123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557 |
- 'use strict';
- const UsingExports = [
- 'G', 'K', 'Scope', 'HashObject', 'ListObject', 'Lookup', 'FormatString',
- 'Abstract', 'Structure', 'FiniteSet', 'Lambda', 'FunInst',
- 'define', 'apply', 'call', 'access', 'assign_outer', 'assert_bool',
- 'add_module', 'use_modules', 'import_modules', 'export_names'
- ]
- function normalize_operator_name (name) {
- check(normalize_operator_name, arguments, { name: Str })
- /**
- * if the operator is SimpleOperator, 'name' is name of token
- * if the operator is MapOperator, 'name' is matched string of token
- */
- let prefix = is(name[0], Char.Alphabet)? 'operator_': ''
- return (prefix + name.toLowerCase())
- }
- function escape_raw (string) {
- check(escape_raw, arguments, { string: Str })
- function f (char) {
- if (char == '\\') {
- return '\\\\'
- } else if (char == "'") {
- return "\\'"
- } else {
- return char
- }
- }
- return join(map_lazy(string, f), '')
- }
- function id_reference (string) {
- check(id_reference, arguments, { string: Str })
- let escaped = escape_raw(string)
- return `id('${escaped}')`
- }
- function string_of (leaf) {
- check(string_of, arguments, { leaf: SyntaxTreeLeaf })
- let token = leaf.children
- return token.matched.string
- }
- function use_string (leaf) {
- return string_of(leaf)
- }
- function use_first (tree) {
- assert(tree.children.length > 0)
- return translate(tree.children[0])
- }
- function children_hash (tree) {
- return fold(tree.children, {}, (child, h) => (h[child.name] = child, h))
- }
- function iterate_next (tree, next_part) {
- return iterate(tree, t => children_hash(t)[next_part], SyntaxTreeEmpty)
- }
- function translate_next(tree, current_part, next_part, separator, f) {
- check(translate_next, arguments, {
- current_part: Str, next_part: Str, separator: Str, f: Fun
- })
- let link = (x => join(x, separator))
- return link(map_lazy(
- iterate_next(tree, next_part),
- (t, i) => f(children_hash(t)[current_part], i)
- ))
- }
- function find_parameters (tree) {
- function crush (tree) {
- let Parameter = $(function (tree) {
- return (
- (tree.name == 'SimpleUnit')
- && assert(is(tree.children[0], SyntaxTreeLeaf))
- && is(tree.children[0].children, Token('Parameter'))
- ) || (tree.name == 'LambdaPara')
- })
- let FuncTree = $(tree => is(tree.name, one_of(
- 'FunDef', 'FunExpr', 'HashLambda', 'ListLambda', 'SimpleLambda'
- )))
- let Drop = $(function (x) { return x === this })
- let drop = (t => Drop)
- return apply_on(tree.children, chain(
- x => map_lazy(x, t => transform(t, [
- { when_it_is: SyntaxTreeEmpty, use: drop },
- { when_it_is: SyntaxTreeLeaf, use: drop },
- { when_it_is: FuncTree, use: drop },
- { when_it_is: Parameter, use: t => [t] },
- { when_it_is: Otherwise, use: t => crush(t) }
- ])),
- x => filter(x, (y => is_not(y, Drop))),
- x => concat(x),
- x => list(x)
- ))
- }
- let linear_list = map(crush(tree), function (para_unit) {
- let h = children_hash(para_unit)
- assert(has(h, 'Identifier'))
- let id_token = h.Identifier.children
- return {
- pos: id_token.position,
- name: id_token.matched.string
- }
- })
- let parameters = apply_on(linear_list, chain(
- x => fold(x, {}, function (item, hash) {
- let name = item.name
- if (hash[name]) {
- let r = Token.pos_compare(item.pos, hash[name].pos)
- if (r == -1) {
- hash[name] = item
- }
- } else {
- hash[name] = item
- }
- return hash
- }),
- x => map(x, (key, value) => value),
- x => x.sort((x,y) => Token.pos_compare(x.pos, y.pos)),
- x => map(x, item => item.name)
- ))
- return parameters
- }
- function function_string (body) {
- let head = `var id = Lookup(scope);`
- return `(function (scope) { ${head} ${body} })`
- }
- function translate_lambda (tree, type, get_val) {
- let parameters = apply_on(tree, chain(
- x => find_parameters(x),
- x => map_lazy(x, name => `'${escape_raw(name)}'`),
- x => join(x, ', ')
- ))
- let parameter_list = `[${parameters}]`
- let value = get_val(tree)
- let is_expr = (type == 'expr')
- let func = function_string(is_expr? `return ${value}`: value)
