item (row) height
  349. - Add override font to IGUITable
  350. - IGUITable can now disable the active column.
  351. - IGUIElement::getElementFromPoint now virtual
  352. - Fixed issue with wrongly enabled Z-writing for transparent shader materials. Thanks Hendu for this fix.
  353. - Allow more control over particle behavior. This also changed the default behavior.
  354. - ISceneNodeAnimators can now be disabled and paused.
  355. - Maya camera no longer get's stuck in "rotating" state when a mouse-up event is lost (thx @ JLouisB for reporting).
  356. - Focus behavior of IGUIEnvironment now controllable (right-click focus, mouse-over focus). Disabled elements no longer get the focus unless users enforce it.
  357. - Buttons can now now have 7 more image-states, 1 more sprite-state and the sprites are now scaleable.
  358. - Spritebanks can now draw scaled sprites and are a little easier to use.
  359. - Improved i18n key input for X11 (languages like cyrillic work now).
  360. - Fix bug that ListBox would not allow to 'tab' to the next element (thx @ FlavourBoat for reporting)
  361. - IGUIEnvironment::getNextElement now public (was only in CGUIEnvironment before).
  362. - Add an overwrite mode to editbox. Patch provided by Adam(aka kingadami).
  363. - Add IGUIImages::setDrawBounds/getDrawBounds to allow coding stuff like progress bars.
  364. - Add IGUIImages::setSourceRect/getSourceRect to allow using only parts of an image (can also be used to mirror and scroll them).
  365. - Dev-Cpp project file removed (wasn't really supported for some time already)
  366. - Collada dae-loader now set's the vertex colors (thx @sf17k for report and test-models)
  367. - IAttributes interface changed. Parameters are now passed by const-ref instead of per value.
  368. - Fix c::b project obj folder names. Some static builds had used the shared folders (thx @ gerdb for reporting)
  369. - Add ITexture::getSource which can be used to check where the last IVideoDriver::getTexture call found the texture.
  370. - Add IMeshTextureLoader interface and replace texture-loading algorithms in most meshloaders.
  371. - CGUICheckBox no longer gives up focus on EMIE_LMOUSE_LEFT_UP (thx @Demre and @REDDemon for reporting)
  372. - Bugfix: IGUIElement::addChild now prevents setting an element as it's own child.
  373. - GUI editor improvements (prevent crash, improve UI)
  374. - Add IrrlichtDevice::setWindowSize.
  375. - Bugfix: getFont for xml-fonts now also works for fonts inside archives (thx @Neirdan for bugreport)
  376. - Added function irr::core::mergeFilename
  377. - Add ISceneNodeAnimator::setStartTime/getStartTime to allow resetting movement animators.
  378. - Improve speed for finalizing skinned meshes (removal of unnecessary frames after loading) (thx @ichtyander for the testmodel)
  379. - Collada loader now instantiates camera nodes which had been ignore so far (thx @NemoStein for the test .dae)
  380. - line2d::intersectWith has a new parameter to allow ignoring intersections with coincident lines
  381. - vector2d::equals now has an tolerance parameter for passing the epsilon (like vector3d had). Note that this changes the default
  382. behavior of vector2d::equals as well as functions using it like the operators for ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= when using vector2d with f64
  383. as the tolerance is increased in that case (for f32 and integer values it shouldn't make any difference).
  384. - Material renderers which offers blending feature (eg. EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL, EMT_ONETEXTURE_BLEND etc.) require SMaterial::BlendOperation set to other value than EBO_NONE.
  385. - Removed support for built-in T&L variables in ASM/GLSL shaders (variables related to vertices eg. gl_MultiTexCoord0 are still supported). This change allow us to reduce CPU overhead in shader material renderers.
  386. - IGUIEnvironment::hasFocus has now a parameter checkSubElements as subelements are usually seen as part of an element. Default unfortunately must be false due to backward compatibility.
  387. - Add IGUIElement::isTrulyVisible which works like ISceneNode::isTrulyVisible and checks for parent visibility as well.
  388. - Improved DDS loader and added support for DXTn (DXT1-5) compressed textures in OpenGL and Direct3D9 drivers.
  389. - Add function ISceneNode::getTransformedBoundingBoxEdges.
  390. - Improve automatic compiling under Solaris (proposed by curaga)
  391. - Add in IGUICheckBox: setDrawBackground, isDrawBackgroundEnabled, setDrawBorder, isDrawBorderEnabled
  392. - IGUISpinBox now passes on the EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED, EGET_EDITBOX_CHANGED and EGET_EDITBOX_ENTER events from it's sub-elements.
  393. - IGUISpinBox no longer validates values after each character type but only on KEY_ENTER and when losing focus. New behavior can be set with IGUISpinBox::setValidateOn
  394. - IAttributes::getAttributeAs functions now can have a customizable default-parameter to return when attributeName is not found
  395. - Added ECFN_DISABLED value (it works like ECFN_NEVER worked before) and changed ECFN_NEVER behaviour
  396. (it works like its equivalent value in OpenGL/Direct3D).
  397. - Removed boolean interface from IShaderConstantSetCallBack, please use integer interface instead of them.
  398. - Add a LeakHunter class which can be enabled with compile-flag _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_LEAK_HUNTER_ to find leaking IReferenceCounted objects.
  399. - Add _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_XML_ define to allow compiling Irrlicht without xml (patch written by curaga)
  400. - Add functions to set/get cursor character and blinktime to IGUIEditBox
  401. - Collada exporter calculates values for orthographic camera now on export
  402. - Collada exporter now exports the camera up-vector correctly.
  403. - Add IColladaMeshWriter::findGeometryNameForNode
  404. - Add getters IGUIButton::isDrawBorderEnabled and IGUIButton::isDrawBackgroundEnabled
  405. - changed CSkyBoxSceneNode to drawIndexedTriangleList instead of drawIndexedTriangleFan (because software renderers don't have fans.. and i needed the demo functionable)
  406. - added x64 to vs2008 project ( buildAllExamples_v9 ) [paths: obj64, win64-visualstudio]
  407. - burningvideo: getMaxTextureSize adjusted [ changed meaning of SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_TEXTURE_MAXSIZE
  408. - burningvideo: mipmaplevel adjusted ( not that bad bokeh...(sometimes) )
  409. --------------------------
  410. Changes in 1.8.6
  411. - CXMeshFileLoader: fix buffer overreads with text format. Thanks @sfan5 for report and patch.
  412. Patch (commit 6f4f7c4 to Minetest):
  413. - Fix CB3DMeshFileLoader::readString. Prevent adding a character beyond file-end. Thanks @sfan5 for report and patch.
  414. Original patch (commit 103ab16 to Minetest):
  415. - CB3DMeshFileLoader: add some bounds checks. Thanks @sfan5 for report and patch.
  416. Original patch (commit 64688f4 to Minetest):
  417. - TGA loader: Fix number overflow causing crashes. Thanks @sfan5 for fuzzing test.
  418. - TGA loader: Fix several buffer overflows. Thanks @erlehmann for report and @sfan5 for fuzzing test:
  419. - COBJMeshFilerLoder: prevent buffer overruns from loading files passing negative indices. Thanks @sfan5 fore report and patch.
  420. Patch (commit 827710f to Minetest):
  421. - COBJMeshFilerLoder: fix buffer overruns when loading empty face lines. Thanks @sfan5 fore report and patch.
  422. Patch (commit 80e1609 to Minetest): (partially applied)
  423. - CObjMeshFileLoader: Backport fixes from trunk to avoid unnecessary memory allocations (speedup)
  424. - CObjMeshFileLoader: Backport fixes from trunk to avoid some buffer overruns
  425. - CImageLoaderBMP: Fix handling 4 bit RLE encoding. Thanks @sfan5 finding first bug and reporting (had some more)
  426. - CImageLoaderBMP: add bound checks to RLE decompression. Thanks @sfan5 for report and patch
  427. Patch (commit 4506d23 to Minetest):
  428. - CImageLoaderBMP: check bitmap data against required size. Thanks @sfan5 for report and patch
  429. Report:
  430. Patch (commit 028cb8d to Minetest):
  431. - Fix OSX 10.9X build problem related to NSApplication setDelegate calls getting casted to wrong class (Bug #462 and also fixing older Bug #297)
  432. Thanks @Ryan Schmidt for bug report and patch.
  433. - Backport: Fix compiling for Apple silicon (Bugs #452 and #461). Thanks @Ryan Schmidt for bug report and updated patch.
  434. - Fix compiling on OSX with case-sensitive filesystems: IrrFramework-Info.plist now always starting with upper-case.
  435. Thanks @Ryan Schmidt for bug report and patch.
  436. - Fix: The build-in libpng now uses same zlib headers as rest of Irrlicht.
  437. This fixes OSX compiling (which didn't have zlib in include path and used system header for this one instead).
  438. Thanks @Ryan Schmidt for bug report.
  439. - Backport parts of COpenGLCommon.h to ensure that COpenGLExtensionHandler, COpenGLShaderMaterialRenderer and COpenGLTexture all use identical GL extension settings
  440. - Backport removing register keywords (deprecated by c++17)
  441. - Backport bugfix from trunk to make CUserPointerAttribute::setString work on 64-bit systems.
  442. - Remove unnecessary implemented assignment operator in quaternion, irrMap, SViewFrustum, line2d and IQ3Shader which cause warnings with -Wdeprecated in newer gcc
  443. - Avoid warning about stringop-overflow in string<T>::subString when compiling in release with newer gcc
  444. - Update library zlib to 1.2.11 (from 1.2.8)
  445. - Update library bzip2 to 1.0.8 (from 1.0.6)
  446. - Security: Fix buffer overflow caused by malformed md2 files. Thanks @procfs for reporting (
  447. - Makefile now only adds CFLAGS instead of overwriting them.
  448. - Several spelling fixes (Patch #455). Thanks @J. Puydt
  449. --------------------------
  450. Changes in 1.8.5 (1st November 2021, svn [r6263])
  451. - Fix some aes compile warnings on gcc about fall-throughs.
  452. - No longer include sys/sysctl.h on other platforms than OSX. Fixes compile errors in COSOperator on newer Linux systems.
  453. - Update script to generate tutorial.html's in example folders. Add missing ones. Update existing ones. Thanks @Guillian J for noticing those were outdated.
  454. - Update libpng to 1.6.37 (from 1.6.23)
  455. - Fix CIrrDeviceSDL::getVideoModeList which didn't return video modes before. Thx @kas1e for report and patch.
  456. - CIrrDeviceMacOSX now sets the SEvent.MouseInput Shift and Control values on mouse events like the other devices. Thanks @ Zero King for patch (#321)
  457. - isWindowFocused in IrrDeviceSDL device now returns the input focus like the other devices. Before it was returning a mouse-over-window state.
  458. - Prevent SDL device from dropping OpenGL resources on Win32 when setResizable was called with OpenGL driver. Thanks @ kas1e for reporting (
  459. And thanks to for the workaround.
  460. - Fix isWindowActive when using SDL device. Before it was only active when the mouse was over the window. Thanks @ kas1e for reporting (
  461. - Fix SViewFrustum::clipLine. Was before clipping at wrong points (inverse places along lines).
  462. - Fix compilation on OSX and prevent capturing mouse cursor when Window is not on top (Patch #319)
  463. Thanks at Artem Shoobovych for bugreport and patch (
  464. - Fix serialization of OverrideTextColorEnabled flag in CGUITab. Thanks @ chronologicaldot for reporting (
  465. - CFileSystem::getAbsolutePath no longer wrongly converts an empty filename to "/" on unix platforms.
  466. This fixes the bug that CFileSystem::createAndOpenFile("") returned a (strange behaving) non-null file pointer.
  467. Additional check also added in createAndOpenFile to early out on empty names.
  468. - Fix bug in cursor positions when compiled with newer Windows SDK's (v110 in VS2012) and running on Systems >= Windows Vista in windowed mode.
  469. Thanks @Mustapha Tachouct for the bugreport and patch proposal. Also thanks @BakeMyCake for an earlier report.
  470. - IOSOperator::getSystemMemory() no longer returns incorrect values with >2GB. Thanks @Eduline - human development for report and patch.
  471. - Increase KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT to fix problem with laptop keyboards which return the keycode 0xff for the function key. Thx @Klokancz for bugreport and patch.
  472. - Fix bug when calling activateJoysticks on windows several times. It had appened joystick information instead of replacing it, thereby increasing joystick number on each call.
  473. Only happened compiling with _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_DIRECTINPUT_JOYSTICK_ (which is the default). Linux and SDL implementation not affected.
  474. Thx @Andrea Demetrio for the bugreport.
  475. - Fix bug in fast_atof when reading floating point numbers with more than 16 digits past the dot. Those produced completely wrong results (sometimes even causing INF numbers).
  476. This bug also did cause many meshloaders to have problems with certain meshes (basically all text-based formats are affected).
  477. - Accuracy of fast_atof is back to older Irrlicht versions (fixes test warnings, usually not a noticable problem).
  478. - Fix crash in eventhandling when calling remove() on a contextmenu while it has focus.
  479. - CImageLoaderJPG::isALoadableFileFormat uses a test which allows to load more jpg formats (for example uncompressed jpg's). Thx @Yaron Cohen-Tal for report, test-image and his help with the patch.
  480. --------------------------
  481. Changes in 1.8.4 (9th July 2016, svn r5321)
  482. - Tests on Unix now have a short pause between switching drivers to avoid certain X11 errors.
  483. - Fix CEnumAttribute::getInt() which could crash (thx @ luthyr for reporting)
  484. - No longer try to run tests for drivers not supported on a platform
  485. - Update lights and renderTargetTexture tests to work with Windows 10 (can't have so tiny Windows anymore).
  486. - Deprecate CMatrix4::transformBox as the result is no longer a boundingbox. Use CMatrix4::transformBoxEx instead (which has been available for a long time).
  487. - Fix CSceneCollisionManager::getPickedNodeBB which could sometimes miss collisions.
  488. - Add -U__STRICT_ANSI__ option to c::b project files to allow compiling with -std=c++11 and add an error when trying to compile with Irrlicht with __STRICT_ANSI__
  489. - Update libpng to 1.6.23
  490. - Update zlib to 1.2.8
  491. - Fix some compile warnings in aes which got handled as errors by some c++11 compilers.
  492. - Get rid of some misleading-indentation warnings in gcc6
  493. - Fix serialization of the InputReceiverEnabled flag in CCameraSceneNode
  494. - Fix pasting text from X11 applications to Irrlicht. Thanks @est31 for the patch.
  495. - Tests give now a warning when stabilizing screenshots failed. Also trying more often now (a hack as taking screenshots otherwise fails often in windowed mode on some systems).
  496. --------------------------
  497. Changes in 1.8.3 (13.9.2015)
  498. - Fix the fix for compiling on GCC5 (thanks to est31 for report and patch)
  499. --------------------------
  500. Changes in 1.8.2 (30.8.2015)
  501. - Add VS2013 project files
  502. - Fix compiling with IRR_LINUX_XCURSOR_
  503. - Fix compiling with NO_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_LIBJPEG_ (thx to anontypist for report and patch).
  504. - Fix compiling on GCC5 on MinGW (thanks to Slipxy for finding the bug and to osense for reporting it).
  505. - Fix loading of .X and .B3D models with non-normalized quaternion rotations (thanks to JLouisB for a test-model).
  506. - Fix compiling on Free BSD (thanks to leper for reporting and patch)
  507. - Fix bug with multiple SetPixelFormat calls. (reported and fixed by anontypist)
  508. - Fix bug related to memory release in PNG image loader. Thanks elephoenix for it.
  509. - Fix crash in CGUIListBox when users pressed end key folled by any other key in an empty, focused list box (thanks at porcus for report and patch).
  510. - Fix use of enabling defines for wal2 (halflife) image loader. Thanks to hendu for noticing.
  511. - Fix userClipPlane test by inserting the stabilizeScreenBackground call
  512. - Demo enables antialiasing now correct (thanks to Mel for noticing).
  513. - Update glext.h (bug #429)
  514. - Example 22 no longer select a random texture after loading a new texture (thanks at mongoose7 for reporting).
  515. - Fix bug in IGUISkin serialization which messed up serialization of the button-pressed offsets (thanks at Midnight for reporting).
  516. - IGUIStaticText::getTextHeight returns now the correct height for texts with newlines even WordWrap is not set.
  517. - Crashfix for CGUIEditBox. CGUIEditBox::setMultiLine must break text when changed or other functions like getTextDimension can crash afterward for strings with newline characters.
  518. - CGUIEditBox and the GUI-Editor now convert pasted text correctly using mbstowcs.
  519. - C::B project files work again on newer Linux-distributions which have cleaned up their dev-lib dependencies.
  520. - Makefile for the new IrrFontTool links now correctly to libfontconfig
  521. --------------------------
  522. Changes in 1.8.1 (17.11.2013)
  523. - Improved OpenGL performance under OSX (Thanks devonsoft for reporting).
  524. - Fixed OSX compilation issues.
  525. - [KNOWN BUG] Software driver doesn't work properly under OSX 10.9.
  526. - For speed improvement the following attributes accessible by ISceneManager::getParameters() are no longer updated in release:
  527. "culled", "calls", "drawn_solid", "drawn_transparent", "drawn_transparent_effect".
  528. They can be enabled by compiling Irrlicht with the define _IRR_SCENEMANAGER_DEBUG.
  529. Thanks @hendu for reporting, see for the discussion.
  530. - Fix compile problem with CIrrDeviceSDL on VS2008 (and maybe other systems). Thanks @HellFlip for reporting.
  531. - Fix quaternion::rotationFromTo() (Thanks @takamoto for reporting)
  532. - Fix iszero for s64 (Thanks @chronologicaldot for reporting)
  533. - Fix crash in SoftwareDriver2 when Material was EMT_DETAIL_MAP but texture[1] was not set (Thanks for fix by chronologicaldot)
  534. - Fix buffer overrun in x-loader (Thanks for fix by Otaka)
  535. - Fix cursor visibility update problem under Windows 8 (Thanks @luthyr for reporting)
  536. - Fix irredit links in loadScene/saveScene docs.
  537. - Fix issue in CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::clone which caused a crash. (reported and fixed by luthyr)
  538. - Fix compiling errors for c++ builder (thx @Greatwolf for many patches and @cfanderek for reminding)
  539. - Initialized IColladaMeshWriter::GeometryWriting which was uninitialized.
  540. - Fix linker trouble with irr::core::equalsByUl when compiling Irrlicht as managed code (thx @ Memorial76 for a report + testcase)
  541. - Fix crashes in CCubeSceneNode::clone and CSphereSceneNode::clone (reported by marsupial)
  542. - Fix the clipping in the listbox drawing which was only showing the right line of the sunken pane (reported by Mloren and Abraxas).
  543. - Initialize slider in example 05 correct (reported by Zerochen)
  544. - Fix crash in CMeshSceneNode::clone when the mesh had no shadow (reported by christianclavet, bug-fix found by Nadro)
  545. --------------------------
  546. Changes in 1.8 (7.11.2012)
  547. - Let sphere mesh use full opaque color, just as all the other ones do
  548. - Gcc on Win32 (MinGW) now also works with the _w file access functions when compiled with _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM. (thx @ alexzk for reporting compile troubles)
  549. - Fix a bunch of off-by one errors in irr::core::string in functions equals_substring_ignore_case, findFirst, findFirstChar, findNext, findLast, findLastChar, replace, remove and removeChars.
  550. This prevents some potential memory access errors, find functions no longer try to find the \0, replace no longer replaces the \0 and remove no longer tries to remove it (which did remove the last character instead).
  551. - matrix4::setRotationAxisRadians added
  552. - user clipplanes fixed
  553. - Skip rendering of lines, points, and polygons, as these lead to crashes due to wrong access to the vertex lists. A fix would need major rewrite of the vertex cache, or at least some other render methods.
  554. - Add mipmap generation for makeColorKeyTexture
  555. - Add another saveScene overload which allows to pass in a user-created XMLWriter. Patch suggested by eversilver.
  556. - quaternion conversions to and from matrix4 no longer invert rotations.
  557. To test if your code was affected by this you can set IRR_TEST_BROKEN_QUATERNION_USE in quaternion.h and try to compile your application.
  558. Then on all compile-errors when you pass the matrix to the quaternion you can replace the matrix with the transposed matrix.
  559. For all errors you get on getMatrix() you can use quaternion::getMatrix_transposed instead.
  560. - CGUIEnvironment::loadGui - loading a gui into a target-element no longer messes up when the gui-file contained guienvironment serialization.
  561. - Colladawriter now exports materials per node when those are used in Irrlicht
  562. - Colladawriter now writing matrices for node transformations as old solution did not work with CDummyTransformationSceneNode's.
  563. - Colladawriter no longer create an extra node for the scenemanager as <visual_scene> has that job in Collada.
  564. - Colladwriter no longer makes all Scenenodes children of ambient-light as that can be parallel on the same layer instead.
  565. - Colladareader now creates the ambient-light correct instead of creating a point-light for it.
  566. - Add new parameter to array reallocate function. This prevents a reallocation in case the array would become smaller. As the reallocation operation is quite time consuming, this can be avoided on request now, on the expense of more memory consumption.
  567. - Add IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getLoopMode (asked for by JLouisB)
  568. - CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS now resets the key-input when it was disabled (thx @ gerdb for reporting and patch-proposal)
  569. - Properly destroy OpenGL resources on linux (thx @curaga for the patch)
  570. - Fix display bugs in the attribute-panel of the GUIEditor. Fixes bug 3517314 (thx @Darkcoder for reporting).
  571. - Allow caching cursor position on X11 to work around slow XQueryPointer calls (thx @Hendu for reporting+patch proposal)
  572. - Make sure after EGET_EDITBOX_ENTER and EGET_COMBO_BOX_CHANGED event processing no more code is executed for the corresponding editbox or combobox objects to allow clearing the environment on those actions (see comments on bug-id 2995838).
  573. - Fix string::replace which failed replacing substrings at the end when the replacement was longer
  574. - Struct packing works now with gcc 4.7 changes on MinGW (thx @Sudi for reporting).
  575. - Struct packing uses now same solution throughout (by including headers in corresponding places)
  576. - User can now set characters used for decimal point in fast_atof for localisation.
  577. - Add parameter useAlphaChannel to second IGUIEnvironment::addImage function.
  578. - Get rid of unnecessary warning "Could not load sprite bank because the file does not exist" for "#defaultfont".
  579. - Fix MRT disabling. Bug found and fixed by hendu.
  580. - core:::array::reallocate returning now immediately when it has nothing to do. Should reduce a lot of memory thrashing on irrArrays.
  581. - Start mesh animations at first OnAnimate , before start-frame was rather random. Thx @Auria for reporting and patch proposal.
  582. - renderTargetTexture now working with ECF_R5G6B5
  583. - add -fPic in c::b linux fast math shared build.
  584. - Fix by Auria for starting the animated meshes only at first OnAnimate instead of at random times and animation frames.
  585. - Add support for MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURES, which allows more texture support than with the original fixed pipeline texture check under OpenGL. Now, more than 4 textures should also work with newer gfx cards and drivers, which often only support 4 fixed pipeline textures.
  586. - triangle3d::isPointInsideFast now using some epsilon to catch all points on the borders.
  587. - triangle3d::getIntersectionOfPlaneWithLine calculates now with higher precision for more exact results.
  588. - triangle3d::isOnSameSide (used by isPointInside) calculates now with higher precision and uses some epsilon to make it work with larger integers and less floating point troubles. Slightly slower now.
  589. - new function equalsByUlp to test for spacing between floating point numbers.
  590. - speedup for collada writing.
  591. - speedup for xml-writing.
  592. - Fix 8bit grey image TGAs, which were not working due to missing palette. Also switched to RGB8 format, as otherwise a loss in precision would occur. Thanks to Klunk for the error report and a test image.
  593. - fixed issues with a D3D driver and Aero effects.
  594. - Fix font-drawing in CGUIButton to use EGDF_BUTTON again (thx @DJLinux for reporting).
  595. - Add texture cache with proper reference handling. This avoids deletion of textures while still being active on the GPU. Test case and fix by m(att)giuca
  596. - CFileSystem::removeFileArchive now checking for normalized path
  597. - Fix zip's with passwords on 64-bit systems (thx @ Dr. Gladman for writing the bugfix)
  598. - replace asserts in tests with macro assert_log to allow running all tests through on problems.
  599. - added IGUIElement::setName and IGUIElement::getName (similar to ISceneNode)
  600. - irr::s64 support
  601. - line2d::getClosestPoint can now also get the closest point on the line additional to only checking for closest point on the line-segment.
  602. - avoid division by zero in line2d::getClosestPoint when start- and endpoint are identical
  603. - Support for sw drivers under OSX
  604. - Fix font-loading which got broken by fixed xml-loading. Thanks @ pc0de for finding and providing a test and patch.
  605. - Don't crash draw2DSpriteBatch when it get's no textures.
  606. - Add support for int passing in setShaderConstant
  607. - Support for better collada texture wrapping support on loading.
  608. - Fix for render context change where only the window id is given. We now try to change only the window ID, keeping context and display unchanged. Suggestion by vovo4ka from the forum.
  609. - XML-reader now ignores all whitespace-only EXN_TEXT elements as old way didn't work in cross-platform way (and arguably also not well on Windows).
  610. - CXMLReader initializes IsEmptyElement now.
  611. - line2d::intersectWith and and line2d::getClosestPoint work now also with integers.
  612. - line2d::getMiddle and line3d::getMiddle work now also with integers. But can be slower for compilers which are not optimizing division by 2 to multiplication by 0.5 for floats.
  613. - Add Nadro's initial Cg support. Example 10 is enhanced to allow also Cg shaders.
  614. - Add mipmap support from FBO extension, patch by Nadro.
  615. - Add vertex optimization algorithm submitted by curaga
  616. - rename texureBlend functions to textureBlend
  617. - Add threshold for slerp calculation, switching between linear and slerp at this point.
  618. - Fix for bug 3401933 - vertex color interpolation with shadow volumes in the scene
  619. - Fixed bug in button sprites reported by RdR
  620. - Fixed button state sprite animations for pressed, focused and hovered.
  621. - Added serialization for terrain smooth factor, patch by RdR
  622. - Implemented more button states for sprite banks, patch submitted by RdR
  623. - Add IGUIEnvironment::getHovered to get the element most recently known to be under the mouse cursor
  624. - Add FPS settings for animated meshes, which allows to push animation speed from files to Irrlicht animation system
  625. - Maya camera updates
  626. - Add support for bsp brush entities. Written by Hendu.
  627. - weighted normals recalculation fixed
  628. - Billboard improvements
  629. - API docs updates
  630. - triangle selector improvements
  631. - OSX improvements by Auria
  632. - Add new methods for adding and removing file archives based on ifilearchive pointers.
  633. - Add getBackgroundColor, isDrawBackgroundEnabled and isDrawBorderEnabled to IGUIStaticText (thx 4 patch from Nalin).
  634. - Reduction of multiple skinning the same mesh and frame in one render cycle
  635. - Added ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS::getKeyMap and a new ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS::setKeyMap.
  636. - CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS uses now SKeyMap instead of SCamKeyMap (structs were identical which was confusing and there wasn't any explanation in comments, so I decided to simplify it).
  637. - Add some workaround to MeshViewer to show how we can currently fix the FPS-cam when users to alt-tab while moving. We can improve that some day when we have focus-events, but this works for now.
  638. - Fix LZMA decompression
  639. - Ply normal fixes
  640. - HW buffers only support rendering with both vertex and index buffers
  641. - Enables VBOs for water node
  642. - Octree support for non-standard vertex meshes
  643. - Fix rotationFromTo
  644. - Added ConstIterator
  645. - Fix for getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition to use proper RTT sizes
  646. - Add IGUIComboBox::setMaxSelectionRows and IGUIComboBox::getMaxSelectionRows
  647. - Scenemanager switches from type ESNT_UNKNOWN to type ESNT_SCENE_MANAGER.
  648. - Add getActiveFont to all elements which have setOverrideFont for cleaner code
  649. - Add getOverrideFont to all elements which have setOverrideFont to have a consistent interface
  650. - IGUIEditBox: added missing serialization for Border
  651. - IGUIEditBox: remove bug that added spaces to the end of each line
  652. - IGUIEditBox: fix crash that happened when wordwrapping was enabled, spaces were entered beyond the border and then cursor-key was pressed.
  653. - IGUIEditBox::setDrawBackground added.
  654. - CGUISkin::draw3DSunkenPane no longer ignores fillBackGround in non-flat mode. Also borderlines are no longer drawn overlapping to avoid ugly corners.
  655. - CDummyTransformationSceneNode::clone() added.
  656. - IParticleSystemSceneNode::doParticleSystem now public to allow rendering outside scenegraph.
  657. - getRelativeFilenames updates and fixes
  658. - Renamed IOSOperator::getOperationSystemVersion to getOperatingSystemVersion. Changed return type from wchar_t to core::stringc, as that's the internal representation the name is built on.
  659. - Added IGUITabControl::insertTab, IGUITabControl::removeTab, IGUITabControl::clear and IGUITabControl::getTabAt
  660. - Add 32bit support to some mesh manipulator methods
  661. - Fix mipmap locking under OpenGL
  662. - Improvement of screenshot function to support more color formats and targets
  663. - getAngle fix to avoid NaNs
  664. - Available gfx memory output in log messages
  665. - Improved 2d render settings and caching
  666. - Initial support for sRGB render functions
  667. - Improved terrain scene node rendering
  668. - Paletted png image support fixed
  669. - Gamma settings in image loaders improved
  670. - Support for relative filenames in serialization
  671. - Access to selectors inside meta selectors implemented
  672. - DirectInput joystick support
  673. - Support for scaling with draw2dimage with burnings video
  674. - More gl extensions have correctly initialised return values
  675. - Some fixes for quaternion to euler function
  676. - Properly return nullptr if RTT creation fails on low levels
  677. - Added IGUIListBox::getItemAt
  678. - Add more image formats tried to load by q3 level loader
  679. - Add fast_atof improvements from assimp, also strtoul10 method
  680. - Add blend equation function for MRTs
  681. - Add new material fields for blend operation and polygon offset (depth bias).
  682. - Reorder texture stage assignments
  683. - Improved VSync handling
  684. - Fix Ogre loader for materials with more than one texture
  685. - Fix createMeshCopy material handling
  686. - Framework target for OSX project added
  687. - Terrain scene node fixes
  688. - Fix HSL color class
  689. - Fix color selection GUI element
  690. - Transparency issues in particle system fixed
  691. - Particle sphere emitter rand values fixed
  692. - Support Unicode SHY dynamic hyphen in word wrap
  693. - Fix OBJ reader sometimes running over EOF
  694. - Added IGUITable::getColumnWidth
  695. - Billboard text animates in OnAnimate now
  696. - Fix mountpoint reader to properly sync file names and firectories
  697. - Added the ability to open an archive from an IReadFile*, added a FileToHeader tool with instructions of how to make a portable app that consists of a single executable file.
