custom-alias 7.9 KB

  1. alias lsa='ls -lah'
  2. alias rami='shred -fzuv $@'
  3. alias li='ls -li'
  4. alias r='ranger $@'
  5. alias m='mpv'
  6. alias ip='ip --color=auto'
  7. alias gimp='((gimp > /dev/null 2>&1)&)'
  8. alias jtl='journalctl -f'
  9. alias ggc='cd ~/git/playground/'
  10. alias px='pwd | xclip'
  11. alias ..='cd .. 2>/dev/null || cd "$(dirname $PWD)"'
  12. alias mouse='sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sleep 3; sudo modprobe psmouse'
  13. alias anydesk='anydesk && xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap'
  14. alias zq='zathura $HOME/kit/pdf/Quran/Quran.pdf &'
  15. alias jbs='JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll serve'
  16. alias getip="curl -s | sed -e 's/.*Current IP Address: //' -e 's/<.*$//'"
  17. alias du='du -h'
  18. alias colorize='toilet --gay -f term $@'
  19. alias xquery='xdg-mime query filetype $1'
  20. alias c='xclip-copyfile'
  21. alias p='xclip-pastefile'
  22. alias d='xclip-cutfile'
  23. alias awr="awesome-client 'awesome.restart()'"
  24. alias z='zathura $1'
  25. alias cpwd='pwd | tr -d "\n" | xsel -ib'
  26. alias info='info --vi-keys'
  27. alias tmp='mkdir /tmp/$$ ; cd /tmp/$$'
  28. alias thumbs='sxiv -atrq "$@"'
  29. alias untmp='rm -rf /tmp/$$'
  30. alias dox='cd ~/dos'
  31. alias ipp='curl'
  32. alias img="imgur-screenshot $@"
  33. alias mwx='mplayer -vo fbdev2 -vf scale=931:580 -geometry 978:4 -ni $1'
  34. alias ta='\tmux a -t'
  35. alias sct='termite -t 'scratchpad' &'
  36. alias sxt='xfce4-terminal -T scratchpad &'
  37. alias subupdate='git submodule foreach git pull origin master'
  38. alias ncm='ncmpcpp 2>/dev/null'
  39. alias grep='grep --color=auto'
  40. alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
  41. alias un='$EDITOR /home/ak/lab/notes/shell/zsh'
  42. alias ipy='ipython3'
  43. alias tmux='tmux has-session -t $USER || tmux new-session -s $USER && tmux -2 attach-session -t $USER'
  44. alias py='python3'
  45. alias cdw='cd ~/git/dwm; ls'
  46. #alias pyc='export _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1 ; $HOME/bin/pycharm/bin/ $1'
  47. alias cdc='cd $HOME/cfg'
  48. alias chkill="ps ux | grep '[C]hrome --type=renderer' | grep -v extension-process | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f2 | xargs kill"
  49. alias pak='cd $HOME/git/ports/ak'
  50. alias psgrep='ps aux | grep $(echo $1 | sed "s/^\(.\)/[\1]/g")'
  51. alias tkill='\tmux kill-session -a'
  52. alias vte='$EDITOR ~/.config/termite/config'
  53. alias pgs='prt-get search'
  54. alias pt='sudo prt-get'
  55. alias pgf='prt-get fsearch'
  56. alias pgi='sudo prt-get install'
  57. alias ltd='ls *(m0)' # files and dirs modified in the last day
  58. alias lt='ls *(.m0)' # files modified in last day (no dirs)
  59. alias ltr='ls -ltr'
  60. alias lnew='ls *(.om[1,3])' # list three newest
  61. alias lsrdir='ls -d *(/om[1])'
  62. alias lH='ls -d .*' # only hidden files
  63. alias lh='ls -lh'
  64. alias pa='sudo pkgadd'
  65. alias ytvid='youtube-dl --restrict-filenames -o "~/mus/vid/%(title)s_%(width)sx%(height)s_%(upload_date)s.%(ext)s"'
  66. alias ytaudio='youtube-dl --restrict-filenames --extract-audio -o "~/mus/%(title)s_%(width)sx%(height)s_%(upload_date)s.%(ext)s"'
  67. alias sit='cd ~/git/mysite/'
  68. alias reboot='sudo reboot'
  69. alias api='sudo apt install --yes -V'
  70. alias aps='apt search $1'
  71. alias spy='lsof -i -P +c 0 +M'