- return `Lambda(scope, ${parameter_list}, ${func})`
- }
- let Translate = {
- RawCode: function (leaf) {
- let string = string_of(leaf)
- let content = string.slice(2, string.length-2).trim()
- return `${content}`
- },
- /* ---------------------- */
- Constraint: use_first,
- Id: function (tree) {
- let id_id = $(tree => children_hash(tree).Identifier)
- let str_id = $(tree => children_hash(tree).RawString)
- let string = transform(tree, [
- { when_it_is: id_id, use: tree => string_of(tree.children[0]) },
- { when_it_is: str_id, use: function (tree) {
- let wrapped = string_of(tree.children[0])
- let content = wrapped.slice(1, wrapped.length-1)
- return content
- } }
- ])
- let escaped = escape_raw(string)
- return `'${escaped}'`
- },
- Module: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let prepare = join(map(
- UsingExports,
- name => `var ${name} = KumaExport.${name};`
- ), ' ')
- let scope = `var scope = Scope(G, 'local'); var id = Lookup(scope);`
- let module_name = translate(h.ModuleName)
- let content = translate(h.Program)
- let body = `${prepare} ${scope} ${module_name} ${content}`
- let exports = translate(h.ExportList)
- return `(function () { ${body}; ${exports} })()`
- },
- ModuleName: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let name = `var module_name = ${translate(h.Id)};`
- let add = `var export_object = add_module(module_name);`
- return `${name} ${add}`
- },
- AsList: function (tree) {
- let content = translate_next(
- tree, 'As', 'NextAs', ', ',
- function (item) {
- let name = translate(item.children[0])
- let alias = (
- (item.children.length > 1)?
- translate(item.children[2]): name
- )
- return `{ name: ${name}, alias: ${alias} }`
- }
- )
- return `[${content}]`
- },
- IdList: function (tree) {
- let content = translate_next(
- tree, 'Id', 'NextId', ', ', id => translate(id)
- )
- return `[${content}]`
- },
- Use: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let module_list = translate(h.AsList)
- return `use_modules(scope, ${module_list})`
- },
- Import: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let module_list = translate(h.IdList)
- return `import_modules(scope, ${module_list})`
- },
- Export: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let name_list = translate(h.AsList)
- return `export_names(export_object, scope, ${name_list})`
- },
- ExportList: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- return (h.Export)? translate_next(
- tree, 'Export', 'NextExport', '; ',
- exp => translate(exp)
- ): ''
- },
- Program: function (tree) {
- return translate_next(
- tree, 'Command', 'NextCommand', '; ',
- cmd => translate(cmd)
- )
- },
- Command: use_first,
- Assign: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let LeftVal = children_hash(h.LeftVal)
- let head = translate(LeftVal.Id)
- let members = map_lazy(
- iterate_next(LeftVal.MemberNext, 'MemberNext'),
- t => translate(children_hash(t).Member)
- )
- let keys = map_lazy(
- iterate_next(LeftVal.KeyNext, 'KeyNext'),
- t => translate(children_hash(t).Key)
- )
- let total = list(cat(members, keys))
- let read = (total.length > 0)? total.slice(0, total.length-1): []
- let write = (total.length > 0)? total[total.length-1]: head
- let value = translate(h.Expr)
- return (total.length > 0)? (function() {
- let read_str = fold(read, `id(${head})`, function (key, reduced) {
- return `get(${reduced}, ${key})`
- })
- return `set(${read_str}, ${write}, ${value})`
- })(): `scope.replace(${write}, ${value})`
- },
- Let: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- return `scope.emplace(${translate(h.Id)}, ${translate(h.Expr)})`
- },
- Outer: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- return `assign_outer(scope, ${translate(h.Id)}, ${translate(h.Expr)})`
- },
- Return: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- return `return ${translate(h.Expr)}`
- },
- Hash: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let content = (has(h, 'PairList'))? translate_next(
- h.PairList, 'Pair', 'NextPair', ', ', function (pair) {
- let h = children_hash(pair)
- return `${translate(h.Id)}: ${translate(h.Expr)}`