  698. - Added support for right-to-left (RTL) text, supplied by Auria from STK
  699. - Added ISceneManager::createSceneNodeAnimator to create animators by name
  700. - The Makefile now creates a symlink from the soname to the binary name during install. Binary compatibility is only confirmed between same minor releases.
  701. - Added SMF mesh loader, loads meshes from 3D World Studio. Originally written by Joseph Ellis
  702. - The loader selection process now consistently checks loader lists in reverse order, so new loaders added to Irrlicht override the internal ones. This applies when adding external mesh, image, scene and archive loaders, image writers, plus node, animator and GUI element factories.
  703. - Added getters to retrieve mesh, scene and archive loaders.
  704. - Added ISceneLoader interface and .irr loader. Users can now add their own scene loaders to the scene manager and use them by calling loadScene.
  705. - Renamed IGUIElement::bringToBack to sendToBack, like in Windows
  706. - Send EGET_ELEMENT_CLOSED event when context menus should be closed (thx @ Mloren for reporting).
  707. - Added treeview to GUI editor, provided by Armen
  708. - Added root type for GUI environment
  709. - zip archive fixes: Fix directory tags in file list. Fix loading of stream zip files which have file sizes only in the central directory.
  710. - Fixed panel scrollbars in GUI editor, reported by Armen
  711. - Fix b3d loading of files with mixed mesh/bone sections.
  712. - Fix particle emitters which used integer random numbers so far. The distributions of the particles should be much better (and the code also somewhat faster) now.
  713. - Add new random method frand: Returns a random number in the interval [0..1] and gives better distributions than using fmodf on the integer number.
  714. - Add node parameter to saveScene and loadScene. saveScene saves the given node and all descendants to the file (if 0, the full scene is saved as before). loadScene loads all elements of the scene as childs of the given node. As before, 0 would load the file on the top level (scenemanager).
  715. - Add method to make a filename relative to a given directory.
  716. - Fix setMesh to correctly update the joints cache.
  717. - Fix setting transition time of skinned meshes back to 0.
  718. - Add some getters to IGUIImage: getImage, getColor
  719. - Fix OpenGL FBODepthTexture to create less overhead
  720. - Fix MRT disabling under OpenGL
  721. - API change: Added write only lock mode for textures. The lock method has changed the signature and uses an enum parameter now instead of a bool. The default is still to lock for read/write (previously 'false'). The old 'true' value should be replaced by ETLM_READ_ONLY.
  722. - Speedup deleting of particles
  723. - Add function IParticleSystemSceneNode::clearParticles
  724. - Fix RTT render states under OpenGL
  725. - Fix AntiAliasing setup under Windows/OpenGL in case no AA is available
  726. - Fix transformation matrices when RTT used
  727. - API change: getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition has a new parameter, which needs to be set to true to get the original behavior. Now, the method returns coordinates which would fit as render coordinates of a currently enabled viewport. With the parameter set to true the result would fit only after the viewport is reset to full window rendering.
  728. - More checks for Stencilbuffer
  729. - Improve render state resets
  730. - Fix MRT handling
  731. - Fix file search
  732. - Add flag and method to disable clipping of the text to the gui element rectangle in GUI static text.
  733. - addShadowVolumeSceneNode now replaces an existing shadow. One should avoid to call this method multiple times without changing any parameter, as it is quite time consuming and cannot recognize the duplicate calls.
  734. - Add function IGUIEnvironment::removeFont (TODO: Does not remove the texture from cache so far)
  735. - Fixed mem leak in mountfilesystem
  736. - Update to libjpeg 8b, zlib 1.2.5, bzip2 1.0.6, libpng 1.4.4 and lzma from 9.20 SDK
  737. - Functions in IMeshCache expecting IAnimatedMesh* parameters removed as similar functions with IMesh* can be used since a while. Fixes also problems when IAnimatedMesh* got upcasted to IMesh*. (thx @ Greenya for reporting)
  738. - Fix blend states for MRTs
  739. - 64bit targets for MSVC added
  740. - The following functions will now use a "ISceneNode *" instead of a "const ISceneNode *":
  741. ITriangleSelector::getSceneNodeForTriangle, ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getCollisionNode, ISceneCollisionManager::getCollisionPoint and ISceneCollisionManager::getCollisionResultPosition.
  742. As collision functions often are followed by changing node positions users where so far forced to using const_casts (found by Greenya).
  743. - Add vector3d::getAs3Values (patch provided by slavik262)
  744. - Add function to SViewFrustum to get corners of the near plane (patch provided by Matt Kline, aka slavik262)
  745. - ParticleFadeOutAffector::setFadeOutTime can no longer be set to invalid values
  746. - ParticleFadeOutAffector uses now throughout u32 for fadeOutTime (found by greenya)
  747. - Add missing access function CParticleSystemSceneNode::getAffectors() (seen by B@z)
  748. - Add missing setters/getters for particle emitters (seen by B@z)
  749. - Compile-defines can now be disabled from Makefiles/Projectfiles instead of having to change IrrCompileConfig.h each time.
  750. - IGUITabControl::setActiveTab should only take IGUITab* and not IGUIElement* (thx to greenya for finding)
  752. - Disabled state is now extended to sub-elements
  753. - Make disabled state for several elements more visible
  754. - Bugfix: Icons in tabcontrol get now affected immediately by skin-changes
  755. - Proper cleanup if visual not created
  756. - XML reader bugfix
  757. - Disable mipmaps in 2d mode everywhere
  758. - Add xml example written by Yoran Bosman.
  759. - Fix cursor cleanup under Linux when using multiple devices
  760. - Fix collada parser
  761. - Fix MRT reset under D3D
  762. - Add a generic attribute interface for querying video driver attributes which are not necessarily of type bool. This interface allows to check certain supported features, such as the number of user clip planes, supported lights and textures, MRTs, and other things. The interface might change in the future, but it's fully functional already. The supported attributes are listed in the API docs of the function:
  763. The following names can be queried for the given types:
  764. * MaxTextures (int) The maximum number of simultaneous textures supported by the driver. This can be less than the supported number of textures of the driver. Use _IRR_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES_ to adapt the number.
  765. * MaxSupportedTextures (int) The maximum number of simultaneous textures supported by the fixed function pipeline of the (hw) driver. The actual supported number of textures supported by the engine can be lower.
  766. * MaxLights (int) Number of hardware lights supported in the fixed function pipeline of the driver, typically 6-8. Use light manager or deferred shading for more.
  767. * MaxAnisotropy (int) Number of anisotropy levels supported for filtering. At least 1, max is typically at 16 or 32.
  768. * MaxUserClipPlanes (int) Number of additional clip planes, which can be set by the user via dedicated driver methods.
  769. * MaxAuxBuffers (int) Special render buffers, which are currently not really usable inside Irrlicht. Only supported by OpenGL
  770. * MaxMultipleRenderTargets (int) Number of render targets which can be bound simultaneously. Rendering to MRTs is done via shaders.
  771. * MaxIndices (int) Number of indices which can be used in one render call (i.e. one mesh buffer).
  772. * MaxTextureSize (int) Dimension that a texture may have, both in width and height.
  773. * MaxGeometryVerticesOut (int) Number of vertices the geometry shader can output in one pass. Only OpenGL so far.
  774. * MaxTextureLODBias (float) Maximum value for LOD bias. Is usually at around 16, but can be lower on some systems.
  775. * Version (int) Version of the driver. Should be Major*100+Minor
  776. * ShaderLanguageVersion (int) Version of the high level shader language. Should be Major*100+Minor.
  777. - Fix getRotationDegrees
  778. - Add creation parameter which allows to disable highres timers on Windows upon device creation.
  779. - Several transparency setup bugs fixed. Now, alpha_vertex_blend uses proper alpha blending instead of a mixed add/alpha blending.
  780. - Added a method to get real time and date in a human readable struct
  781. - Fix add folder archives method to support files without trailing slashes.
  782. - fix transparent_reflection_2_layers
  783. - Add support for MSVC 2010
  784. - Fix "unsupported format" warning on RTT usage
  785. - Add IGUIElement::bringToBack (patch written by DtD, although I'm to blame for the function-name)
  786. - BurningVideo
  787. - add Normalmap Rendering (one light only), pushed Burningvideo to 0.46
  788. - add Stencil Shadow Rendering (one color only and 32 bit only),
  789. pushed Burningvideo to 0.47
  790. - internal vertexformat changed
  791. - changed fixpoint from 9 to 10 bit fract resolution
  792. - renamed createBurningVideoDriver to createBurningVideoDriver and uses SIrrlichtCreationParameters like opengl
  793. - internal interfaces for the trianglerenders unified.
  794. - Example 11, changed the light billboards to use the light color.
  795. allow to disable the bump/parallax on the earth like in the room ( with transparency )
  796. - added DDS Image files, DXT2, DXT3, DXT4, DXT5, based on code from nvidia and Randy Reddig
  797. - added Halflife 1 Model Loader (based on code by Fabio Concas)
  798. Halflife, Counter-Strike 1.6 working
  799. -> Load all Textures ( can even optimize it to texture atlas ), all bone animation, all submodels.
  800. -> But to make use of the values (named animation, mouth animation)
  801. the Interface for IAnimatedMeshSceneNode has to be redone.
  802. TODO:
  803. ->can handle float frames numbers, the interface for getMesh should be reworked
  804. This is my idea of a new getMesh interface for IAnimatedMesh
  805. //! Returns the IMesh interface for a frame.
  806. /** \param frameA: Frame number as zero based index.
  807. The Blend Factor is in the fractional part of frameA
  808. The Mesh will be calculated as
  809. frame = integer(frameA) * (1-fractional(frameA )) + frameB * fractional(frameA)
  810. FrameNr KeyFrameA KeyFrameB
  811. 40.0 1 0
  812. 40.1 0.9 0.1
  813. 40.5 0.5 0.5
  814. 40.9 0.1 0.9
  815. 41.0 0 1
  816. \param frameB: Frame number as zero based index. The other KeyFrame which is blended with FrameA.
  817. \param userParam: for Example Level of detail, or something else
  818. */
  819. virtual IMesh* getMesh(f32 frameA, s32 frameB = 0,s32 param = 0) = 0;
  820. For now i used the (unused, always 255) detail level parameter and set a blend percentage as
  821. s32 frameNr = (s32) getFrameNr();
  822. s32 frameBlend = (s32) (core::fract ( getFrameNr() ) * 1000.f);
  823. return Mesh->getMesh(frameNr, frameBlend, StartFrame, EndFrame);
  824. So no interface is affected.
  825. -> TODO: Quaternion Rotation is done private hand made and should be done with irrlicht quaternions
  826. - Included 357kb Yodan.mdl mesh and copyright info file from Doug Hillyer
  827. to the media directory, used in example 7. collision as 4th model.
  828. - added Halflife 1 Texture Loader
  829. Valve uses WAL archive types like quake2. textures are inside model files
  830. I reworked the existing ImageloaderWAL and added named Halflife textures to wal2 ( they have no extension )
  831. and an LMP (palette/texture) loader into the same file (all using 32bit now)
  832. - added WAD Archive Loader (Quake2 (WAL2) and Halflife (WAL3) are supported)
  833. - CFileList
  834. added Offset Parameter to SFileListEntry and removed the private array from the archive loaders.
  835. CFileList::addItem now uses automatic incremental id if id = 0
  836. - added void splitFilename, splits a path into components
  837. - added parameter make_lower to substring ( copy just lower case )
  838. string<T> subString(u32 begin, s32 length, bool make_lower = false ) const
  839. - ColorConverter added
  840. //! converts a 8 bit palettized or non palettized image (A8) into R8G8B8
  841. static void convert8BitTo24Bit(const u8* in, s16* out, s32 width, s32 height, const s32* palette, s32 linepad = 0, bool flip=false);
  842. //! converts a 8 bit palettized or non palettized image (A8) into A8R8G8B8
  843. static void convert8BitTo32Bit(const u8* in, u8* out, s32 width, s32 height, const u8* palette, s32 linepad = 0, bool flip=false);
  844. - In IGUITreeView "clearChilds" and "hasChilds" deprecated for "clearChildren" and "hasChildren" (thx @Greenya for noticing)
  845. - add CGUIEditBox::getOverrideColor and CGUIEditBox::isOverrideColorEnabled
  846. - add dimension2d::operator-
  847. - Add logging level ELL_DEBUG
  848. - Add parameter DisplayAdapter to creation params to allow selecting the card when more than one card is in the system.
  849. - Added support for custom cursors
  850. - WM_SYSCOMMAND - SC_KEYMENU message is now ignored (F10 and ALT in Win32 windowed mode)
  851. - Avoid argument lookup ambiguity in swap when used in combination with stl. Using same trick as boost now and use 2 different template parameters in it.
  852. - Add UseMipMap flag in material
  853. - Add occlusion query support. Based on code by Nadro
  854. - Add support for vertex_array_bgra extension in OpenGL driver. This will speed up OpenGL rendering quite a lot as it skips the silly color conversion thing we have to do otherwise.
  855. - Replace raw xml char implementation with template struct in order to decouple the type from POD types. May also help for 64bit problems or changes needed there.
  856. - Fixed bug causing memory access violation in string::replace found and patched by Nalin.
  857. - Fix windows32 class unregister
  858. - Add parameter to line2d::intersectWith to allow getting intersections outside the segments (thx Yoran).
  859. - External windows are not destroyed anymore
  860. - clamp values in getRotationDegrees to avoid nan values
  861. - texture size in terrain mesh fixed
  862. - ms3d fixes
  863. - Add new matrix methods for infinite projection matrix
  864. - Support new OpenGL 2.x shader creation
  865. -----------------------------
  866. Changes in 1.7.4 (not yet released)
  867. - fixed getDepthFunction in IQ3Shader which always returned ECFN_EQUAL due to missing break (found by the cppcheck tool)
  868. - STL loader improved to handle arbitrary file starts
  869. - Compiler problem with gcc4.6 and big endian systems fixed
  870. - Change include order to get example 21 compiling on MinGW.
  871. - Irrlicht.dll has correct name now again (was named libIrrlicht.dll in c::b). This fixes bugreport 3518765 reported by tetho.
  872. - Fix linker path in example 16 for C::B project file (linker path was in include path section).
  873. - Link with opengl32 and gdi32 in Example 14 in C::B.
  874. - Remove --no-export-all-symbols which got recently added to the windows build as that flag is not known by gcc on Windows.
  875. - Fix bug in example 23 where Width and Height got mixed up. Thanks @Lazier for reporting.
  876. - Fix for R5G6B5 converter submitted by XMight
  877. - Fix conversion warning under mingw, found by Randajad
  878. - Set EMF_NORMALIZE_NORMALS correct for syndey model in Demo (thanks @ Midnight for reporting).
  879. - SceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle fixes serialization of RadiusEllipsoid (was writing Radius). Thx @ wing64 for reporting.
  880. - Yield on Linux now uses nanosleep with 1ns as 0 isn't guaranteed to yield (thx @ hendu for finding + fix)
  881. -----------------------------
  882. Changes in 1.7.3 (20.02.2012)
  883. - SceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle fixes serialization of RadiusEllipsoid (was writing Radius). Thx @ wing64 for reporting.
  884. - Yield on Linux now uses nanosleep with 1ns as 0 isn't guaranteed to yield (thx @ hendu for finding + fix)
  885. - GUIEditor attributes have now scrollbar to be editable
  886. - Remove warning when compiling line2d::intersectWith with other types than f32.
  887. - Document that triangle3d::isPointInside should not be used with int's.
  888. - triangle3d::isPointInsideFast handles 'on-border' cases now consistently.
  889. - Some more editbox fixes
  890. - Harden Linux joystick usage, in case the driver returns illegal values
  891. - Bugfix: vector2d.normalize() and vector3d.normalize() had returned wrong results with very short vectors since Irrlicht 1.5. Thanks to Willem Swart for Bugreport + testcase.
  892. - Unknown keymappings now use the X11 keycode instead of 0 to make such keys at least usable in games.
  893. - KeyMapping for KeyInput.Key on X11 ignores states like shift&ctrl now like on Windows.
  894. - Additional keymappings for X11 (tested with german and us keyboards which seem to work now in all cases).
  895. - Fix crash in multiline editbox when pasting several lines into it on Windows (found by Reiko)
  896. - example 09.Meshviewer no longer catches keys while a modal dialog is open
  897. - Fix SSharedMeshBuffer
  898. - Fix right handed ortho matrix
  899. - editbox no longer displays cursor when disabled
  900. - editbox autoscrolling now at least works good enough to actually show the text which the user is typing in.
  901. - editbox no longer moves text into next line when it fails wrapping creating senseless empty lines which mess up scrolling.
  902. - Fix crash in editbox when scrolling up with empty first lines caused by textwrapping.
  903. - Fix endianess conversions
  904. - Changes to isPointInside
  905. - Fix focus problem when removing an unfocused modal dialog reported by Reiko here:
  906. - Fix md2 normals problem again
  907. - Add integer template specialization for vector3d::getSphericalCoordinateAngles which rounds angles to nearest integer now.
  908. - Recalculate FrameRect and ScrollPos in CGUIEditBox when AbsoluteRect gets changed (thx @ serengeor for report + testcase)
  909. - Fix crash in editbox
  910. - Fix 'k' in bigfont.png (thx @ Scrappi for reporting)
  911. - fix serialization for CBillboardSceneNode, it had missed 2 color (thx for finding + patch from pc0de)
  912. - EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL messages now handled correctly in several gui-element when wheel isn't just 1.0 or -1.0 (thx @ Reiko for reporting)
  913. - Fix problems in Textwrapping in CGUIStaticText. Did use wrong size and did ignore last word of the text (thx @ Reiko for bugreport)
  914. - Fix crash in collada (.dae) loading
  915. - Fix bug handling in case RTT is not properly created
  916. - Fix SColorf interpolation
  917. - Fix memory-leaks in example 22 MaterialViewer
  918. - Fix array::erase which did destroy objects more than once when used with a range (thx @ RedDragCZ for reporting + testcase).
  919. - Copy now all membervariables for CCameraSceneNode when cloning.
  920. - ICameraSceneNode::IsOrthogonal is correctly serialized and cloned now.
  921. - CGUIScrollBar passes unused mousemove-events now to parent element. Fixes focus-bug in ComboBox reported by REDDemon here:
  922. - Fix getAngle and getAngleWith
  923. - Fix clipping in CGUITabControl
  924. - Fix clipping in CGUITable, reported by ceyron
  925. - Skip bone weights and additional information in ms3d file if no joint was defined before.
  926. - Fix mem leak in CImage, found by mloren.
  927. - Fix tga writing, reported by xirtamatrix
  928. - Tab-positions care now about the borders correctly
  929. - TabControl now respositions it's tabs when setTabVerticalAlignment is changed (thx @ ceyron for reporting+testcase)
  930. - CGUIModalScreen now no longer takes focus itself, but tries to give it first child when possible to fix modal windows losing focus all the time
  931. - Modal screens no longer blinks when gui-elements call removeFocus on themself (thx @ yaten for reporting+testcase)
  932. - Fix crash in multiline-editbox when selecting with mouse (thx @ ceyron for reporting and testcase)
  933. - Fix render context creation for OpenGL under Windows.
  934. - Fix the reset problem of d3d9 driver in combination with hardware buffers.
  935. - Fix .x loader in case of unused vertices.
  936. - Avoid empty line in texts with very large words. Text wrapping would introduce an empty line in earlier versions.
  937. - Add a new attribute which assigns hw mapping hint to the whole Mesh.
  938. - Allow creation of water scene node without mesh.
  939. - Fix regeneration of skydome.
  940. - Fix scene node type and factory support for volume light
  941. - Q3 maps no longer crash when faces try accessing lightmaps which are not mentioned to be loaded in the file.
  942. - Fix crash on null-readfile in texture loading
  943. - Get particles saved before 1.7.2 (for example in irrEdit) working again (thx to smashly for problem reporting)
  944. - Fix IGUIScrollBar setMax and setMin which had been restricted wrongly (reported by REDDemon)
  945. - Fix CNullDriver::createImage - Creating the image from a texture-rectangle which doesn't start at 0,0 works now again (thx @ ceyron for bugreport+testcase)
  946. - Menu no longer sets highlight state when clicking disabled menu-item (reported by Mloren)
  947. - Treeview can now be disabled
  948. -----------------------------
  949. Changes in 1.7.2 (15.11.2010)
  950. - Fix in d3d9 driver, which caused a crash when device creation failed. Bug found and fixed by Kostya
  951. - Fix a wrong access to Value instead of ValueW. Found and fixed by vroad.
  952. - Fix line loop rendering in d3d drivers. Fix submitted by tonic.
  953. - Fix tar recognition in tar reader.
  954. - Fix blend mode setup in OpenGL driver, when using the material2d override, as pointed out by Auria
  955. - Avoid crash due to tcoords2 handling. Might need some more fixing to work correctly.
  956. - Fix 2d line intersections. Has had problems with consecutive, but non-overlapping line segments and with overlapping line segments.
  957. - Fix image creation from texture, found by dataslayer
  958. - Fix crashes when taking Screenhots for DirectX in Windowed mode (thx to agamemnus for reporting)
  959. - StaticText does now serialize the background color
  960. - Fix gui-elements which didn't care when skin-colors changed. That made it impossible to make the gui slowly transparent (thx to PI for reporting).
  961. Note that it couldn't be completely fixed for the SpinBox without breaking the interface, so for that element you have to enforce this by calling for example element->setValue(element->getValue()) once.
  962. - Fix CXMLReaderImpl::getAttributeValueAsInt which returned wrong values with large integers (thx to squisher for finding)
  963. - Fix compile problem in swap when using irrlicht in combination with stl (backport from trunk r3281)
  964. - Add EGET_TREEVIEW_NODE_COLLAPSE and deprecate EGET_TREEVIEW_NODE_COLLAPS (found by greenya)
  965. - Fix serialization in CParticleSystemSceneNode (found by B@z)
  966. - Prevent crash in BillboardTextSceneNode when a custom font is used. Found and fixed by Nalin (bugtracker id: 3020487)
  967. - Fix problem in animation system that currentFrame got messed up after long pauses (especially when not starting at frame 0).
  968. See forum thread ( and bug id 2898876.
  969. Also remove BeginFrameTime in CAnimatedMeshSceneNode as it hasn't been used anymore since some time.
  970. - Add framerate and current frame information for animations in example 09 and do some minor cleanup.
  971. - Added another test for xml-reader.
  972. - Fix serialization in several particle emitters and affectors (thx to Ion Dune for reporting).
  973. - Fix compile-error on VS for vector2d::getAngleTrig when used with integers. (thx to greenya for reporting)
  974. - Fix bug in dimension2d::getInterpolated that caused wrong results when used with integers as template parameter. (thx to Greenya for noticing a warning which made me look over this code).
  975. - Remove 2 minor memory leaks in meshloaders (found by tool cppcheck-1.43)
  976. - reduce file dependencies for IGUIEventReceiver.h (thx ngc92)
  977. - Initialize GUIEvent.Element in several places (found by greenya)
  978. - Add EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_MAX_TEXT_WIDTH and deprecated EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_MAX_TEST_WIDTH (thx to greenya for reporting).
  979. - Fix colors in irr files.
  980. - Fix several places where "used" in core::string was used wrongly preventing some memory corruption
  981. - Remove additional slash in pathnames in X-Loader
  982. - Fix crash in CGUIListBox when environment was cleared on events
  983. - Bugfix: Clear up depth-textures which could not be attached in OpenGL to prevent crashes.
  984. - Fix arrowMesh boundingbox.
  985. - Fix rounding problem in getInterpolated in the color classes
  986. - Scrollbar in GUIListbox now uses default id -1 instead of 0
  987. - Fix octree clipping issues.
  988. - Fix obj loader.
  989. - clone function fixes.
  990. - Fix tooltips.
  991. - Fix Ogre parser.
  992. -----------------------------
  993. Changes in 1.7.1 (17.02.2010)
  994. - Fix octree with frustum+parent checks enabled (didn't clip at all before). Now using plane-checks instead of edge-checks for frustum-box intersection.
  995. - Prevent that X11 selects larger resolutions in fullscreen even when perfect fits are available.
  996. - Ignore setResizable also on X11 when we're fullscreen to avoid messing up the window mode.
  997. - Work around a crash when pressing ESC after closing a Messagebox (found by Acki)
  998. - Prevent borland compile warnings in SColorHSL::FromRGB and in SVertexColorThresholdManipulator (found by mdeininger)
  999. - Improve Windows version detection rules (Patch from brferreira)
  1000. - Make it compile on Borland compilers (thx to mdeininger)
  1001. - Make sure that CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::clone calls the virtual updateAbsolutePosition for the new object
  1002. - Fix that clones got dropped too often when SceneNodes without parent got cloned (found by Ulf)
  1003. - Make sure TAB is still recognized on X11 when shift+tab is pressed. This does also fix going to the previous tabstop on X11.
  1004. - Send EGET_ELEMENT_LEFT also when there won't be a new hovered element
  1005. - Update docs for EGET_ELEMENT_LEFT and EGET_ELEMENT_HOVERED
  1006. - Fix tooltips: Remove them when the element is hidden or removed (thx to seven for finding)
  1007. - Fix tooltips: Make (more) sure they don't get confused by gui-subelements
  1008. - Fix tooltips: Get faster relaunch times working
  1009. - Fix tooltips: Make sure hovered element is never the tooltip itself
  1010. - Fix string::remove which got in an endless loop when remove was called with an empty string (found and fixed by Ulf)
  1011. - Correctly release the GLSL shaders
  1012. - Make sure we only release an X11 atom when it was actually created
  1013. - Fix aabbox collision test, which not only broke the collision test routines, but also frustum culling, octree tests, etc.
  1014. - Fix compilation problem under OSX due to wrong glProgramParameteri usage
  1015. - mem leak in OBJ loader fixed
  1016. - Removed some default parameters to reduce ambiguous situations
  1017. ---------------------------
  1018. Changes in 1.7 (03.02.2010)
  1019. - Implement minimize and deminimize under OSX.
  1020. - Define sorting order for vector2d and vector3d in operators <, <=, > and >= to fix bugs 2783509 and 2783510. Operators order now by X,Y,Z and use float tolerances.
  1021. - Ogre mesh 32bit indices fixed.
  1022. - Fix tooltips for gui-elements with sub-element like IGUISpinBox (id: 2927079, found by ArakisTheKitsune)
  1023. - ITimer no longer stops when started twice
  1024. - wchar_t filesystem updates under Windows.
  1025. - Joystick POV fixed under Windows, ids fixed under OSX.
  1026. - Some updates to skinned mesh for better bones support and scaling animations.
  1027. - OSX supports external window id in creation parameters now.
  1028. - Fix bbox collision tests.
  1029. - Updates for win32 key handling
  1030. - new convenience method for flat plane creation.
  1031. - Sky dome and other meshes use VBOs by default now.
  1032. - Speed up b3d loading for files with many frames, material color flags and vertex color support enhanced.
  1033. - Add hasType to IGUIElement as a dynamic_cast substitute.
  1034. - Add another parameter to IGUISkin::draw3DWindowBackground to allow getting the client area without actually drawing
  1035. - Add function getClientRect to IGUIWindow for getting the draw-able area
  1036. - Fix bug that menus on IGUIWindows with titlebar got drawn too high (id: 2714400)
  1037. - Renamed OctTree to Octree
  1038. - Allow getting a ConstIterator from a non-const core:list
  1039. - Add swap functions to irrMath and to the core classes.
  1040. - Deprecate map::isEmpty() and replace it with map::empty() to make it similar to other base classes.
  1041. - Allow to set the logging level already in SIrrlichtCreationParameters.
  1042. - Add clearSystemMessages to devices (implemented only for Linux and Win32 so far).
  1043. - Support changing the render window from beginScene also with OpenGL driver.
  1044. - Add getMaterial2D which allows to alter the 2d render state settings, such as filtering, anti-aliasing, thickness, etc.
  1045. - Fix incorrect cursorpos for resizable windows on Windows Vista (found and patched by buffer)
  1046. - Change the beginScene window parameter from void* to SExposedVideoData&. This will allow to manage contexts for OpenGL at some point.
  1047. - Add bzip2 and LZMA decompression modes for zip loader.
  1048. - Add OBJ_TEXTURE_PATH and B3D_TEXTURE_PATH to SceneParameters to allow setting texture-paths for obj and b3d.
  1049. - Irrlicht keeps now filenames additionally to the internally used names, thereby fixing some problems with uppercase-filenames on Linux.
  1050. - Bugfix: Mousewheel no longer sends EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL messages twice on Linux.
  1051. - Use latest jpeglib
  1052. - refactoring: E_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE and IAttribute have now own headers
  1053. - CStringWArrayAttribute speedup
  1054. - SceneNodeAnimatorFollowSpline can now loop and pingpong
  1055. - Meshviewer.example got some fast-scale buttons.
  1056. - Support AES-encrypted zip files. Should work with 128, 196, and 256 bit AES. This addition also adds a new PRNG, SHA, and other algorithms to the engine, though no interface is yet added for them. The implementation of the encryption algorithms is provided by Dr Brian Gladman.
  1057. - flattenFilename and getAbsolutePath fixed and properly added at several places.
  1058. - Added geometry shaders for OpenGL. A first version of the code was submitted by Matthew Kielan (devsh).
  1059. - Bugfix: irrArray should no longer crash when using other allocators.
  1060. - Add MaterialViewer example.
  1061. - Texture activation now back in setMaterial, which simplifies writing external material renderers (OpenGL only).
  1062. - Checkbox uses now disabled text color when disabled.
  1063. - Changed colors for window-title caption to keep them readable when not active.
  1064. - Draw sub-menus to left side if they would be outside main-window otherwise.
  1065. - Give ListBox better defaults for the ScrollBar stepsizes.
  1066. - Double and triple click events now for each mouse-button. Old events for that got removed.
  1067. - Fix adding archives twice, which caused multiple archives of the same name and type covering each other. This one required a texture name change from using backslashes to slashes under Windows.
  1068. - Give access to texture mipmaps. You can provide custom mipmap textures upon generation, regeneration, and locking.
  1069. Make sure the provided data is large enough and covers all miplevels. Also the returned pointer (from lock) will only cover the smaller data of the mipmap level dimension chosen (level 0 is the original texture).
  1070. - Separate TextureWrap mode into U and V fields
  1071. - Add mirror texture wrap modes
  1072. - windows show now active/inactive state
  1073. - remove unneeded drop/grab calls found by manik_sheeri
  1074. - fix rounding problem in IGUIElements which have EGUIA_SCALE alignments.
  1075. - MessageBox supports now automatic resizing and images.
  1077. - Let maya-cam animator react on a setTarget call to the camera which happened outside it's own control
  1078. - New contextmenu features:
  1079. automatic checking for checked flag.
  1080. close handling now customizable
  1081. serialization can handle incomplete xml's
  1082. setEventParent now in public interface
  1083. New function findItemWithCommandId
  1084. New function insertItem
  1085. - new vector3d::getSphericalCoordinateAngles method.
  1086. - new triangle3d::isTotalOutsideBox method.