  72. alias netlist='lsof -i -P | grep LISTEN'
  73. alias apg='sudo apt purge -V'
  74. #alias mk='$EDITOR $HOME/lab/notes/python/learnPython'
  75. alias xq='xbps-query'
  76. alias xi='sudo xbps-install'
  77. alias xr='sudo xbps-remove'
  78. alias vx='$EDITOR ~/.Xresources'
  79. if [ -f ~/.config/git/config ]; then alias vg="git config -e --global"; fi
  80. alias vmc='$EDITOR ~/.config/nvim/init.vim'
  81. alias fst='sudo $EDITOR /etc/fstab'
  82. #alias u="urxvt -pixmap '`find ~/pix/wall/ -name '*.jpg' | sort -R | head -n 1`;style=tiled' -T myKitten &"
  83. #alias u='termite -t myKitten &'
  84. #alias mk='sudo $EDITOR /etc/portage/make.conf'
  85. #alias py='pyscript'
  86. alias mutc='$EDITOR ~/.config/mutt/muttrc'
  87. alias msc='mbsync -VXa'
  88. #alias termux='terminator -g ~/.config/terminator/configfortermux'
  89. alias ssr='simplescreenrecorder --start-hidden --no-systray'
  90. #alias nv='sudo $EDITOR /etc/nixos/configuration.nix'
  91. #alias wtc="qutebrowser -s content.headers.user_agent 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36' &"
  92. alias cdm='cd ~/mus'
  93. alias xf='xfce4-terminal'
  94. alias lf='leafpad'
  95. alias gd='git diff'
  96. alias cD='cd ~/sys/downloads'
  97. alias ds="dirs -v | head -n 10"
  98. alias lla='ls -la'
  99. alias lc='ls | wc -l'
  100. #alias less=/usr/share/vim/vim82/macros/
  101. #alias less=$PAGER
  102. #alias zless=$PAGER
  103. alias chmod='chmod --preserve-root'
  104. alias vc='$EDITOR ~/.vimrc'
  105. alias g='git'
  106. alias ter='\tmux a -r -t'
  107. alias tl='\tmux ls'
  108. #alias git='hub'
  109. alias gs='git status'
  110. alias 'apar'='sudo apt autoremove -V'
  111. alias xp='xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources'
  112. alias cdv='cd ~/dev'
  113. alias gu='git push'
  114. alias vw='$EDITOR $HOME/.config/sway/config'
  115. alias top='htop'
  116. alias ga='git add'
  117. alias cdd='cd ~/.cfg'
  118. alias q='exit'
  119. alias sm='sudo mount'
  120. alias fk='$EDITOR ~/.zsh/functions'
  121. alias plz='sudo $(fc -ln -1)'
  122. alias rfz='source $HOME/.zshrc'
  123. alias vz='$EDITOR $HOME/.zshrc'
  124. alias rr='fc -s'
  125. alias df='df -h'
  126. alias S='systemctl'
  127. alias ss='sudo systemctl'
  128. alias cdg='cd $HOME/git'
  129. alias clock='ncmpcpp -s clock'
  130. alias cm='mutt 2>/dev/null'
  131. alias vp='$EDITOR $HOME/.config/polybar/config.ini'
  132. alias cp='cp -i'
  133. alias mv='mv -i'
  134. #alias pb="curl -sF c=@- '' | xsel"
  135. alias mi='mid3v2'
  136. alias mnv='mpv --no-video'
  137. alias mp='mpv --loop-file'
  138. alias mq='mpv --really-quiet --speed=0.50 --loop-file'
  139. alias ms='mpv --really-quiet --shuffle'
  140. alias hr='printf $(printf "\e[$(shuf -i 91-97 -n 1);1m%%%ds\e[0m\n" $(tput cols)) | tr " " ='
  141. alias starwars='telnet'
  142. alias e='evince'
  143. alias sv='sudo $EDITOR'
  144. alias rf='source $HOME/.bashrc'
  145. alias a='cd $HOME/.config'
  146. alias sk='autoscript'
  147. alias alis='$EDITOR ~/.zsh/custom-alias'
  148. alias yt='cd $HOME/mus/ && youtube-viewer && cd -'
  149. alias v3='$EDITOR $HOME/.config/i3/config'
  150. # Install the package only if its not updated/already installed
  151. alias si='sudo pacman -S --needed'
  152. # Remove the package
  153. alias sr='sudo pacman -R'
  154. # Remove the package with dependencies not required by other packages too.