- }
- ): ''
- return `HashObject({${content}})`
- },
- List: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let content = (has(h, 'ItemList'))? translate_next(
- h.ItemList, 'Item', 'NextItem', ', ',
- (item) => `${use_first(item)}`
- ): ''
- return `ListObject([${content}])`
- },
- FiniteSet: function (tree) {
- let list = Translate.List(tree)
- return `FiniteSet(${list})`
- },
- Expr: use_first,
- MapOperand: use_first,
- MapOperator: function (tree) {
- let name = string_of(tree.children[0])
- let normalized = normalize_operator_name(name)
- let escaped = escape_raw(normalized)
- return `(apply(id('${escaped}')))`
- },
- MapExpr: function (tree) {
- let first_operand = use_first(tree)
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let items = map(iterate_next(tree, 'MapNext'), children_hash)
- let shifted = items.slice(1, items.length)
- return fold(shifted, first_operand, function(h, reduced_string) {
- let operator_string = translate(h.MapOperator)
- let operand = h.FunExpr || h.BodyLambda || h.MapOperand
- let operand_string = translate(operand)
- return `${operator_string}(${reduced_string}, ${operand_string})`
- })
- },
- Filter: use_first,
- FilterList: function (tree) {
- let conditions = translate_next(
- tree, 'Filter', 'NextFilter', ' && ',
- f => `assert_bool(${translate(f)})`
- )
- return `${conditions}`
- },
- Concept: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let parameter = translate(h.Id)
- let filter_list = translate(h.FilterList)
- let f = function_string(`return ${filter_list}`)
- let checker = `Lambda(scope, [${parameter}], ${f})`
- return `Abstract(${checker})`
- },
- Struct: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let hash_object = translate(h.Hash)
- return `Structure(${hash_object})`
- },
- ListExprArgList: function (tree) {
- let table_content = translate_next(
- tree, 'ListExprArg', 'NextListExprArg', ', ',
- function (arg) {
- let h = children_hash(arg)
- return `${translate(h.Id)}: ${translate(h.Simple)}`
- }
- )
- let bind_code = translate_next(
- tree, 'ListExprArg', 'NextListExprArg', '; ',
- function (arg) {
- let h = children_hash(arg)
- let name = translate(h.Id)
- assert(name != `'__'`)
- return `scope.emplace(${name}, get(id('__'), ${name}))`
- }
- )
- return {
- bind_code: bind_code,
- iterables: `HashObject({${table_content}})`
- }
- },
- ListExprFilterList: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- return (h.FilterList)? translate(h.FilterList): 'true'
- },
- IteratorExpr: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let expr = use_first(h.MapOperand)
- let arg_list = translate(h.ListExprArgList)
- let parameters = arg_list.parameters
- let bind_code = arg_list.bind_code
- let iterables = arg_list.iterables
- let filter_list = translate(h.ListExprFilterList)
- let f = function_string(`${bind_code}; return ${filter_list}`)
- let filter_lambda = `Lambda(scope, [], ${f})`
- let g = function_string(`${bind_code}; return ${expr}`)
- let mapper = `Lambda(scope, [], ${g})`
- let zipped = `K.zip.apply(${iterables})`
- let filtered = `K.filter.apply(${zipped}, ${filter_lambda})`
- return `K.map.apply(${filtered}, ${mapper})`
- },
- ListExpr: function (tree) {
- let iterator = Translate.IteratorExpr(tree)
- return `K.list.apply(${iterator})`
- },
- PairListExpr: function (tree) {
- let content = translate_next(
- tree, 'AdvPair', 'NextAdvPair', ', ',
- function (pair) {
- let h = children_hash(pair)
- let k = translate(h.MapOperand)
- let v = translate(h.Expr)
- return `HashObject({key: ${k}, value: ${v}})`
- }
- )
- return `ListObject([${content}])`
- },
- /* ---------------------- */
- SimpleLambda: function (tree) {
- return translate_lambda(tree, 'expr', function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- return translate(h.Simple || h.SimpleLambda)
- })
- },
- HashLambda: function (tree) {
- return translate_lambda(tree, 'expr', t => Translate.Hash(t))
- },
- ListLambda: function (tree) {
- return translate_lambda(tree, 'expr', t => Translate.List(t))
- },
- BodyLambda: function (tree) {