  1087. - Newly introduced VertexManipulator interface. This allows for very easy creation of vertex manipulation algorithms. Several manipulators, e.g. vertex color changer and transformation algorithms are already available.
  1088. - createMeshWith1TCoords avoids vertex duplication
  1089. - getRotation now handles matrices with scaling as well
  1090. - Ogre format animations now supported.
  1091. - irrArray: Fixed issues with push_front and reallocation
  1092. Changed behavior for set_pointer and clear, when free_when_destroyed is false
  1093. - NPK (Nebula device archive) reader added, it's an uncompressed PAK-like format
  1094. - SSkinMeshBuffer::MoveTo* methods renamed to convertTo*
  1095. - Multiple Render Target (MRT) support added, including some enhanced blend features where supported
  1096. - Directory changing fixed for virtual file systems (Archives etc)
  1097. - Fix texture matrix init in scene manager and driver
  1098. - More draw2dimage support in software drivers
  1099. - Sphere node now properly chooses a good tessellation based on the parameters
  1100. - Active camera not registered twice anymore
  1101. - Parallax/normal map shader rotation bug under OpenGL fixed
  1102. - bump map handling for obj files fixed
  1103. - Fog serialization added
  1104. - New context menu features added
  1105. - Bounding Box updates for skinned meshes fixed
  1106. - The current FPS for an animated scene node can be queried now, added some variables to serialization
  1107. - Scrollbars fixed
  1108. - Fixed 2d vertex primitive method to correctly handle transparency
  1109. - Fullscreen handling has been enhanced for Windows, now proper resolution is restored on Alt-Tab etc.
  1110. - Cameras can now be added to the scene node without automatically activating them
  1111. Clone method added
  1112. - New video driver method getMaxTextureSize
  1113. - PAK archive reader fixed
  1114. - TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF uses modulate to enable lighting
  1115. - LIGHTMAP_ADD now always uses add operator
  1116. - Some Unicode file system fixes
  1117. - destructor of irrString not virtual anymore, please don't derive from irrString
  1118. Some new methods added, for searching and splitting
  1119. Assignment operator optimized
  1120. - new lightness method for SColor
  1121. - draw3DTriangle now renders filled polygons, old behavior can be achieved by setting EMT_WIREFRAME
  1122. -----------------------------
  1123. Changes in 1.6.1 (13.01.2010)
  1124. - Fix pingpong for CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyStraight (found by gbox)
  1125. - Fix bug with IGUIEditBox where the cursor position is reset on text change.
  1126. - Make sure the window top-left corner on Windows is not negative on start so that Windows sytem-menu is always visible.
  1127. - Fix problem that the window did sometimes not get the keyboard focus in X11 in fullscreen. Add more debug output in case focus grabbing goes wrong.
  1128. - Fix screensize in videodriver when we didn't get the requested window size. This also prevents that gui-clicks are no longer synchronized with gui-drawing and elements can't be hit anymore.
  1129. - Bugfix: Prevent a crash when getTypeName was called for the guienvironment. EGUIET_ELEMENT got changed for this.
  1130. - Bugfix: Horizontal centered font with linebreaks draw now all lines. For example multiline TextSceneNodes work again.
  1131. - Bugfix: spinbox can no longer get in an endless loop due to floating point rounding error (found by slavik262)
  1132. - !!API change!! Disabled AntiAliasing of Lines in material default
  1133. Please enable this manually per material when sure that it won't lead to SW rendering.
  1134. - IGUIComboBox: clicking on the statictext displaying the active selection does now close and open listbox correctly. (Bug found by Reiko)
  1135. - Scrollbuttons in IGUITabControl adapt now to tab-height.
  1136. - Fix texturing of cylinder mesh
  1137. - Fix modal dialog position (found by LoneBoco:
  1138. - Fix DMF loading
  1139. - Fixing left+right special keys (ctrl, shift, alt) on Win32 (thanks to pc0de for good patch-ideas).
  1140. - Make stringarrays for enums in IGUISkin a little safer
  1141. - Add support for keys KEY_PRINT, KEY_HOME (on numpad) and KEY_NUMLOCK on Linux.
  1142. - Fix material handling in createMeshWith1TCoords
  1143. - Fix another (OldValue == NewValue) before drop()/grab(), this time in CTextureAttribute::setTexture.
  1144. - Fix LIGHTMAP_LIGHTING for D3D drivers.
  1145. - AntiAliasing disabled for debug render elements.
  1146. - Bugfix: CGUIToolBar::addButton does no longer mess up when no image is set and does now actually work with the text.
  1147. - Fix ninja animation range which got messed up a little when b3d animations got fixed (thx gbox for finding)
  1148. ---------------------------
  1149. Changes in 1.6 (23.09.2009)
  1150. - Added IFileSystem::createEmptyFileList, exposed IFileList::sort, addItem and added getID
  1151. - Fix MAKE_IRR_ID so it can be used from outside the irr namespace (Micha's patch)
  1152. - Renamed some methods in ISkinnedMesh to match the official Irrlicht naming scheme according to createXXX()
  1153. - Change debug data to draw using lines instead of arrows, which is much faster. Patch by pc0de
  1154. - Fix a bug with FPS camera animator causing stutters. Patch by FuzzYspo0N
  1155. - Fix scrolling controls in CGUITabControl
  1156. - Fix a bug when getting optimal texture size in D3D drivers, by Jetro Lauha (tonic)
  1158. - Fix for UFT8 filenames displayed in file dialog, patch by MadHyde.
  1159. - Added const method for array::binary_search, potentially slow as it doesn't sort the list!
  1160. - Add support for scaling button images.
  1161. - Irrlicht can now come with multiple device types compiled in, the device to use is selected by SIrrlichtCreationParameters.DeviceType. This defaults to EIDT_BEST which automatically select the best device available starting with native, then X11, SDL and finally the console.
  1162. - Added support for EXP2 fog distribution. This required a change in the setFog parameters where now an enum value instead of the bool linear is given.
  1163. - IFileSystem changes:
  1164. - Renamed the following functions-
  1165. IFileArchive::getArchiveType to getType
  1166. IFileSystem::registerFileArchive to addFileArchive
  1167. IFileSystem::unregisterFileArchive to removeFileArchive
  1168. IFileArchive::openFile to createAndOpenFile
  1169. - New enum, E_FILE_ARCHIVE_TYPE. getType on IArchiveLoader and IFileArchive now both return this.
  1170. - IFileSystem::addFileArchive takes a parameter to specify the archive type rather always using the file extension. IFileSystem::addZipFileArchive, addFolderFileArchive and addPakFileArchive now use this but these functions are now marked as deprecated. Users should now use addFileArchive instead.
  1171. - Added TAR archive loader.
  1172. - The ZIP archive loader can now load gzip files, combined with the TAR loader this means Irrlicht now has native support for .tar.gz
  1173. Currently this must be done in two calls, for example:
  1174. fileSystem->addFileArchive("path/to/myArchive.tar.gz");
  1175. fileSystem->addFileArchive("myArchive.tar");
  1176. - Fix highlighting in IGUIEditBox where kerning pairs are used in the font. For example in future italic, OS or other custom fonts.
  1177. - IOSOperator::getTextFromClipboard returns now const c8* instead of c8*
  1178. - Support for copy&paste on linux (X11) added (fixing bug 2804014 found by Pan)
  1179. - bugfix for 2795321 found by egrath: Don't rely anymore on broken XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat.
  1180. - bugfix: CMountPointReader::openFile no longer returns true for empty files. Corresponding test added.
  1181. - Direct3D now also uses screen coordinates in 2d mode, just like OpenGL. This means that screen coords are going from 0..ScreenWidth and 0..ScreenHeight instead of -1..1.
  1182. - ALT+F4 keypress now closes Windows SDL device
  1183. - Allow Direct3D drivers in SDL, patch by Halifax
  1184. - Added compiler error when attempting to compile with VC6.
  1185. - Use setWindowTextA in Windows device for WIN64 platform, posted by veegun
  1186. - ELL_ERROR log events are now created when shaders fail to compile or link, reported by Halan
  1187. - irrList now uses irrAllocator, fixed by Nox
  1188. - Added IGUIWindow::setDraggable and IGUIWindow::isDraggable, by Nox
  1189. - Added SGI RGB file reader by Gary Conway, for loading Silicon Graphics .rgb, .rgba, .sgi, .int and .inta textures
  1190. - Renamed setResizeAble to setResizable
  1191. - Added new device method minimizeWindow which minimizes the window (just as if the minimize button has been clicked).
  1192. - SkyDome is now serialized correctly
  1193. - Added PLY mesh reader and writer
  1194. - Ensure ListBox on combo box doesn't hang off the bottom of the GUI root, by Matthias Specht
  1195. - Made IGUIElements recalculate clipping rectangle after setNotClipped, reported by Aelis440
  1196. - Bug fix for the combo box where it showed white text instead of skin color before being focused, fix posted by drewbacca
  1197. - EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_HEIGHT is now honoured, bug reported by Spkka
  1198. - Fixed a bug in the edit box where events are sometimes sent to a null parent, reported by Sudi.
  1199. - Coordinate system fix for OpenGL in SDL device
  1200. - Added generic console device. You can now use Irrlicht to create and manipuate graphics on a shell where no graphics hardware
  1201. or windowing system is available. To enable it uncomment #define _IRR_USE_CONSOLE_DEVICE_ in IrrCompileConfig.h
  1202. - The console device can now present images from the software drivers and display them as ASCII art in the console
  1203. - By default it replaces the default font in the skin, to prevent fonts from being huge.
  1204. - Fixed problems with changing cursor visibility while mouse is pressed on windows
  1205. - Allow control of background drawing in listbox
  1206. - Allow control of drawing background and titlebar in windows
  1207. - Improved window serialization
  1208. - Add mouse events EMIE_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK and EMIE_MOUSE_TRIPLE_CLICK (thx to Ulf for patch proposal)
  1209. - Set "ButtonStates" for mouse events also on Linux (was only for Windows formerly)
  1210. - Add Shift+Control states to mouse event
  1211. - bugfix (2003238): serialize modal screens
  1212. - allow stacking modal screens
  1213. - allowing hiding modals
  1214. - replace many IsVisible checks with virtual isVisible() checks in IGUIElement
  1215. - bugfix: reset selected row when clearing CGUITable
  1217. - prevent editbox from recalculating its textbreaking each frame
  1218. - let spinbox react on each textchange without waiting for enter to prevent getting value changes without corresponding EGET_SPINBOX_CHANGED events.
  1219. - new test for zipreader
  1220. - prevent dropping objects accidentally in many set functions
  1221. - Reversed change in vector3d::normalize.
  1222. Works now again as documented and a corresponding test has been added.
  1223. Does fix bug 2770709 (
  1224. - Animations can now be paused by setting the fps to 0.
  1225. - Avoid fp-precision problem in getPickedNodeBB (see also
  1226. This change might also fix the problem with picking nodes found by aanderse (
  1227. - implemented isALoadableFileFormat ( File *file ) for the Archive Loader
  1228. - PixelBlend16 and PixelBlend16_simd are working for the new rules.
  1229. - bugfix. CLightSceneNode didn't correctly update it's attributes
  1230. - vector template and equals tests
  1231. also set the equal test for s32 to behave like the f32 routine.
  1232. The function equals always implements a weak test.
  1233. that means a tolerance MUST always be used if you use the equal function. default is 1.
  1234. - VideoDriver drawPixel
  1235. The HW renderes are using the alpha components for blending.
  1236. The Software Renderes and image loaders are using CImage::setPixel copy.
  1237. so setPixel is engaged to either blends or copy the pixel
  1238. default: false
  1239. - Burningvideo
  1240. added RenderMaterial EMT_SPHERE_MAP
  1241. pushed burningsvideo to 0.43
  1242. added RenderMaterial EMT_REFLECTION_2_LAYER
  1243. pushed burningsvideo to 0.44
  1245. to use AlphaRef 0.5 like Direct3D
  1246. One Note: in OpenGL there is know difference between sphere_map and reflection layer
  1247. both using GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE GL_SPHERE_MAP, whereas in d3d one time using camera_normal
  1248. on sphere and reflection on reflection_layer.
  1249. The visual difference is that on sphere map the "image is not moving" when you rotate the
  1250. viewer. For Burning i took the opengl visual. always moving
  1251. - rename quake3 SEntity to IEntity to be confom with IShader
  1252. - fixed createMeshWith2TCoords, normals were missing during copy.
  1253. - added
  1254. //! Creates a copy of the mesh, which will only consist of S3DVertex vertices.
  1255. IMesh* CMeshManipulator::createMeshWith1TCoords(IMesh* mesh) const
  1256. - added io::IFileSystem* CSceneManager::getFileSystem()
  1257. - added virtual const c8* ISceneManager::getAnimatorTypeName(ESCENE_NODE_ANIMATOR_TYPE type);
  1258. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle::radiusEllipsoid.
  1259. if radiusEllipsoid == 0 the default circle animation is done
  1260. else radiusEllipsoid forms the b-axe of the ellipsoid.
  1261. -> gummiball bouncing
  1262. - added ISceneManager::createFlyStraightAnimator variable bool ping-pong
  1263. used in loop mode to device if start from beginning ( default ) or make ping-pong
  1264. -> straight bouncing
  1265. - changed IFileSystem::registerFileArchive
  1266. remove the index of the hierarchy and added a new interface method
  1267. //! move the hirarchy of the filesystem. moves sourceIndex relative up or down
  1268. virtual bool moveFileArchive( u32 sourceIndex, s32 relative ) = 0;
  1269. - bugfix and changes in SViewFrustum::SViewFrustum
  1270. wrong size of Matrices copy.
  1272. therefore also changed SViewFrustum::setTransformState to not tap
  1273. in the pitfall again of wrong memory...
  1274. - moved
  1275. //! EMT_ONETEXTURE_BLEND: has BlendFactor Alphablending
  1276. inline bool textureBlendFunc_hasAlpha ( E_BLEND_FACTOR factor ) const
  1277. from the material renderes ( 3x declared ) to SMaterial.h
  1278. - updated managed light example to use standard driver selection
  1279. - BurningsVideo
  1280. - LightModel reworked.
  1281. Point Light & Direction Light works for Diffuse Color as expected
  1282. Specular and Fog still have problems ( needs new pixel shader )
  1283. pushed burningsvideo to 0.42 for this major step
  1284. - removed obsolete matrix transformations
  1286. - cleaned line3d.h vector3d.h template behavior.
  1287. many mixed f32/f64 implementations are here. i'm not sure if this should be
  1288. the default behavior to use f64 for example for 1.0/x value, because they
  1289. benefit from more precisions, but in my point of view the user is responsible
  1290. of choosing a vector3d<f32> or vector3d<f64>.
  1291. - added core::squareroot to irrmath.h
  1292. -> for having candidates for faster math in the same file
  1293. - added AllowZWriteOnTransparent from SceneManager to burningsvideo
  1294. -added hasAlpha() to ITexture
  1295. This info can be used for e.q to downgrade a transparent alpha channel blit
  1296. to add if the texture has no alpha channel.
  1297. - FileSystem 2.0 SUPER MASTER MAJOR API CHANGE !!!
  1298. The FileSystem is now build internally like for e.g. the image- and meshloaders.
  1299. There exists a known list of ArchiveLoaders, which know how to produce a Archive.
  1300. The Loaders and the Archives can be attached/detached on runtime.
  1301. The FileNames are now stored as io::path. where c16 is toggled between char/wchar
  1302. with the #define flag _IRR_WCHAR_FILESYSTEM, to supported unicode backends (default:off)
  1303. Replaced most (const c8* filename) to string references.
  1304. Basically the FileSystem is divided into two regions. Native and Virtual.
  1305. Native means using the backend OS.
  1306. Virtual means only use currently attached IArchives.
  1307. Browsing
  1308. each FileSystem has it's own workdirectory and it's own methods to
  1309. - create a FileTree
  1310. - add/remove files & directory ( to be done )
  1311. Hint: store a savegame in a zip archive...
  1312. basic browsing for all archives is implemented.
  1313. Example 21. Quake3Explorer shows this
  1314. TODO:
  1315. - a file filter should be implemented.
  1316. - The IArchive should have a function to create a filetree
  1317. for now CFileList is used.
  1318. Class Hierarchy:
  1319. IArchiveLoader: is able to produce a IFileArchive
  1320. - ZipLoader
  1321. - PakLoader
  1322. - MountPointReader ( formaly known as CUnzipReader )
  1323. IFileArchive:
  1324. -ZipArchive
  1325. -PakArchive
  1326. -MountPoint (known as FolderFile)
  1327. IFileSystem
  1328. - addArchiveLoader
  1329. - changed implementation of isALoadableFileExtension in all loaders
  1330. to have consistent behavior
  1331. - added a parameter to IFileList * createFileList
  1332. setFileListSystem
  1333. allows to query files in any of the game archives
  1334. standard behavior listtype = SYSTEM ( default)
  1335. - CLimitReadFile
  1336. added multiple file random-access support.
  1337. solved problems with mixed compressed & uncompressed files in a zip
  1338. - IrrlichtDevice
  1339. added:
  1340. virtual bool setGammaRamp( f32 red, f32 green, f32 blue, f32 brightness, f32 contrast ) = 0;
  1341. virtual bool getGammaRamp( f32 &red, f32 &green, f32 &blue ) = 0;
  1342. and calculating methods to DeviceStub.
  1343. - irrlicht.h
  1344. changed exported irrlicht.dll routines createDevice, createDeviceEx, IdentityMatrix
  1345. to extern "C" name mangling.
  1346. - ParticleSystem
  1347. removed the private (old?,wrong?) interface from the ParticleEffectors
  1348. to match the parent class irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject::deserializeAttributes
  1349. - Generic
  1350. - vector3d<T>& normalize() optimized
  1351. added reciprocal_squareroot for f64
  1352. - dimension2d
  1353. added operator dimension2d<T>& operator=(const dimension2d<U>& other)
  1354. to cast between different types
  1355. - vector2d bugfix operator+=
  1356. - C3DSMeshLoader renamed chunks const u16 to a enum
  1357. removing "variable declared but never used warning"
  1358. - added a global const identity Material
  1359. changed all references *((video::SMaterial*)0) to point to IdentityMaterial
  1360. removed warning: "a NULL reference is not allowed"
  1361. - modified IRRLICHT_MATH to not support reciprocal stuff
  1362. but to use faster float-to-int conversion.
  1363. - core::matrix4
  1365. i tried to optimize the identity-check ( w.r.t. performance)
  1366. i didn't succeed so well, so i made a define for the matrix isIdentity -check
  1367. for now it's sometimes faster to always calculate versus identity-check
  1368. but if there are a lot of scenenodes/ particles one can profit from the
  1369. fast_inverse matrix, when no scaling is used. further approvement could
  1370. be done on inverse for just translation! ( many static scenenodes are not rotated,
  1371. they are just placed somewhere in the world)
  1372. one thing to take in account is that sizeof(matrix) is 64 byte and
  1373. with the additional bool/u32 makes it 66 byte which is not really cache-friendly..
  1374. - added buildRotateFromTo
  1375. Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another
  1376. - irr::array. changed allocating routine in push_back
  1377. added a new method setAllocStrategy,
  1378. safe ( used + 1 ), double ( used * 2 + 1)
  1379. better default strategies will be implemented
  1380. - removed binary_search_const
  1381. i added it quite a long time ago, but it doesnt make real sense
  1382. a call to a sort method should happen always. i just wanted to safe
  1383. a few cycles..
  1384. - added binary_search_multi
  1385. searches for a multi-set ( more than 1 entry in the sorted array)
  1386. returns start and end-index
  1387. - changed some identity matrix settings to use core::IdentityMatrix
  1388. - added deletePathFromFilename to generic string functions in coreutil.h and
  1389. removed from CZipReader and CPakReader
  1390. - s32 deserializeAttributes used instead of virtual void deserializeAttributes in
  1391. ParticleSystem ( wrong virtual was used)
  1392. - strings & Locale
  1393. - started to add locale support
  1394. - added verify to string
  1395. - added some helper functions
  1396. - XBOX
  1397. i have access to a XBOX development machine now. I started to compile
  1398. for the XBOX. Question: Who did the previous implementation?. There
  1399. is no XBOX-Device inhere. maybe it's forbidden because of using the offical
  1400. Microsoft XDK. I will implement a native or sdl device based on opendk.
  1401. irrlicht compiles without errors on the xbox but can't be used.
  1402. - Windows Mobile
  1403. reworked a little. added the mobile example to the windows solution for
  1404. cross development.
  1405. added maximal 128x128 texture size for windows mobile ( memory issues )
  1406. - Collision Speed Up
  1407. The Collision Speed Up greatly improves with many small static child-nodes
  1408. - added COctTreeTriangleSelector::getTriangles for 3dline from user Piraaate
  1409. - modified createOctTreeTriangleSelector and createTriangleSelector
  1410. to allow node == 0, to be added to a meta selector
  1411. - CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse has the same problem as CSceneNodeAnimatorFPS
  1412. on first update:
  1413. Problem. you start setting the map. (setWorld). First update comes 4000 ms later.
  1414. The Animator applies the missing force... big problem...
  1415. changed to react on first update like camera.
  1416. - add Variable FirstUpdate. if set to true ( on all changes )
  1417. then position, lasttime, and falling are initialized
  1418. -added #define OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE in Octree.h
  1419. if defined octree uses internally a derived scene::MeshBuffer which has
  1420. the possibility to use the Hardware Vertex Buffer for static vertices and
  1421. dirty indices;-)
  1422. if defined OCTTREE_USE_HARDWARE octree uses internally a derived scene::CMeshBuffer
  1423. so it's not just a replacement inside the octree. It also in the OctTreeSceneNode.
  1424. #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST is also used. It's skip testing on fully outside and takes everything on fully inside
  1425. - virtual void ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition()
  1426. - changed inline CMatrix4<T> CMatrix4<T>::operator*(const CMatrix4<T>& m2) const
  1427. - changed inline bool CMatrix4<T>::isIdentity() const
  1428. to look first on Translation, because this is the most challenging element
  1429. - virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const
  1430. Hierarchy on Identity-Check
  1431. 1) ->getRelativeTransform -> 9 floating point checks to be passed as Identity
  1432. 2) ->isIdentity () -> 16 floating point checks to be passed as Identity
  1433. - inline void CMatrix4<T>::transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const
  1434. added isIdentity() check
  1435. - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse
  1436. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setGravity
  1437. needed to set the differents Forces for the Animator. for eq. water..
  1438. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::setAnimateTarget
  1439. - added CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::getAnimateTarget
  1440. - changed CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse::animateNode to react on FirstUpdate
  1441. - TODO: set Gravity to Physically frame independent values..
  1442. current response uses an frame depdended acceleration vector.
  1443. ~9.81 m/s^2 was achieved at around 50 fps with a setting of -0.03
  1444. may effect existing application..
  1445. - SceneNodes
  1446. - CSkyDomeSceneNode
  1447. moved radius ( default 1000 ) to constructor
  1448. added Normals
  1449. added DebugInfo
  1450. added Material.ZBuffer, added SceneManager
  1451. - CVolumeLightSceneNode:
  1452. changed default blending OneTextureBlendgl_src_color gl_src_alpha to
  1453. EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR ( gl_src_color gl_one )
  1454. which gives the same effect on non-transparent-materials.
  1455. Following the unspoken guide-line, lowest effect as default
  1456. - changed SceneNode Skydome from f64 to f32
  1457. - AnimatedMesh Debug Data:
  1458. mesh normals didn't rotate with the scenenode fixed ( matrix-multiplication order)
  1459. - Camera SceneNode setPosition
  1460. Camera now finally allow to change position and target and updates all
  1461. effected animators..
  1462. - Device:
  1463. added the current mousebutton state to the Mouse Event
  1464. so i need to get the current mouse state from the OS
  1465. - GUI
  1466. - CGUIFont:
  1467. - added virtual void setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) = 0;
  1468. define which characters should not be drawn ( send to driver) by the font.
  1469. default: setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " );
  1470. - added MultiLine rendering
  1471. should avoid to us CStaticText breaking text in future
  1472. - CGUIListBox
  1473. - changed Scrollbar LargeStepSize to ItemHeight
  1474. which easy enables to scroll line by line
  1475. - CGUIScrollBar
  1476. - bug: event lost when moving outside the window
  1477. - bug: Scrollbar notifyListBox notify when the scrollbar is clicked.
  1478. - changed timed event in draw to OnPostRender
  1479. - added GUI Image List from Reinhard Ostermeier, modified to work
  1480. - FileOpenDialog
  1481. changed the static text for the filename to an edit box.
  1482. - changed the interface for addEditBox to match with addStaticText
  1483. - changed the interface for addSpinBox to match with addEditBox
  1484. - added MouseWheel to Spinbox
  1485. - changed CGUITable CLICK_AREA from 3 to 12 to enable clicking on the visible marker
  1486. - CGUISpritebank
  1487. removed some crashes with empty Sprite banks
  1488. - IGUIScrollBar
  1489. added SetMin before min was always 0
  1490. changed ScrollWheel Direction on horizontal to move right on wheel up, left on wheel down
  1491. - IComboBox: added ItemData
  1492. - optimized IsVisible check in IGUIElement::draw
  1493. - Image Loaders
  1494. - added TGA file type 2 ( grayscale uncompressed )
  1495. - added TGA file type (1) 8 Bit indexed color uncompressed
  1496. ColorConverter:
  1497. - added convert_B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8
  1498. - added convert_B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8
  1499. - Media Files
  1500. - added missing shaders and textures to map-20kdm2.
  1501. Taken from free implementation
  1502. - ball.wav. adjusted DC-Offset, amplified to -4dB, trim cross-zero
  1503. - impact.wav clip-restoration, trim cross-zero
  1504. - added gun.md2, gun.pcx to media-files
  1505. - added new irrlicht logo irrlicht3.png
  1506. - OctTree
  1507. -added
  1508. #define OCTTREE_PARENTTEST ( default: disabled )
  1509. used to leave-out children test if the parent passed a complete frustum.
  1510. plus: leaves out children test
  1511. minus: all edges have to be checked
  1512. - added MeshBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex to octtree
  1513. - CQuake3ShaderSceneNode:
  1514. - removed function releaseMesh
  1515. Shader doesn't copy the original mesh anymore ( saving memory )
  1516. so therefore this (for others often misleading ) function was removed
  1517. - changed constructor to take a (shared) destination meshbuffer for rendering
  1518. reducing vertex-memory to a half
  1519. - don't copy the original vertices anymore
  1520. - added deformvertexes autosprite
  1521. - added deformvertexes move
  1522. - added support for RTCW and Raven BSPs ( qmap2 )
  1523. - added polygonoffset (TODO: not perfect)
  1524. - added added nomipmaps
  1525. - added rgbgen const
  1526. - added alphagen
  1527. - added MesBuffer Hardware Hint Vertex/Index to Quake3: static geometry, dynamic indices
  1528. - added Quake3Explorer examples
  1529. - added wave noise
  1530. - added tcmod transform
  1531. - added whiteimage
  1532. - added collision to Quake3Explorer
  1533. - renamed SMD3QuaterionTag* to SMD3QuaternionTag* ( typo )
  1534. - updated quake3:blendfunc
  1535. - added crouch to Quake3Explorer
  1536. (modifying the ellipsiodRadius of the camera animator )
  1537. added crouch to CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS
  1538. still problems with stand up and collision
  1539. - Quake3MapLoader
  1540. modified memory allocation for faster loading
  1541. - Quake3LoadParam
  1542. added Parameter to the Mesh-Loader
  1543. - added
  1544. The still existing missing caulking of curved surfaces.
  1545. using round in the coordinates doesn't solve the problem.
  1546. but for the demo bsp mesh it solves the problem... (luck)
  1547. so for now it's switchable.
  1549. default:off
  1550. - BurningVideo
  1551. - pushed BurningsVideo to 0.40
  1552. - added blendfunc gl_one_minus_dst_alpha gl_one
  1553. - added blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_zero
  1554. - added blendfunc gl_dst_color src_alpha
  1555. - modified AlphaChannel_Ref renderer to support alpha test lessequal
  1556. - addded 32 Bit Index Buffer
  1557. - added sourceRect/destRect check to 2D-Blitter ( slower, but resolves crash )
  1558. - added setTextureCreationFlag video::ETCF_ALLOW_NON_POWER_2
  1559. Burning checks this flag and when set, it bypasses the power2 size check,
  1560. which is necessary on 3D but can be avoided on 2D.
  1561. used on fonts automatically.
  1562. - added Support for Destination Alpha
  1563. - Direct3D8
  1564. - added 32 Bit Index Buffer
  1565. - compile for XBOX
  1566. - Direct3D9
  1567. - fixed crash on RTT Textures DepthBuffer freed twice.
  1568. added deleteAllTextures to destructor
  1569. - NullDriver
  1570. - removeallTextures. added setMaterial ( SMaterial() ) to clean pointers for freed textures
  1571. - ISceneCollisionManager::getSceneNodeAndCollisionPointFromRay() allows selection by BB and triangle on a heirarchy of scene nodes.
  1572. - Triangle selectors created from animated mesh scene nodes will update themselves as required to stay in sync with the node.
  1573. - IVideoDriver has methods to enumerate the available image loaders and writers.
  1574. - Octtree scene nodes are now IMeshSceneNodes rather than ISceneNodes, and so you can call getMesh() on them.
  1575. - New scene parameter B3D_LOADER_IGNORE_MIPMAP_FLAG to ignore the often missing mipmap flag in b3d files. If this parameter is true, the old pre Irrlicht-1.5 behavior is restored.
  1576. - Added Mipmap LOD Bias attribute to MaterialLayer.
  1577. - Added ColorMask support to selectively disable color planes on rendering.
  1578. - Added support for all available depth test functions.
  1579. - Add an outNode to getCollisionPoint() that returns the scene node that was hit, as well as the triangle.
  1580. - Initial support for Alpha To Coverage, needs some more fixing until it works on all supported platforms.
  1581. - Added support for Anti-Aliasing modes per material
  1582. - Added an ICollisionCallback to ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse, to inform the application that a collision has occurred. Thanks to garrittg for this.
  1583. - Added an startPosition parameter to createFlyCircleAnimator() to allow starting the animator at any position on the circle.
  1584. - Many uses of dimension2d<s32> changed to dimension2d<u32>, including IImage, ITexture and screen dimensions. You will have to change (at least) createDevice() calls to use dimension2d<u32>
  1585. - Added Doublebuffer flag to SIrrCreationParameters, for better finetuning
  1586. - Added Stereo-Framebuffer support for professional OpenGL cards
  1587. - Added IFileSystem::createMemoryWriteFile() to allow creation of an IWriteFile interface that uses an application supplied memory buffer.
  1588. - Added an IVideoDriver::writeImageToFile() overload that can take an IWriteFile interface.
  1589. - (Internal) Replaced CMemoryReadFile with CMemoryFile, that also implements an IWriteFile interface.
  1590. - Added an optional light manager to the scene manager to allow the user application to turn lights on and off during scene rendering. This can be used to produce "zoned" lighting. See example 20.ManagedLights.
  1591. - Added a method to flip the Y movement of the FPS camera.
