123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479 |
- 'use strict';
- /**
- * Exceptions Definition
- */
- class RuntimeError extends Error {}
- class RedundantParameter extends RuntimeError {}
- class InvalidOperation extends RuntimeError {}
- class InvalidArgument extends RuntimeError {}
- class InvalidReturnValue extends RuntimeError {}
- class InvalidDefinition extends RuntimeError {}
- class NoMatchingPattern extends RuntimeError {}
- class NoMatchingCase extends RuntimeError {}
- class KeyError extends RuntimeError {}
- class IndexError extends RuntimeError {}
- class NameConflict extends RuntimeError {}
- class ObjectNotFound extends RuntimeError {}
- class VariableConflict extends RuntimeError {}
- class InvalidAssignment extends RuntimeError {}
- function ErrorProducer (err_class, f_name) {
- check(ErrorProducer, arguments, {
- err_class: $(x => x.prototype instanceof Error),
- f_name: Str
- })
- return {
- if: function (bool, err_msg) {
- check(this.if, arguments, { bool: Bool, err_msg: Str })
- if ( bool ) {
- let err_type = err_class.name.replace(
- /([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1 $2'
- )
- throw new err_class(`${f_name}(): ${err_type}: ${err_msg}`)
- }
- },
- assert: function (bool, err_msg) {
- check(this.assert, arguments, { bool: Bool, err_msg: Str })
- return this.if(!bool, err_msg)
- },
- throw: function (err_msg) {
- return this.if(true, err_msg)
- },
- if_failed: function (result) {
- check(this.if_failed, arguments, { result: Result })
- if ( is(result, Failed) ) {
- this.if(true, result.message)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Detail Functions
- */
- const Detail = {
- Config: {},
- Hash: {},
- List: {},
- Scope: {},
- Concept: {},
- Prototype: {},
- Argument: {},
- Function: {},
- Object: {}
- }
- Detail.Config.get_flags = function (object) {
- check(Detail.Config.get_flags, arguments, {
- object: ObjectObject
- })
- let flag = { immutable: '[Im]' }
- let order = ['immutable']
- let has = filter(order, k => object.config[k])
- return (has.length > 0)? flag[has[0]] : ''
- }
- Detail.Hash.Prototype = {
- mapper: mapval,
- has: function (key) {
- return has(this.data, key)
- },
- get: function (key) {
- let err = ErrorProducer(KeyError, 'Hash::get')
- err.assert(this.has(key), `'${key}' does not exist`)
- return this.data[key]
- },
- fetch: function (key) {
- return this.has(key) && this.data[key] || NaObject
- },
- set: function (key, value) {
- this.data[key] = value
- return VoidObject
- },
- emplace: function (key, value) {
- let err = ErrorProducer(KeyError, 'Hash::emplace')
- err.if(this.has(key), `'${key}' already exist`)
- this.data[key] = value
- return VoidObject
- },
- replace: function (key, value) {
- let err = ErrorProducer(KeyError, 'Hash::replace')
- err.assert(this.has(key), `'${key}' does not exist`)
- this.data[key] = value
- return VoidObject
- },
- take: function (key) {
- let err = ErrorProducer(KeyError, 'Hash::take')
- err.assert(this.has(key), `'${key}' does not exist`)
- let value = this.data[key]
- delete this.data[key]
- return value
- },
- toString: function () {
- let flags = Config.get_flags(this)
- let list = map(
- this.data,
- (k,v) => `${k}: ${ObjectObject.represent(v)}`
- )
- return `${flags}{${join(list, ', ')}}`
- }
- }
- Detail.List.Prototype = {
- mapper: map,
- length: function () { return this.data.length },
- at: function (index) {
- let err = ErrorProducer(IndexError, 'List::at')
- err.assert(index < this.data.length, `${index}`)
- assert(typeof this.data[index] != 'undefined')
- return this.data[index]
- },
- change: function (index, value) {
- let err = ErrorProducer(IndexError, 'List::change')
- err.assert(index < this.data.length, `${index}`)
- this.data[index] = value
- },
- append: function (element) {
- this.data.push(element)
- return VoidObject
- },
- toString: function () {
- let flag = ''
- if ( this.config.frozen ) {
- flag = '[Fz]'
- } else if ( this.config.immutable ) {
- flag = '[Im]'
- }
- let list = map(this.data, x => ObjectObject.represent(x))
- return `${flag}[${join(list, ', ')}]`
- }
- }
- Detail.Scope.Prototype = {
- has: function (key) {
- return has(this.data, key)
- },
- get: function (key) {
- assert(this.has(key))
