lmms.1 4.2 KB

  1. .\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
  2. .\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
  3. .\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
  4. .\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
  5. .TH LMMS 1 "September 10, 2018"
  6. .\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
  7. .\"
  8. .\" Some roff macros, for reference:
  9. .\" .nh disable hyphenation
  10. .\" .hy enable hyphenation
  11. .\" .ad l left justify
  12. .\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
  13. .\" .nf disable filling
  14. .\" .fi enable filling
  15. .\" .br insert line break
  16. .\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
  17. .\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
  18. .SH NAME
  19. lmms \- software for easy music production
  21. .B lmms
  22. .RB "[\fBglobal options...\fP] [\fBaction\fP [\fBaction parameters\fP...]]
  23. .br
  25. .PP
  26. .\" TeX users may be more comfortable with the \fB<whatever>\fP and
  27. .\" \fI<whatever>\fP escape sequences to invode bold face and italics,
  28. .\" respectively.
  29. .B LMMS
  30. is a free cross-platform alternative to commercial programs like FL Studio®, which allow you to produce music with your computer. This includes the creation of melodies and beats, the synthesis and mixing of sounds, and arranging of samples. You can have fun with your MIDI-keyboard and much more; all in a user-friendly and modern interface.
  31. LMMS features components such as a Song Editor, a Beat+Bassline Editor, a Piano Roll, an FX Mixer as well as many powerful instruments and effects.
  33. .IP "<no action> [\fIoptions\fP...] [\fIproject\fP]
  34. Start LMMS in normal GUI mode.
  35. .IP "\fBdump\fP \fIin\fP
  36. Dump XML of compressed (MMPZ) file \fIin\fP.
  37. .IP "\fBrender\fP \fIproject\fP [\fIoptions\fP...]
  38. Render given project file.
  39. .IP "\fBrendertracks\fP \fIproject\fP [\fIoptions\fP...]
  40. Render each track to a different file.
  41. .IP "\fBupgrade\fP \fIin\fP [\fIout\fP]
  42. Upgrade file \fIin\fP and save as \fIout\fP. Standard out is used if no output file is specifed.
  44. .IP "\fB\ --allowroot
  45. Bypass root user startup check (use with caution).
  46. .IP "\fB\-c, --config\fP \fIconfigfile\fP
  47. Get the configuration from \fIconfigfile\fP instead of ~/.lmmsrc.xml (default).
  48. .IP "\fB\-h, --help\fP
  49. Show usage information and exit.
  50. .IP "\fB\-v, --version
  51. Show version information and exit.
  53. .IP "\fB\ --geometry\fP \fIgeometry\fP
  54. Specify the prefered size and position of the main window.
  55. .br
  56. \fIgeometry\fP syntax is \fIxsize\fPx\fIysize\fP+\fIxoffset\fP+\fIyoffset\fP.
  57. .br
  58. Default: full screen.
  59. .IP "\fB\ --import\fP \fIin\fP \fB\-e\fP
  60. Import MIDI or Hydrogen file \fIin\fP.
  61. .br
  63. .IP "\fB\-a, --float\fP
  64. Use 32bit float bit depth.
  65. .IP "\fB\-b, --bitrate\fP \fIbitrate\fP
  66. Specify output bitrate in KBit/s (for OGG encoding only), default is 160.
  67. .IP "\fB\-f, --format\fP \fIformat\fP
  68. Specify format of render-output where \fIformat\fP is either 'wav', 'flac', 'ogg' or 'mp3'.
  69. .IP "\fB\-i, --interpolation\fP \fImethod\fP
  70. Specify interpolation method - possible values are \fIlinear\fP, \fIsincfastest\fP (default), \fIsincmedium\fP, \fIsincbest\fP.
  71. If -e is specified lmms exits after importing the file.
  72. .IP "\fB\-l, --loop
  73. Render the given file as a loop, i.e. stop rendering at exactly the end of the song. Additional silence or reverb tails at the end of the song are not rendered.
  74. .IP "\fB\-m, --mode\fP \fIstereomode\fP
  75. Set the stereo mode used for the MP3 export. \fIstereomode\fP can be either 's' (stereo mode), 'j' (joint stereo) or 'm' (mono). If no mode is given 'j' is used as the default.
  76. .IP "\fB\-o, --output\fP \fIpath\fP
  77. Render into \fIpath\fP.
  78. .br
  79. For --render, this is interpreted as a file path.
  80. .br
  81. For --render-tracks, this is interpreted as a path to an existing directory.
  82. .IP "\fB\-p, --profile\fP \fIout\fP
  83. Dump profiling information to file \fIout\fP.
  84. .IP "\fB\-s, --samplerate\fP \fIsamplerate\fP
  85. Specify output samplerate in Hz - range is 44100 (default) to 192000.
  86. .IP "\fB\-x, --oversampling\fP \fIvalue\fP
  87. Specify oversampling, possible values: 1, 2 (default), 4, 8.
  88. .SH SEE ALSO
  89. .BR https://lmms.io/
  90. .BR https://lmms.io/documentation/
  91. .BR https://github.com/LMMS/lmms
  93. Tobias Doerffel <tobydox/at/users.sourceforge.net>, Paul Giblock and others. See AUTHORS for details.