  155. alias srs='sudo pacman -Rs'
  156. # Remove the package, dependencies and also those who depend on it
  157. alias srsc='sudo pacman -Rsc'
  158. # Remove the package with no .pacsave configurations being left.
  159. alias srn='sudo pacman -Rn'
  160. # Update the system
  161. alias update='sudo pacman -Syu'
  162. # Get info about a package
  163. alias ssi='pacman -Si'
  164. # Same thing with local packages
  165. alias sqi='pacman -Qi'
  166. # Query local packages
  167. alias sq='pacman -Qs'
  168. # Search a package
  169. alias pS='pacman -Ss'
  170. # Also display modified and backed up files
  171. alias sqii='pacman -Qii'
  172. # Files installed by package
  173. alias sqd='pacman -Ql'
  174. # Same thing for a remote package
  175. alias sqr='pacman -Fl'
  176. # Verify presence of files installed by a package
  177. alias sqk='pacman -Qk'
  178. # Query a file in the filesystem belongs to which package
  179. alias sqo='pacman -Qo'
  180. # Same thing for a remote package
  181. alias sqor='pacman -F'
  182. # Check orphan packages
  183. alias sor='pacman -Qdt'
  184. # List packages installed explicitly
  185. alias sde='pacman -Qet'
  186. # Clean cache
  187. alias sC='sudo pacman -Scc'
  188. # Download a package without installing it
  189. alias sdw='sudo pacman -Sw'
  190. # Install local package
  191. alias sil='sudo pacman -U'
  192. alias awq='$EDITOR $HOME/.config/qtile/'
  193. alias vkt='$EDITOR $HOME/.config/kitty/kitty.conf'
  194. alias awb='$EDITOR $HOME/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc'
  195. alias awh='$EDITOR $HOME/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart'
  196. alias br='$EDITOR $HOME/.config/bspwm/external_rules'
  197. alias rfb='bash $HOME/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc'
  198. alias cdb='cd $HOME/.config/bspwm'
  199. alias awx='$EDITOR $HOME/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc'
  200. alias rfi='i3 restart'
  201. alias x='xdg-open'
  202. alias lf='leafpad'
  203. alias cfg-cava='$EDITOR $HOME/.config/cava/config'
  204. alias lilbak='cmus-remote -k -10'
  205. alias lilfor='cmus-remote -k +10'
  206. alias bigbak='cmus-remote -k -120'
  207. alias ct='cmus-remote -u'
  208. alias bigfor='cmus-remote -k +120'
  209. alias pup='bash $HOME/.config/polybar/'
  210. alias cdi='cd $HOME/.config/i3/'
  211. alias cdp='cd $HOME/lab/pcc'
  212. alias cdpo='cd $HOME/.config/polybar'
  213. alias ll='ls -l'
  214. alias lss='ls -lh'
  215. alias k='clear'
  216. alias wars='telnet'
  217. alias moon='curl -sL | head -n-4'
  218. alias mount='mount | column -t'
  219. alias scrot='import png:- | xclip -selection c -t image/png'
  220. # alias v='$EDITOR'
  221. # alias vi='$EDITOR'
  222. # zsh global functions
  223. alias -g null="2>&1 >/dev/null"