  1592. - The Anisotropy filter can now be set to the AF value per texture layer. So no forced MAX_ANISOTROPY anymore. .irr files will probably fail, though.
  1593. - AntiAlias parameter in SIrrCreationParameters is now an u8 value specifying the multisampling level (0 for disabled, 4,6,8, and others for anti-aliasing)
  1594. - D3D devices use DISCARD for windowed renderbuffers now, can be faster.
  1595. - Changed behavior of PixelBlend16() / PixelBlend16_simd() so that they treat the 1 bit alpha of the source pixel as boolean, i.e. they draw either the source pixel, or the destination pixel, rather than "blending". (Issue revealed by the fix to IVideoDriver::makeColorKeyTexture()).
  1596. - IVideoDriver::makeColorKeyTexture() bug fixed so that only alphas, not whole texel colors, are zeroed. An optional parameter allows using the old (buggy) behavior for backwards compatibility.
  1597. - position2d is now a synonym for vector2d. position2d is therefore marked as deprecated, although it's unlikely to be removed.
  1598. - ISceneNodeAnimator now has a hasFinished() method.
  1599. - ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse exposes the target node. Setting the node again resets the last position, allowing the node to be teleported.
  1600. - Add a hitPosition out parameter to ISceneCollisionManager::getCollisionResultPosition() - this is a (small) API breaking change.
  1601. -------------------------------------
  1602. Changes in version 1.5.2 (16.12.2009)
  1603. - Properly check boundaries in getFont and setFont.
  1604. - Reinit values in the driver when scene manager is cleared.
  1605. - Normals handling fixed in createMeshWithTangents, existing normals are not always destroyed now.
  1606. - Fix terrain smoothing, bug found by loverlinfish
  1607. - SOLARIS recognition removed. Please specify the platform define manually. This allows for compilation under sparc/Linux and sparc/Solaris
  1608. - Some uninitialized variables fixed
  1609. - FreeBSD joystick support added (for Debian package)
  1610. - Fix cursor problems found by buffer and by rvl2 as described in
  1611. - OSX/XCode updates
  1612. - MS3D loader bug fixed
  1613. - Float parse bug fixed
  1614. -------------------------------------
  1615. Changes in version 1.5.1 (05.08.2009)
  1616. - Make sure a missing font does not corrupt the skin.
  1617. - Fix getAngle in vector2d as suggested by xray. This has only a minor impact on s32 vectors.
  1618. - bugfix: CGUIFont::getCharacterFromPos regards now kerning (found by Arras)
  1619. - Add support for range fog in some OpenGL versions.
  1620. - Fix for shadow volume removal, submitted by vitek.
  1621. - Avoid using X11 autorepeat to deal with broken X11 versions.
  1622. - Speculars are properly exported into mtl files now, instead of corrupting them.
  1623. - Binary type loading in attributes fixed.
  1624. - bugfix: Use make_lower throughout for spritebank filenames (found and patched by Ion Dune)
  1625. - STL loader fixed: Right-handedness corrected, normals and bboxes are correctly added now.
  1626. - bugfix: CUnZipReader::openFile no longer returns true for empty files. Corresponding test added.
  1627. - Big endian issues in .x loader fixed.
  1628. - HSLColor methods repaired.
  1629. - copyToScaling fixed.
  1630. - Fixed problem with highlighting menus when mouse was outside sub-menu area.
  1631. - bugfix (2796207): menu acted (wrongly) on left-click down instead of left-click up.
  1632. - bswap16 fallback macro fixed
  1633. - getBaseName fixed to work correct with dots in filenames.
  1634. - static method isDriverSupported allows for simple check of available drivers.
  1635. - Some defines added to check for the Irrlicht version of the library.
  1636. - Make sure all renderstates are properly initialized
  1637. - Wrong size for main depth buffer fixed.
  1638. - Fix 3ds shininess to the allowed range.
  1639. - Fix loading of Collada files from irrEdit 1.2
  1640. - Remove texture pointers after texture clear.
  1641. - WindowsCE pathnames fixed.
  1642. - Some virtuals are now overridden as expected.
  1643. - Incomplete FBOs are properly signaled now
  1644. - Update to libpng 1.2.35, fixed issues on 64bit machines with system's libpng.
  1645. - Fixed wrong grab/drop in setOverrideFont
  1646. - Added draw2dRectOutline
  1647. - rectf and recti added.
  1648. - Fix ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF to a fixed check for alpha==127 as expected.
  1649. - Fixed OSX device bug where screen size was not set in fullscreen mode.
  1650. - cursor setVisible changed to be called less often.
  1651. - OpenGL version calculation fixed.
  1652. - OSX device now supports shift and ctrl keys.
  1653. - Fixed ambient light issues in burningsvideo.
  1654. - device reset for d3d fixed when using VBOs.
  1655. - Fix dimension2d +=
  1656. - MD2 mesh loader: Now uses much less memory, reduced number of allocations when loading meshes.
  1657. - OpenGL render state (texture wrongly cached) fixed.
  1658. - Fixed animator removal.
  1659. - Changed collision checks for children of invisible elements to also be ignored (as they're actually invisible due to inheritance).
  1660. - Fix terrain to use 32bit only when necessary, make terrain use hw buffers. Heightmap loading and height calculation fixed. Visibility and LOD calculations updated.
  1661. - Some mem leaks fixed
  1662. - FPS camera resets the cursor better
  1663. -----------------------------------
  1664. Changes in version 1.5 (15.12.2008)
  1665. - Construction calls for FPS camera changed to take speed in units/milliseconds, just as the setSpeed method does.
  1666. - Code::Blocks workspaces added. C::B projects (using gcc) now output to /lib/gcc and /bin/gcc, when built on either Windows or Linux.
  1667. - Added a test suite in the /tests directory. This can be used to perform regression tests, and should be updated with new tests to verify fixes or validate new features.
  1668. - Changed the preferred way of altering light node's radius: Use the new member methods of ILightSceneNode instead of directly modifying the SLight structure.
  1669. - Changed the initial attenuation back to (0,1/radius,0). To override this value simply change the attenuation in the SLight (lightnode->getLightData().Attenuation.set(x,y,z))
  1670. - Dirty fix for OSX device setResizable and a bug fix to do with resizing the device.
  1671. - Terrain heightmap and texture were flipped in order to draw them as expected (looking onto the terrain from high above will just look like the actual texture/heightmap).
  1672. - Significant internal change to the way that FPS camera jump speed and collision response animator gravity interact. The behavior is now much more realistic, but it will require you to adjust your jump speed and gravity.
  1673. - Skybox won't be culled anymore by nearplane or farplane.
  1674. - BBoxes of animated meshes (skinned meshes) are updated again.
  1675. - Lost devices (as found with D3D) are properly handled now. So the screen can be resized or minimized without crashing the app.
  1676. - Renamed IGUIElement::setRelativePosition(const core::rect<f32>& r) to IGUIElement::setRelativePositionProportional(), as it has radically different functionality from setRelativePosition(const core::rect<s32>& r)
  1677. - Added IGUIElement::setRelativePosition(const core::position2di & position) to set a new position while retaining the existing height and width.
  1678. - Many Collada fixes. z_up coords are supported now, texture coords are properly loaded. Transparency is supported.
  1679. - Camera scene node rotation and target can now be bound together so that changing one automatically changes the other (as the FPS camera has always done). See ICameraSceneNode::bindTargetAndRotation()
  1680. - Removed the extra libpng files for OSX. OSX now also uses the default libpng.
  1681. - Enhanced PCX support with some more color formats and write support.
  1682. - Fixed LMTS problems with extra data in files.
  1683. - Removed VS6 .dsw / .dsp project files - VS6 is no longer supported.
  1684. - Particles can be scaled during animations. Particle scaling needs to happen in the emitter now, instead of in the Particle system scene node. Deprecation methods will guide the user.
  1685. - ISceneNode::setParent and addChild now updates node SceneManager pointers if the node was from another SceneManager.
  1686. - Basic support for joystick input events on Windows, Linux, SDL and OSX. Tested with wired Logitech and Thrustmaster wired controllers and XBox 360 wireless controller ( )
  1687. - Fixed scaled octree nodes being incorrectly frustum culled.
  1688. - FSAA under OpenGL and Win32 added. Now all hw drivers and platforms should support it.
  1689. - Unlimited RTT fix for D3D systems. Depth buffers are now shared if possible, otherwise a new depth buffer is generated. In order to save VidMem one should create RTTs starting with the largest one.
  1690. - Avoid RTTs with nonFBO-support under OpenGL which are larger than the screen. Since we rely on rendering into textures in this case we need to clamp the size by the screensize.
  1691. - Fixes for getAbsoluteFilename under Linux in order to return a filename instead of en empty string in case the file doesn't exist.
  1692. - Use absolute path names when creating / finding textures.
  1693. - Font tool implementation for Linux with xft, by Neil Burlock.
  1694. - Support for normals and UV coords from DeclData in .x files.
  1695. - Modified line2d<T>::intersectWith() to cover more cases.
  1696. - Added IVideoDriver::drawPixel().
  1697. - Moved the window pointer from endScene to beginScene, as this is required for OpenGL support of external window pointers.
  1698. - Fix for terrain culling.
  1699. - Added minimize button to win32 window (if resizable)
  1700. - Major API change: RTTs are now created via addRenderTargetTexture instead of createRenderTargetTexture, which allows to retrieve them from the texture cache, but also changes the way of removing the RTTs, and especially one must not drop the pointer anymore.
  1701. - WindowsCE-Bugfix
  1702. - disableFeature can be used to override feature support of the video driver.
  1703. - draw2DImage can now also handle RTTs under OpenGL (which were flipped before).
  1704. - Ogre mesh format fixes for proper texture support.
  1705. - Added .obj mesh writer.
  1706. - Some core::string constructors made explicit to avoid unintended conversions. Just add core::stringc() or core::stringw() around the old code to avoid warnings.
  1707. - IdentityMatrix is now a properly defined global, with external visibility on all platforms.
  1708. - Bugfix for context releases with glx 1.3 on error.
  1709. - Removed constraints for sizes of the terrain scene node.
  1710. - Support for 32bit indices in a special MeshBuffer class.
  1711. - isBetweenPoints return true now even for the begin and end points, i.e. line segments are now including their start and end.
  1712. - Fix XML reader creation for non-existing files and invalid callbacks.
  1713. - Changed interpretation of MaterialTypeParam==0 in transparent materials. Now it's consistent with all other values, but one has to set the value to 0.5 to get the old behavior (slightly faster rendering, but no smooth borders)
  1714. - Replaced transformBox by transformBoxEx in some internal methods to avoid major malfunction of the transformations.
  1715. - Fix use of zip file inside zip files.
  1716. - Avoid loading textures which are not used by the mesh in b3d loader.
  1717. - Added scaleTCoords methods to MeshManipulator
  1718. - Enable use of other meshes for shadow mesh generation, can be used to speed up shadow generation and rendering for complex meshes. Patch based on a version by tonic.
  1719. - Fixed usage of SIrrCreationParameters struct, which didn't have copy constructor and assignment operator anymore, since the Irrlicht version string was made const.
  1720. - New glext.h (version 41) and glxext.h (version 20) supporting OpenGL 3.0
  1721. - Added support for read-only locking of textures. Can speed up those calls.
  1722. - Added support for locking RTTs under OpenGL.
  1723. - Implementation of UserData events from system events.
  1724. - ICameraSceneNode::setIsOrthogonal replaced by a parameter to setProjectionMatrix.
  1725. - All meshbuffers are now dynamically allocated to avoid problems with grabbed buffers, which may be deleted before the last drop happens (due to static memory allocation).
  1726. - Enhanced scene graph traversal with example from rogerborg.
  1727. - FPS camera disabling of event receiver works better now.
  1728. - scene deserialization allows for a user defined callback after a new scene node is created.
  1729. - Fixed tangent mesh loading from .irrmesh files.
  1730. - OpenGL clamp modes are now properly set.
  1731. - IMeshManipulator::transformMesh renamed to transform, also supports meshbuffers now.
  1732. scaleMesh renamed to scale, supports meshbuffers as well.
  1733. - vector3d::rotationToDirection added.
  1734. - New mesh generators for cone and cylinder.
  1735. - Hardware accelerated Vertex and Index Buffer support finally integrated into Irrlicht. Thanks to a resource handling idea by Klasker and the almost immediate implementation by Luke, Irrlicht now supports VBOs under OpenGL and D3D.
  1736. Hardware buffers make rendering the same vertices much faster. To use this feature with a mesh, simply set a usage type via MeshBuffer->setHardwareMappingHint(scene::EHM_STATIC). The driver will upload the vertices and indices on the next draw and reuse this information without the need to upload it each frame.
  1737. Vertex and Index buffers can also be updated separately, which is e.g. useful for the terrain node's LOD.
  1738. - Changed FBO creation according to Nadro's patch. Seems to have zbuffer problems currently.
  1739. - Update to libpng 1.2.29
  1740. - Compiler flag for PerfHUD support added.
  1741. - recalculateNormals and tangent space creation enhancements by ryanclark.
  1742. - Added getColorFormat methods for device and driver, returning the color format of the device's window and the driver's framebuffer.
  1743. - Added isFullscreen method.
  1744. - Added isWindowFocused and isWindowMinimized methods.
  1745. - Screenshots are now always made from the frontbuffer, so always the last completely rendered image is captured. However, overlapping windows may corrupt those parts of the screenshot (as was previously happening with d3d already).
  1746. - New device creation parameter to disable Irrlicht's system event handling.
  1747. - New device creation parameter to specify depth bits.
  1748. - New device creation parameter to request alpha channel in framebuffer.
  1749. - Draw2DImage methods under OpenGL now also handle RTTs correctly.
  1750. - Fixed RTT bug which lead to strangely clamped textures.
  1751. - Speed improvement for screenshots on some Intel cards under OpenGL.
  1752. - My3D file loader fixed.
  1753. - Terrain mesh performance increased.
  1754. - Fixed mem leak in cube node.
  1755. - Compiler errors in shaders won't corrupt the material renderer list anymore.
  1756. - Quake3 shader files now have properly working texture matrices again.
  1757. - FPS and Maya style cameras are now standard cameras with a special animator.
  1758. - ISceneNodeAnimator now inherits IEventReceiver
  1759. - New method ISceneNodeAnimator::isEventReceiverEnabled, returns false by default
  1760. - CCameraSceneNode::OnEvent passes events to animators with enabled event receivers
  1761. - ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS and ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya interfaces for changing camera settings at run-time.
  1762. - Changed SExposedVideoData to use void* instead of s32. Fixed 64bit portability.
  1763. - Added support for front face culling.
  1764. - Fix for HLSL shaders in one file.
  1765. - Billboard::setColor bug fix by rogerborg.
  1766. - Scene node sorting uses squared distances now.
  1767. - Enhanced API for the math functions. Many of them will now return a reference to *this for chained method invocations.
  1768. - prevent .x loader to load .xml files.
  1769. - AntiAlias support for OSX device.
  1770. - Period character handling bug fixed.
  1771. - New filesystem methods for filename handling.
  1772. - added getVideoModeList and getDesktopResolution support for OSX
  1773. - Octree supports tangent meshes now. Some performance improvements for the generation.
  1774. - Fix mouse pointer and fullscreen mode problems in OSX.
  1775. - Make cube and sphere scene node a mesh scene node (for access to the cube/sphere mesh).
  1776. - Support for normal maps in 3ds files. Mem leak fixed. Loading for files with keyframe data fixed.
  1777. - BillboardTextSceneNode is now an IBillboardSceneNode and an ITextSceneNode.
  1778. - Support for external windows under Linux.
  1779. - .X loader bug fixes.
  1780. - Better debug visualization for MeshSceneNodes.
  1781. - Fixed bug in material serialization when using the NullDriver.
  1782. - Fix for Win32 CursorControl::setVisible
  1783. - Support for LWO files.
  1784. - Support for Collada 1.4 files.
  1785. - Better and faster terrain smoothing by Frosty Topaz.
  1786. - Fixed a performance bug in ISceneNode constructor reported by izhbq412
  1787. - Win32 device now makes the cursor invisible immediately when setVisible(false) is called.
  1788. - Command line tool for mesh conversion added.
  1789. - Added volume light scene node
  1790. - .obj files now won't duplicate vertices unnecessarily. This allows recalculation of smooth normals and other things, and is also faster when rendering. The loading is a little slower now.
  1791. They also support normal maps and texture clamping now. Group support added, can be ignored via scene manager attribute scene::OBJ_LOADER_IGNORE_GROUPS.
  1792. Normals will be calculated if the file doesn't provide them.
  1793. - Better fix for hires timers on dual core machines by RogerBorg
  1794. - added Initial Windows Mobile 6 Version.
  1795. - Windows Mobile 6 SDK
  1796. - Visual Studio 2005
  1797. - Added checks to avoid buffer overrun in b3d loader. Enabled normals calculation in all cases, previously it was not done for lightmapped meshes.
  1798. Fixed transparency support. Added mipmap creation flag support which might disable mipmap creation too often. Should be checked.
  1799. - Burningvideo: MipMap Selection repaired
  1800. - renamed private Driver function getTextureSizeFromImageSize to getTextureSizeFromSurfaceSize
  1801. - Added collision manager speedup patch by RogerBorg.
  1802. - D3D drivers now releases the IImage member from initialization, thus freeing lots of memory. The image is accessible via the driver anyway.
  1803. - SDL device character handling enhanced.
  1804. - MeshBuffers can now access the elements of the S3DVertex base class in all vertex types directly, instead of using the getVertices() pointer access. This simplifies simple mesh manipulations as it does not require a switch statement over all vertex types.
  1805. - More OpenGL renderstate bugs fixed
  1806. - GLSL changes for setting arrays. Also allow for only pixel or vertex shader to be set.
  1807. - Bugfix for removeChild in AnimatedMeshSceneNode.
  1808. - Some bugfixes for Joint handling and skinned meshes. Added getJointCount in IAnimatedMeshSceneNode and isStatic in ISkinnedMesh.
  1809. - Added WAL image format support based on the original loader by Murphy McCauley, written for Irrlicht around version 0.7.
  1810. - OpenGL RTTs now also support alpha values.
  1811. - New method driver->getVendorInfo() to query information about the actual hardware driver.
  1812. - Fixed some CQuake3ShaderSceneNode problems.
  1813. - Changed BurningsVideo internal Vertex Format. version changed to 0.39
  1814. - SceneManager:
  1815. Removed the separate rendering states for quake3 Shader Scene Nodes.
  1816. Nodes are now solid or transparent. ( but still more states are needed )
  1817. - GUI:
  1818. - Editbox didn't draw children
  1819. - Checking IsEnabled is now consistent across all GUI elements
  1820. - Move window to front bug fixed.
  1821. - Disabling the BMP loader now compiles without the built-in font
  1822. - Added setTextAlignment to IGUIComboBox
  1823. - Avoid dropping skin pointer which is in use.
  1824. - Better warning for fonts without regions (sometimes wrong file is loaded by the user).
  1825. - Fixed a bug in CGUISpriteBank which caused a crash when a non-looping animated sprite reached the end of its animation.
  1826. - Modal screens no longer flash invisible children when rejecting a focus change.
  1827. - Finally added StarSonata patch with table element and TabControl additions. Table is based on MultiColor listbox by Acki, and has loads of changes by CuteAlien.
  1828. -------------------------------------------
  1829. Changes in version 1.4.2 (22.9.2008)
  1830. - Unified the handling of zwrite enable with transparent materials on all hw accelerated drivers. This means that all transparent materials will now disable ZWrite, ignoring the material flag.
  1831. There is a scene manager attribute, though, which will revert this behavior to the usual SMaterial driven way. Simply call
  1832. SceneManager->getParameters()->setAttribute(scene::ALLOW_ZWRITE_ON_TRANSPARENT, true) and set the SMaterial flag as desired.
  1833. - Some changes for texture matrices in q3 shaders.
  1834. - Added BlindSide's irrAllocator patch for proper TextureMatrix release under Win32 with any CRT library.
  1835. - Added VC9 project files.
  1836. - Added getEmitter for particle system scene nodes.
  1837. - Fixed rounding problem in getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition
  1838. - Fixed Software renderer color flicker, was a shift bug I believe.
  1839. - irrMap fix to make root node always black, by rogerborg.
  1840. - Possible core dump fixed in particle system node, by CuteAlien.
  1841. - Mem leak fixed in b3d loader.
  1842. - Avoid double rendering of child nodes of joints.
  1843. - Support for d3d draw2dimage clipping by CuteAlien.
  1844. - Fixed an animation transition bug, pointed out by wuallen.
  1845. - Fixed the major problem with OpenGL drivers, that claim to be 2.x compatible, but don't offer NPOT support (well, they do, but only in sw rendering...). Now we check for the extension string only.
  1846. - Fixed .obj loader bug which inserted vertices in wrong buffers.
  1847. - Fixed minor mem leak in Linux device.
  1848. -------------------------------------------
  1849. Changes in version 1.4.1 (04 Jun 2008)
  1850. - MD3 meshes are movable again.
  1851. - New JPG image writer version by Vitek.
  1852. - Texture matrix fixes, all methods should now work as expected.
  1853. - Some container methods now return the this pointer after member functions have been called on them, in order to allow call chains.
  1854. - Some new methods for SColorf access, for uniform API of all colors.
  1855. - bug fix for SMaterialLayer equality check. Did only check the TextureMatrix pointers, instead of the matrices.
  1856. - New getMesh method for the SceneManager, which takes an IReadFile instead of a filename.
  1857. - Support for flags _WIN32 and _WIN64 in addition to WIN32 and WIN64 added, this simplifies usage of Irrlicht headers under MSVC.
  1858. - Fixed a crash in GUIMeshViewer
  1859. - new string method findLastChar by Halifax
  1860. - GUIEditBox got the 1 pixel shift after click fixed.
  1861. - Some debug visualization has been fixed for skinned meshes
  1862. - Undef PI symbol before declaring core::PI to avoid compilation problems
  1863. - SAnimatedMesh now properly returns properties of Meshes[0] if those exist, such that it should be usable in place of an SMesh again.
  1864. - Fixed 2d initialisation in opengl and d3d9 driver. This should fix problems with render states mixing up and distrubing, e.g. skin effects.
  1865. - Avoid a crash when passing setSkin the current skin
  1866. - Fixed current frame calculation for non-looped animations. Bug reported by greenya.
  1867. - Fixed bug in CBillboardSceneNode::setColor, reported by rogerborg
  1868. - Fixed clipping of menu, toolbar and combo box GUI elements, reported by greenya
  1869. - setNotClipped now applies all the way up to the root of the GUI environment, rather than just to the next parent
  1870. - Made new scene managers use the original manager's GUIEnvironment, reported by MasterGod
  1871. - Fixed IGUICheckBox::setEnabled, reported by Dorth
  1872. - Fixed the FollowSpline animator to avoid crashes when only one waypoint is given.
  1873. - OpenGL VolumeShadow now uses glPolygonOffset to avoid zbuffer artifacts.
  1874. - Fixed meshbuffer corruption in append methods.
  1875. - Fixed mem leaks in irrArray.
  1876. - Fixed minor bugs in ISceneNode and ISceneManager.
  1877. - Fixed the MeshCache handling of GeometryCreator meshes.
  1878. - Terrain LOD bugfix.
  1879. - Some Collada 1.3 loader enhancements and bug fixes.
  1880. - Fixed a bug in CGUISpriteBank which caused a crash when a non-looping animated sprite reached the end of its animation.
  1881. - Enhanced the .obj loader with the patch from ryanclark. This allows for recalculation of smoothed normals of the mesh, also should decrease the tri count on some meshes.
  1882. - Avoid the global Logger to be destroyed too early.
  1883. - Function setbit was renamed to setbit_cond to avoid name clashes.
  1884. - Fixed .x animations with multiple references to the same joint from different meshes. Fixed texture path problems.
  1885. - Support for Milkshape 1.8 files, also with multiple weights per joint.
  1886. - The config file now also supports _IRR_OSX_PLATFORM_ and _IRR_USE_OSX_DEVICE_. This allows to use the Linux device (X11 support) on OSX.
  1887. - Avoid terrain scene node crash when heightmap cannot be loaded.
  1888. - Speed improvements for WaterSceneNode.
  1889. - FlyCircle animator now also works for upvectors (Direction parameter) which are not (0,1,0). Is also faster now, since most calculations are done on init. Thanks to Dorth for working on this.
  1890. - The 3ds loader correctly creates a texture matrix when texture tiling properties are found in the file.
  1891. - Fix for S3DVertex comparison operators. Used some wrong logic.
  1892. - Bugfix getCurrentRenderTargetSize in D3D drivers. Due to signature differences a wrong virtual method was chosen. Thanks to Jiang for finding it.
  1893. -------------------------------------------
  1894. Changes in version 1.4 (30 Nov 2007)
  1895. - Major API change: All material properties which are available per texture layer (currently texture, texture matrix, texture filters, and texture wrap mode) are separated into a new struct SMaterialLayer. You can access them via the array TextureLayer[] in SMaterial. The texture matrix methods in SMaterial are still alive, and also textures can be accessed via methods in SMaterial now. But still, many places in user code need some update (usually changing material.Textures[i] to material.TextureLayer[i].Texture etc.)
  1896. - Major API rewriting for proper const usage. Now, most getter methods are const and so are the larger parameters and return values. Moreover, many methods taking only unsigned numbers now use u32 instead of s32 in order to recognize this limitation from the method's signature.
  1897. - the base class for nearly all Irrlicht classes has been renamed from IUnknown to IReferenceCounted
  1898. - Fixed Skybox texture orientations. They are now displayed non-flipped. Existing skyboxes have to be changed, though: Exchange left and right texture. Textures from Terragen and other tools can be used directly, now. Quake maps will also need the right/left exchange.
  1899. - Added ITexture::isRenderTarget()
  1900. - Added STL mesh file format reader and writer.
  1901. - Added IMeshManipulator::createMeshWelded which creates a copy of the mesh with similar vertices welded together.
  1902. - Irrlicht now has its own file format for static meshes. It is based on xml and has the
  1903. extension .irrmesh. Irrlicht is able to write every IMesh to this file format, and of course to
  1904. read it back again.
  1905. - Irrlicht is now able to write Meshes out into files. Use ISceneManager::createMeshWriter()
  1906. to obtain an interface with which you can write out meshes. Currently, an own .irrmesh
  1907. file format is supported as well as the COLLADA file format.
  1908. - fixed the keyboard autorepeat difference between Linux and Windows. Thanks to denton we now have only KeyPressed events on both systems in case of autorepeat.
  1909. - Added several new particle emitters and affectors from IrrSpintz. Also some new getter and setter methods were added.
  1910. - D3D transparent materials do not disable zbuffer writing automatically anymore. This has to be done by the user to keep those settings configurable.
  1911. - OpenGL texture now also require a regenerateMipmapLevels() after unlocking. This is the same as for d3d devices now.
  1912. - Point sprite support in the driver. Point sprites use just one 3d vertex and a size to create a textured billboard on the GPU. This can provide fast particle systems, especially in combination with shaders. The proper particle extension will follow later on as it needs some more refactoring.
  1913. - OpenGL 2D drawing accuracy fix by tuXXX
  1914. - Added OnResize and getCurrentRenderTargetSize to the software video drivers.
  1915. - Added Spot light type for dynamic lights. Note that both position and direction for all dynamic lights are now determined by the LightSceneNode, the SLight attributes are only used for internal purposes.
  1916. API change! One can easily work around this change by setting the LightSceneNode's Position and Rotation instead of the SLight's. This change won't provoke a compile error, though, and can hence go unrecognized besides the visual problems.
  1917. The lights use a default direction (0,0,-1) which is rotated by the usual scene node transformations and can hence be modified by scene node animators.
  1918. A change in the Radius usage can lead to strange artifacts. Just increase the Radius in this case. further handling of Radius is to be discussed.
  1919. - Added per pixel fog support for OpenGL.
  1920. - Added driver support for user defined clip planes, based on mandrav's patch.
  1921. The OpenGL version is more picky about ModelView matrices, so it's best to set the projection plane at the time it is used.
  1922. - .obj files now load relative indices correctly. Collada files load textures.
  1923. - A new MeshBuffer implementation is publicly available. It supports a shared vertex list for all MeshBuffers, used for MS3D meshes.
  1924. - MeshBuffers can recalculate their BoundingBoxes on their own now, no need for MeshManipulators. New append methods help to merge MeshBuffers. take care that the types match!
  1925. - The new texture generation mode is working. With ETCF_NO_ALPHA_CHANNEL textures are generated without ALPHA bits reserved.
  1926. - D3D9 hardware mipmap updates are re-enabled, problems should be reported.
  1927. - In some cases fullscreeen modes under win32 should have a better frame rate now.
  1928. - Fixed the hillplane mesh to work with non-quadratic dimensions as well. Changed the interface also, so use a u32 dimension to specify the tilecount now.
  1929. - Hires timers are disabled on windows systems with more than one CPU, due to bugs
  1930. in the BIOS of many multi-core motherboards. To enable hires timers in your project,
  1931. use SetProcessAffinityMask to set to use only one CPU before creating the device.
  1932. - OpenGL render targets now the same way up as the other drivers. If you have
  1933. written opengl shaders that use render targets then you'll need to change your
  1934. texture coordinates accordingly.
  1935. - Fixed some OpenGL renderstate stuff. setBasicRenderstate returns with
  1936. active texture layer 0. The material renderer must return from OnUnset
  1937. with the same active texture layer. The alpha test is disabled and the
  1938. texture mode should be GL_MODULATE.
  1939. - Fixed CSoftwareTexture2::getOriginalSize, reported by CaptainPants. Added a
  1940. new method CSoftwareTexture2::getMaxMipMapSize to return the size of the largest
  1941. mipmap, which is used by texelarea instead of getOriginalSize.
  1942. - Changed parameter order of addArrowMesh and added default parameters such
  1943. that it's enough to set the color (or even just the name).
  1944. - Fixed bugs in MY3D and OBJ loader.
  1945. - Added IMeshCache::clearUnusedMeshes(). This allows the user to remove
  1946. meshes that are sitting in the mesh cache but aren't used by any scene nodes.
  1947. This is useful for example when changing levels.
  1948. - Added IUnknown::getReferenceCount()
  1949. - createDevice now reports errors if the driverType is unknown, previously it
  1950. created a window but populated it with a null driver without any warning.
  1951. - Fixed a bug in CBillboardTextSceneNode::setText where the old text was not
  1952. cleared.
  1953. - Changed irrArray::linear_search to use the == operator rather than <
  1954. This may be slower in some cases, but it no longer returns false positives
  1955. when searching arrays of classes that override the < operator but
  1956. !(x<y) && !(y<x) does not necessarily mean x==y (vectors, positions etc).
  1957. - Fixed getSize/getOriginalSize method inversion in OpenGL textures.
