INSTALL.txt 1.5 KB

  1. Building LMMS got quite simple since 0.4.0 as everything is managed
  2. by cmake now. Therefore make sure you have CMake (>= 2.6.0 recommended) and
  3. then run
  4. mkdir build
  5. cd build
  6. cmake ../
  7. make
  8. sudo make install
  9. If your system does not have "sudo", become root with your preferred mechanism
  10. and run the "make install" command.
  11. With the above commands an out-of-tree build is performed. You can also run
  12. "cmake ." directly in the root of source tree although this is not recommended.
  13. When performing an out-of-tree build after there's already an in-tree build,
  14. make sure to run "make distclean" before running cmake inside build-directory.
  15. If you want to use custom compiler flags simply set the environment variables
  17. After running cmake (the 3rd command above) you can see a summary of things
  18. that are going to be built into LMMS or built as plugins. Install the
  19. according libraries and development files if a certain feature is not enabled.
  20. Then remove CMakeCache.txt and run cmake again.
  21. If you want to supply an install prefix to cmake, add the flag:
  23. Where <prefix> can be /usr, /usr/local, /opt, etc. The default is /usr/local.
  24. Building with QT5
  25. First of all please note that CMake >= 2.8.11 is required for building with
  26. Qt5 support. In order to build LMMS with Qt5, add the following flag when
  27. invoking cmake:
  28. -DWANT_QT5=ON
  29. If your Qt5 installation does not reside in standard installation paths,
  30. additionally pass e.g.
  31. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/qt53/