- return this.data[key]
- },
- set: function (key, value) {
- assert(is(value, ObjectObject))
- this.data[key] = value
- },
- emplace: function (key, value) {
- let err = ErrorProducer(VariableConflict, 'Scope::Emplace')
- err.if(this.has(key), `variable ${key} already declared`)
- this.set(key, value)
- },
- replace: function (key, value) {
- let err = ErrorProducer(InvalidAssignment, 'Scope::Replace')
- err.if(!this.has(key), `variable ${key} not declared`)
- this.set(key, value)
- },
- upward_iterator: function () {
- return iterate(this, x => x.context, NullScope)
- },
- find_name: function (name) {
- let get_scope_chain = (() => this.upward_iterator())
- let range = this.range
- /**
- * upper_max indicates the most out scope
- * that can be modified by function whose EffectRange = 'upper'
- * for example:
- * 0 1 2
- * [upper, local, global] => upper_max = 1
- * [upper, upper, local, global] => upper_max = 2
- */
- let upper_max = fold(get_scope_chain(), 0, (scope, index) => (
- scope.range == 'upper' && index + 1 || Break
- ))
- let is_immutable = function (layer) {
- let outside_local = (range == 'local' && layer > 0)
- let outside_upper = (range == 'upper' && layer > upper_max)
- return (outside_local || outside_upper)
- }
- return apply_on(get_scope_chain(), chain(
- x => map_lazy(x, (scope, index) => ({
- is_immutable: is_immutable(index),
- layer: index,
- scope: scope,
- object: scope.has(name)? scope.get(name): NotFound
- })),
- x => find(x, item => item.object != NotFound)
- ))
- },
- lookup: function (name) {
- check(this.__proto__.lookup, arguments, { name: Str })
- let result = this.find_name(name)
- if (result != NotFound) {
- let object = result.object
- let immutable = result.is_immutable
- return (immutable)? ImRef(object): object
- } else {
- ErrorProducer(ObjectNotFound, 'Scope::Lookup').throw(
- `there is no object named '${name}'`
- )
- }
- },
- try_to_lookup: function (name) {
- try {
- return this.lookup(name)
- } catch (ObjectNotFound) {
- return NotFound
- }
- }
- }
- Detail.Concept.UnionAll = function (concepts) {
- check(Detail.Concept.UnionAll, arguments, {
- concepts: ListOf(ConceptObject)
- })
- let name = `(${join(map_lazy(concepts, c => c.name), ' | ')})`
- let f = ( x => exists(concepts, c => c.checker(x)) )
- return ConceptObject(name, f)
- }
- Detail.Concept.IntersectAll = function (concepts) {
- check(Detail.Concept.IntersectAll, arguments, {
- concepts: ListOf(ConceptObject)
- })
- let name = `(${join(map_lazy(concepts, c => c.name), ' & ')})`
- let f = ( x => forall(concepts, c => c.checker(x)) )
- return ConceptObject(name, f)
- }
- Detail.Concept.Union = function (concept1, concept2) {
- return ConceptObject.UnionAll([concept1, concept2])
- }
- Detail.Concept.Intersect = function (concept1, concept2) {
- return ConceptObject.IntersectAll([concept1, concept2])
- }
- Detail.Concept.Complement = function (concept) {
- check(Detail.Concept.Complement, arguments, {
- concept: ConceptObject
- })
- let name = `~${concept.name}`
- let f = ( x => !concept.checker(x) )
- return ConceptObject(name, f)
- }
- Detail.Prototype.get_param_hash = function (prototype) {
- return fold(prototype.parameters, {}, function (parameter, hash) {
- hash[parameter.name] = parameter
- return hash
- })
- }
- Detail.Prototype.check_argument = function (prototype, argument) {
- check( Detail.Prototype.check_argument, arguments, {
- prototype: Prototype, argument: Hash
- })
- let proto = prototype
- let parameters = proto.parameters
- let hash = Prototype.get_param_hash(proto)
- let arg_has = (key => has(argument, key))
- map(argument, arg => assert(ObjectObject.contains(arg)))
- return need (
- cat(
- map_lazy(Object.keys(argument), key => suppose(
- !(is(key, NumStr) && !parameters[key])
- && !(is_not(key, NumStr) && !hash[key]),
- `redundant argument ${key}`
- )),
- map_lazy(Object.keys(argument), key => suppose(
- !(is(key, NumStr) && arg_has(parameters[key].name)),
- `conflict argument ${key}`
- )),
- map_lazy(parameters, (parameter, index) => suppose(
- arg_has(index) || arg_has(parameter.name),
- `missing argument ${parameter.name}`
- )),
- lazy(function () {
- let arg = mapkey(
- argument,
- key => is(key, NumStr)? parameters[key].name: key
- )