  1958. - Added per texture-layer filter settings, i.e. one can choose to filter
  1959. only chosen texture layers. If all layers are set to the same value the
  1960. convenience function material.setFlag(EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, boolean) can be
  1961. used, TRILINEAR_FILTER and ANISOTROPIC_FILTER do work, too. In all other
  1962. cases material.BilinearFilter[i] (resp. TrilinerFilter[i] or
  1963. AnisotropicFilter[i]) shall are to be used.
  1964. - Added adjustable Attenuation for dynamic lights. This allows to change the
  1965. intensity of a light based on its distance. The default attenuation changed
  1966. from (0,1/radius,0) to (1,0,0) which means no effect by distance. Good
  1967. values for distance effects simply add small values to the second and third
  1968. element.
  1969. - Fixed a typo to do with 2nd light vectors in opengl parallax and normal map
  1970. renderers.
  1971. GUI:
  1972. - Fixes to menu and listbox (de)serialization, and custom listbox colors by CuteAlien.
  1973. - Added EGET_ELEMENT_CLOSED GUI event type. Absorb this event to cancel closing a window.
  1974. - Added _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_GUI_ to allow compiling without the GUI.
  1975. This is useful if you use another GUI system (ie CEGUI) or are using Irrlicht
  1976. inside another window. You will have to supply an external IGUIFont if you wish
  1977. to use font scene nodes as there will be no GUI environment available to load fonts.
  1978. - Added 7 more symbols to the built-in font and skin.
  1980. indicating there is more content in that direction.
  1981. EGDI_WINDOW_RESIZE: Window symbol for resizing by clicking the bottom right
  1982. corner of a window.
  1983. EGDI_EXPAND, EGDI_COLLAPSE: Plus and minus buttons for trees.
  1984. - Added IGUISkin::draw2dRectangle, so skins can override the default highlight.
  1985. - EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST and EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUSED events can now be absorbed
  1986. by returning true in OnEvent. Absorbing these events will cancel the focus
  1987. change.
  1988. - IGUIEnvironment::setFocus and removeFocus now return bools.
  1989. - New SEvent.GUIEvent.Element. Points to a second element that is being
  1990. used in the event. During a EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST event it points
  1991. to the element which would like the focus.
  1992. - Fixed the default font icons so they have a black border and are not
  1993. invisible in default listboxes. Old font tool textures now keep their color
  1994. so colorful fonts are possible by editing the font's texture. The colors of
  1995. completely transparent areas are no longer kept when generating the texture
  1996. from an image. Added builtInFont.bmp for ease of editing.
  1997. - IGUIElement changes:
  1998. Most elements can now be accessed using the keyboard. Use space and return
  1999. to select or deselect, escape to cancel selection (ie while pressing a
  2000. button with space or return), and the cursor keys where appropriate.
  2001. Added navigation through the GUI using tab and the shift and control keys.
  2002. Use these new methods to control tab navigation:
  2003. setTabStop - set this to true if the focus will visit the element.
  2004. isTabStop - returns true if the focus will visit the element.
  2005. setTabOrder - Sets the order of focus within this tab group,
  2006. Only one element in each group should have the same TabOrder number.
  2007. Set to -1 to add to the end of the group.
  2008. setTabGroup - set this to true if the element is a group that contains
  2009. other elements, and can be navigated with ctrl+tab/ctrl+shift+tab.
  2010. isTabGroup - returns true if the element is a tab group.
  2011. getTabGroup - returns the tab group that the element belongs to.
  2012. getNextElement - searches for the next element which would be focused
  2013. within the element's children, only useful if you are doing your own
  2014. custom navigation.
  2015. Added isMychild, to check if an element is descended from this one.
  2016. Added isPointInside, which is called by getElementFromPoint. Override this
  2017. when making non-rectangular elements.
  2018. OnEvent no longer absorbs events by default.
  2019. Serialize/deserialize now call getter and setter functions, in case people
  2020. override these and don't use the internal protected variables.
  2021. added getAbsoluteClippingRect, returns the visible area of an element.
  2022. - Added IGUISpinBox, by Michael Zeilfelder (CuteAlien).
  2023. - IGUIEditBox new methods:
  2024. setWordWrap/isWordWrapEnabled, to split words on to the next line.
  2025. setMultiLine and isMultiLineEnabled, inserts a newline instead of sending
  2026. EGET_EDITBOX_ENTER events.
  2027. setPasswordBox/isPasswordBox to use the edit box for password input.
  2028. setTextAlignment, to align the text to left, right, top, bottom and centers
  2029. setAutoScroll, to enable and disable automatic scrolling with the cursor
  2030. - IGUIStaticText new methods setDrawBorder and setTextAlignment.
  2031. - IGUIListBox changes:
  2032. Added setAutoScrollEnabled and isAutoScrollEnabled, for automatic scrolling
  2033. when selecting or adding an item.
  2034. Scrollbars are now only visible when the list doesn't fit in the visible area.
  2035. You can now type an item's text to select it.
  2036. - IGUIScrollBar new methods set/getLargeStep
  2037. -------------------------------------------
  2038. Changes in version 1.3.1 (20 Jun 2007)
  2039. - Fixed a bug with negative exponents in fast_atof, posted by RVL
  2040. - renamed IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getAbsoluteTransformation to
  2041. getMD3TagTransformation to avoid conflicts with
  2042. ISceneNode::getAbsoluteTransformation
  2043. - Added rect::constrainTo for locking a rectangle inside another without
  2044. resizing it
  2045. - Moved the OpenGL API functions from COpenGL driver into new extension
  2046. handler. Thereby, some renaming took place - the ARB and EXT suffix was
  2047. removed. Simply rename the functions in case you use them.
  2048. - matrix4 is now a template internally such that also int and double matrices
  2049. are possible now.
  2050. - CMeshBuffer is a new template replacing all previous SMeshBuffer* classes.
  2051. New mesh buffers can be easily implemented based on this code.
  2052. - Ogre 1.40 files now also load.
  2053. - New filename based methods in the MeshCache.
  2054. - CSphereSceneNode is now texture wrapped with sphere mapping by exactly one
  2055. texture. Only a small error on the top remained.
  2056. - The Sky box scene node now clamps its textures by default (meaning no
  2057. more ugly artifacts at the borders).
  2058. - Frustum culling fixed by using the fixed classifyPointRelation function.
  2059. - Some fixes in the 3d basic structures: plane3d.classifyPointRelation now
  2060. correctly returns the relation, it returned the opposite before. Also
  2061. renamed existsInterSection to existsIntersection for consistency.
  2062. triangle3d.isOnSameSide is now private - it's just a helper class not
  2063. intended for further use.
  2064. - Added IFileSystem::getFileDir, to get the directory when given a file
  2065. name. Submitted by Jeff Myers
  2066. - Updated to latest PNG library (1.2.18), fixing a vulnerability.
  2067. Also changed some data structures which should make the library 64bit
  2068. compatible.
  2069. - Changed the external window pointer from s32 to void*. This makes the
  2070. mechanism 64bit safe, but also breaks the API. You have to cast to
  2071. void* now.
  2072. - Moved image scaling algorithms to CImage class and made them public. This
  2073. replaces lots of code from the hardware textures. It should also fix the
  2074. missing MipMaps in OpenGL if the driver does not support mipmap generation.
  2075. - Added support for texture creation flags in OpenGL. This changes some
  2076. textures to other color formats than in previous versions.
  2077. - MD2 normals fixed.
  2078. - Some defines for the platform choice have changed their names and semantics.
  2079. E.g. IRR_LINUX is now _IRR_LINUX_PLATFORM_ for os specific things and
  2080. _IRR_USE_LINUX_DEVICE_ to choose the original X11 IrrLinux device.
  2081. - Added an SDL device for cross-platform window support. Especially useful
  2082. for embedded systems and others without hardware acceleration. This device
  2083. is mutually exclusive with the other devices and requires linking against
  2084. the SDL library.
  2085. - Q3 shader crash fix.
  2086. - Fixed the too small D3D texture bug.
  2087. - The OpenGL texture is internally stored as a CImage now.
  2088. - Fixed some Borland compiler problems.
  2089. - ShadowVolume init bug fixed.
  2090. - MS3D rotation bug fixed.
  2091. - setFrameLoop bug fixed.
  2092. - Fixed OpenGL's draw2DImage texture inits to avoid texture confusion.
  2093. - Fixed getHeight from terrain scene node.
  2094. - The FPS counter now works as in previous releases, the accumulating counter
  2095. can be enabled by a parameter.
  2096. - getType() is now const correct (API Changes)
  2097. - Added scissor test to opengl draw2DImage method that ignored clip.
  2098. - Fixed a bug in rect::isValid, it was almost always true.
  2099. - Fixed wrong particle emission.
  2100. - Added LinuxDevice setResizeAble implementation.
  2101. - Enumeration values of the ESCENE_NODE_TYPE enum are no longer ints but four
  2102. character codes. If you were using them as index previously, this is no longer possible.
  2103. - There is now a way to set which scene manager should recieve user input, when working
  2104. with multiple scene managers: IrrlichtDevice::setInputReceivingSceneManager().
  2105. - ICursorControl now supports setting a reference rectangle.
  2106. If this rect is set, the cursor position is not being calculated relative to
  2107. the rendering window but to this rect. You can set the rect pointer to 0 to disable
  2108. this feature again. This feature is useful when rendering into parts of foreign windows
  2109. for example in an editor. See ICursorControl::setReferenceRect() for details.
  2110. (Windows only implementation currently)
  2111. - It is now possible to clone single scene nodes (ISceneNode::clone()) and to create copies
  2112. of a whole scene graph (ISceneManager::createNewSceneManager(cloneContent=true);
  2113. - IAttributes now supports a user pointer (void*)
  2114. - Added query methods to scene manager: Find Scene nodes by type
  2115. getSceneNodesFromType
  2116. - Added min and max functions with 3 values: core::min_ and core::max_
  2117. - Fixed a crash when using Octtrees caused by unnecessary dropping of meshes when
  2118. deserializing the scene node.
  2119. - Removed an array::erase from Octtrees and Octtree triangle selector.
  2120. - Removed a bug which caused irrlicht to crash when using animated .x files as static meshes.
  2121. GUI:
  2122. - Added EGUI_DEFAULT_FONT for skins, default fonts can now be set for windows, menus, buttons and tooltips.
  2123. use IGUISkin::setFont and getFont to use them. Fonts are not serialized with saveGUI yet
  2124. - Added EGDC_TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND for setting background color of tooltips.
  2125. - Tooltips now appear relative to mouse position, also they do not appear for 500ms.
  2126. - Fixed a memory leak when dropping the GUIEnvironment when a tooltip was present.
  2127. - Added IGUIStaticText::setDrawBackground and IGUIStaticText::setBackgroundColor.
  2128. - Fixed a messagebox focus bug when no 'okay' button was present.
  2129. - Added setColor and setScaleImage to GUIImage.
  2130. - GUIListBox highlighted area now clips properly.
  2131. - added getOSOperator to GUIEnvironment (for clipboard access in elements) and updated CGUIEditBox.
  2132. - Can now load/save gui environment from/to an element.
  2133. - Most element set functions now have a corresponding get or is function.
  2134. (API change) IGUIButton::getUseAlphaChannel is now isAlphaChannelUsed, to fit with other is* functions.
  2135. - Fixed a bug with resizing the gui environment when the device is resized
  2136. - Modal screens now resize to fit their parent.
  2137. - XML bitmap fonts now load textures from the XML file directory rather than the current one.
  2138. - Fixed a small bug with click areas in combo boxes.
  2139. - Fixed a bug in clear() when an element was hovered or had focus
  2140. - Fixed a bug when loading fonts with uppercase letters in the name in case-sensitive filesystems
  2141. GUI Editor:
  2142. - Added cut/copy/paste using clipboard and xml (via memory file). Will have problems in Linux due
  2143. to no clipboard support
  2144. - Added texture attribute element
  2145. - Added CGUIPanel, a container with optional scrollbars. Originally submitted by Asger Feldthaus
  2146. -------------------------------------------
  2147. Changes in version 1.3 (15 Mar 2007)
  2148. - SMaterial structure changed:
  2149. - Enable Irrlicht to change TextureAddress Mode (Clamping), for each layer separately
  2150. - Added Texture matrices to SMaterial for all texture layers
  2151. - Removed the anonymous union/struct access to textures and material flags.
  2152. Now, Texture1..4 is removed - use Textures[i] instead
  2153. The Flags[x] is replaced by setFlags(x, bool) resp. getFlags(x)
  2154. - The methods OnPreRender and OnPostRender of ISceneNode have been changed to
  2155. OnRegisterSceneNode() and OnAnimate(). Also, they are now called at different
  2156. times: OnAnimate is called every frame before anything else, removing the
  2157. one-frame-lag Irrlicht suffered until now. To make most of your own scene
  2158. nodes work again, it should be enough to rename OnPreRender()
  2159. to OnRegisterSceneNode() and OnPostRender() to OnAnimate() in most cases.
  2160. - ISceneNode::getMaterialCount and getMaterial now use u32 instead of s32. You will also need
  2161. to update this in your custom scene nodes.
  2162. - matrix4 speed enhancement, testing for identity before multiply. faster check for identity
  2163. for the positive case using an additional boolean flag.
  2164. The internal array M is now private, changing the API. Use mat[x] instead of mat.M[x].
  2165. The pointer to M is acquired by mat.pointer(), some methods take a matrix4 reference
  2166. instead of a f32*.
  2167. - Some more support for tangent meshes
  2168. - Several alpha blend fixes in several drivers and methods
  2169. Font improvements:
  2170. - Changed built-in IGUIFont to IGUIFontBitmap and added options for more fonts.
  2171. CGUIFont now supports UCS-2 and may span many textures, loads from XML (Unicode support planned)
  2172. - Started a font tool for creating the new XML fonts, including generating vector fonts
  2173. (currently not backward compatible with old fonts, only works for Win2K+, some bugs still)
  2174. - Font interface now supports kerning- kerning pairs, per letter and global kerning widths,
  2175. although he internal font only supports global and per-letter.
  2176. - added _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_SOFTWARE_ and _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_BURNINGSVIDEO_ to compile config
  2177. - GUI enhancements:
  2178. - GUI Serialization with loadGUI and saveGUI, and serializable custom GUI elements via factories
  2179. - Started a GUI Editor as a GUI element factory example (work in progress)
  2180. - New IGUIElement functions: isSubElement & setSubElement for child elements created by their parents
  2181. (eg. a scrollbar on a list box). Set it if you don't want an element to be serialized
  2182. - New GUI event, EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUSED
  2183. - GUI environment ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST event now sets the element as the caller, focus_lost events
  2184. are now usually passed to parent elements, so elements now check if they are the caller before
  2185. updating (so users can catch focus lost events without them being eaten by the elements)
  2186. - Buttons, checkboxes and tab controls now only activate when the mouse is released over them.
  2187. - Windows mouse-up events are now caught outside the window, so mouse coords may now be negative.
  2188. could cause problems with draggable user windows, as they may now be dragged off screen.
  2189. - Elements can now automatically resize to fit their parents, or align themselves to an edge:
  2190. setAlignment(left, right, top, bottom) - sets how each edge aligns to its parent,
  2191. through EGUI_ALIGNMENT enum
  2192. EGUIA_UPPERLEFT - default behavior, aligns to top or left edge
  2193. EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT - aligns to the lower or right edge
  2194. EGUIA_CENTER - moves relative to the center of its parent
  2195. EGUIA_SCALE - uses relative scale
  2196. - setMaxSize, setMinSize - sets the maximum and minimum sizes for automatic resizing,
  2197. use 0 for no maximum size.
  2198. - setRelativePosition now takes a rect<f32> for relative positioning within their parents
  2199. - getFileSystem added to the GUI environment
  2200. - New IGUISpriteBank, used to hold 2d image data like fonts and GUI icons.
  2201. Icons provided by the built-in font are now accessed through the skin's sprite bank.
  2202. Users can override the icons by setting a different sprite bank and setting new sprites.
  2203. - Skins are now serializable and are loaded/saved with the GUI.
  2204. - IGUIStaticText getter/setter functions patch by rogerborg.
  2205. - added 3d TextSceneNode2. to view a Text in real 3D Space
  2206. in fact it is a combination of Billboard & TextSceneNode
  2207. - Burning Video (the second but only complete software renderer)
  2209. - New Compile Config BURNINGVIDEO_RENDERER_FAST
  2210. touching the 20fps border in the demo ( P4 mobile 2Ghz ). 15fps average.
  2211. ( Compile config Release Fast-FPU )
  2212. - VertexCache for Tansformed & Light Vertices
  2213. boost small drawPrimitive Calls ( 2DRectangle, Billboard ) and Real Index Triangles
  2214. - Bilinear Dither
  2215. - clipping test ( compare instead of generic plane normal )
  2216. - support for NOT using vertexcolor
  2218. - added vertex to color to billboard.
  2219. shade top & shade down.
  2220. to support some static lighting effect on billboards
  2221. - Implemented line rendering for SoftwareDriver
  2222. - XMLWriter fix for 32bit wchar_t (esp. for big endian)
  2223. - updated to latest PNG library
  2224. - implemented CImagerWriterJpeg::writeImage
  2225. - The ISceneManager::addCameraSceneNodeFPS() has a new parameter named 'jumpSpeed'
  2226. and a Key Map Entry.
  2227. - added param to IIImageWriteFile::writeImage
  2228. control Parameter for the backend ( e.g. jpeg compression level )
  2229. - addContextMenu: CGUIEnvironment::addContextMenu set the focus on the submenu.
  2230. - Added IFileSystem::createMemoryReadFile for accessing memory like a file.
  2231. - Added core::map class submitted by Nastase Catalin (Kat'Oun)
  2232. - Fix vertex colors for .x and .ms3d, alpha bug in .obj
  2233. - Fixed 16bit depth screens under Windows.
  2234. - Implemented getMeshBuffer(SMaterial) for all AnimatedMeshes.
  2235. It was returning 0 for all implementations previously. User defined IMesh derivates
  2236. will also have to implement it now due to the removed empty implementation.
  2237. - Added yield() method to IrrlichtDevice which allows to pause the Irrlicht process for
  2238. a very short time. This allows other processes to execute without a major
  2239. penalty for the Irrlicht application.
  2240. - Added sleep() method to IrrlichtDevice, for pausing the Irrlicht process for a longer
  2241. amount of time.
  2242. - Auto-split mesh to 16bit buffers in 3ds loader
  2243. - 8bit RGB332 image format support
  2244. - isActive() under Linux now behaves like the Windows variant: True if window has focus
  2245. - Fixed(?) the glXGetProcAddress problems with different drivers
  2246. - B3D changes by Luke:
  2247. Texture scaling bugfix, support for alpha blending, new option to normalise weights,
  2248. animation code optimization, fixed memory leak
  2250. - Material ZBuffer flag changed to a u32 value
  2251. Reason: change ( off or on ) to , off, lequal, equal
  2252. Necessary for multi-pass if previous stage has had transparency
  2253. - DebugDataVisible is now an enum of flags
  2254. show normals is supported ( uses the new build in arrowmesh )
  2255. - New Function: GeometryCreator
  2256. addArrowMesh. build a closed cylinder and a cone
  2257. used to show normals as debug feature
  2258. - New Function:
  2259. CMeshManipulator::transformMesh(scene::IMesh* mesh, const core::matrix4& m) const
  2260. transforms VertexPosition and VertexNormal
  2261. - BUGFIX: CGUIButton notified Pressed when Mouse was clicked Inside ( correct )
  2262. but also left up outside rectangle ( incorrect)
  2263. - BUGFIX: Octree:getPolys(const scene::SViewFrustum& frustum, SIndexData* idxdata)
  2264. was recursive calling invisible children
  2265. - CFileList: Changed FileListEntry sorting to
  2266. a) Directory comes first
  2267. b) sorting ignores case
  2268. so it feel's more like common browsers
  2269. - added a Texture transform to IVideoDriver::setTransform
  2270. - quaternion::getmatrix
  2271. in fact the getmatrix version is returning the transposed.
  2272. i'm quite sure that this is the wrong implementation.
  2273. so this should be verified to remove the getmatrix_transposed version...
  2274. - Quake3 Map Loader:
  2275. new loading method
  2276. - Bezier Patches with LOD more than 3
  2277. - Multiple Meshes, stay compatible with the previous version
  2278. - Indexed Triangle List
  2279. - initial support for quake3 Shaders and Entities
  2280. - Shaders are parsed. When it's possible to resolve a 2 Texture Scheme it's taken
  2281. Shaders exist in namespace scene::quake3
  2282. - The Example Quake3Map shows how to continue applying the Q3Shaders with SceneNodes
  2283. ( for example animmap converts to TextureAnimator.)
  2284. TODO: use the Irrlicht Variable Syntax to remove redundant code..
  2285. - added getVertexPitch() to IMeshBuffer interface
  2286. - added generic isupper, isspace.. functions to coreutil.h to remove dependencies for ctype.h
  2287. ( future: it's possibly to use binary comparison test..)
  2288. removed 1000's include of string.h and moved one to irrstring.h
  2289. in preparing of complete removing the MSVC.
  2290. - moved fast_atof.h to the public include
  2291. added strtol10 to remove dependencies for stdlib.h
  2292. anyway math.h is needed for powf
  2293. - core::vector3d
  2294. added getInterpolated_quadratic.
  2295. vector3d<T> getInterpolated_quadratic(const vector3d<T>& v2, const vector3d<T>& v3, const T d) const
  2296. // this*(1-d)*(1-d) + 2 * v2 * (1-d) + v3 * d * d;
  2297. - irrstring: added param start to findLast(T c, s32 start = -1 )
  2298. reason: to continue searching reverse on a specific position
  2299. (parameter is checked against boundaries )
  2300. - added operation reciprocal_squareroot to irrmath.
  2301. core::reciprocal_squareroot = 1.f / sqrtf ( x )
  2302. changed the core::vector3df normalize vector.
  2303. specialized templates are not allowed in irrlicht currently, so it's only for f32 for now.
  2304. a C function and a NVidia Version are in irrmath.h
  2305. - add Primitives to CFPSCounter
  2306. and changed interpolation to 1500ms instead of 2000ms
  2307. and rounding to ceiling..
  2308. - added Interface setAmbientLight to ISceneManager
  2309. it was a Bug, because SceneManager always calls Driver therefore AmbientLight has to be set in SceneManager.
  2310. - changed GUIFont & FontTool to support kerning ( on a global basis )
  2311. very basic mode.. apply an offset for position
  2312. useful for example if you want to apply an outline stroke in your favorite
  2313. and therefore let the texture grow.
  2314. and to correct the border back on drawing, specify the parameter in IGUIFont.
  2315. this is quite useful if you want to use more artistic fonts.
  2316. default = 0
  2317. better kerning would need a separate coordinate set for each symbol.
  2318. - changed MD2_FRAME_SHIFT to lower framerate
  2319. -> lower IPol
  2320. problems can occur if somebody uses hardcoded frame-numbers instead
  2321. of Animation name...
  2322. - changed spelling "frustrum" to "frustum"
  2323. -> changed also SViewFrustrum.h to SViewFrustum.h
  2324. - changed Parameter AutomaticCulling from bool to enum E_CULLING_TYPE
  2325. to support more than two culling modes.
  2326. added Frustum culling ( it's a copy & paste from the octree )
  2327. added initial bounding sphere
  2328. used for culling point lights..
  2329. - Added getSystemMemory and getProcessorSpeedMHz for Windows and Linux to the OSOperator, submitted by Vitek.
  2330. -------------------------------------------
  2331. Changes in version 1.2 (29 Nov 2006)
  2332. - Added Solaris/Sparc port (basically some compiler define statements). Irrlicht and the examples should compile out-of-the-box on Suns with the usual Makefiles and gnumake.
  2333. - Added texture matrix support for hardware accelerated drivers. This allows for efficient texture coord manipulations for complete meshes at once.
  2334. - Multisampling with OpenGL under Linux added
  2335. - Non-power-of-two textures are left unscaled if the driver supports such textures.
  2336. - new draw2DImage method that speeds up drawing many quads from the same texture. Font drawing is improved by this under OpenGL.
  2337. - TGA files are now always correctly flipped and loaded if compressed. All PNG color formats are now supported, including correct alpha handling.
  2338. - 3ds mesh loader fix in texture loading, now loads some textures that were not loaded before, but might introduce problems with very recent files. OGRE mesh loader bugfixes and lightmap support. Several B3d mesh loader updates. Obj and mtl loader enhancements.
  2339. - A new compile flag (IRR_OPENGL_USE_EXTPOINTER) allows Irrlicht to either use OpenGL extension function pointers or direct OpenGL calls.
  2340. - OpenGL now uses frame buffer objects for render targets larger than the screen, supplied by Mandrav
  2341. - Split ESNRP_LIGHT_AND_CAMERA passes into ESNRP_LIGHT and ESNRP_CAMERA to fix a problem with lights being rendered before cameras in OpenGL (thanks again to Vitek for finding this). ESNRP_LIGHT_AND_CAMERA is now deprecated.
  2342. - Fixed many OpenGL render state problems which were related to wrong texture states. The textures are now enabled and disabled by the material renderers in OnSetMaterial. Also enabled the texture state cache which helps preventing texture changes just as the one for D3Dx. Thanks to hey_i_am_real for some good hints on where the problem was located.
  2343. - Added compile flag _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_X11_ which is by default enabled. Disabling the flag removes all X11 dependencies from Irrlicht and allows for a headless Linux Irrlicht server - added by request :-)
  2344. - Win32 OpenGL driver tries to use the requested bpp size.
  2345. - Default texture format is now A8R8G8B8 if not explicitly specified. This fixes some color artifacts with lightmaps. Bugfix submitted by hey_i_am_real.
  2346. - In OnPostRender all transformations were taken as relative and multiplied with the root transformation matrix every time due to a wrong check for the real root node. This should increase render performance for scenes with lots of (invisible) nodes.
  2347. - Added correct list copy constructor.
  2348. - Color selection dialog added.
  2349. - New GUI skin "Burning Skin".
  2350. it's a black & white skin. look elegant on true-color.
  2351. and looks ok on 1-Bit ( e.g. no vertex color in burnings video )
  2352. - GUIStatic text is correctly grayed out if disabled.
  2353. - Added getHeight method for terrain node submitted by Spintz. It calculates the height from the base mesh instead of requiring ray casts and collision detection and is much faster.
  2354. - New methods core::lerp to linearly interpolate two floats and SColor.getLuminance to calculate luminance of RGB color.
  2356. Fixed matrix access methods mat(x,y). These were previously said to be (row,column) but actually were (column, row). This lead to some confusion and made their use quite tricky. Irrlicht code is updated for the new method, but applications will silently fail now (i.e. compile without errors, but not working as expected).
  2357. - Update to zlib-1.2.3
  2358. - Fixed vertex alpha handling in DirectX drivers.
  2359. - Image writers fixed and working (at least for little endian systems).
  2360. - VSync under Linux fixed and correctly working.
  2361. - New os::Byteswap::byteswap methods which can be used for byteswapping (endianess correction) in mesh loaders and image loaders.
  2362. - New video driver feature to check for multitexture feature.
  2363. - Direct3D drivers update the devicelost variable if resetting failed with this return code.
  2364. - VideoModeList under Linux is correctly filled now. No glX calls are made if GLX extension is not found - only software drivers are available then. RandR extension can be enabled with a new compile flag in IrrCompileConfig.h, either instead of XF86VidMode or in addition.
  2365. - Big Endian support for MS3D loader.
  2366. - Apfelbaum software renderer: basic mipmap support (per triangle), switch for using w-buffer instead z-buffer ( default on )
  2367. - Better FPU support: Changed various fpu-call's in whole project (main reason to use faster float to int conversion on x86. ( fistp ))
  2368. - changed Visual Studio 7.1 vcproj project config "Release Fast FPU" to __fastcall in /QIfist
  2369. - CGUIFont added True Alpha Font Support. (currently it's a little hack, but it'a good starting point. Fonts are back compatible. To use the new feature make first pixel half transparent in the font file.)
  2370. - Scolor: replaced s16 color with u16 color, replaced s32 color with u32 color to get rid of unnecessary arithmetic shift
  2371. - Colorconverter: X8R8G8B8toA1R5G5B5, set Alpha High, minor: A1R5G5B5toA8R8G8B8 changed if (a) to conditional set
  2372. - CImage: added boxfilter (weighted average), (generic, slow)
  2373. - The scene manager now sets an ambient light color when calling ISceneManager::drawAll().
  2374. You can influence this by calling ISceneManager::setAmbientLight(). That light color
  2375. is also stored when saving .irr files via ISceneManager::saveScene().
  2376. - Loaded COLLADA files which contained only one single mesh now behave like all the
  2377. other loaded meshes, and the #meshname workaround has been removed.
  2378. - File lists are now sorted.
  2379. - Dynamically checking the OpenGL version now instead of at compile time to call the supported methods of the executing machine, not that one of the compile host. This should fix the extension check and the automatic mipmap update.
  2380. - Fixed vertex alpha handling of 2D images with OpenGL.
  2381. - Default depth buffer under Windows now 24bit to avoid zbuffer fighting.
  2382. - Fixed light count in OpenGL.
  2383. - Particle emitters can now be enabled/disabled via a new method.
  2384. - Sky dome is rotatable just like the sky box.
  2385. - Rotation animator can be applied to several nodes now, before it only rotated the first one it was applied to.
  2386. - Support for drawing other vertex primitive lists such as triangle strips.
  2387. - Default specular color is white again, thus simply enabling shininess is enough to get speculars.
  2388. - Some .x loader and animator improvements. Vertex color support.
  2389. - isActive now also work under Linux.
  2390. -------------------------------------------
  2391. Changes in version 1.1 (06 Aug 2006)
  2392. - New example to show some features of the .irr format
  2393. - Added support for making screenshots in all video drivers and a general
  2394. possibility to save any IImage to several file formats.
  2395. Some image writers are not yet implemented. As a testcase screenshots
  2396. are now available in the demo by pressing F9.
  2397. This code was contributed by Travis Vitek.
  2398. - Changed EAMTS_OCT to EAMT_OCT.
  2399. - Improved .3ds and .obj file importers.
  2400. - Added support for .b3d (Blitz Basic) submitted by Luke Hoschke and
  2401. .pak (Quake archive) files submitted by skreamz.
  2402. - Added sky dome implementation contributed by Anders la Cour-Harbo (alc).
  2403. - In addition to the Cube scene node (formerly test scene node) there is now also a sphere scene node available,
  2404. with an adjustable amount of polygons. Use ISceneManager::addSphereSceneNode to create it.
  2405. Thx to Alfaz93 for making available his code on which this node is based on.
  2406. Note that both nodes now use default material settings, e.g. lighting is enabled by default.
  2407. - Fixed Linux keyhandling for many keys.
  2408. - The aspect ratio has been inverted in the matrix, which means when setting a new aspect ratio
  2409. for cameras, set it to screen.width/screen.height now instead of screen.height/screen.width
  2410. as previously.
  2411. - added support for reading/importing binary .x files.
  2412. - .ms3d and .x normals are now correctly transformed in animations, bounding
  2413. boxes are slightly better transformed, but not yet correct.