- return translate_lambda(tree, 'body', t => Translate.Body(t))
- },
- Body: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let program = translate(h.Program)
- return `${program}; return VoidObject`
- },
- ParaList: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let parameters = (has(h, 'Para'))? translate_next(
- tree, 'Para', 'NextPara', ', ', function (para) {
- let h = children_hash(para)
- let name = translate(h.Id)
- let constraint = translate(h.Constraint)
- let is_immutable = is(h.PassFlag, SyntaxTreeEmpty)
- let pass_policy = is_immutable? `'immutable'`: ({
- '&': `'dirty'`,
- '*': `'natural'`,
- })[string_of(h.PassFlag.children[0])]
- assert(is(pass_policy, Str))
- return `[${name},${constraint},${pass_policy}]`
- }
- ): ''
- return `[${parameters}]`
- },
- Target: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- return (has(h, 'Constraint'))? translate(h.Constraint): 'K.Any'
- },
- FunExpr: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let Flag = h.FunFlag
- let effect = Flag? (function() {
- let h = children_hash(Flag)
- let flag = string_of(h.Keyword)
- return ({
- global: `'global'`,
- g: `'global'`,
- upper: `'upper'`,
- h: `'upper'`,
- local: `'local'`,
- f: `'local'`,
- })[flag]
- })(): `'local'`
- let paras = translate(h.ParaList)
- let target = translate(h.Target)
- let func = function_string(translate(h.Body))
- return `FunInst(scope, ${effect}, ${paras}, ${target}, ${func})`
- },
- FunDef: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- let effect_raw = string_of(h.Effect.children[0])
- let effect = `'${effect_raw}'`
- let name = translate(h.Id)
- let paras = translate(h.ParaList)
- let target = translate(h.Target)
- let func = function_string(translate(h.Body))
- return `define(scope, ${name}, ${effect}, ${paras}, ${target}, ${func})`
- },
- /* ---------------------- */
- Wrapped: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- return translate(h.Simple)
- },
- Simple: use_first,
- SimpleUnit: function (tree) {
- let args = tree.children.slice(1, tree.children.length)
- let operator = tree.children[0].children
- let op_name = operator.matched.name
- if (op_name == 'Parameter') { return translate(args[0]) }
- let normal = (name => escape_raw(normalize_operator_name(name)))
- let func_name = ({
- Call: 'call',
- Get: 'get',
- Access: 'access'
- })[op_name] || `(apply(id('${normal(op_name)}')))`
- let arg_str_list = map(args, a => translate(a))
- if (op_name == 'Access') { arg_str_list.push('scope') }
- let arg_list_str = join(arg_str_list, ', ')
- return `${func_name}(${arg_list_str})`
- },
- ArgList: function (tree) {
- let key_list = $(tree => has(children_hash(tree), 'KeyArg'))
- let index_list = $(tree => has(children_hash(tree), 'Arg'))
- let empty_list = Otherwise
- let list_str = transform(tree, [
- { when_it_is: key_list, use: tree => (translate_next(
- tree, 'KeyArg', 'NextKeyArg', ', ', function(key_arg) {
- let h = children_hash(key_arg)
- return `${translate(h.Id)}: ${translate(h.Simple)}`
- }
- ))},
- { when_it_is: index_list, use: tree => (translate_next(
- tree, 'Arg', 'NextArg', ', ', function(arg, i) {
- return `'${i}': ${use_first(arg)}`
- }
- ))},
- { when_it_is: empty_list, use: tree => '' }
- ])
- return `{${list_str}}`
- },
- Key: function (tree) {
- let h = children_hash(tree)
- return translate(h.Simple)
- },
- Identifier: function (leaf) {
- return id_reference(string_of(leaf))
- },
- Member: function (leaf) {
- let string = string_of(leaf)
- let escaped = escape_raw(string)
- return `'${escaped}'`
- },
- RawString: function (leaf) {
- let string = string_of(leaf)
- let content = string.slice(1, string.length-1)
- let escaped = escape_raw(content)
- return `'${escaped}'`
- },
- FormatString: function (leaf) {
- let string = string_of(leaf)
- let content = string.slice(1, string.length-1)
- let escaped = escape_raw(content)
- return `FormatString('${escaped}', id)`
- },
- Integer: use_string,
- Float: use_string,
- Exponent: use_string
- }
- function translate (tree) {
- assert(!has(tree, 'ok') || tree.ok == true)
- return Translate[tree.name](tree)
- }