- return map_lazy(hash, (key, param) => suppose(
- (param.constraint === K.Any
- && ObjectObject.contains(arg[key]))
- || param.constraint.checker(arg[key]),
- `illegal argument '${key}'`
- ))
- })
- )
- )
- }
- Detail.Prototype.normalize_argument = function (prototype, argument) {
- check( Detail.Prototype.normalize_argument, arguments, {
- prototype: Prototype, argument: Hash
- })
- return mapkey(
- argument,
- key => is(key, NumStr)? prototype.parameters[key].name: key
- )
- }
- Detail.Prototype.set_mutability = function (prototype, normalized) {
- let h = Prototype.get_param_hash(prototype)
- return mapval(
- normalized, (val, key) => PassAction[h[key].pass_policy](val)
- )
- }
- Detail.Prototype.check_return_value = function (prototype, value) {
- check( Detail.Prototype.check_return_value, arguments, {
- prototype: Prototype, value: Any
- })
- return suppose(
- prototype.value_constraint.checker(value),
- `invalid return value ${value}`
- )
- }
- Detail.Prototype.represent = function (prototype) {
- check(Detail.Prototype.represent, arguments, { prototype: Prototype })
- function repr_parameter (parameter) {
- check(repr_parameter, arguments, { parameter: Parameter })
- let type = parameter.constraint.name
- let flags = PassFlag[parameter.pass_policy]
- return `${type} ${flags}${parameter.name}`
- }
- let effect = prototype.effect_range
- let parameters = prototype.parameters
- let retval_constraint = prototype.value_constraint
- return effect + ' ' + '(' + join(filter([
- join(map(parameters,p => repr_parameter(p)), ', ')
- ], x => x), ', ') + ') -> ' + `${retval_constraint.name}`
- }
- Detail.Prototype.parse = function (string) {
- const pattern = /\((.*)\) -> (.*)/
- check(Detail.Prototype.parse, arguments, { string: Regex(pattern) })
- let str = {
- parameters: string.match(pattern)[1].trim(),
- return_value: string.match(pattern)[2].trim()
- }
- function assert_concept (string) {
- if ( ConceptObject.contains(K[string]) ) {
- return K[string]
- } else {
- throw Error('prototype parsing error: invalid constraint')
- }
- }
- function parse_parameter (string) {
- const pattern = /([^ ]*) *([\*\&]?)(.+)/
- check(parse_parameter, arguments, { string: Regex(pattern) })
- let str = {
- constraint: string.match(pattern)[1].trim(),
- pass_policy: string.match(pattern)[2].trim()
- }
- let name = string.match(pattern)[3]
- return pour({ name: name }, mapval(str, function (s, item) {
- return ({
- constraint: () => assert_concept(s),
- pass_policy: () => PassFlagValue[s]
- })[item]()
- }))
- }
- function safe_split (s) {
- let array = s.split(',')
- return (array.length == 1 && array[0].trim() == '')? []: array
- }
- let trim_all = x => map_lazy(x, y => y.trim())
- return {
- effect_range: string.split(' ')[0],
- parameters: map(
- trim_all(safe_split(str.parameters)),
- s => parse_parameter(s)
- ),
- value_constraint: assert_concept(str.return_value)
- }
- }
- Detail.Argument.represent = function (argument) {
- let list = map(
- argument,
- (k,v) => `${k}=${ObjectObject.represent(v)}`
- )
- return `(${join(list, ', ')})`
- }
- Detail.Function.create = function (name_and_proto, js_function) {
- check(Detail.Function.create, arguments, {
- name_and_proto: Str, js_function: Fun
- })
- let name = name_and_proto.split(' ')[1]
- let prototype = join(
- filter(name_and_proto.split(' '), (s,index) => index != 1), ' '
- )
- return FunctionObject(
- name, G, Prototype.parse(prototype), function (scope) {
- return js_function (scope.data.argument.data)
- }
- )
- }
- Detail.Function.converge = function (proto_list, f) {
- check(Detail.Function.converge, arguments, {
- proto_list: ListOf(Str),
- f: Fun
- })
- return map(proto_list, p => Detail.Function.create(p, f))
- }
- Detail.Object.represent = function represent_object (object) {
- check(Detail.Object.represent, arguments, {
- object: ObjectObject
- })
- if ( is(object, PrimitiveObject) ) {
- if ( is(object, StringObject) ) {
- return `"${object}"`
- } else {
- return `${object}`
- }
- } else {
- return `<${GetType(object)}>`
- }
- }
- Detail.Function.MethodFor = function (object) {
- return $n(FunctionObject, $(function (f) {
- let p = f.prototype.parameters
- return (p.length > 0) && (p[0].constraint.checker(object))
- }))
- }