  2414. - Added possibility to load and save Irrlicht scenes to and from xml files via
  2415. ISceneManager::saveScene and ISceneManager::loadScene. Note that not all
  2416. scene nodes are supported yet, but most features should already work.
  2417. - Bounding box of the Skybox corrected (set to null)
  2418. - The SMaterial structure now supports 4 textures. (Currently ignored by the renderers and their materials.)
  2419. - Test scene node renamed to CubeSceneNode.
  2420. - Added scene node animator factories. This is the same as scene node
  2421. factories, but for scene node animators.
  2422. - Added scene node factories. This is an interface making it possible to dynamically
  2423. create scene nodes. To be able to add custom scene nodes to Irrlicht and
  2424. to make it possible for the scene manager to save and load those external scene nodes, simply
  2425. implement this interface and register it in you scene manager via ISceneManager::
  2426. registerSceneNodeFactory
  2427. - Introduced IMeshSceneNode interface with the possibility to set readonly materials to make
  2428. it possible to use the mesh materials directly instead of overriding them. In this way
  2429. it is possible to change the materials of a mesh causing all mesh scene nodes
  2430. referencing this mesh to change, too.
  2431. - Added possibility to load OGRE .mesh files directly, thanks to Christian Stehno who contributed
  2432. a loader for this.
  2433. - Merged with Irrlicht 1.0 for MacOS
  2434. - Added a method getType() to ISceneNodeAnimator.
  2435. - There is now a system to serialize and deserialize attributes of scene nodes. In this way
  2436. it should be quite simple to to expose the attributes of your scene node for scripting
  2437. languages, editors, debuggers or xml serialization purposes.
  2438. - Irrlicht containers and strings now have allocators, making it possible to
  2439. use them across .dll boundaries.
  2440. - Changed the name of scene nodes from wide character to to char* for speed and memory reasons.
  2441. - Renamed IStringParameter class to IAttributes and enhanced it to be able to
  2442. serialize its content into and from xml.
  2443. - Textures now have a method getName().
  2444. - Added the methods getTextureCount() and getTextureByIndex() to IVideoDriver.
  2445. - Most classes now derive virtually from IUnknown.
  2446. -------------------------------------------
  2447. Changes in version 1.0 (19 Apr 2006)
  2448. - Irrlicht now will load d3d 9 dlls (like d3dx9_27.dll) manually if needed. If you compile irrlicht
  2449. with an SDK which needs one of these dlls, irrlicht will now also start up on a pc without
  2450. these Dlls installed. Note that now these dlls will also only be loaded if your application
  2451. uses shaders. If the dlls are missing, shader support will be disabled.
  2452. - The Apfelbaum Software Software Renderer now works in 32 bit and is capable of rendering dynamic
  2453. lighting as well as doing alpha channel blending.
  2454. - Added support for the Code::Blocks IDE (
  2455. - It is now possible to draw temporarily to foreign windows, by specifying a window handle when
  2456. calling IVideoDriver::endScene(). Note: This does not work in fullscreen mode and is not
  2457. implemented for all devices (only for D3D8, D3D9, Software1 and Software2, and only for Windows).
  2458. In addition, you can also specify the source rectangle to present.
  2459. - Picking is now more accurate and also works with view ports and better with orthogonal cameras.
  2460. - Scene Nodes now have an additional flag, IsDebugObject. This denotes if a
  2461. scene node is a debug object. Debug objects have some special properties,
  2462. for example they can be easily excluded
  2463. from collision detection, picking or from serialization, etc.
  2464. - Scene Nodes now have the possibility to return their type using
  2465. virtual ESCENE_NODE_TYPE getType().
  2466. - Improved support for orthogonal rendering: Skyboxes and billboards can be
  2467. used with orthogonal cameras now, too.
  2468. - Fixed a bug in collision
  2469. - Fixed some marshalling bugs in Irrlicht.NET
  2470. - Some fixes to make gcc 4 happy.
  2471. - Fixed a bug which caused the engine to crash when trying to use the
  2472. apfelbaum software rasterizer with linux
  2473. - Several improvements to Irrlicht.NET, for example string output for vectors, viewfrustrum access
  2474. for cameras, drawing of bounding boxes, support for orthogonal cameras.
  2475. - Updated DMF importer to support new DeleD functionalities, solid materials will now be
  2476. shown correctly again in Irrlicht. Thanks to Salvatore "Il Buzzo".
  2477. - Added a method to change the return value of ICameraSceneNode::isOrthogonal
  2478. - Improved md2 animation playback
  2479. - Fixed the REFLECTION_2_LAYER materials. Now also works for OpenGL. Had to change the parameters
  2480. of this material (for all drivers), the reflection is now at texture 2 and the diffuse map at
  2481. texture 1. This was the other way round before.
  2482. - Added examples for csharp, visualbasic, and boo.
  2483. - Several other small bug fixes.
  2484. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2485. Changes in version 0.14.0 (30 November 2005)
  2486. - Irrlicht now includes another video driver type. Together with D3D8, D3D9, OpenGL, the NULL
  2487. driver and the Software Renderer, an Irrlicht user now has the decision between 6 renderers:
  2488. The new included renderer is The Apfelbaum Software Renderer, an alternative software renderer
  2489. for Irrlicht. Basically it can be described as the Irrlicht Software renderer on steroids.
  2490. It rasterizes 3D geometry perfectly: It is able to perform correct 3d clipping, perspective
  2491. correct texture mapping, perspective correct color mapping, and renders sub pixel correct,
  2492. sub texel correct primitives. In addition, it does bilinear texel filtering and supports more
  2493. materials than the EDT_SOFTWARE driver. In short: It looks a lot like the already available hardware
  2494. accelerated drivers, but without hardware. :) This renderer has been written entirely by
  2495. Thomas Alten, thanks a lot for this huge contribution.
  2496. - Irrlicht now supports anisotropic filtering. Use the SMaterial::AnisotropicFilter member or
  2497. EMF_ANISOTROPIC_FILTER flag to enable it. I implemented this for all 3 hardware accelerated
  2498. drivers: D3D8, D3D9 and OpenGL.
  2499. - Irrlicht now supports the recently released new microsoft compiler. Irrlicht versions compiled
  2500. with older versions of this compiler can now also be used with the new one, which wasn't possible
  2501. previously because of a name mangling issue.
  2502. - All 2D drawing functions can now be used to draw into textures (render targets). This also
  2503. means for example that the whole GUI environment can be rendered into textures.
  2504. - Irrlicht.NET now supports shaders.
  2505. - Irrlicht now loads all textures in 32 bit mode by default. (Previously this
  2506. was 16bit). To change this behavior back again, use
  2507. device->getVideoDriver()->setTextureCreationFlag(ETCF_ALWAYS_16_BIT, true);
  2508. - Irrlicht.NET now supports Particlesystems and Shaders. Thanks to a code
  2509. contribution by Delight.
  2510. - Fixed a bug in the mipmap generation. Now mipmaps are not that blurry
  2511. anymore and the rendering quality has been improved a lot.
  2512. - It is now possible to assign a userData int to callback functions of shaders. In this way it
  2513. it easily possible to use the same callback method for multiple materials and distinguish
  2514. between them during the call.
  2515. - Directional lights are now supported in the OpenGL and D3D drivers. To switch on directional
  2516. lighting, set the light type to ELT_DIRECTIONAL in the SLight structure.
  2517. - Fixed several bugs in the GLSL implementation. Thanks to Michael Zoech for
  2518. sending in his improvements.
  2519. - For the windows version of Irrlicht, the engine now displays an icon in the
  2520. program window, if there is one available in the start path with the name "irr.ico".
  2521. - It is now possible to use images with alpha channels on buttons. Use the new
  2522. IGUIButton::setUseAlphaChannel() method to enable this feature.
  2523. - The scene manager has a new method getSceneNodeFromName() which finds a scene node by its name.
  2524. - It is now also possible to attach scene nodes to joints/bones of skeletal animated .x files.
  2525. (Using IAnimatedMesh->getXJointNode() ). This was previously only possible with milkshape models.
  2526. - Billboards now draw their bounding box when debugdata is set to visible for them.
  2527. - Lights now draw their bounding box and radius when debugdata is set to visible for them.
  2528. - Upgraded to irrXML 1.2. Thanks to some hints by Patrik Mller, irrXML, the XML parser used
  2529. by the Irrlicht Engine now has CDATA support and some other useful new features.
  2530. - Support for VisualC++ (Express) 2005. Added a project file and a IrrlichtPropsVC2005.vsprops
  2531. file which sets the no deprecate define and adds needed libraries.
  2532. - Fixed size of the bounding box of billboards.
  2533. - Billboards are now also culled by default, increasing rendering speed a bit.
  2534. - Fixed a bug which caused the .ms3d loader to crash when loading .ms3d files
  2535. without materials. Thanks to sdi2000 for posting this.
  2536. - Fixed a bug causing the possibility to crash when destructing the scene
  2537. graph or a scene node with children.
  2538. - Fixed some bugs which caused invalid RTT operations, when for example the
  2539. render target texture was smaller than the screen.
  2540. - Fixed a heavy bug in Irrlicht.NET causing lots of memory leaks when drawing text.
  2541. - Fixed a bug in the attachment of scene nodes to animated X files.
  2542. - Fixed a bug in the .NET Vector3D addition operator.
  2543. - Updated to Salvatore Russo's DMF loader version 1.3. Notes by him:
  2544. This version just adds some new functionalities. First of all Alpha Blended Textures are now
  2545. supported by DeleD as well as loader. Because of some trouble with Irrlicht 0.12.0 TGA loading,
  2546. TGA textures are always flipped so I've added a parameter so that you can choose to
  2547. flip or not all TGA textures coords, this way:
  2548. SceneManager->getParameters()->setParameter(scene::DMF_FLIP_ALPHA_TEXTURES, true);
  2549. you can also set material transparent reference value by setting:
  2550. SceneManager->getParameters()->setParameter(scene::DMF_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF, 0.01);
  2551. you can use every value between 0 and 1, but to respect DeleD representation
  2552. 0.01 is OK, just a note, if you set 0, it's just like you set 0.5, this means
  2553. that each pixel found corresponding to a position in alpha map that has a value<127
  2554. won't be drawn.
  2555. - Fixed a small bug in the line breaking algorithm.
  2556. - Fixed a bug which caused the engine to display strange artifact pixels when drawing 2D images
  2557. like text in screens which odd resolutions.
  2558. - Slightly changed the interface of createDevice and createDeviceEx(): the version parameter
  2559. now is a char* instead of wchar_t*. Also, IrrlichtDevice::getVersion() now returns char*
  2560. instead of wchar_t*.
  2561. - Fixed some parts in the source to make Irrlicht compile in Linux 64.
  2563. _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_DIRECTX_8_ enumeration literals to EDT_DIRECT3D8, EDT_DIRECT3D9,
  2564. _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_DIRECT3D_8_ and _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_DIRECT3D_9_. You might need to
  2565. update your code and compilation settings with these new names.
  2566. - Added the remaining '..' directory in the linux version of the file list
  2567. - Updated to a faster version of the TerrainSceneNode by Spintz. Much thanks again!
  2568. - Fixed a bug causing billboards to be displayed upside down.
  2569. - The D3D drivers now won't crash anymore when they get feeded with nullpointers as shader constants.
  2570. - Irrlicht now identifies the Linux platform it runs on and returns a more detailed string
  2571. when calling getOperationSystemVersion().
  2572. - Fixed some bugs in several collision test methods thanks to Spintz.
  2573. - Updated font tool
  2574. - Made the list::iterator constructor which took a sklistnode as parameter private,
  2575. to make Irrlicht compatible with the Errlicht interface.
  2576. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2577. Changes in version 0.12.0 (24 August 2005)
  2578. - It is now possible to have multiple scene managers. Use ISceneManager::createNewSceneManager()
  2579. to create a new one. This can be used to easily draw and/or store two independent scenes at
  2580. the same time.
  2581. - Irrlicht now supports GLSL, the OpenGL Shading Language, which means Irrlicht now
  2582. supports 14 shading modes/languages: ARB Vertex Programs, ARB Pixel Programs, HLSL,
  2583. GLSL 100, GLSL 110VS1.1, VS2.0, VS3.0, PS1.1, PS1.2, PS1.3, PS1.4, PS2.0, PS3.0.
  2584. Lots of thanks go to William Finlayson for implementing this and making available his code
  2585. to be used in Irrlicht.
  2586. - Added support for pixel shader 3.0 and vertex shader 3.0.
  2587. - Irrlicht now supports detail maps, use EMT_DETAIL_MAP for this. The new terrain scene node
  2588. tutorial shows how to use detail maps.
  2589. - Again some changes have been made in Irrlicht.NET. For example it is now a little bit more memory
  2590. friendly, I removed several bugs and made the terrain scene node, realtime shadows and key codes
  2591. available.
  2592. In addition, I extended the .net example application a lot, just try it out.
  2593. - I've worked around a heavy bug in the microsoft compiler which caused lots of bugs in Irrlicht.NET.
  2594. They are all fixed now. See for details.
  2595. - The timer of the engine has been enhanced a lot, which maybe needs a little change in your
  2596. project if you are upgrading from an older version of Irrlicht. It is now possible
  2597. to set the speed of the timer, a new time value, and to start and stop it. Also, all
  2598. calls to getTime() will now return the same value within the same drawing frame.
  2599. The timer will only advance when ITimer::tick() is called. IrrlichtDevice::run() will
  2600. call this method automatically, but if you aren't using this method, and you are wondering
  2601. why your scene is not animating anymore, just call Device->getTimer()->tick() before
  2602. drawing your scene. If you need the system time, not the new virtual time,
  2603. use ITimer::getRealTime().
  2604. - The material EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL now is using a configurable alpha ref value.
  2605. The default value is 127, which means people who are using this material for drawing
  2606. things like grass, trees etc will get nice results automatically when changing to 0.12.0.
  2607. To change to a different alpha ref value, just change SMaterial::MaterialTypeParam value.
  2608. See EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL for details.
  2609. Also, this fixes two bugs:
  2610. - A bug causing the D3D versions not looking like the OpenGL version.
  2611. - A second bug which caused the texture to look like disappearing when looking at from far away.
  2612. - Upgraded to a new dmf loader version by Salvatore Russo which is able to use a texture path
  2613. and material directories. Set DMF_USE_MATERIALS_DIRS and DMF_TEXTURE_PATH using the
  2614. ISceneManager::getParameters() method.
  2615. - It is now possible to set a separate scale for the second texture coordinate set in the
  2616. terrain scene node when calling ITerrainSceneNode::scaleTexture(). This is useful when using
  2617. detail maps on the terrain.
  2618. - Added a new material flag named EMF_NORMALIZE_NORMALS. You can enable this if you need
  2619. to scale a dynamic lighted model. Usually, its normals will get scaled too then and it
  2620. will get darker. If you enable the EMF_NORMALIZE_NORMALS flag, the normals will be
  2621. normalized again.
  2622. - When loading Milkshape .ms3d files, Irrlicht also loads materials and tries to apply the textures.
  2623. Thanks to atomice for this patch.
  2624. - The ISceneManager::addCameraSceneNodeFPS() has a new parameter named 'noVerticalMovement' with which
  2625. it is possible to disable vertical movement of the FPS camera and make the camera behave just like
  2626. in most ego shooters today.
  2627. - Made Irrlicht 64 bit compatible, removing some 32 bit only constructs. However, I wasn't able to
  2628. test it out extensively. If you are compiling Irrlicht for a 64 bit windows environment and get
  2629. a linker problem, try playerdark's solution:
  2630. "The linker settings are so that no machine is specified in the drop down field, instead,
  2631. the command line option /MACHINE:x86 is set manually which interferes with the 64 bit linker
  2632. of course. Removing that from the 64 bit version (and replacing it with the drop down selection
  2633. in the 32 bit version for that matter) fixed the linker problem."
  2634. - There is now a IrrlichtDevice::postEventFromUser() method available, to make it possible to
  2635. post key or mouse input events to the engine if you are using an own input library for
  2636. example for doing joystick input.
  2637. - The GUI Environment now has an own basic RTTI system, and all IGUIElement derived classes
  2638. have a method named getType(). This is needed for the .NET wrapper but will be used
  2639. later for serializing and deserializing.
  2640. If you wrote your own GUIElements, you need to set the type for your element as first parameter
  2641. in the constructor of IGUIElement. For own (=unknown) elements, simply use EGUIET_ELEMENT.
  2642. - Thanks to William Finlayson, Irrlicht now also supports RTT (render to texture) when
  2643. rendering using OpenGL.
  2644. - Thanks to William Finlayson, the EMT_REFLECTION_2_LAYER is now implemented in the
  2645. OpenGL version of Irrlicht, too.
  2646. - There is now a mesh cache interface available. With this, is is possible to get access to
  2647. all loaded meshes, and to remove them to free memory. You can get access to the cache
  2648. using ISceneManager::getMeshCache(). Please note that the addMesh() method of ISceneManager
  2649. now is now longer available, you can find it now in the IMeshCache interface.
  2650. - The VideoDriver now has a method for clearing the zbuffer at any time: IVideoDriver::clearZBuffer().
  2651. With this, it is for example easily possible to overlay two scenes.
  2652. - Fixed a bug which caused Irrlicht to crash when loading grayscale jpeg files.
  2653. - Somebody sent me an .x file ( which caused Irrlicht to crash.
  2654. It seems I've lost that mail, but maybe you are reading this: It's fixed now. :)
  2655. - Fixed a bug which caused the diffuse maps of lightmaps to disappear under certain circumstances
  2656. in OpenGL.
  2657. - Its now possible to make IGUIStaticText draw its background.
  2658. - Removed the first two default parameters from
  2659. IGPUProgrammingServices::addShaderMaterialFromFiles() to prevent SWIG
  2660. to create non compilable wrapper code.
  2661. - Fixed a small bug which caused the terrain scene node to be culled incorrectly.
  2662. - Changed the names the driver return (now "OpenGL 1.5", "Direct3D 9.0" and "Direct3D 8.1")
  2663. - Added a new macro IRR_DEBUG_BREAK_IF which is now used instead of the _asm int 3 break points in
  2664. debug mode.
  2665. - Fixed a bug were the software renderer didn't clip 2d rectangles. This effect was visible for
  2666. example when using list boxes, selecting an entry at the end an scrolling up so that it wasn't
  2667. visible anymore.
  2668. - There is now a new gui event available (named EGET_COMBO_BOX_CHANGED) which will be
  2669. sent when the selected item in a combo box has been changed. Finally.
  2670. - Fixed a Problem which caused an empty window to be created when a rendering device
  2671. could not be initialized under special circumstances. Thanks to Sascha Plumhoff for
  2672. the bug report.
  2673. - Fixed a bug with the FileList in Linux, reported by DrAnonymous and fixed by William Finlayson.
  2674. - Fixed some bad documentation bugs.
  2675. - The XWindow handle is now exposed too, via IVideoDriver::getExposedVideoData().
  2676. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2677. Changes in version 0.11.0 (08 July 2005)
  2678. - Antialiasing is now supported by Irrlicht in the D3D8 and D3D9 renderer. To switch
  2679. it on, use createDeviceEx() and set SIrrlichtCreationParameters::AntiAlias to true.
  2680. - Irrlicht.NET can now run inside a pre created Windows.Form window.
  2681. - I'm no longer providing a Visual Studio 7.0 project/solution file for the Irrlicht
  2682. Engine sourcecode, only 7.1 and 6.0 are supported. If you are using Visual Studio 7.0,
  2683. just open the .dsp file for Visual Studio 6.0, it will be converted automatically.
  2684. - Irrlicht.NET includes now all basic GUI Elements and can capture GUI events. There are
  2685. still some features missing, but it is already enough to do simple things like showing
  2686. message boxes, displaying images, getting input strings, etc.
  2687. - Improved the .NET documentation a bit.
  2688. - There is a full implemented ISceneCollisionManager now available in Irrlicht.NET.
  2689. - The Linux OpenGL renderer now supports mip mapping.
  2690. - It is now possible to compile Irrlicht as shared lib in Linux. To do this, go into the source
  2691. folder and run 'make sharedlib'. This should create a file in
  2692. lib/Linux. To install it in /usr/local/lib, you can run 'make install'.
  2693. - The drawing of the GUI system has been refactored and a lot of redundant code has
  2694. been removed.
  2695. - The new method IVideoDriver::draw2DRectangle() is able to draw rectangles not only
  2696. filled with a single color, but with a gradient from four colors. This is implemented
  2697. in all drivers except the Software driver which still uses one color for this method.
  2698. - It is now possible to customize the GUI system's skin a lot more: Simply implement your
  2699. own IGUISkin interface and implement the draw..() methods.
  2700. - There are now two build-in skins available: Windows Classic and Windows Metallic. The
  2701. default skin is now Windows Metallic, if you want to change back to the old skin, use the
  2702. following code:
  2703. gui::IGUISkin* newskin = environment->createSkin(gui::EGST_WINDOWS_CLASSIC);
  2704. environment->setSkin(newskin);
  2705. newskin->drop();
  2706. - Added improved keyboard input handling for the Linux version of Irrlicht, thanks to
  2707. Fabien Coutant for the fix.
  2708. - Fixed a bug in the Linux OpenGLDriver which caused to load a wrong OpenGL extension
  2709. and made multitexturing look quite strange. Thanks to hybrid for spotting out that
  2710. bug.
  2711. - COLLADA file loading now works the same like the loading of other meshes: Just
  2712. call ISceneManager::getMesh("yourfile") and display it using for example
  2713. ISceneManager::addAnimatedMesh(yourLoadedMesh);
  2714. To make it possible to create instances from meshes, lights and cameras in COLLADA
  2715. files again as in irrlicht 0.10, just enable the collada instance creating mode:
  2716. SceneManager->getParameters()->setParameter(COLLADA_CREATE_SCENE_INSTANCES, true);
  2717. - Added lots of useful methods to the IStringParameters class. It is now possible to
  2718. set not only strings but also boolean, integer and float values as parameters.
  2719. - Fixed a bug with the TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL materials in all renderers to make them
  2720. work more as expected: They didn't write to the zbuffer. If you are using this
  2721. material and you don't want the new setting, just set the ZWriteEnable flag in the
  2722. SMaterial structure of your transparent material to false. Thanks to Fabien to
  2723. point this out.
  2724. - There are now some new defines making it possible to use system installed libs instead of
  2725. the ones which come with Irrlicht: _IRR_USE_NON_SYSTEM_JPEG_LIB_,
  2726. _IRR_USE_NON_SYSTEM_LIB_PNG_ and _IRR_USE_NON_SYSTEM_ZLIB_, which are defined by default
  2727. in the file IrrCompileConfig.h
  2728. - Renamed ISceneManager::getStringParameters() to ISceneManager::getParameters()
  2729. - Changed the define _IRR_D3D_SHADER_DEBUGGING to _IRR_D3D_NO_SHADER_DEBUGGING to be
  2730. able to make it defined by default and to let it be included in the doxygen documentation.
  2731. - The SceneManager now does not do any culling tests for cameras, lights and skyboxes.
  2732. - Added a transformBoxEx() method to matrix4 which transforms a bounding box more accurate.
  2733. - Small edit box copy & paste bug fixed thanks to Fish HF
  2734. - Fixed a bug which caused the engine to read windows messages when embedded in
  2735. a custom win32 control when called IrrlichtDevice::setResizeAble(). Thanks for
  2736. Duncan Mac Leod to find that bug.
  2737. - Fixed a bug in the HLSL renderer which caused Irrlicht to crash, if no vertex shader
  2738. was specified. Thanks to mightypanda for reporting this.
  2739. - Fixed a bug in the normal map generation thanks to jox. Parallax mapping and
  2740. normalmapping now even look a lot better because of this. ;)
  2741. - Updated to irrXML 1.1:
  2742. - The XML parser is now also able to parse embedded text correctly when it is shorter than
  2743. 2 characters.
  2744. - The XML parser now treats whitespace quite smart and doesn't report it when it is
  2745. obviously used for formatting the xml file. (Text won't be reported when it only contains
  2746. whitespace and is shorter than 3 characters)
  2747. - The XML parser won't crash anymore when the xml file is malformed and an attribute has
  2748. an opening but no closing attribute.
  2749. - Removed a documentation which claimed that the xml parser doesn't work as the xml standard
  2750. when replacing special characters, which wasn't true.
  2751. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2752. Changes in version 0.10.0 (26 May 2005)
  2753. - The engine is now able to use parallax mapping. It's implemented for D3D9, D3D8 and OpenGL.
  2754. The perPixelLighing tutorial shows how to use it. Thanks go to Terry Welsh who wrote
  2755. the 'Parallax Mapping with Offset Limiting'-paper on which the Irrlicht implementation
  2756. is based and who allowed me to use his texture for use in the example.
  2757. - Added render to texture support. Currently, only the D3D9, D3D8 and the software renderer
  2758. are able to use this feature. There is a new example, showing how to render scenes into
  2759. a texture.
  2760. - Irrlicht now can load .png textures. There is also a new compile configuration
  2761. define to exclude the png loading option: _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_LIBPNG_. Thanks to
  2762. rt who originally wrote the png loader and who allowed me to use and modify his code
  2763. and place it under the Irrlicht Engine license.
  2764. - Added support for COLLADA files. COLLADA is an open Digital Asset Exchange Schema for the
  2765. interactive 3D industry. There are exporters and importers for this format available
  2766. for most of the big 3d packages at Irrlicht can import COLLADA files
  2767. by using the ISceneManager::getMesh() method. As COLLADA need not contain only one single mesh
  2768. but multiple meshes and a whole scene setup with lights, cameras and mesh instances,
  2769. this loader sets up a scene as described by the COLLADA file instead of loading
  2770. and returning one mesh. The returned mesh is just a dummy object. However, if the
  2771. COLLADA file does not include any <instance> tags, only meshes will be loaded by the
  2772. engine and no scene nodes should be created. Meshes included in
  2773. the scene will be added into the scene manager with the following naming scheme:
  2774. path/to/file/file.dea#meshname. The loading of such meshes is logged.
  2775. Currently, this loader is able to create meshes (made of only polygons), lights,
  2776. and cameras. Materials and animations are currently not supported but this will
  2777. change with future releases.
  2778. - Added Delgine DeleD .dmf mesh loading support. I simply added Salvatore Russo's .dmf loader to
  2779. Irrlicht, and changed some parts of it. Thanks to Salvatore for his work and for allowing
  2780. me to use his code in Irrlicht and put it under Irrlicht's license.
  2781. - Specular highlights are now finally usable the engine. To activate, simply set the shininess
  2782. of a scene node to a value other than 0: sceneNode->getMaterial(0).Shininess = 20.0f;
  2783. You can also change the color of the highlights using
  2784. sceneNode->getMaterial(0).SpecularColor.set(255,255,255,255);. The specular color of the
  2785. dynamic lights will influence the highlight color, too, but they are set to a useful
  2786. value by default when creating the light. This feature is currently only available in
  2787. the D3D drivers.
  2788. - Added a new material type: EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF. This draws a pixel of the
  2789. material only when the alpha channel has a value greater than 128. It is ideal for drawing
  2790. for example leaves of plants and does not use alpha blending, so it is a lot faster than
  2792. - There is now a createDeviceEx() method with which it is possible to create an Irrlicht Engine
  2793. device into an already existing window. This currently only works in Windows.
  2794. This method will be extended in the future with other options.
  2795. - Irrlicht.NET has been extended with ports of the SceneNodeAnimators, TriangleSelectors
  2796. the FileSystem and Font drawing. Also the documentation of it has been improved a lot.
  2797. - There are two new tutorials/examples available. One demonstrates how to use render to texture
  2798. feature, the other one shows how to run Irrlicht inside a precreated Win32 window/widget.
  2799. This means there are now 17 examples available in the SDK.
  2800. - The software renderer now renders 3d geometry transparent when its material is
  2801. somewhat transparent.
  2802. - The XML Parser has been enhanced. Several small bugs have been fixed and there are some
  2803. new features: The parser can now read ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 (both little and
  2804. big endian) files, and return the parsed string data in one selectable format from the
  2805. same list. In addition, it is now completely independent from Irrlicht. If you wish to
  2806. use the parser without the engine, take a look at the newly created project at
  2808. - Upgraded to DirectX Exporter Mod 1.3.1
  2809. - Upgraded dev-cpp project file to Dev-C++ Removed dependency to zlib and
  2810. jpeglib for devcpp, the necessary .c files are now simply included in the project.
  2811. - Renamed the VisualStudio and DevCpp sub directories in the SDK to Win32-gcc,
  2812. Win32-VisualStudio.
  2813. - Fixed a bug in irrXML causing it to replace xml characters wrongly sometimes.
  2814. - The C++ decorations at createDevice() have been added again, because lots of people
  2815. started to mix the gcc and the microsoft .DLL and got confused why the thing crashed
  2816. at random positions.
  2817. - Moved heapsink and heapsort into the core namespace.
  2818. - Updated to My3D version 3.15
  2819. - Fixed the wrongly drawn alpha channel material in OpenGL driver and a problem with the
  2820. VertexAlpha material in the same driver.
  2821. - Implemented multipass rendering in the OCTTree scene node now too. This means that octrees can
  2822. now contain transparent materials as well.
  2823. - Improved string comparison speed, especially when comparing with pointer to char or w_char,
  2824. no more temporary strings are being constructed now. In addition, there are some new
  2825. string comparison methods in this class.
  2826. - Added string::replace() method.
  2827. - Added string::trim() method.
  2828. - Added string::erase() method.
  2829. - Fixed a bug in array which caused data corruption if an element which already inside the
  2830. the array was pushed_back. Thanks to vox for reporting this and to provide a solution
  2831. - Added ISceneManager::addMesh() method.
  2832. - Added IMeshManipulator::recalculateNormals(IMeshBuffer*) method.
  2833. - The file array.h has been renamed to irrArray.h
  2834. - Due to a bug, Irrlicht 0.9 didn't cull the scene nodes anymore which resulted in a huge
  2835. performance loss. This is fixed now.
  2836. - After lots releases ignoring the 'make the fps camera smoother request', it is now
  2837. finally integrated.
  2838. - Removed audiere dependency and the mp3 file, reducing SDK download size.
  2839. - A bug was fixed causing the binding of the wrong fragment program sometimes in OpenGL.
  2840. - Lots of internal filenames have been renamed. All CVideo* files have been renamed to
  2841. fit the other name conventions, CD3D9Driver.h into CD3D9Driver.h for example.
  2842. - The IMaterialRenderer interface now has the new method getRenderCapability() which
  2843. returns if the material is able to be rendered with all settings on current hardware.
  2844. - Added IMeshManipulator::setVertexColors();
  2845. - Added float color reading support in the 3DS loader.
  2847. - core::equals function added.
  2848. - fixed a small bug in fast_atof thanks to jox
  2849. - Added a method ICamera::isOrthogonal() which is being used by
  2850. ISceneCollisionManager::getRayFromScreenCoordinates(), thanks to a bug report and fix by
  2851. jox in this thread:
  2852. - Added some fixes to the GUI environment to make the parent and child pointers be more
  2853. consistent as suggested by jox in this thread:
  2854. - Fixed a bug which caused the ambient light not to be reset after a window resize in D3D8 and 9.
  2855. Thanks to jox for this bug report and fix.
  2856. - vector3df equals method added.
  2857. - added SColorf::getInterpolated() method
  2858. - Moved ITextSceneNode interface to include folder.
  2859. - Fixed a small bug in the My3DLoader which failed sometimes finding the right textures.
  2860. - Fixed bounding box problem with meshes without joints in .X file loader, thanks to
  2861. jox. (
  2862. - Fixed IFileSystem::getWorkingDirectory in Linux version.
  2863. (
  2864. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2865. Changes in version 0.9 (28 Mar 2005)
  2866. - There is now a 100% working terrain renderer available. The old buggy and unfinished terrain
  2867. scene node has been replaced by a new TerrainSceneNode which is based on Spintz's
  2868. GeoMipMapSceneNode and Soconnes terrain renderer. Lots of thanks for their work on
  2869. this and that they allowed it to be modified and integrated into Irrlicht.
  2870. - It is now possible for a scene node to draw itself in multiple passes. This means it can
  2871. register itself for multiple render passes (E_SCENE_NODE_RENDER_PASS) and during rendering
  2872. it can query the current render pass using ISceneManager::getSceneNodeRenderPass(). With
  2873. this, SceneNodes can contain solid and transparent materials at the same time and will be
  2874. rendered in the correct order from now on.
  2875. The IAnimatedMeshSceneNode and the IMeshSceneNode implement this feature, so it is now
  2876. possible to create for example cars with transparent windows without the need of a separate
  2877. scene node. Because of this change, all render time enumeration values have been renamed.
  2878. - Irrlicht is now able to load OCT files directly. OCT files
  2879. can be created with Paul Nette's Radiosity Processor from
  2880. or exported from Blender with Murphy McCauley's exporter. This exporter can be found
  2881. in the directory \exporters\OCTTools of the Irrlicht SDK or from his homepage
  2882. A lot of thanks go to Murphy McCauley
  2883. for this work on this and his permission to include his OCTTools into Irrlicht.
  2884. - Irrlicht is now able to load Cartography shop 4 (.csm) files directly. A lot of
  2885. thanks go to Saurav Mohapatra for this work on this and his permission to adapt and
  2886. include his IrrCSM library into Irrlicht. If you are using .csm files, please note that
  2887. you'll have to set the path of the textures before loading meshes. You can do this using
  2888. SceneManager->getStringParameters()->setParameter(scene::CSM_TEXTURE_PATH,
  2889. "path/to/your/textures");. The original loader can be obtained from
  2891. - Irrlicht is now able to load Pulsar LMTools (.lmts) files directly because it now
  2892. integrates a modified version of Jonas Petersen's lmts loader in version 1.5 (from
  2893. Lots of thanks go to him for creating this
  2894. loader and giving his permission to add it to Irrlicht. If you are using this loader,
  2895. please note that you can set the path of the textures before loading .lmts files.
  2896. You can do this using SceneManager->getStringParameters()->setParameter(
  2897. scene::LMTS_TEXTURE_PATH, "path/to/your/textures");
  2898. - Irrlicht is now able to load my3D files directly. The My3DTools 3.12 loader by
  2899. Zhuck Dimitry was (a bit modified and) integrated into the engine. Lots of thanks
  2900. go to him for his work and for giving his permission to do that. Newer versions
  2901. of this loader can be found at The exporters for this
  2902. file format have also been added into the \exporters directory of the SDK.
  2903. - To be able to replace built-in meshloaders with newer external versions without the
  2904. need of recompiling the engine, now mesh loaders which are added to the engine using
  2905. ISceneManager::addExternalMeshLoader() are preferred over built-in mesh loaders.
  2906. Thanks to for his suggestion of this.
  2907. - D3D8 and D3D9 support for dev-cpp has been improved. If you are using Dev-Cpp and
  2908. a DirectX-Devpack for recompiling the engine, just add
  2909. -DIRR_COMPILE_WITH_DX9_DEV_PACK to your compiler
  2910. settings and something like -ld3dx9 -ld3dx8 to the linker settings and
  2911. press 'compile'.
  2912. - The SceneManager now contains an interface for storing and exchanging parameters.
  2913. ISceneManager::getStringParameters() returns IStringParameters, which can be used for
  2914. example by extensions like external mesh loaders to set and read independent parameters.
  2915. This is also currently used by the newly built in CMS, LMTS and MY3D loader: It is possible to
  2916. set a value 'CSM_TexturePath', 'LMTS_TexturePath' or 'MY3D_TexturePath' to let them know
  2917. the path of the textures.
  2918. - IAnimatedMeshSceneNode now has two new methods for being able to have more influence
  2919. on the animation playback: It is now possible to set the playback mode to looped or
  2920. non looped with IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setLoopMode() and it is possible to set
  2921. a callback interface which will be called when animation playback has finished
  2922. using IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setAnimationEndCallback(). Thanks to Electron for his
  2923. suggestion for this addition.
  2924. - The software renderer has a new triangle renderer specialized on disabled zread and write.
  2925. This means that skyboxes are now rendered in the correct order when using the software
  2926. renderer.
  2927. - Multitexturing and other extensions in Linux are now turned on by default. There is a new
  2928. #define in the file IrrCompileConfig.h for disabling this again: LINUX_OPENGL_USE_EXTENSIONS
  2929. - There is now a EET_USER_EVENT user event type for making it possible to send custom
  2930. events through the system.
  2931. - The setTarget()-method of the FPSCameraSceneNode now is finally correctly implemented.
  2932. - Changing parents of scene nodes is now much safer. The parent member of a scene node now is
  2933. set to 0 in all cases and should never point to invalid data when rearranging the scene node
  2934. tree. In addition, there is now a getParent() method in the ISceneNode class.
  2935. - Debug breakpoints using "_asm int 3" are now only being used when in debug mode and
  2936. using Micosoft's compiler. Now more exotic compilers like BorlandC++ will like
  2937. Irrlicht better because of this.
  2938. - Updated zlib version to 1.2.2
  2939. - An implementation of 3D triangle clipping in the software renderer has been started. It
  2940. is not 100% ready, but it is a beginning. This means now for version 0.9, that there are
  2941. not that much artifact triangles drawn anymore. But this means also that drawing is
  2942. a lot faster and that triangles clipped at the border of the screen will disappear
  2943. too fast. If anyone wants to finish the drawClippedIndexedTriangleListT() method
  2944. in the CSoftwareDriver class, he is welcome :)
  2945. - There is a new parameter in the IVideoDriver::createImageFromData() which causes the
  2946. image to be able to own foreign memory.
  2947. - A renderstate setting has been fixed which caused to disable mip maps on wrong geometry
  2948. when there was other geometry which had no mip maps. At least this bug doesn't appear
  2949. on my hardware any more, I hope this means the problem it is now fixed.
  2950. - A bug in the D3D version of the stencil shadows has been fixed thanks to Murphy. Sometimes
  2951. you could see a small shadow similar to the the real shadow in the scene. This should now
  2952. be fixed.
  2953. - Irrlicht can now draw non filled concyclic reqular 2d polyons like triangles, tetragons,
  2954. pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, octagons, enneagons, decagons, hendecagons, dodecagon and
  2955. triskaidecagons. And circles. Yes, I was a little bit bored. Christian Lins made a
  2956. suggestion to add 2D circle drawing support to Irrlicht, and I did this, but also added
  2957. support for drawing these figures using the same method. Check out
  2958. IVideoDriver::draw2DPolygon().
  2959. - Removed a memory leak when creating hlsl pixel shaders.
  2960. - I've made various updates to the documentation and moved to doxygen 1.4
  2961. - Fixed a bug in the xml reader which caused it to crash when reading empty xml files.
  2962. - Removed the buggy bsp tree scene node from the engine.
  2963. - Tweaked some settings with some GUI elements.
  2964. - ISceneNode::getAbsolutePosition now should be way faster.
  2965. - Applied a fix by William Finlayson to the opengl stencil shadow drawing code which
  2966. fixes several bugs.
  2967. - There is now a min_ and max_ template function available in the core namespace.
  2968. - Added some bugfixes to MayaCameraSceneNode by jox. An even more improved version can
  2969. be found at
  2970. - core::array now has a push_front method.
  2971. - core::array now has an insert method. (Thanks to jox)
  2972. - IrrlichtDevice now has a getEventReceiver() method.
  2973. - Fixed a mouse wheel - mouse coordinates bug thanks to a bug report and fix by jox.
  2974. - Changed the first parameter in IGUIContextMenu::addItem(wchar_t* text, ...) to const.
  2975. Thanks to jox.. again. :)
  2976. - Fixed ignore path bug in zip file reader thanks to Pr3t3nd3r. It is now possible
  2977. to use zip files with the complete path to the files from the archive.
  2978. - Fixed matrix4::rotateVect method after a suggestion by several users. (I think Electron,
  2979. Pr3t3nd3r, Jox) Thanks all :)
  2980. - Fixed a bug in CGUIEditbox that enables you to write more characters than the max set
  2981. limit, thanks to Rush for the bug report and fix.
  2982. - Added getAngleTrig() method to vector2d as suggested by Pr3t3nd3r, thanks!
  2983. - After a suggestion by schick, plane3d<T> now stores the normal vector first, and then
  2984. the distance to the origin.
  2985. - A bug was fixed which caused 2D elements to be drawn with a second texture set in OpenGL
  2986. mode when 3D geometry with >1 textures has been rendered before. This effect has often
  2987. been reported as darkened 2D gui in the forum.
  2988. - A bug in IrrCompileConfig prevented users to be able to recompile irrlicht with D3D9
  2989. with gcc. This is now fixed, thanks to Jedive.
  2990. - The project setup for Dev-C++ is now nicer. Added lots of folders and cleaned up the
  2991. whole setup a little bit with this.
  2992. - Fixed a small bug in CGUIScrollbar reported by Klaus Niederkrueger.
  2993. - The Checkbox rect is now clipped correctly, thanks to jox for that bug report.
  2994. - The debug names of all scene nodes and GUI elements are now set correctly.
  2995. - Applied a patch making it possible to compile Irrlicht without OpenGL in Linux.
  2996. - core::rect::clipAgainst was fixed thanks to a bug report and correction by Jox.
  2997. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2998. Changes in version 0.8 (19 Feb 2005)
  2999. - Irrlicht now supports HLSL. This is possible using the new
  3000. IGPUProgrammingServices::addHighLevelShaderMaterial() methods. Also, methods for setting high
  3001. level shader constants have been added.
  3002. - Irrlicht.NET now supports events and cursor control. This means now you can read mouse
  3003. and keyboard input from .NET projects like C# and too.
  3004. - There are three new built in materials for doing normal/bump mapping available:
  3006. EMT_NORMAL_MAP_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA. If the hardware does not
  3007. support these, the materials will fall back to their base materials. To be able to
  3008. use these materials, there is the new vertex type 'S3DVertexTangents', the material
  3009. does not work with any other vertex types. There are some new methods to create meshes
  3010. with this vertex type (IMeshManipulator::createMeshWithTangents()).
  3011. - A new example/tutorial (11.PerPixelLighting) shows how to use per pixel lighting
  3012. in your applications.
  3013. - The software renderer now works in Linux, too.
  3014. - Irrlicht now has a built-in normal map generator. It creates on the fly 32 and 16 bit
  3015. normal maps from height maps (IVideoDriver::makeNormalMapTexture). As most other things
  3016. in Irrlicht, the generator does not depend on D3D, D3DX or OpenGL.
  3017. - Added shader debugging capabilities to Irrlicht. If _IRR_D3D_SHADER_DEBUGGING is
  3018. defined in IrrCompileConfig.h (commented out by default), it is now possible to
  3019. debug all D3D9 shaders in VisualStudio. All shaders (which have been generated in memory
  3020. or read from archives for example) will be emitted into a temporary file for this purpose.
  3021. To debug your shaders, choose Debug->Direct3D->StartWithDirect3DDebugging in Visual Studio,
  3022. and for every shader a file named 'irr_dbg_shader_%%.vsh' or 'irr_dbg_shader_%%.psh'
  3023. will be created. Drag'n'drop the file you want to debug into visual studio. That's it.
  3024. You can now set breakpoints and watch registers etc. This works both with ASM, HLSL,
  3025. pixel and vertex shaders.
  3026. Note that the engine will run in D3D REF for this, which is a lot slower than HAL.
  3027. - Support for compressed .tga texture loading added. (Support from 0.4.1 was buggy)
  3028. Thanks to neojzs for posting his improvement.
  3029. - Support for 32 bit .bmp texture loading added.
  3030. - Global particles are now possible. Use IParticleSystem::setParticlesAreGlobal()
  3031. to switch between global and local particles. A demonstration of this can be seen in the
  3032. new tutorial (11.SpecialFX2).
  3033. - It is now possible to let IGUIImages draw themselves using the alpha channel of the texture
  3034. they show. Use IGUIImage::setUseAlphaChannel() for this.
  3035. - ITexture now has a method for rebuilding the mip map levels: regenerateMipMapLevels().
  3036. This is useful for example after locking and modifying the texture.
  3037. - Gravity acceleration speed in CollisionResponseAnimator was changed thanks to a suggestion
  3038. by Morrog. The accelerationPerSecond value has been removed because of this, you
  3039. can now control everything just with the gravity vector. Note that the gravity value
  3040. must now be a little bit smaller to achieve the same effect as before.
  3041. - Fixed a problem with several material renderers which weren't able to update their states
  3042. at the right time sometimes. A new method OnRender() will be called every time the
  3043. material is actually used.
  3044. - Adjusted all tutorials to fit some interface changes.
  3045. - Changed the opengl shader of tutorial 10 to fit the d3d shaders. The now look the same.
  3046. - The MeshManipulator has a new method createMeshWithTangents() which creates a mesh
  3047. with normals, tangents and binormals from any mesh.
  3048. - Wrong 2D alpha channel renderstates have been set when using D3D9 and 8. This has been fixed now.
  3049. - When loading 32 bit images with an alpha channel and storing them internally as 16 bit, the
  3050. alpha channel got lost. This is now fixed, the remaining one bit alpha channel is now
  3051. stored correctly.
  3052. - There is a new overloaded IGUIEnvironment::addImage method, which creates an image directly with
  3053. a texture as parameter, adjusting its size to the original size of the texture.
  3054. - A small bug in rect<T>::isValid() has been fixed, thanks to jox.
  3055. - Fixed a bug in D3D8, D3D9 and OpenGL, which caused Materials be set and unset with an unequal
  3056. amount when mixing 3d with 2d graphics or stencil buffer shadows.
  3057. - If you are recompiling the whole engine with Visual Studio 6 (which means
  3058. Irrlicht.dll, NOT the application which is using Irrlicht), DirectX9 support is disabled
  3059. now by default, because Microsoft stopped support for DX9 on VS6 in December
  3060. 2004. You can reenable this by uncommenting the new define at the bottom of
  3061. IrrCompileConfig.h, if you have an old SDK for example.
  3062. - The mixed fvf and vertex shader system in D3D8 caused a slight issue in Irrlicht ending up
  3063. in really messed up render states sometimes. This is now fixed.
  3064. - A major bug with the OpenGL renderer which occurred on some OpenGL implementations
  3065. has been removed thanks to a bugfix by Murphy and a great report and some investigations
  3066. by ElectroDruid.
  3067. - Sorting transparent scene nodes was broken in all previous versions of Irrlicht. This
  3068. didn't attract a lot attention because most users used the ADD_COLOR transparencies for which
  3069. the sorting is not relevant. Thanks to Morrog and mmm76, sorting now is right.
  3070. - After the application window is resized, getViewport() no longer returns viewport as the
  3071. first time the window has been created.
  3072. - The draw primitive functions are no longer wrongly checking the maximum primitive count with
  3073. the vertex amount value. Thanks to Spintz for the bug report.
  3074. - Template materials in X files just like exported in the panda exporter are now
  3075. supported, thanks to JoeWright.
  3076. - Changed the stringc typedef slightly to make it work with people not using
  3077. namespace irr. Thanks to schick.
  3078. - Refactored the MeshManipulator code, which in some cases now uses template methods for performing
  3079. calculations on different vertex types.
  3080. - Fixed an interface problem with newer versions of libJPEG.
  3081. Thanks to Fabien Coutant and Simon Barner for some help and clues into the right direction.
  3082. Was not able to add system specific zlib/jpeglib support due to issues on
  3083. some strange systems/users and a lack of time, sorry.
  3084. - Typo in plane3d and triangle3d: method isFrontFacting renamed to isFrontFacing.
  3085. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3086. Changes in version 0.7.1: (26 Sep 2004)
  3087. - Fixed some bugs which prevented the engine to compile with gcc 3.4.1.
  3088. - Fixed a problem with the OpenGL driver, which caused the renderstates not to be reset correctly
  3089. when drawing scene nodes with reflective materials.
  3090. - Fixed error in Irrlicht's software mip map generation, which caused that some mipmap levels
  3091. looked strange. This fix was found by jox, the hardcore bug fixer,
  3092. so many thanks go to him. Again. :)
  3093. - Disabled hardware mip map generation in D3D9 again, because it seems to cause problems on
  3094. some hardware. I don't have any hardware where this problem occurs, but I hope this helps.
  3095. - Fixed a small bug in fast_atof submitted in the forum by da_dude.
  3096. - Fixed string operator + after a bug report by osre and a fix suggestion by jox.
  3097. - IEventReceiver now has a virtual destructor for the people who needed it.
  3098. - 3DS-Loader patched due to some suggestions of Daniel Azkona Coya.
  3099. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3100. Changes in version 0.7: (11 Sep 2004)
  3101. - The first version of Irrlicht.NET is included in this release. It is a managed C++
  3102. wrapper .DLL which makes the most important features of the engine available for all
  3103. .NET languages. The wrapper is incomplete, but it can already be used.
  3104. You can find the documentation for this .DLL in the compiled help file doc\IrrlichtNET.chm.
  3105. There are also two very basic examples available, which show how to use Irrlicht.NET
  3106. from C# and VisualBasic.
  3107. - Low level vertex and pixel shader programming is now possible. There are
  3108. now some methods with which you can write GPU programs in vertex/pixel shader assembler
  3109. using Direct3D 8 and 9 and in ARB vertex and fragment program assembler for OpenGL.
  3110. You can use the IGPUProgrammingServices interface which can be reached by
  3111. IVideoDriver->getGPUProgrammingServices() for this. The new material types you can create
  3112. with this can be combined with all other already existing material types.
  3113. For example, it is possible to create a new material which uses a vertex shader to
  3114. calculate texture coordinates and diffuse colors, and let this be rendered by the built in
  3115. material video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR.
  3116. Support for high level programming languages like GLSL or HLSL is planned for the
  3117. following releases. Also note that you won't be able to use all techniques shaders offer with
  3118. Irrlicht, due to its current high level abstraction of the 3D APIs. For example, the engine
  3119. does not expose vertex streams or vertex buffers currently.
  3120. - There is a new tutorial showing how to use shaders with the engine. In addition, all
  3121. old tutorials have been rewritten and adapted. For example, the hello world
  3122. tutorial now also shows how to set up visual studio .NET to use it with
  3123. the engine.
  3124. - Hardware mip map level generation of textures is now supported when using D3D9.
  3125. - Internal pointers and data of the video drivers can now be exposed for experienced users with
  3126. VideoDriver::getExposedVideoData(). For example, you can get a pointer to the IDirect3DDevice9
  3127. interface and the HWND window handle, if the engine is running with D3D9.
  3128. - The createDevice() function has a new additional parameter: bool vsync. With this, it is now
  3129. possible to enable or disable the waiting for the vertical retrace period. This is implemented
  3130. in D3D9, D3D8, and the Windows OpenGL driver only, the software driver will ignore this flag.
  3131. - The engine now behaves like in the documentation: irr::createDevice() returns 0, if
  3132. the desired driver could not be initialized.
  3133. - There is a new SceneNode available: The ITextSceneNode is able to display 2D text at a
  3134. position in 3D space. Use ISceneManager::addTextSceneNode() to create one.
  3135. - Finally now all VideoDrivers have a draw2DLine() implementation, thanks to some additions sent in
  3136. by Vash TheStampede.
  3137. - Applied some changes to the compilation configuration, so that it should now
  3138. be easier to use the engine with XBOX projects. Thanks to MattyBoy for sending
  3139. in some clues for this.
  3140. - Some improvements for the linux version of the engine: The NULL device is finally fully operational with Linux
  3141. too, and also all examples and even the techdemo compile and run with this OS.
  3142. - The default field of view in the cameras of the irrlicht engine was a little bit
  3143. extreme, so I changed it now from core::PI / 3.5f to core::PI / 2.5f.
  3144. - Added a new draw2DImage method for partially draw a 2d Texture, as sent in by zola with
  3145. implementations for OpenGL, D3D8 and D3D9. Software implementation is missing.
  3146. - The string class is now able to convert integer values into a string or append it as string
  3147. to itself.
  3148. - Added a getDriverType() method to the IVideoDriver interface.
  3149. - Added a getTransform() method to the IVideoDriver interface.
  3150. - The EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL material in OpenGL is now implemented.
  3151. - The integrated XML Parser now works better with different text file formats. (ASCII, UFT-16,..)
  3152. - IGUIEdit Box now feels more like a windows editbox, thanks to some changes by Jox
  3153. - Added a new method to IVideoDriver: createImageFromData as suggested by Oliver Klems.
  3154. - Fixed a the EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL problem in D3D8 and D3D9 due to a suggestion by Jox.
  3155. - Added 3 methods created by zola to the quaternion class: fromAngleAxis(), toEuler() and
  3156. operator*(vector3df&).
  3157. - A bug in a matrix multiplication operator was fixed.
  3158. - Changed visual studio project files to version 7.1, but provided 7.0 project files
  3159. for people with that version.
  3160. - Added SceneNodeAnimatorRotation rotation fix as posted by warui
  3161. - Added normalization fix to vector2d and 3d. Warui suggested a fix like that in the forum.
  3162. The one I made has the same result, but is a little bit faster.
  3163. - Fixed some problems with the drawStencilShadow() method in the OpenGL implementation of the
  3164. IVideoDriver interface after some suggestions by Nicholas Bray.
  3165. - Added IGUIButton::setPressed() and isPressed().
  3166. - Fixed checkPrimitiveCount() bug in NullDevice.
  3167. - Applied jox's matrix4::getRotationDegrees() fix, many thanks for posting this!
  3168. - Changed aabbox3d::getExtend() to getExtent().
  3169. - Changed IXMLReader::isEmtpyElement() to isEmptyElement()
  3170. - Fixed a bug in CSceneManager::getSceneNodeFromId() which caused the engine to crash sometimes.
  3171. - Fixed a bug in CGUISkin::setSize reported by REAPER. This method never worked before.
  3172. - Improved texture mapping and normals of the TestSceneNode, thanks go again to Jox.
  3173. - ScrollBar is now posting mousewheel events, thanks go to REAPER to post this bug and a fix for it.
  3174. - Added - operator to vector2d and vector3d, thanks to calimero
  3175. - Fixed a bug in vector2d::getAngle() and vector2d::rotateBy() thanks to Jox.
  3176. - Fixed a bug in quaternion::set(f32 x, f32 y, f32 z) thanks again to Jox.
  3177. - Fixed a bug in list::insert_before and list::insert_after, reported by Haddock.
  3178. - Fixed a bug in XML Parser which caused a seqfault on linux. Thanks for G.o.D reporting this problem.
  3179. - EDriverType enumeration renamed to E_DRIVER_TYPE
  3180. - SceneNodeRenderTime enumeration renamed to E_SCENE_NODE_RENDER_PASS
  3181. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3182. Changes in version 0.6: (09 Mar 2004)
  3183. - Irrlicht now includes its own XML parser. It provides forward-only, read-only
  3184. access to a stream of non validated XML data. It can read everywhere Irrlicht can,
  3185. also in compressed .zip-Files for example. Use IFileSystem::createXMLReader() to
  3186. use it.
  3187. - Like the new XMLReader, there is also a IXMLWriter available for making it easier
  3188. to write xml files.
  3189. - There is a new tutorial available in the SDK. It is for more advanced users, and
  3190. shows how to create a 3d model viewer with the engine easily. It shows how to
  3191. use menus, tabcontrols, edit-, message- and sky boxes.
  3192. The resulting program can also be used as tool, to check if the engine
  3193. loads exported 3d models correctly.
  3194. - Again, there are some new GUI widgets available: A ComboBox, a ToolBar, a PushButton
  3195. and an ImageButton. The last two are simply the old IGUIButton, but it is now able
  3196. to display additional images and behave like a PushButton.
  3197. - It is now possible to make the drawing window resizeable, if it is in windowed mode.
  3198. Use IVideoDriver::setResizeAble(true) to do this.
  3199. - The .x file reader and animation player now should work with 99% of all text .x files.
  3200. This is achieved by most of the following bug fixes.
  3201. - Fixed a huge bug in the .x file reader, which caused that negative coordinates were
  3202. interpreted as positive ones sometimes. This caused that sometimes .x animations
  3203. were played wrong.
  3204. - Slerp interpolation of the quaternion class fixed. This means that also some bugs
  3205. in the animation of .x files are removed now.
  3206. - Added virtual joints to not weighted vertices to improve .x file animations.
  3207. - The FileSystem is now 100% implemented. Finally it is now possible to write files
  3208. too. There is a new Class IWriteFile and the corresponding
  3209. IFileSystem::createAndWriteFile()
  3210. - Added lots of text and sample code to the documentation. In most parts
  3211. documentation should be clearer now.
  3212. - The ISceneManager has a clear() method, which clears the whole scene, all scene nodes
  3213. are removed.
  3214. - All ISceneNodes now own a new method called removeAll(), which deletes all children
  3215. of the node.
  3216. - Fixed a bug which prevented the possibility to compile directx8 without
  3217. having installed directx9.
  3218. - Fixed a bug in 3d line drawing in D3D 8 and 9.
  3219. - All video drivers now print out the gfx adapter type, vendor and driver version
  3220. into the log strings.
  3221. - The D3D9 device is now as fast as the D3D8 device.
  3222. - The string class has an additional new constructor for creating a string from
  3223. character data with a specific length.
  3224. - Bug fixed in string class assignment operator which might cause a crash in very
  3225. special circumstances.
  3226. - Added a findNext() method to the string class.
  3227. - The ISceneNode class now has a isDebugDataVisible() method.
  3228. - Some lines were changed to make the source of the engine compatible to VS.NET 2003.
  3229. - Some functionality of the IFileList and IFileSystem was missing in the Linux version
  3230. of the engine. This caused the FileOpen-Dialog not to work. I fixed this problem.
  3231. - The Middle and Right mouse button were swapped in the Linux version. This is now
  3232. fixed.
  3233. - Multitexturing should now work with most linux systems too, thanks to a bug
  3234. report by Martin Piskernig.
  3235. - The logger now has an additional log() method which accepts another combination
  3236. of strings.
  3237. - Fixed a bug which caused fonts to be displayed very transparent in OpenGL.
  3238. - Removed one of the redundant overloaded IGUIEnvironment::updateAbsolutePosition()
  3239. methods.
  3240. - Fixed lots of clipping problems in all GUI Widgets.
  3241. - core::rect has the new methods getCenter() and isValid().
  3242. - Scrollbar buttons are now disabled if it is not possible to scroll.
  3243. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3244. Changes in version 0.5: (17 Feb 2004)
  3245. -------------------------------------
  3246. / Highlights in short:
  3247. / * DirectX 9 support
  3248. / * .x file support in all render devices including opengl and software
  3249. / * new materials like lightmaps with dynamic lighting
  3250. / * fog
  3251. / * stencil buffer shadows now also work in OpenGL device
  3252. / * more gui widgets: tab controls, edit boxes, menus
  3253. / * spline animation support
  3254. / * mouse wheel support
  3255. / * triangle fan drawing
  3256. / * quaternions
  3257. / * improved keyboard input control
  3258. / * lots of bugfixes including improved quake 3 map support
  3259. -------------------------------------
  3260. - DirectX 9 is now supported by Irrlicht. This does not mean that it replaces
  3261. DirectX 8. The engine now supports both. You can now select between OpenGL,
  3262. DirectX8, DirectX9, Software and the Null device.
  3263. - The engine now is able to read and display .x files. Using
  3264. Microsoft's excellent .x file exporter for Maya or MAX which comes
  3265. with the DX8 and DX9 SDK, it is now possible to create content for
  3266. the engine easily. Using .X files with Irrlicht is independent of D3D,
  3267. they can be used with OpenGL and with Linux for example too.
  3268. Currently only text file .x files are supported, and some animated .x
  3269. files may be displayed not 100% correctly, because the animation player
  3270. may still have some small bugs. It works perfectly with most .x files which
  3271. come with the DX9-SDK. Some skinned mesh .x files which use
  3272. quaternions for animating joints have some problems, there might be a
  3273. bug somewhere. I commented the lines with a possible bug in CXAnimationPlayer.cpp.
  3274. - The GUI Environment now supports edit boxes. They should support unicode input
  3275. from every keyboard around the world, scrolling, copying and pasting (exchanging
  3276. data with the clipboard directly), maximum character amount, marking and all
  3277. shortcuts like ctrl+X, ctrl+V, ctrl+C, shift+Left, shift+Right, Home, End,
  3278. and so on. Wow, I never programmed an edit box, its much more work than it
  3279. seems to be.
  3280. - Tabcontrols are now available in the GUI environment. It is also
  3281. possible to create tabs without tabcontrols, to be able to create
  3282. invisible gui elements for grouping other elements together.
  3283. - Another new supported GUI Element are context menus. They support
  3284. ordinary text menu items, separators and sub menus. In Addition,
  3285. a standard menu as seen at the top of most windows can be
  3286. created easily with them.
  3287. - Rewrote all tutorials to fit the new API.
  3288. - Spline animations are now supported thanks to a spline scene node animator
  3289. written by Matthias Gall.
  3290. - Taskswitching now works with Direct3D 8 and 9 devices in fullscreen mode.
  3293. - The engine now supports drawing of trianglefans. To do this, use
  3294. IVideoDriver::drawIndexedTriangleFan(). Mario Gruber sent in code for this,
  3295. so lots of thanks go to him!
  3296. - It is now possible to draw 3d objects with fog. Simply switch on the fog flag
  3297. in the objects material. To change to way fog is drawn (per pixel/vertex, color,
  3298. linear/exponential) use IVideoDriver::setFog();
  3299. - With IrrlichtDevice::getOSOperator() a pointer to an interface is returned, with
  3300. which it is possible to do some operation system specific operations. Currently
  3301. there are only 3 methods supported, but more will be added in the future.
  3302. - Mouse wheel input is now supported.
  3303. - The Key Event structure of SEvent now contains a Char entry, describing the
  3304. corresponding character of the pressed key. Also two bools were added,
  3305. specifying if shift or ctrl was pressed too.
  3306. - The version of the Operating System is now printed out into the log at
  3307. startup.
  3308. - There is now a non-const getBoundingBox() method in IMeshBuffer and
  3309. IMesh available.
  3310. - IGUIElement now has a method getElementFromId(), which searches children
  3311. (and its children if wanted) for an element with a specific id. If you
  3312. want to search all items, just do
  3313. IGUIEnvironment::getRootGUIElement::getElementFromId().
  3314. - ISceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() is now public
  3315. - Small bug fixed in CMeshManipulator::scaleMesh().
  3316. - The engine now supports Quaternions.
  3317. - A bug was fixed causing the windows caption not to be displayed in
  3318. Windows 95/98/ME.
  3319. - IGUIEnvironment::getBuildInFont() was renamed to getBuiltInFont().
  3320. - IGUIElement::bringToFront() is able to bring a child to the front.
  3321. Windows for example are now using this new feature.
  3322. - Changed the texture mapping of the test scene node a little bit based on
  3323. code sent in by Dr Andros C Bragianos.
  3324. - Added code to fix some bug in some ATI drivers. Thanks to ariaci for posting
  3325. this code.
  3326. - Stencil buffer shadows now also work with the OpenGL device, they worked only
  3327. in D3D in earlier versions. Lots of thanks go to Philipp Dortmann, who
  3328. sent in a modification to the opengl driver!
  3329. - IGUIStaticText::setWordWarp() renamed to setWordWrap(),
  3330. IGUIStaticText::enableOverrrideColor() renamed to enableOverrideColor()
  3331. [thanks to saigumi]
  3332. - A bug was fixed, causing that the window was not able to be closed with Alt+F4
  3333. in Win95/98.
  3334. - Optimized the Octree-Scene node a little bit for getting more rendering speed.
  3335. Culling is now done with the real frustum, not the bounding box around it.
  3336. Speed increase is about 5%, it's not much but ok.
  3337. - Bug fixed in the Quake 3 .bsp file loader, which caused holes to appear in
  3338. some maps.
  3339. - Combination of 3D displaying and drawing GUI elements was improved, and the
  3340. priority of input receiving of 3d cameras and gui elements swapped.
  3341. - A bug in the static text was fixed, which caused it to draw itself outside
  3342. of its clipping rectangle.
  3343. - KeyFocus and MouseFocus methods in GUIEnvironment are now merged into one method.
  3344. - The Clamptexturecoordinates flag in the material was removed.
  3345. - IVideoDriver::draw3DLine in all devices was improved.
  3346. - The devcpp-version of the binary DLL which comes with the SDK is now faster.
  3347. I'll compile this version from now on always with optimization switched on.
  3348. - Other, Minor New/Changed methods in public interfaces:
  3349. * buildShadowMatrix in matrix4
  3350. * getRotationDegrees in matrix4 (sent in by Chev)
  3351. * rotateVect in matrix4
  3352. * linear_search in array
  3353. * recalculateBoundingBox in MeshManipulator
  3354. * ISceneManager::addStaticText() now has a parameter for word wrapping
  3355. * getCharacterFromPos() in IGUIFont
  3356. * drawMeshBuffer() in IVideoDriver;
  3357. * interpolate() in matrix4
  3358. * getLast in array
  3359. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3360. Changes in version 0.4.2: (13 Dec 2003)
  3361. - The engine does no more use only 16 bit textures internally. Now all
  3362. other texture formats are supported too. This means higher precision
  3363. and better quality images. In this context, the ISurface interface has
  3364. been replaced by IImage, and the ISurfaceLoader by IImageLoader.
  3365. - By changing the texture creation mode of the IVideoDriver, it is now
  3366. possible to influence how textures are created: You can choose between
  3367. 'optimized for speed', 'optimized for quality' or simply set constant
  3368. bit depth like 'always 32 bit'. Also, you can now enable and disable
  3369. Mip map generation with these flags. Take a look at
  3370. IVideoDriver::setTextureCreationFlag() for details.
  3371. - There is now some support for outdoor or terrain rendering available.
  3372. You can create a static mesh from a heightmap and a texture using
  3373. ISceneManager::addTerrainMesh(). You can specify a huge texture if you
  3374. like, even bigger as your hardware allows to render, because the texture
  3375. will be splitted up if necessary.
  3376. Another possibility for doing terrain rendering is the new Terrain Scene
  3377. node. But it is only in a very early alpha stage, I disabled for example
  3378. the use of different level of details.
  3379. - It is now possible to load software images into memory from files on
  3380. disk, without creating a hardware texture. You can do this by calling
  3381. IVideoDriver::createImageFromFile(). This is very useful for example
  3382. for loading heighmaps for terrain renderers.
  3383. - The Quake 3 Map Loader now supports curved surfaces, thanks to by Dean P. Macri
  3384. who sent in his code. (He also sent in lots of other cool stuff, which I will merge
  3385. with the code of next releases, lots of thanks to him!)
  3386. - It is now possible to control what text is printed out to the console and
  3387. the debug window of Visual Studio. By getting a pointer to the ILogger
  3388. interface, is is possible to adjust if Warning, Error or Informational
  3389. texts should be printed out. In addition, now every text can be caught
  3390. by the event receiver.
  3391. - The engine is now capable of loading .PCX files. Only a few PCX formats
  3392. are supported currently, but at least the common used formats
  3393. of most textures of the quake 2 models. Thanks go to Dean P. Macri who
  3394. sent in the code for the new PCXLoader!
  3395. - A new Scene node is available, which simply does nothing. It is useful for doing
  3396. advanced transformations or for structuring the scene graph.
  3397. - The ISceneManager::addOctTreeSceneNode() now takes AnimatedMeshes as parameter.
  3398. If this new method is called, the first frame in the animated mesh is taken as
  3399. mesh to construct the octree. This means that you won't have to write
  3400. addOctTreeSceneNode(yourMesh->getMesh(0)) anymore, but can use
  3401. addOctTreeSceneNode(yourMesh), which is a little bit more intuitive.
  3402. - The Driver type enumeration have been adapted to the Irrlicht
  3403. naming conventions. For example instead of writing DT_OPENGL, now write
  3404. EDT_OPENGL.
  3405. - The ITexture interface has two new methods for getting the size of the
  3406. texture: ITexture::getSize() and ITexture::getOriginalSize(). This replaces
  3407. the old getDimension()-method and allows to disable bugs which are generated
  3408. by the automatic scaling to optimal sizes of textures.
  3409. - There are some new keycodes available: KEY_COMMA, KEY_PLUS, KEY_MINUS, KEY_PERIOD.
  3410. - There are now 3 lightmap Material types: EMT_LIGHTMAP, EMT_LIGHTMAP_M2 and
  3411. EMT_LIGHTMAP_M4, which are making the lightmaps 2 or 4 times brighter. If you used
  3412. the Material EMT_LIGHTMAP in your code, you should replace it now with
  3413. EMT_LIGHTMAP_M4.
  3414. - The transformation enumeration names have been adapted to the irrlicht
  3415. naming conventions. For example instead of writing TS_VIEW, now write
  3416. ETS_VIEW.
  3417. - Video driver feature enumeration names have been changed from
  3418. EK3DVDF_... to EVDF_...
  3419. - The GUIEnvironment now has a new method: getRootGUIElement(). With this it
  3420. is possible now to add external created custom GUI Elements to the gui environment,
  3421. without an existing internal GUI element as parent.
  3422. - The setViewPort()-Method of the OpenGL-device now works, too. Nothing stands now
  3423. in the way of creating splitscreen applications using the OpenGL device.
  3424. Oliver Klems sent code for this, I slightly modified it. Thank you!
  3425. - Corrected a bug, which made the EMT_REFLECTION_2_LAYER Material disappear on some
  3426. hardware.
  3427. - Sirshane sent in a bug fix: It is now possible to make the mouse cursor
  3428. invisible in the Linux version of the engine. Thanx sirshane!
  3429. - getFrameNr() of IAnimatedMeshSceneNode is now public.
  3430. - Again a small bug in the 3ds file loader was fixed.
  3431. - A small bug causing light positions being transformed in the OpenGL
  3432. driver differently compared to D3D. Thanx to Matthias Gall for reporting
  3433. this!
  3434. - Typing error fixed: ISceneCollisionMananger::getRayFromScreenCoordiantes renamed to
  3435. getRayFromScreenCoordinates.
  3436. - Linux support with multitexturing and mipmap generation has been improved.
  3437. - A bug was fixed which caused the Engine not to run when compiled
  3438. as dynamic library under linux. Thanks to Shane Parker who pointed out
  3439. the problem.
  3440. - A bug was fixed in position2d.h in the operator +=, and the list iterator now
  3441. has per and postfix operators. Thanks to Isometric God for spotting this out.
  3442. - A bug was fixed in the Metatriangleselector, causing it to detect only collisions
  3443. with the last TriangleSelector in it.
  3444. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3445. Changes in version 0.4.1: (18 Sep 2003)
  3446. - Input events are now processed faster than repaint and window events. This
  3447. means that input commands now effect things directly, in earlier versions
  3448. there could be a delay when there were low frames per second. Some people
  3449. noticed this when moving with the fps camera in large levels: The camera
  3450. sometimes stopped seconds after the button was released. This is now fixed.
  3451. - A Message Box is now available in the GUI Environment. It looks like the
  3452. windows message boxes and supports OK, Cancel, Yes and No buttons, which
  3453. can be combined freely. Also, it shows multiline text and adjusts its size
  3454. based on the amount of text it shows, so it should be very useful for displaying
  3455. (debug) messages during runtime.
  3456. - It is now possible to make all windows (message boxes, file open dialogs,
  3457. simple windows) modal.
  3458. - IGUIStaticText now supports multiline text via automatic word warp and manual
  3459. line breaking with '\n'. You only need to switch it on with
  3460. yourText->setWordWrap(true);
  3461. - Non default MD2 animations are now supported. Which means simply that you can
  3462. enumerate the names of all md2 animations and the AnimatedMeshSceneNode now supports
  3463. a setMD2Animation() with a character string as parameter instead of a constant.
  3464. - You do not need an event receiver anymore for sending user events to the active
  3465. camera, this is now done automatically. In addition, it is now possible to
  3466. set a new event receiver during runtime of the engine using IrrlichtDevice::
  3467. setEventReceiver().
  3468. - It is now possible to disable and enable the input receiver of a camera. This
  3469. is useful for example for removing the users control of the camera. To do this,
  3470. call camera->setInputReceiverEnabled(false);
  3471. - The first person shooter camera now supports a keymap: You can define your own
  3472. key mapping to control the camera when you create it with ISceneManager::
  3473. addCameraSceneNodeFPS().
  3474. - Thanks to Jon Pry, the engine now also loads compressed TGA texture files. Now only
  3475. 8 bit palette using TGAs are missing. :)
  3476. - There are methods for converting 3d coordinates in 2d coordinates and the other
  3477. way round. You can find them as two new methods of the ISceneCollisionManager:
  3478. getRayFromScreenCoordiantes() and getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition().
  3479. - There are now access methods in IGUIWindow for getting pointers to the
  3480. maximize, minimize and close buttons, to be able to remove them for
  3481. example.
  3482. - Before starting up the engine, a version check now is performed and a warning is
  3483. written, if Irrlicht.DLL version and header version of your application do
  3484. not match.
  3485. - A bug with the skybox has been fixed: In OpenGL, it was possible to see the
  3486. borders of the skybox. In addition, when a skybox was visible, there were
  3487. errors in the texture coordinates of other meshes. This is all fixed now.
  3488. - A bug has been fixed causing the engine to crash when removing gui childs
  3489. which where created inside the .dll but are removed from outside.
  3490. - A bug was fixed causing the engine to crash when drawing debug data of
  3491. octree scene nodes with geometry data with vertices with one texture
  3492. coordiante.
  3493. - Multitexturing now works with linux, too. Thanx to Jon Pry again, for showing
  3494. me where the problem was.
  3495. - The bug (reported by saigumi) preventing scene nodes attached to a camera
  3496. from moving correctly is now fixed.
  3497. - The "Climb-Walls" bug (reported first by Matthias Gall) is fixed. Gravity
  3498. acceleration is now quadratic instead of linear.
  3499. - A warning is now printed out, if more vertices are rendered with one call
  3500. than the hardware supports.
  3501. - Other, Minor New/Changed methods in public interfaces:
  3502. * get and setText() in IGUISkin
  3503. * += operators are now available in the string class.
  3504. * setRelativePosition() in IGUIElement
  3505. * enumeration EKEY_CODES renamed to EKEY_CODE
  3506. * getMaximalPrimitiveCount() in IVideoDriver
  3507. * getAnimationCount() in IAnimatedMeshMD2
  3508. * getAnimationName() in IAnimatedMeshMD2
  3509. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3510. Changes in version 0.4: (04 Sep 2003)
  3511. - Collision detection and response based on ellipsoids in now implemented.
  3512. There is a new method available in the ISceneCollisionMananger, which returns
  3513. a collision response point. In addition, a new SceneNodeAnimator is available,
  3514. which causes a scene node, to which it is attached to, not to move through
  3515. walls, to climb stairs and to be affected by gravity. This scene node animator
  3516. can be attached to any scene node. For example adding it to the FPSCamera, it makes
  3517. the user possible to walk through the 3d world as in first person shooters.
  3518. - There is now a full featured Particle System included in the engine for
  3519. creating fire, explosions, snow, smoke and so on.
  3520. It is customizeable and extensible. There is a ParticleSystemScene node
  3521. available in the SceneManager and some standard particle emitters and
  3522. affectors are already implemented.
  3523. - Realistic water: The engine now features an IWaterSurfaceScene node, which
  3524. animates a static mesh with water waves. In combination with the new
  3525. EMT_REFLECTION or EMT_TRANSPARENT_REFLECTION material type, you can easily
  3526. create realistic animated water surfaces.
  3527. - Triangle base picking is now possible using the ISceneCollisionMananager.
  3528. If a collision happened, the intersection point and the triangle causing
  3529. the intersection is returned.
  3530. - Stencil shadows are now drawn using the ZFail method by default, but it is
  3531. possible to choose ZPass, if wished. This means that the camera may now move
  3532. inside the shadow volumes and no errors will occur. In addition a stencil
  3533. shadow bug is now fixed: In 0.3 there where no shadows visible in the TechDemo.
  3534. - The interface of ISceneNode has changed: There is no more a RelativeTransformation
  3535. and AnimatedRelativeTransformation matrix. They have been replaced by 3 vectors:
  3536. RelativeTranslation, RelativeRotation and RelativeScale, which can be accessed by
  3537. the corresponing get() and set() methods. This simplifies the interface
  3538. a lot. Also, the set/getRelativePosition was renamed to set/getPosition.
  3539. - The new IAnimatedMeshMD2 interface now returns start, begin time and
  3540. fps of every MD2 animation type. In this context, IAnimatedMeshSceneNode
  3541. got a new method called setMD2Animation(), which accepts a single constant
  3542. like EMAT_ATTACK, which starts and plays the fitting animation (attack
  3543. animation in this case), simplifying the interface a lot.
  3544. - Some scene nodes can now draw debug data like their bounding boxes.
  3545. This feature is switched on for a single node by calling
  3546. ISceneNode::setDebugDataVisible(true). Looks really interesting for
  3547. animated scene nodes like particle systems or animated meshes.
  3548. - There is now a IGUIInOutFader available, which is able to fade in or
  3549. out the whole screen or parts of it.
  3550. - The new IVideoModeList is a list with all available video modes. It can
  3551. be retrieved with IrrlichtDevice::getVideoModeList(). If you are confused
  3552. now, because you think you have to create an Irrlicht Device with a video
  3553. mode before being able to get the video mode list, let me tell you that
  3554. there is no need to start up an Irrlicht Device with DT_DIRECTX8, DT_OPENGL or
  3555. DT_SOFTWARE: For this (and for lots of other reasons) the null device,
  3556. DT_NULL exists.
  3557. - With the new IMeshManipulator interface accessible with
  3558. ISceneManager::getMeshManipulator() it is possible to perform some basic
  3559. operations on meshes: Flipping all surfaces, recalculating all normals,
  3560. scaling the mesh, creating a new texture mapping and so on.
  3561. - A new material for creating water surfaces or glass with reflections on it
  3563. It has uses a reflection map, and an additional optional texture.
  3564. The transparency of this material is set by the alpha color value in the vertices.
  3565. - Another new material is EMT_SOLID_2_LAYER. It is a material with 2 textures,
  3566. blended together with the alpha value of the vertex color. This material is
  3567. currently only available in DirectX.
  3568. - Trilinear Filtering is now supported by the engine.
  3569. There is a new option in SMaterial: TrilinearFilter and EMF_TRILINEAR_FILTER.
  3570. - The addChild() method of the IAnimatedMeshSceneNode for adding SceneNodes to
  3571. joints of skeletal animated meshes was removed.
  3572. Instead there is now a new method: getMS3DJointNode(). This returns a pointer
  3573. to a child node, which has the same transformation as the corresponding joint.
  3574. In this way it is possible to do more advanced operations with joints and
  3575. attaching scene nodes to joints. Also, the IAnimatedMeshMS3D interface now gives
  3576. access to all joints. In this way, you can easily enumerate all names of all
  3577. joints in the mesh.
  3578. - Font and color of every IGUIStaticText can now be set separately, without
  3579. modifying the IGUISkin.
  3580. - There is now a ELEMENT_LEFT gui event, which all hovered elements receive when they
  3581. are left.
  3582. - All features of the FileOpenDialog are now working.
  3583. - Debug information are now printed out to the console window
  3584. also on the win32 platform.
  3585. - FPSCamera now supports setTarget(). Its not precise but working.
  3586. - Textures of 3ds files are now loaded from the same directory in which the
  3587. 3ds file is. If the texture is not found there, the texture is tried to be
  3588. loaded from the current working directory.
  3589. - A small bug in the 3ds file loader has been fixed. There were 3ds files exported
  3590. by anim8or, where the reading of the 3ds file never stopped.
  3591. - It is now possible to configure the minimal amount of polygons contained
  3592. in every node in an OctTree via addOctTreeSceneNode().
  3593. - There is a new template class in the core namespace: triangle3d. With this,
  3594. it is easy to find intersections between lines and triangles, find out if
  3595. a point is within a triangle and so on.
  3596. - A small bug in ISceneManager::addHillPlaneMesh() was fixed: Now the right tile
  3597. amount is created.
  3598. - There is a new SceneNode available: IDummyTransformationSceneNode. It exists
  3599. for making it possible to insert matrix transformations anywhere into the
  3600. scene graph.
  3601. - Added a new SceneNode animator for deleting Scene nodes automatically after some
  3602. time. Create it with ISceneManager::createDeleteAnimator().
  3603. - The techdemo now is interactive. After a short non-interactive flight over
  3604. the quake 3 level, you are placed as player inside the level, may move around,
  3605. shoot fire balls and take a look at some animated characters which are placed
  3606. on the map.
  3607. - I fixed a bug which caused the screen get black when choosing shadows and fullscreen
  3608. on some special 3d adapters.
  3609. - I fixed some bugs in the linux port: The timer returned an incorrect time, causing
  3610. wrong animations everywhere and the releasing of keys and mouse buttons was not
  3611. sent as event. In addition, I placed a copy of the zlib.a and jpeglib.a into the
  3612. /lib/Linux directory and changed the Makefiles of the examples and the source
  3613. of the engine for doing this automatically in the future, so I hope there will be no
  3614. problems with other versions of zlib and jpeglib anymore.
  3615. - There are 2 new tutorials: One showing how to do collision detection and
  3616. for special effects.
  3617. - Other, Minor New/Changed methods in public interfaces:
  3618. * getVersion() in IrrlichtDevice
  3619. * getLengthSQ() in vector3d
  3620. * getInterpolated() in vector3d
  3621. * getInterpolated() in SColor
  3622. * getAngle() in vector2d
  3623. * getAngleWith() in vector2d
  3624. * getPrimitiveCountDrawed() in IVideoDriver renamed to getPrimitiveCountDrawn()
  3625. * getSceneNodeFromSceenCoordinates() renamed to getSceneNodeFromScreenCoordinates()
  3626. * getMeshType() in IAnimatedMesh
  3627. * getInterpolated() in aabbox
  3628. * setMD2Animation() in IAnimatedMeshSceneNode
  3629. * getFullFileName() in IFileList
  3630. * addShadowVolumeSceneNode() in IAnimatedMeshSceneNode extended with zfail parameter
  3631. * drawStencilShadowVolume() in IVideoDriver extended with zfail parameter
  3632. * getDistanceFromSQ() in vector3d
  3633. * subString() in string
  3634. * findFirst() in string
  3635. * findLast() in string
  3636. * getTriangleSelector() in ISceneNode
  3637. * setTriangleSelector() in ISceneNode
  3638. * draw3DTriangle() in IVideoDriver
  3639. * setShadowColor() in ISceneManager
  3640. * getShadowColor() in ISceneManager
  3641. * addToDeletionQueue() in ISceneManager
  3642. * getSceneNodeFromId() in ISceneManager
  3643. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3644. Changes in version 0.3: (18 Jul 2003)
  3645. - Linux port: The Irrlicht Engine now compiles and runs on Linux. Currently only
  3646. the OpenGL driver is available. The Software driver would be there too, if
  3647. somebody could tell me a fast way to blit a A1R5G5B5 surface to the screen
  3648. using X.
  3649. All examples do compile and run, but there are some things missing:
  3650. * It is not yet possible to make the mouse cursor invisible.
  3651. * The timer seems not to return the correct time.
  3652. * Multitexturing does not work correctly on all gfx adapters.
  3653. - Ms3D Animations: The engine is now able to play skeletal animations directly
  3654. from Milkshape 3D (.ms3d) files. It is also possible to attach objects to
  3655. parts of the animated mesh. For example a weapon to the left hand of
  3656. the animated model.
  3657. - Because the swprintf function in Windows32 does not match the ISO C standard,
  3658. and it does in linux and all other platforms, there is now a define in Irrlicht.h,
  3659. to make the code be the same on all platforms:
  3660. #define swprintf _snwprintf
  3661. This simply means that you need to add a parameter to your swprintf calls if
  3662. you used this function in your win32 irrlicht engine projects. For example instead
  3663. of writing
  3664. wchar_t tmp[255];
  3665. swprint(tmp, "FPS: %d", fps);
  3666. you now write
  3667. wchar_t tmp[255];
  3668. swprint(tmp, 255, "FPS: %d", fps);
  3669. - Automatic culling has changed a little bit: It is now done by the SceneManager.
  3670. Scene nodes now only need to return a valid, non transformed bounding box to be
  3671. culled automatically. It is explained in the CustomSceneNode Tutorial how this works.
  3672. - It is now possible to use the engine easily for 2D graphics: There are now to new
  3673. methods in the IVideoDriver, which create an 1bit alpha channel for textures
  3674. using an color key. The methods are both named makeColorKeyTexture. There is a
  3675. tutorial '2d graphics' which explains how this works.
  3676. - The rect template class was removed and replaced by the rectEx class. There
  3677. is now only one rectangle template available, called 'rect' for simplifying
  3678. the interface.
  3679. - The texture coordinate bug in Milkshape 3d models with lots of shared vertices
  3680. was fixed.
  3681. - Bugfix with GUI environment hovering invisible elements.
  3682. - There are two new tutorials: One for 2d graphics, and one for user interface.
  3683. - Tutorial changes:
  3684. * All backslashes replaced by slashes in file names in
  3685. all tutorials for linux compatibility.
  3686. * RectEx replaces with rect in 1.HelloWorld
  3687. * Added second parameter to swprintf in 2.Quake3Map
  3688. * Added bounding box creation to 3.CustomSceneNode
  3689. * Added second parameter to swprintf in 4.Movement
  3690. - New/Changed methods in public interfaces:
  3691. * getClosestPoint in line3d
  3692. * getMatrixOfMeshPart in IAnimatedMesh
  3693. * removeChild in ISceneNode now returns true or false
  3694. * addChild in IAnimatedMeshSceneNode
  3695. * setParent in ISceneNode
  3696. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3697. Changes in version 0.2.5: (22 Jun 2003)
  3698. - A new material type is available: EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA, which
  3699. realizes transparency based on the vertex alpha color. It currently is
  3700. only implemented in the DirectX device.
  3701. - There is now an ISceneCollisionManager available. Get it with
  3702. getSceneCollisionManager() from the ISceneManager. It currently only implements
  3703. picking, but more is coming soon.
  3704. - Automatic Culling based on Bounding Boxes is implemented now. It can be switched on
  3705. or off for every SceneNode separately using ISceneNode::setAutomaticCulling().
  3706. It is on by default.
  3707. - It is now possible to remove loaded textures for freeing memory or reloading them.
  3708. Use IVideoDriver::removeTexture() or removeAllTextures().
  3709. - New drawing methods in the IVideoDriver interface:
  3710. * Draw3dLine(), drawing a 3d line.
  3711. * Draw3dBox(), which draws an axis aligned bounding box.
  3712. * Draw2dLine(), currently only supported by the Software device.
  3713. - MD2 bugfixes:
  3714. * There was a small bug with texture coordinates.
  3715. * Frames are now correctly interpolated when playing animations.
  3716. - Bugfix in the 3ds file format loader: Single objects in the 3ds file with multiple
  3717. materials attached are now loaded correctly.
  3718. - list.h renamed to irrlist.h due to compatibility issues.
  3719. - Now works with Dev-C++ 5 Beta 8. (
  3720. - New/Changed methods in public interfaces:
  3721. * 'getInverse' in matrix4.
  3722. * 'transformBox' in matrix4.
  3723. * 'repair' in aabbox.
  3724. * 'intersectsWithLine' in aabbox.
  3725. * 'getVector' in line3d.
  3726. * 'getMiddle' in line3d.
  3727. * 'normalize' method in vector3d and vector2d now returns reference to vector.
  3728. * 'getTransformedBoundingBox' in ISceneNode.
  3729. * 'getChildren' in ISceneNode
  3730. * 'setRotation' in ISceneNode
  3731. * 'addHillPlaneMesh' in ISceneManager now accepts a texture repeat count parameter.
  3732. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3733. Changes in version 0.2: (19 May 2003)
  3734. - The engine is now able to load .3ds files, with their materials and textures.
  3735. - There are some new SceneNodeAnimators: A fly straight animator and a texture animator.
  3736. - Texture coordinates can now be set to clamp or wrap mode with
  3737. a flag in the SMaterial struct.
  3738. - Skyboxes are implemented.
  3739. - Billboards now work 100% correctly.
  3740. - The IAnimatedMeshSceneNode is now able to draw shadows of itself. To enable this, just call
  3741. addShadowVolumeSceneNode(). Please note that shadows are currently just experimental,
  3742. there are some bugs, and they only only in Direct3D mode.
  3743. - A small bug in the view frustum and the octree fixed.
  3744. - The default aspect ratio in all camera scene nodes was changed.
  3745. - Some changes and extensions to the core::matrix4, SViewFrustum, plane3d and
  3746. aabbox were made. The plane3dex was removed, there is now only one plane implementation
  3747. available. Implemented some ideas and suggestions by Mark Jeacocke. Thanx a lot!
  3748. - The interface for adding dynamic lights has been enhanced. There are some new methods
  3749. for handling dynamic light in the IVideoDriver interface. For example, it is now possible
  3750. to change the ambient light.
  3751. - There is a new parameter in the createDevice() function, which specifies if the
  3752. stencil buffer should be activated. Also, now all parameters have default parameters.
  3753. - There is now a timer object to get the current timer. It can be received using
  3754. the getTimer() method from the IrrlichtDevice.
  3755. - The first person shooter camera is now able to be moved by external using
  3756. setRelativePosition() and the sceneNodeAnimators. In addition, it now supports
  3757. multiple FPS cameras.
  3758. - Mesh format loading extensions are now possible. To extend the engine with a
  3759. mesh format it currently does not support (e.g. .cob), just implement a
  3760. IMeshLoader interface and add it to the engine calling
  3761. ISceneManager::addExternalMeshLoader().
  3762. - It is now possible to extend the Irrlicht Engine easily with new texture file format
  3763. loaders. If there is an image file format the engine does not support (for example
  3764. .gif files) the IImageLoader interface can be implemented to load .gif files
  3765. and added to the engine via IVideoDriver::addExternalSurfaceLoader().
  3766. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3767. Changes in version 0.1.5: (03 Apr 2003)
  3768. - The zlib and libjpeg are now included in the SDK.
  3769. - It is now possible to let the scene manager generate a hilly plane on the fly.
  3770. - The Interface for handling dynamic lights was simplified.
  3771. - The OpenGL 2D and 3D device is now full implemented.
  3772. - There is now a way to access to root scene node from the scene manager, and so it
  3773. is possible to add external created custom scene nodes to the scene.
  3774. - There is a new Camera control scene node available in the engine: First Person Shooter
  3775. Camera Control. Look with mouse movement, move and strafe with the cursor keys.
  3776. - The engine now compiles with g++ and the Microsoft compilers, which enables it to
  3777. develop applications for the engine with VisualC++6.0, VisualC++.NET and Dev-C++.
  3778. - There is now a ICursorControl available in the engine, which is able to modify the
  3779. mouse cursor: Get/Set the position of the cursor, make it invisible or visible.
  3780. - video::Color was renamed to video::SColor to fit the Irrlicht Engine naming conventions
  3781. and for g++ compatibility issues in the Vertices.
  3782. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3783. Release notes of version 0.1: (14 Mar 2003)
  3784. This is an alpha version of the SDK. So please note that there are
  3785. features missing in the engine and maybe also some bugs. The following
  3786. list is a complete list of parts of this alpha SDK which do not work
  3787. 100% correct. All other parts which can be found in the documentation
  3788. and accessed with the Irrlicht header files work and can already be
  3789. used.
  3790. - OpenGL Device
  3791. The OpenGL Device is currently only able to load textures and draw basic
  3792. 3D primitives. No 2D functions, complex materials and dynamic light are
  3793. implemented. Please use the DirectX8 or the Software Device instead.
  3794. In the next release (0.2) the OpenGL device will be complete.
  3795. - Software Device
  3796. Dynamic lighting, multitexturing, 3d clipping and bilinear filtering are
  3797. not implemented because the Software Device was intended to to only 2d
  3798. functions, the primitive 3d functions are only an addition. Until the
  3799. first non beta release (1.0) of the Engine, some more 3d functionality
  3800. will be added.
  3801. - BspTree
  3802. The binary space partition scene node does not work correctly and has
  3803. some bugs in it, which might lead to crashes. Please use the OctTree
  3804. scene node instead. There is nearly no difference between the interface
  3805. of them.
  3806. - MeshViewerGUIElement
  3807. The camera control of this element is currently disabled.
  3808. - FileOpenDialog
  3809. Not all functions are implemented.
  3810. - Render to Texture support
  3811. Is not implemented yet.
  3812. - MS3D Skeletal Animation
  3813. A loaded mesh is currently not animated and only drawn static.
  3814. - Quake 3 maps
  3815. No support for curved surfaces yet.
  3816. - Linux Support
  3817. The engine currently only runs with Windows platforms. A linux version
  3818. will be available somewhere between the versions 0.2 and 0.5, it depends
  3819. on the need of the users.
  3820. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------